Zalindra Freston |
Zalindra walks forward to see if she can break the circle, impatient to find out whether this is someone they should save or not. If the circle is able to be broken without magic, she does so.
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
"Κατάλαβα ότι κάποιος είχε ήδη κάνει έρευνα και αποφασισμένη ενοχή." Morgrym gives an exasperated sigh, but halts his charge "Τι λέει?"
DM Kaavek |
"Ah yes, Zalindra Freston. Of course you are." The woman grins widely, as though Zalindra should recognize the woman as some old family friend.
As it becomes apparent that the rogue does not recognize her, the woman quickly introduces herself to the group before answering Zalindra's question.
"Zerriksa is my name, and I do believe that my captives believed that if I was not interred thusly, I might be inclined to turn them all into toads! Imagine that!"
The old woman lets out a loud cackling laugh, an unusual sight to behold, as she still manages to keep her entire body entirely still throughout.
Jathal Mitheralia |
Knowledge local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 Points arrow at head, fires!
Jathal doesn't have the faintest idea which humans are important?
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Cecilia tilted her head to the side. Now that things had calmed down again she was more than a little wary of the woman they had just rescued. The bard had heard stories of Zerriksa, and none of them were good.
Still, they had come here to rescue prisoners. And Zerriksa had undoubtedly been a captive of some description. But that wouldn't stop Cecilia from keeping a watchful eye on the witch.
"Perhaps you can aid us then, Miss Zerriksa, since we have just finished aiding you." Cecilia said with a highly exaggerated bow. "We have come here in search of prisoners, kidnapped by the goblins who attacked Brindol. So far we have rescued the curator of the Hall of Great Valor, two of the three dwarves who stand before you, a young woman, and now yourself. We also encountered the guard captain, who unfortunately had been transformed into some type of undead."
Locking eyes with Zerriksa, Cecilia finally asked the question she had been building up to. "Do you know the location of any other prisoners? We suspect there is at least one more."
Zalindra Freston |
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Wow, apparently Zalindra knows a lot of stories about Zerriksa.
Wow. You're Zerriksa? That's awesome. I've heard about you all my life. ... And maybe you *should* turn them all to toads, since they kidnapped everyone and burned half the town down. They deserve it. ... Can we watch?
Aelion Kinandev |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
K:local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Aelion didn't live in Brindol, but he traveled there enough that even he had heard of Zerriksa. Nothing concrete, only rumors... but enough for him to lower the arrow he had pointed at her. Circumspectly.
Focusing his attention on the rest of the room, he kept an eye out for danger while the others spoke with her.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
DM Kaavek |
Zerriksa chuckles at Zalindra's enthusiasm. "Unfortunately, suck magics are beyond me. But should you require a healer's touch, I can certainly help you there."
As Cecilia quizzes the woman on her knowledge of the other abducted townsfolk, her face becomes more solemn.
"Poor Kartenix, I had heard he was to be the first of us handed over to the family. Unfortunately I do believe his boy Thurann was to be next. The sorcerer who trapped me here seemed rather excited at the prospect, couldn't help himself from boasting about it. Beside the boy I do believe there are still two more being held here, an elf and another dwarf if my understanding of the goblin tongue serves me well enough."
Jathal Mitheralia |
We've found a few Dwarfs, but no Elves so far?" Jathal responds quietly, still keeping an arrow strung on her bow, but not drawing it back or aiming it just now.
Rhona Copperhair |
Rhona sits and watches from the rear her ankles and legs tender from the flames.
"So time is a bit of a factor. Let's heal up and find these others." Rhona says slowly standing with a wince as she walks up to look at this woman.
"Couple of us took the brunt of these dragonlings flames, so if you are earnest about that healing I know three of us could greatly use it. Before we go through may I ask are you a priestess?"
DM Kaavek |
The old woman nods as Rhona presses for the party to hurry up. She allows a thin crystal wand to slip from a pocket within her sleeve into the palm of her hand and raises it level with the dwarf's eyes.
"A priestess? Not quite, but I know a thing or two about the arcane arts, and this little beauty does the rest for me."
Tapping the wand on Rhona's forehead, Zerriksa sends a wave of positive energy flowing down through her body, bringing a tingling sensation to her wounded legs.
Taking the crystal around to the others, the woman repeats the ritual for the rest of the badly wounded members of the party.
CLW Rhona: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
CLW Zalindra: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
CLW Aelion: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
CLW Cecilia: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
CLW Morgrym: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
CLW Javos: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Rhona Copperhair |
"Well, either way, its' appreciated. Still, we need to either fight or flight. Personally, I want to split a few more Goblin skulls and free the others, but resources are thin."Rhona says gruffly as she hops on her feet still a bit sore as she nods confidently that she can fight far better now. She swings her axe through a few simple routines before she smiles and looks to her fellow dwarves.
""Όλοι είστε έτοιμοι για κάποια πιθανή μπάλα goblin;" She chuckles, using her axe as a golf club for a minute before she brings it back over her right shoulder.
Zalindra Freston |
Fully healed, Zalindra stretches without pain and says
Wow, thanks Zerriksa!
To Rhona she says
Well, I still have plenty of arrows. I say let's save the rest of the people.
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Cecilia stretched out her arms and legs like a cat as the healing magic coursed through her body. Compared to the rest of the party the bard's injuries had been inconsequential, but she appreciated the witch mending the hole in her shoulder all the same. It felt good to be back at 100% again.
"You have my gratitude, Miss Zerriksa." Cecilia said, tipping her hat towards the old woman. She still had her doubts about the witch, but her aid was very welcome in this particular moment.
Turning towards the others, Cecila echoed the words of Rhona and Zalindra. "I agree that our quest should continue. Our vitality is restored and our weapons are still sharp. It would be a most cowardly act for our group to abandon these other prisoners when we yet have so much working in our favour."
Cecilia began to look around the room, seeing if there was anything of note apart from the now non-functioning magic circle.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
But the bard finds herself distracted. Something about what Zerriksa had just said a few moments ago.
"Miss Zerriksa." Cecilia said carefully, as if attempting to piece things together in her mind. "What did you mean when you said that Kartenix had been handed over to the family? Surely you were not referring to the Rivenroars?
Dayana Elerye |
As Dayana continues ushering the liberated prisoners to safety (no doubt a wearily slow process), she isn't sure whether the lack of screaming from her allies who chose to stay behind and investigate the woman in the circle should be comforting or not. She keeps her gaze fixed to the floor.
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
"You Thank" Morgrym nods as the healing restores him almost to full health.
"Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να εμπλέξω τους εχθρούς μας. Μιλώντας για ποιον, τι ηλίθιος χαρακτήρισε αυτή τη γυναίκα ως κακό μάγο; Από ποια ήταν αυτή η βάση; Ήμουν μια ίντσα από το χτύπημα της με ένα κρύο τσεκούρι σιδήρου!" he responds to Rhona stiffly.
I am happy to engage our foes. Speaking of which, what idiot classified this woman as an evil wizard? On what was this based? I was an inch from hitting her with a cold iron hammer!
Rhona Copperhair |
Rhona laughs and nods as she answers MOrgryms' question."Λοιπόν νομίζω ότι είναι το γεγονός ότι είναι ένας κύκλος κλήτευσης και ότι η ιστορία του για το κακό που τον αφιέρωσε σαν αυτόν τον κακό Θεό, Δεν θυμάμαι το όνομά του αλλά ναι νομίζω ότι ήταν μια παραδοχή; διαφορετικά θα κάνουμε έναν κώλο από εσάς και εγώ! "
She chuckles a bit more as she continues forward looking at the others.
"If we press on what direction friends?" She asks a scout first and foremost.
DM Kaavek |
Zerriksa takes on a grave tone as she answers Cecilia's question.
"I'm afraid so. It would seem that the hobgoblin's warband garrisons within these catacombs at the discretion of their original inhabitants. The nature of the arrangement eludes me, but it seems contingent on a steady supply of living tributes."
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Cecilia is troubled by the news the witch has just delivered to her. It seems that the Rivenroar Family really had embraced a life of unholy sacrifice. What promises had been made to them? What prize was worth the death and destruction that now took place upon their estate? These nobles had a lot to answer for.
Walking back to the pit of refuse, Cecilia points to the unopened doors to the south. "If these stairs really do lead back to the entrance hall where we first came in, then I believe that is where should go there next." The bard explains, attempting to answer Rhona's Copperhair's question. "We can link up with the others, and perhaps decide our next point of attack. I seem to recall there was at least one area we failed to explore up there. A doorway with a brass plaque, its inscription dedicated to the Rivenroar Family."
"Considering what Miss Zerriksa has just told us, that seems as good a place to continue our search as any."
Cecilia will wait for the others to voice their opinions, but will lead the way up the stairs if the party agrees with her decision. She will have her whip out, ready for danger.
Zalindra Freston |
Having lost their guide, Zalindra has no better suggestion, and is happy to go along with Cecilia's lead.
Rhona Copperhair |
Rhona looks at Morgrym.
""Πρέπει πραγματικά να σας διδάξουμε την κοινή γλώσσα, αλλά βασικά αυτό που συμβαίνει είναι να επιστρέψουμε για να συναντήσουμε τους άλλους και να εξερευνήσουμε μια αίθουσα στην οποία δεν κατάφεραν να κοιτάξουν νωρίτερα, τότε ίσως να ξεκουραστούν και να επιστρέψουν" She says as she looks at the others.
DM Kaavek |
As Dayana ushers the two rescued townsfolk toward the entrance stairwell where Kra'el and Javos wait to take them up to the waiting Golden Lion encampment, the doorway directly opposite the entrance swings open.
Cecilia and the witch Zerriksa lead the way out from the narrow stairway carved out of the floor of a blocked up passageway that originally would have lead through to the Rivenroar Crypt where the group had rescued the young barmaid.
Cecilia notes the ornate brass plaque on the door as it swings closed again behind Aelion and Jathal.
Reestablishing her sense of direction, the bard turns to the east, where the unopened doorway is labelled with a plaque proclaiming the name Von Jallach.
Zalindra Freston |
Following, Zalindra tries to think if she knows the name Von Jallach from somewhere.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Jathal Mitheralia |
Jathal tilts her head sidewyas as she concentrates, trying to remember what she had heard of the various human nobles?
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
"Ναί. Εργαστείτε μέσα από αυτό μαζί μου καθώς περπατάμε, ίσως; Ακόμα και μερικές απλές εντολές όπως «σταμάτημα», «επίθεση», «φρουρά» και «σκεύος» θα βοηθούσαν. Κάποιες απλές οδηγίες, επίσης." Morgrym replies ruefully.
Rhona Copperhair |
"εντάξει καλά, θα σας δώσω τα βασικά στοιχεία. Ας ξεκινήσουμε με προσοχή" She says following the last with the common version 'beware'
Dayana Elerye |
Dayana offers the rest of the group a small wave as their paths converge by the entrance. "Not dead, I see. That's good." She nods, appreciatively. A curiously appraising look is turned onto Zerriksa, but the elderly woman doesn't seem to have charmed or harmed the changeling's recently-obtained companions—in fact, they look haler than they did before... and so Dayana's attention turns to Cecilia at the head of the group. "I take it you are planning on delving further into the depths, judging by how intently everyone is checking out that door?"
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
"Beware. προσοχή. Beware." Morgrum answered grimly, reciting the words in a litany of slowly improving pronunciation that stopped only when Dayana appeared.
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Cecilia spends a few moments telling Dayana and the others about what had happened down in the underground chamber. Finding Zerriksa, rescuing her from the magic circle, what they now knew about the remaining prisoners, and the alliance between the Rivenroar Family and this band of goblins.
"So to answer your question. The original plan was to investigate the doorway we just came out of." The bard revealed, looking somewhat sheepish. "But that obviously isn't necessary now. Still, there are plenty of other places we need to check if we are to find the remaining captives."
Cecilia allows everyone some time to study the door. She then casts the cantrip Open-Close on the doorway, eager to see what is waiting on the other side.
Rhona Copperhair |
"Καλή αρχή, δεν ήμουν πολύ κοινός ομιλητής μέχρι έζησα με τους Έλληνες" Rhona says as she smiles and gies Morgrym a wink.
""Αν θέλετε να μάθετε περισσότερα, θα έλεγα ότι θα βρεθεί ένας πιο μάθημος ομιλητής που θα μιλήσει μόνο σε σας στο κοινό ενώ μιλάτε μόνο Dwarven, θα σας αναγκάσει να πρέπει να μάθετε και να προσαρμόσετε.Το πώς έμαθα" She says as she then looks at the others.
"Sounds good, Need to catch up with Ingra so Yeah I am good with saving the prisoners, and ridding this place of the goblin filth"She says her ax over her shoulder with a smile.
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
"Εχετε δίκιο. Κρατάω νόημα για να το κάνω, αλλά υπήρχαν πάντα τόσα πολλά να μάθουν και ο καθένας που έπρεπε να μιλήσω μίλησε ήδη Ντάκουελ. " Morgrym sighs "Εάν είστε έτοιμοι να περάσετε τα βασικά μαζί μου ενώ ταξιδεύουμε απλά, θα κάνω το καλύτερό μου για να μιλήσω με τους άλλους."
"You are correct. I keep meaning to do it, but there was always so much to learn, and everyone I needed to speak to already spoke Dwarven. If you're prepared to run through the basics with me while we're simply travelling I'll do my best to talk to the others."
I'll put a rank in common when we level. I'm enjoying the rp confusion, but I don't want to make you translate everything.
DM Kaavek |
Cecilia causes the doors to the crypt to swing open, revealing another damp stone corridor which twists northwards and leads to a set of stairs descending into darkness.
Zalindra Freston |
Zalindra shares her insight about the Von Jallach family with the rest of the group:
The Von Jallach family were a minor noble house which arose during the final years before the fall of Rhest. They served as vassals to the Lords of Rivenroar, finally working their way into the inner circle mere months before the empire's collapse.
(text of the spoiler above)
Jathal Mitheralia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jathal gives Zalindra a grateful look for taking the burden of talking from her. She had summarized it nicely.
Cecilia Hawthorne |
"Based on what we've learned here, I would guess the Von Jallach Family are somehow linked to all this undead worship as well." Cecilia says with a serious nod. "But of course there's only one way to find out."
With her crimson whip still in hand, the bard begins moving towards newly opened corridor. Halfway there, she stops and turns back towards the rest of the party.
"Perhaps Sir Kincade and Sir Blackscale should continue evacuating the prisoners while we press onward?" Cecilia asks, her eyes falling upon the young barmaid who was still so obviously traumatised. "Miss Zerriksa, would you also prefer to leave? Or would you perhaps prefer to stay with us, and deliver some justice to the creatures that captured you?
Cecilia will begin leading the party down the stairs if they seem agreeable to the idea. She will also cast a Dancing Lights spell to illuminate things if it gets too dark.
Aelion Kinandev |
"If there are any left to save, let's go save them," Aelion agreed grimly once who was going where had been sorted out. He readied his bow and arrows, wincing a bit at his still scorched wounds.
Morgrym Dolgringrun |
Morgrym pushes to the fore, tapping Cecilia and pointing into the darkness. "Beware." he says, calmly. He points to his dwarven eyes and with a little more effort "One-st"
DM Kaavek |
"I have little desire to spend any more time cooped up below ground. I will await news of any justice served on the surface, and perhaps tend to those you have freed before me." the witch says, looking over to the catatonic barmaid.
"Should you wish it though, perhaps I could lend the use of my wand? This young girl requires a steadier application of the healing arts, but the speediness of the crystal may serve you well down here. if any know how to draw upon its power?"
DM Kaavek |
Taking the party to the bottom of the stairs, Cecilia reaches a stone archway that leads through to a large chamber.
The walls are covered with empty alcoves, presumably designed to hold the bodies of the dead. The words "Von Jallach Family Tomb" are carved onto the lintel above the archway.
A small doorway leads through a gap between the alcoves on the eastern wall.
A square of glowing runes dominates the floor of the room ahead. The runes pulse with blue light every few seconds, and cut the stillness of the damp air with a crackle of arcane energy.
Dayana Elerye |
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Dayana nods, then recites what the runes read to the rest of the group: "Von Jallach, Magister Emeritus. So I suppose this is his tomb."
Aelion Kinandev |
Aelion readied himself to shoot anything that attacked Morgrym. "Considering what we know of these families now, I find it a bit disturbing that these alcoves are empty," he said quietly.
He kept an eye on Morgrym as the dwarf advanced.
Rhona Copperhair |
"Great he is gonna get himself killed" She says walking in after Morgrym.
"Είστε γεμάτοι τι προσπαθείτε να κάνετε εδώ, Πέθανε!"She says from right behind his shoulder.