DM Kaavek’s Scales of War (Inactive)

Game Master Kaavek

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@DM_Kaavek: I'm thinking of rolling up an unchained rogue who dreams of becoming a 'venture captain' one day, the leader of a 'free company'. I assume that the Vale with its many city-states has plenty of mercenaries and sellswords? Is this a workable basis for a background?

Whether he achieves this goal or not is irrelevant, but it would form the basis of his skillset, mindset and heh, background ;)

Grand Lodge

Hmmm Interesting. Might try either an Unchained Rogue Halfling, or a Human Monk Of the Empty Hand/ Unchained Rogue Mericless Scrapper

Will a large mount or animal companion have enough room to maneuver, for the most part?

Solicitor wrote:
@DM_Kaavek: I'm thinking of rolling up an unchained rogue who dreams of becoming a 'venture captain' one day, the leader of a 'free company'. I assume that the Vale with its many city-states has plenty of mercenaries and sellswords? Is this a workable basis for a background?

That's a great goal for someone growing up in the Vale, there are plenty of mercenaries and adventuring guilds in Elsir.

Lazyclownfish wrote:
Will a large mount or animal companion have enough room to maneuver, for the most part?

For the most part, yes, a large creature is going to be able to move freely, they may have to squeeze from time to time to get through some situations, but not too often.

Interesting, I'm thinking of a Dragonborn noxious bite support build.

Seems to be a lot of interest in the Dragonborn.

@DM Kaavek:
Thanks for the link! I have tried to research the setting more, and it reminds me of middle earth and the Belgariad.

I was considering a sort of Aragon Dragonborn morphing into a dragon to reunite the clans and forge a new Dragonborn kingdom... but I'm worried that is more a concept for a sandbox game rather than an AP.

Also under consideration is a human smith trying to work with Gavriel Ironhammer to find out how his weapons work. The theme would be a commoner "in over his head" Ideally a Blacksmith, but I can also build him as a very unusual arcanist.

Which do you think would fit better?

Harakani wrote:

Seems to be a lot of interest in the Dragonborn.

@DM Kaavek:
Thanks for the link! I have tried to research the setting more, and it reminds me of middle earth and the Belgariad.

I was considering a sort of Aragon Dragonborn morphing into a dragon to reunite the clans and forge a new Dragonborn kingdom... but I'm worried that is more a concept for a sandbox game rather than an AP.

Also under consideration is a human smith trying to work with Gavriel Ironhammer to find out how his weapons work. The theme would be a commoner "in over his head" Ideally a Blacksmith, but I can also build him as a very unusual arcanist.

Which do you think would fit better?

I think that the blacksmith character is going to fit into the structure of the campaign more than the dragonborn. As interesting as forging a new kingdom sounds, I think it's a bit beyond the scope of this AP.

Created this after a couple character drafts and it seemed to fit the best with both the world concept and the style of other player submissions. My only question is if this is within the scope of your desire to tie a character into the setting somewhat. I don't want to go to far, but I thought it was a near angle. Please let me know if I should make adjustments and thanks for your consideration.


Character Background:
Born to Nadiel and Rigor Kincade, Javos was the son of a war hero from the war against Azzar Kul. Rigor, a man who had traveled more extensively in his youth, had used some of his winnings as an adventurer to buy a small farmstead in the Vale when the war began. When the Red Hand descended from the mountains, he was one of many to take up the call to fight. And even though they lost ground at almost a jog, Rigor and the small company of men and dwarves were surrounded at one point and managed to fight their way clear with the last of the farm-steaders they could rescue. In the fighting retreat both Rigor and his long-time friends Sularys Terik the female Dragonborn Cleric and Havrac Anvilarm a Dwarven warrior left several miles of dead orcs, hobgolins and other monsters in their wake.

During the siege of Brindol, Rigor and Havrac manned the walls with distinction while Sularys used her healing powers to help tend the wounded. Leading mostly armed villagers and a few surviving militia and town ruffians, the pair’s old adventuring tactics and familiarity with Dwarven siege countermeasures created a small band of defenders they called the “High-Wallers” and were responsible for one of the guard towers during the siege. During the conflict Havrac was observed using his hammer and axe from atop a pile of hobgoblin corpses while laughing and belting orders to make a bigger pile. Bridol engaged a company of bugbears who tried to breach the walls in his small clothes and his longsword while others rushed to help. The pair earned no small amount of a name for themselves for their brazen and somewhat outlandish tactics before the enemy settled in to wait on the siege to take it’s toll on them.

By the time the siege broke the trio took their High-Wallers and went scouring the countryside, chasing any orc or goblinoid who didn’t retreat to the mountains either into the caves or into an unmarked grave. After the war was officially ended Rigor married Nadiel, a farmer’s daughter he’d helped save from the first wave of the assault. Havrac, now something of a local legend amongst the Dwarves, went back to the halls after the wedding and enjoyed a cozy life of mead and stories. Sularys remained in Brintol, tending a small shop and offering Bahamut’s healing to those who needed it.

In just a little over a year Javos was born during a terrible snowstorm. Unable to get a healer or a proper midwife, Nadiel died shortly after giving birth. Rigor, feeling powerless to save his young bride, consumed himself in misery for some time. Even his son could hardly keep his focus. In an effort to shake himself free he moved to the Dwarven halls with Havrac, hoping some time with his old friend would lift his wallowing spirits. In the mountains he seemed to slowly be returning to his former self. Havrac was pleased at his friend’s turn around and even Sularys visited often to help him with his troubles.

Before a year was up there was a cave-in, leaving several miners trapped behind a wall of stone. Rigor, ever the man of impetuous action, charged into the debris like the Dwarves around him and tried to pull it free before the men behind died of suffocation. Halfway through he used his large frame as a temporary brace for the rocks when they shifted. He managed to buy enough time for the Dwarves to escape before the load shifted again and crushed him underneath the fallen rocks.

The hall buried him in their own crypt, honoring him for his service in the war as well as his heroic effort to save the trapped Dwarves. Havrac, in an effort to honor his friend’s memory, took Javos to raise in trust. In the Dwarven halls he raised the boy to be the man his father would have respected. Sularys, mourning the tragedy of her friend, helped raise the boy as well. Offering a softer ear and a place to unload his burdens when he needed. Often taking him into town with her for a few days at a time to help with her small shop and give him some exposure to the wider world than the Dwarven halls.

Now he’s grown to a man who’s eager to prove himself to be the equal of his father and his adoptive family. He wants to prove that he’s worthy to carry his family’s name, and is in the odd position of being a human raised by a Dwarven warrior and a Dragonborn cleric of Bahamut, leaving him to be a bit off by even his family’s standards.

Background Highlights:
Background and Concepts:

Javos’ code of conduct is important to him. He prizes his company or companions highly as he feels a sense of responsibility for them. Even when they bicker or disagree he feels the need to support them in their endeavours so long as they don’t clash with the safety of the group.

A human trained extensively by dwarves is not something common. As such he has adapted some of their more gruff tendances. He’s prone to laughing at inappropriate comments, poking fun at things humans and elves would consider taboo, using sayings not commonly used outside of dwarven mead halls and being a bit headstrong. His intent is never harmful, but sometimes his actions can seem out of place on someone so tall.

Growing up in the shadow of his father, who was said to be a ferocious warrior in the war, Javos has aspired to earn a name for himself after his father’s death. In Dwarven culture father figures are important, and as such he’s grown up with the desire to make a name for himself as more than the son of a great warrior.

His father’s heroics are remembered still by some, and he’s grown to hear lots of stories of him. However he barely knows his mother at all. Her family left the vale shortly after her passing and he’s been unable to find anything about her besides the few stories he was told by Havrac and Sularys. It’s a part of his life he longs to reconnect with.

Javos tries his best to even look the part of a commanding officer, keeping his gear in good working order and wearing his tabard prominently so he’s easier to find and rally to in a fight.


Javos wants to discover his mother’s history and family. With her dead and her family long moved away he knows nothing and would like to know why they left the vale so hastily after her passing.

I’d like to see prove he’s capable of being more than a sell-sword or a pretender to his father’s legacy and prove he’s a capable soldier and battle commander in his own right (provided he survives that is, lol)


When he was younger Javos befriended a young hobgoblin boy named Brogrim in the mountains outside the Dwarven stronghold. The pair would play whenever they could sneak away and meet in a small cave near the base of the mountain. Unwilling to believe that Hobgoblins were evil outright, the pair were playmates for a few years before the Hobgoblin boy simply never showed up again. He’s been afraid to mention it to anyone because of the trouble he’d be in.

Javos’s mother was not, in fact, a farmer’s daughter. Havrac and Sularys know the truth, but were sworn to secrecy before the wedding. They have never told him his mother’s true origins. (I have no finale for this one, it’s your playground honestly)

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves them but that they are not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that centre around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!


Sularys Terik and Havrac Anvilarm are his adoptive family and members of his father’s former adventuring company from before the war. Havrac is reclusive and remains in the Dwarven settlement, but was the primary caregiver for Javos from the time he was a year old. Sularys is a kindly and oddly quiet Dragonborn woman who works as a healer and comforting ear to the town as a whole when needed, though she travels outside the Vale from time to time to attend other business. She’s the closest thing to a mother Javos has ever had.

Lady​ ​Ariane​ ​Sanja​ has been, if not a friend, a friendly acquaintances for some time. He stopped a cutpurse from robbing her blind some months back and the two found they had somewhat similar feelings about being outsiders. He doesn't always agree with her complaints about coin, but he believes her to have a decent heart in spite of herself.

Lord Eoffram Troyas, to his account, is a snake in half-elven skin. Conniving and seemingly paying every street urchin some pittance or another at some point, Javos has had the chance to meet him a handful of times in the company of Sularys and has never thought very highly of him. He has little respect for a man who seems to have his own interests ranked so far above others.


Javos has grown up with stories of the heroics his father was party to both before and after the war. Some of his most vivid memories are of him thinking how he’ll make his father proud someday and it has pushed him to becoming a professional soldier.

Raised a majority of his life in a Dwarven hall, Javos is prone to sinking into a Dwarven Brogue when he’s in the heat of the moment and using sayings he learned from other of the deep-folk over flagons of mead. As such he can often come off as brutish or crass at times, but he lacks for no amount of courage to help spur others on.

Javos is a worshiper in equal measure of both Bahamut and Moradin. Bahamut for his steadfast belief in standing firm against evil and offering aid to those in need. In the case of Moradin he believes in his tenants about family and duty to not only one’s community, but one’s friends and comrades.

Javros Kincade
Male Human (Sister Brother In Arms) Cavalier 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses: Perception +5
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 (+2 bonus vs. divination)

Defensive Abilities:
Speed 30 ft. (20 in armor)

Longsword (Two Handed) +4 (1d8+4/19-20x2)
w/Power Attack: +3 (1d8+7/19-20x2)

Longsword (One Handed) +4 (1d8+3/19-20x2)
w/Power Attack +3 (1d8+4/19-20x2)

Special Attacks:
Challenge 1/day: Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to 1/2 the cavalier’s level (miminum 1).

Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.

The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier’s challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier’s order.
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16

Feats: Racial Heritage (Dwarf), Power Attack, Precise Strike

Carefully Hidden: (+1 bonus to Will saves and a +2 bonus to saving throws versus divination effects)

Sargavan Guard: (When you wear armor of any sort, reduce the armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum penalty of 0.)

Bluff: 2, Climb: 3, Craft (Int): N/A, Diplomacy: 6, Handle Animal: 5, Intimidate: 2, Knowledge (local): 5, Knowledge (nobility): 5, Perception: 5, Profession (soldier): 5, Ride: 2, Sense Motive: 5, Survival: 5, and Swim: 3.

Languages: Common, Dwarvish

Longsword (1-Handed Sword) 1d8 19-20x2, 4lbs (15 gp)
Breastplate (Medium Armor) +6 AC, +3 Max Dex, -3 ACP, 30 lbs (200 gp)
Heavy Steel Shield +2 AC, -2 ACP, 15 lbs (20 gp)

Full Essentials Kit
Backpack 2 gp 2 lbs, Bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs, 1-pint flask 3 cp 1.5 lbs, 7 days’ trail rations 3.5 gp 7 lbs
Total Cost: 5.63 gp
Weight: 15.5 lbs

Remaining Gold: 59.37 GP

Special Abilities
Tactician 1/day:
As a standard action, the cavalier can grant his teamwork feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Member of both the Order of the Lion and the Order of the Dragon. For edict purposes Kincade is considered a member of the Order of the Dragon, but receives the benefits of both.

Edicts: The cavalier must remain loyal to his allies and must always work to further the aims of the group. He must protect his allies from harm and defend their honor when called into doubt.

Whenever an order of the lion cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 dodge bonus to his AC against attacks made by the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Favored Class Bonus: +1/2 Challenge Damage (Dwarf)

Brother in Arms

Future Build Proposition:

Build will include weapon focus (Longsword), Dazzling Display and Inspiring Sword. Entirety of the build will cover enhancing the group, and providing support. Possible dip into Chevalier, but not sold on the idea.

Hmmm... interesting. Does this mean Spheres of Power or Spheres of Might can be used?

Either way, I think I'll stick with my original oracle idea. Will hopefully finish it and have it up soon.

@DM Kaavek: thanks! Okay, follow up question: are you alright with the Blacksmith or would it be better to do it as an Arcanist?
I'm sort of expecting you would prefer not to use the Spheres of Might, but figured it was worth asking given the class is a perfect fit.

Javos Kincade wrote:
Created this after a couple character drafts and it seemed to fit the best with both the world concept and the style of other player submissions. My only question is if this is within the scope of your desire to tie a character into the setting somewhat. I don't want to go to far, but I thought it was a near angle. Please let me know if I should make adjustments and thanks for your consideration.

I'll have a more careful read through your backstory over the weekend but at a glance I'm happy with it. I certainly have nothing against tying heavily into the existing lore.

PixelsAreGod wrote:

Hmmm... interesting. Does this mean Spheres of Power or Spheres of Might can be used?

Either way, I think I'll stick with my original oracle idea. Will hopefully finish it and have it up soon.

Harakani wrote:

@DM Kaavek: thanks! Okay, follow up question: are you alright with the Blacksmith or would it be better to do it as an Arcanist?

I'm sort of expecting you would prefer not to use the Spheres of Might, but figured it was worth asking given the class is a perfect fit.

I haven't used any of the Spheres rules before so unfortunately I'm going to have to rule them out. Perhaps the Master Craftsman feat could help you roll a blacksmith themed character without needing to play a spellcaster if you'd prefer to play a martial class?

If I wanted to include minor combat in my character's backstory, are there any monsters nearby? Goblins, orcs etc?

Edit: I looked through the player's guide again. Looks like orcs aren't too far away. That'll suit my purpose.

DM Kaavek wrote:
I haven't used any of the Spheres rules before so unfortunately I'm going to have to rule them out. Perhaps the Master Craftsman feat could help you roll a blacksmith themed character without needing to play a spellcaster if you'd prefer to play a martial class?

Not a problem!I thought that would be the case and am happy to build without - just wanted to check. I looked at Master Craftsman, but the penalty for not having spells quickly pushes the DC into the stratosphere. Might see what I can do though.

Oh - I should check. Are you okay with Crafting and Crafting feats?

Harakani wrote:
Oh - I should check. Are you okay with Crafting and Crafting feats?

I'm certainly fine with the theory of crafting. In practice I think the default rules are a little broken. GM alientude fixed them in the Savage Tide game I'm in at the moment by making the crafting checks represent a day's work rather than a week's but we could look into it further to find the best system to use.

Dragonborn aren't mentioned in the player's guide. How common are they in town?

DM Kaavek wrote:
Harakani wrote:
Oh - I should check. Are you okay with Crafting and Crafting feats?
I'm certainly fine with the theory of crafting. In practice I think the default rules are a little broken. GM alientude fixed them in the Savage Tide game I'm in at the moment by making the crafting checks represent a day's work rather than a week's but we could look into it further to find the best system to use.

Thank you. Sorry about all the questions.

So, probobly an odd question in a game including dragonborn, but, would a kobold be permitted for an application?

Is there any kind of bank within the city? I'm looking at Rich Parents as one of my character's traits and was wondering if there is a safe place for him to keep his money.

icehawk333 wrote:
So, probobly an odd question in a game including dragonborn, but, would a kobold be permitted for an application?

Oooh, I hope so! I'll be submitting a dragonborn paladin and he could definitely use a minion. ;)

I would like to apply wit ha simple concept.
A sword and board Fighter. Ready to lay down the smack on his enemys.
Well actually a polearm and board fighter.
It depends if you will allow the Weapon Master’s Handbook and
Armor Master’s Handbook.

Lazyclownfish wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:
So, probobly an odd question in a game including dragonborn, but, would a kobold be permitted for an application?
Oooh, I hope so! I'll be submitting a dragonborn paladin and he could definitely use a minion. ;)

minion. Sure.


That's how it works, yo. Kobolds serve dragons. It's basically their whole identity as a race.


Lazyclownfish wrote:

That's how it works, yo. Kobolds serve dragons. It's basically their whole identity as a race.


Not this one.


Servitude isn't thier thing.

icehawk333 wrote:

Not this one.

Servitude isn't thier thing.

We can just agree to disagree on that.

icehawk333 wrote:
Lazyclownfish wrote:

That's how it works, yo. Kobolds serve dragons. It's basically their whole identity as a race.


Not this one.


Servitude isn't thier thing.

I support non-minion Kobolds. Especially bards.

icehawk333 wrote:
So, probobly an odd question in a game including dragonborn, but, would a kobold be permitted for an application?

An odd question indeed, but a kobold would be fine.

"The Lucky Halfling" wrote:
Is there any kind of bank within the city? I'm looking at Rich Parents as one of my character's traits and was wondering if there is a safe place for him to keep his money.

There's no centralised bank in Brindol, you could possibly store some money in a family vault or perhaps in a vault in one of the trade guilds if one of your family members were connected to it.

Helikon wrote:

I would like to apply wit ha simple concept.

A sword and board Fighter. Ready to lay down the smack on his enemys.
Well actually a polearm and board fighter.
It depends if you will allow the Weapon Master’s Handbook and
Armor Master’s Handbook.

Weapon Master's and Armor Master's Handbooks are certainly allowed. Good luck rolling up your fighter.

I have a concept brewing (briefly: a younger sibling whose much older sibling is an adventurer and powerful sorcerer naturally gifted in the arcane arts. My character spent their childhood dreaming of the day they would unlock similar powers like their sibling and the rest of their family but that day never came, so they decided they would make it happen through hard work and cheating whenever possible instead) but my difficulty comes from the fact that the concept has resulted in Wizard being the most obvious class to choose. I really haven't enjoyed my experiences playing Wizards in Pathfinder in the past. Perhaps I will look at archetypes and builds to see if I could make a Wizard that I would enjoy. If not I am sure I can re-purpose another class. Perhaps their talents were more martial in nature, but their obsession with arcane might has led them down the path of a Magus or Alchemist or even Investigator? Or their talents were musical instead and found themself attending Bard College and becoming a Bard. Or perhaps an Arcanist to show the willingness to cheat and exploit magic to reach the same level as their sibling. Or they made a pact with a patron to gain powers and are a Witch.

Okay, so Wizard might not be my only option. :P

The Pale King wrote:
Or they made a pact with a patron to gain powers and are a Witch.

I don't know if you're accepting suggestions from the peanut gallery, but the idea that he's desperate enough to take a shortcut sounds really interesting. And you definitely aren't locked into a witch. He could make a pact with a demon and be an abyssal sorcerer, for example, or even one of the Eldest and be a Feyspeaker Druid etc.

I feel like you could decide what class you want to play mechanically and easily find a fit for it using this backstory.

So, I went through multiple versions/drafts before my quiet, humble elven arcanist became this brash, paranoid Tiefling arcanist.

Step 1::
Write at least 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to the image of your character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile etc.

1.)”Does it really count as being paranoid if there are people after you?” Doinvirte dipped the tip of his tail into his cup of ale and let a couple of droplets fall onto the bar top. He watched the droplets for a few seconds, nodded, then took a long gulp from his mug.
2.) Dinvirte stumbled through the muck. His knees ached. His chest burned. His eyes stung. He had started his escape before the sun had come up and had been running long after the sun had gone down. The Tiefling struggled to his feet. It had been over a year since his abduction but, Din had finally managed to escape and he was not going back.
3.) ”Couldn't you have just, like, cast a spell to put him to sleep?”
Din blinked slowly, ”I told you when you came looking for help that I don't do subtle.” His fingers still tingled a bit where the cone of flame had erupted. He plucked a key from the smoldering corpse, ”Yeah, I feel bad that some guy had to die in order for us to rescue your daughter but, he's the one that took the job of guarding a prison for children.”

The first man choked on his spit, ”I-I keep telling you! They took my dog!”

”You had me kill a man over a dog?!”

4.) Din is what some call a “mercenary.” He prefers the term “Spellbook for Hire.” You need someone to provide a little backup on a rescue? He's got a spell for that. Basement of your shop overrun with rodents? There's a spell for that. Want to sacrifice a child to some obscure, dark god? Good luck pronouncing the words properly with your eardrums blown out. Sure, a Tiefling has to eat, but he also needs to have rules too.

5.) Din lives in Brindol but claims no particular place as home. He tries to not spend the night in the same place more than two or three nights in a row. Staying in one place only leads to being found. He used to stay at his friend, Ornwin’s, place at least once a week. He stopped though, after he was abducted from Ornwin's home and Ornwin was beaten. Notes on various conspiracies are written on sheets of paper and in the borders of his spellbook. Some of his more favorite theories:
•There's a collective that controls all governments. Any time a government official steps out of line a doppelganger is put in their place.
•Healing spells are addictive.
•Pelor is actually Zarus

Step 2::
List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another could be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

Din heard mention of someone selling him to the cult and would love nothing more than to confront the person responsible.
I would like to see Din form close bonds with a tight group and (somewhat) get over his paranoia.

Step 3::
List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves them but that they are not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that centre around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

Secret that Din knows: there's a small cult of devil worshippers living near Rhest. Their end goal is trying to find a way to harness the Infernal to save the Vale.
Someone that claims to be a friend was behind the abduction. Ornwin received a good sum of coin in exchange for a Tiefling with arcane talent.

Step 4::
Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. Feel free to use characters mentioned in the Player’s Guide.

Lord Eshan Jarmaan – There's a reason why so many adventures begin in taverns. Information is freely – give or take a couple of drinks – given. Spend enough time in Ilya's without causing trouble and you eventually can call Eshan a friend. Din appreciates not having to worry about Eshan cheating and Eshan appreciates the information that Din brings.
Craz Fylon – the closest thing Din has to a prospective love interest. This Half-Orc Sorcerer also happens to be his greatest rival. More than one job has been foiled by Craz working for a different employer. Favoring illusions and enchantments, she complements Din’s own abilities quite well...if only they could work together without betraying each other.
Ornwin – a member of the River Bargeman and Din’s oldest friend in Brindol. Ornwin is a twitchy Halfling that often finds himself in tight spots due to his inability to keep his thoughts to himself. The two met when a group of toughs attempted to rob the Halfling in an alleyway. A well placed color spray from Din (who just happened to be passing by) put the four men on their backs. Unbeknownst to Din, Ornwin is the one that sold him out to the cultists. After Din spent an evening ranting about how Gnomes and Halflings are secretly the same race.

Step 5::
Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavour.

Din is paranoid and a conspiracy theorist.
Din always checks tests his food/beverage before eating or drinking.
Din makes a habit of trying to keep tabs on Craz. Usually, if he doesn't know what she's up to it means that she's taken a job against him.
Din once believed that he had caught Eshan cheating at cards. When Eshan proved 100% that he wasn't cheating, Din apologized and gave up drinking for a month.
Din often talks to his tail as if it has its own consciousness. He's not crazy. Not in that way. It just helps him think through problems.

Lazyclownfish wrote:
The Pale King wrote:
Or they made a pact with a patron to gain powers and are a Witch.

I don't know if you're accepting suggestions from the peanut gallery, but the idea that he's desperate enough to take a shortcut sounds really interesting. And you definitely aren't locked into a witch. He could make a pact with a demon and be an abyssal sorcerer, for example, or even one of the Eldest and be a Feyspeaker Druid etc.

I feel like you could decide what class you want to play mechanically and easily find a fit for it using this backstory.

You are very much right! Pretty much any class could be used with right thought put behind it. I think if the character learned it on their own it would make more sense for it to be arcane as they want to be as much like their family as possible. If they bargained for power in a desperate situation though... Now that makes anything free game. I am now considering the possibility that their attempts to follow in their siblings footsteps were failing when their village was attacked so they made a pact with an unsavoury being to gain the power to protect their people. As a by product finally putting them on their path to surpassing their sibling, just not in the way they wanted.

The Pale King wrote:
Lazyclownfish wrote:
The Pale King wrote:
Or they made a pact with a patron to gain powers and are a Witch.

I don't know if you're accepting suggestions from the peanut gallery, but the idea that he's desperate enough to take a shortcut sounds really interesting. And you definitely aren't locked into a witch. He could make a pact with a demon and be an abyssal sorcerer, for example, or even one of the Eldest and be a Feyspeaker Druid etc.

I feel like you could decide what class you want to play mechanically and easily find a fit for it using this backstory.

You are very much right! Pretty much any class could be used with right thought put behind it. I think if the character learned it on their own it would make more sense for it to be arcane as they want to be as much like their family as possible. If they bargained for power in a desperate situation though... Now that makes anything free game. I am now considering the possibility that their attempts to follow in their siblings footsteps were failing when their village was attacked so they made a pact with an unsavoury being to gain the power to protect their people. As a by product finally putting them on their path to surpassing their sibling, just not in the way they wanted.

There's also something to be said about a Black Blade Magus. Like they found the blade and it's what's guiding them, but it's leaning them a more martial bend than the family is, but it's also it's own unique niche. And good RP fodder if you wanted them to lament that they weren't more like X family member.

Grand Lodge

@Dm Kaavek I am looking at making a Female Dwarven Ranger(trapper) was wondering for Favored Enemy would Goblinoids be appropriate for me to take or would you recommend something else like Orcs, Magical Beasts or Giants

Critzible wrote:
@Dm Kaavek I am looking at making a Female Dwarven Ranger(trapper) was wondering for Favored Enemy would Goblinoids be appropriate for me to take or would you recommend something else like Orcs, Magical Beasts or Giants

If you're native to the Vale, goblinoids are the most appropriate Favoured Enemy. There are more Dwarven clans outside of Elsir Vale (to the west) who would be more concerned with Orcs. Hope that helps!

Grand Lodge

It does thank you very much

Any idea how many dragonborn live in Brindol? I see that the total population is 6700 but there's no race breakdown.

Lazyclownfish wrote:
Any idea how many dragonborn live in Brindol? I see that the total population is 6700 but there's no race breakdown.

Sorry, I missed you asking this earlier! The people of Brindol are mostly humans. There wouldn't be more than 70 dragonborn, here's an approximate race breakdown:

69% human, 10% Half-Elf, 6% Dwarf, 5% Halfling, 5% Tiefling, 4% Elf, 1% Dragonborn

Sweet, i'll get to writing her up asap.

Started to put together a list of who has submitted - I was curious how many casters there were.

Thought it might be useful to people so I put it here.

There are a lot more elves and a lot less dragonborn than I thought.

I may well have missed someone.

I believe it is:

Player - Character - Race - Class
PaleDim - Ferdrin Ternyth - Human - Arcanist
Grumbaki - Godwyn Blaecwulf - Changeling - Enlightened Philosopher Lunar Oracle
Kamaloo Aelion Kinandev - Elf - Unchained Monk (Zen Archer)
Doomed Hero - Aerin - Elf - Wizard (Exploiter)
DBH - Jathal - Elf - Slayer
ExiledMimic - Javos Kincade - Human - Cavalier (sister in arms)
Chapel36 - Dinvirte Babriote - Tiefling - Arcanist

Interesting group we have here. I was tempted to make Godwyn into more of a close combat build, but I think that the party could use the healing more.

Sovereign Court

I keep thinking of questions to ask only to see someone else get to it first.

Kinda unusual to not see just the one skill character.

Now thinking potentially a concept cleric Forgemaster - though this pretty much means being Dwarven. I'm researching into dwarves now...
I wanted someone who was a bit of an outcast, but that's a really big thing with dwarves.

Harakani wrote:

Started to put together a list of who has submitted - I was curious how many casters there were.

Thought it might be useful to people so I put it here.

There are a lot more elves and a lot less dragonborn than I thought.

I may well have missed someone.

I believe it is:

Player - Character - Race - Class
PaleDim - Ferdrin Ternyth - Human - Arcanist
Grumbaki - Godwyn Blaecwulf - Changeling - Enlightened Philosopher Lunar Oracle
Kamaloo Aelion Kinandev - Elf - Unchained Monk (Zen Archer)
Doomed Hero - Aerin - Elf - Wizard (Exploiter)
DBH - Jathal - Elf - Slayer
ExiledMimic - Javos Kincade - Human - Cavalier (sister in arms)
Chapel36 - Dinvirte Babriote - Tiefling - Arcanist

Thanks for putting this together Harakani. Another elf for the list:

Slayde77 - Aria Dros - Elf - Magus (Eldritch Archer)

Chapel Ty'El wrote:
Kinda unusual to not see just the one skill character.

Slayer is a skill class.

Waffling on this, but I really haven't had any inspiration, anything that wants me to build/play it.

Looks like the group could use more healers/skill submissions.

Sovereign Court

hustonj wrote:
Chapel Ty'El wrote:
Kinda unusual to not see just the one skill character.

Slayer is a skill class.

Waffling on this, but I really haven't had any inspiration, anything that wants me to build/play it.

Looks like the group could use more healers/skill submissions.

Yeah, that's the one that I meant lol

One life Oracle or Oradin could get some serious miles with that batch. Even a bad-touch Cleric could feel OP.

I'm working on my paladin who could function as a pretty reasonable healer. I'd even be open to going Hospitaler on him if it made sense for the group composition. The oracle is also a healer. Harakani is considering a Dwarven Cleric as well.

There is a dearth of non-knowledge skills though. Even a slayer can't cover everything.

Hmm... I'm not sure what to recommend. I wonder if trapfinding is important?

I wonder if trapfinding is important?

Always better to have it, honestly. It might only get used 3 times, but those three times tend to have a way of swinging a situation in a group's favor.

Also there might be a case for a healer bard in all this. Properly built it could be a real lynchpin for the right player.

Bard feels like a really good plan. Plus, it's always good to have someone to carry the legend of the party's adventures out into the world after the campaign.

As a side note, I'm spending a lot more time on this character than I usually do. I'm excited to show him off. But I'm probably hours away from ready.


Presenting Bastien de Navarre, called the Bastion.

The Five steps:

Step 1:
Write at least 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to the image of your character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile etc.
• Bastien is a defensive fighter and will try to get heavy armor quickly to be the anvil of the group, so that casters can hide behind him.
• He is the nephew of Benn one oft he Diamond League heroes. and has a major hero complex because of it.
• He is very methodical and patient, but not very creative and talkaktiv.
• He takes his mustache very serious, all in the hope to look more adult.
• He is the oldest son of a family with 6 children, so he learned very early to take responsibility.
Step 2:
List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another could be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
• Get enough fame and fortune to be allowed to marry one day.
• Become a famous warrior worthy of a poem, a sage or even an epic ballad.
Step 3:
List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves them but that they are not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that centre around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
• Bastien has secretly an affair with Lorena Orenna, the daughter of Lord Warden Harrik Orenna. They have to keep it secret, as they are afraid her father will be really angry and is Bastien´s superior.
• Bastien´s affair is not so secret as he thinks. Although Lorena´s Father does not know o fit, Lorena´s mother Claire does know of it. And she does not approve it. She is more in favor oft he eldest son of Andrei Isidore, Segeji Isidore. He is of a real old and wealthy family and would be a much better catch.
Step 4:
Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. Feel free to use characters mentioned in the Player’s Guide.
• Etienne des Navarre is Bastien´s father and best friend. He taught hiss on everything he knew about the way oft he blade.
• Lorenna Orenna is Bastien´s sweetheart. They met in the Blue Parrot, listening to Vericho Nindleton and danced together to his sweet song. Somehow the song and the sweetwine made the usually shy girl very talkaktive and flirty.
• Andrei Isidore is interested in Lorena and does not like to have his plans destroyed by anone.
Step 5:
Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavour.
• Whenever Bastien is deep in thoughts he fingers a handmade holy symbol of Moradin. Unknown to anone else he has carved Lorena´s face on the other side of it, so he feels her face.
• Bastien rarely drinks, but once per week he allows himself a mug of mead. If not he prefers apple-juice.
• Bastine has always some dried apple slices on him, sometiems sugered or coated in chocolate. To keep his body strong he does twohandred pushups and uses his dumbbells vigorously.

Dark Archive

DM Kaavek wrote:
Harakani wrote:

Started to put together a list of who has submitted - I was curious how many casters there were.

Thought it might be useful to people so I put it here.

There are a lot more elves and a lot less dragonborn than I thought.

I may well have missed someone.

I believe it is:

Player - Character - Race - Class
PaleDim - Ferdrin Ternyth - Human - Arcanist
Grumbaki - Godwyn Blaecwulf - Changeling - Enlightened Philosopher Lunar Oracle
Kamaloo Aelion Kinandev - Elf - Unchained Monk (Zen Archer)
Doomed Hero - Aerin - Elf - Wizard (Exploiter)
DBH - Jathal - Elf - Slayer
ExiledMimic - Javos Kincade - Human - Cavalier (sister in arms)
Chapel36 - Dinvirte Babriote - Tiefling - Arcanist

Thanks for putting this together Harakani. Another elf for the list:

Slayde77 - Aria Dros - Elf - Magus (Eldritch Archer)

I need to withdraw Ferdrin Ternyth from this. The more I considered this character the more I was leaning towards background elements that are specific to Golarion.

If I can swing it before the deadline I would be interesting in create a separate submission that fits better in this setting (and better follows your requested background format).

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