DM Cuc's Strange Aeon (Inactive)

Game Master moafnsteel

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Kindling wrote:
I feel you. I set out to run one Skulls amd Shackles PbP and ended up with 3 tables.

... Wow... That just... That just SOUNDS awfull

The Exchange

Point to note - investigators are not divine casters. Their casting is the same as alchemists. Yes they get most of the condition removal that divine casters do, but not all(namely not remove fear and remove paralysis). Late access too.

My investigator is not a ranged based investigator(though they CAN be built that way too).

Just a Mort wrote:

Point to note - investigators are not divine casters. Their casting is the same as alchemists. Yes they get most of the condition removal that divine casters do, but not all(namely not remove fear and remove paralysis). Late access too.

My investigator is not a ranged based investigator(though they CAN be built that way too).

Yeah you are definitely right, that is my bad. I was thinking inquisitor. That's what happens when you don't pay enough attention and try to quickly cut and paste things lol

Urdal is mostly done I think.

I'm delirious so I'll go over it in the morning for formatting and to fix a couple of things I noticed are wrong. The main thrust is there though.

One point: If I'm understanding the premise of Strange Aeons correctly based on the player's guide, I saw it as an excuse to play with his domains considering he doesn't know what exactly he was doing previously. I took the Law domain from his new deity Kols, and gave him the death domain as a link to his past considering that the character's crux is making the best of the morally dubious abilities he finds himself with. I hope this is okay, even though it doesn't quite fit with the traditional way of doling out domains. I'm not sure what your plan is for revealing the characters' pasts, or if it is laid out in the AP this early.

I'm also trying not to use it as an excuse to bend the rules and make an evil character. I'd like to play around with spell selection as he levels up as if he is still compelled to learn some of the spells he used to dabble in, perhaps based on the experiences he goes through in the AP itself. His personal aim, however, is in using his newfound faith in Kols to stay on the straight and narrow. I chose Kols because there seems to be a stoic, monastic element to him as a deity.

Edit: After all that it seems to have not saved. I'll redo it in the morning. It was all fairly straightforward stuff but it did take me a good while to do the numbers with HeroLab refusing to work for me. Maybe it will be back up tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

Heya GM.. I've not seen a game that was split into two tables succeed yet... inevitably both games died, generally before the first book was finished.

Tharasiph wrote:

Heya GM.. I've not seen a game that was split into two tables succeed yet... inevitably both games died, generally before the first book was finished.

You make a good point, I think in theory it seems like it won't be too bad because you are already doing all the work, but then it adds even more work that I do not think most people account for.

The Exchange


‘Where am I? Why am I here? Why can’t I remember anything?’Lokar thought as he wandered the ancient city. He looked at the sky.’That’s like no night scape I’ve ever seen. ‘ He thought to himself. ‘Its all real, isn’t it?’ He stomped on the ground a few times to assure himself that it was not a dream. He walked to the fountain and touched the stone, feeling its some-what familiar roughness his fingers. Then having the feeling of unease, he looks back. The fog was coming, and with it, footsteps. Some unknown entities in the fog were out to kill him…or worse.

He felt the mind-numbing fear grip hold of him. He needed to get away them. He ran across the half-remembered plaza, with the sound of footsteps resonating with each beat of his heart. He ran towards battered buildings where the grimy cobblestone street split. ‘Up was towards the light, towards safety. Down – only madness and death lay that way.’ He had a vague flash of memory of some unseen horrors waiting in the darkness, and the feeling that in the darkness he had lost everything he cared for. Or maybe the fog was a manifestation of his inner demons, coming to hunt him down at last? He ran uphill, his breath steaming and coming in ragged pants. He hoped that he would be able to outrun his pursuers – or that he would die of exhaustion before they caught up with him…

Prompt Response:

Calcifer continues her trot down the street, trying to avoid the fog but not attempting to flee faster than she could maintain. It isn't the fog that scares her; it is the sense of unease the fog brings that drives her to avoid it. Like just beyond the obscurity of it's embrace lies something about her... or who she was that she would rather not accept.
The city seems so familiar, yet at the same time so alien. Strange non-shapes spin in the air, lights and sounds come from a city she somehow knows is unoccupied. She starts down the low road, her body weight and growing sense of dread adding speed to her descent as she struggles with her confidence.
As she descends, she cannot help but think. If there had been someone else there, she would feel safer. But there was no one here. A city of fog and no one else to make a wish. What ever would she do alone, even if she escaped the fog? She would survive, but be incomplete. Terribly so.
Her steps falter... and she comes to a stop as she reaches the bottom of the incline.
Turning, she looks up at the fog and wipes her face. She spreads her arms as she looks into the depths of the sickly mists. The footsteps approach. She closes her eyes.
"Maybe... they'll want something..." she whispers.

This is really what she would do, if she had that dream. She has an unexplored psychological need to be around others... if only to have people make wishes for her to grant. Her confidence (and arrogance) declines if she's by herself.

I wish you luck on choosing.
There are many good applicants.
I have noticed that a lot during recent recruitments.
Well done all!

Ok, altered story line response...


The city is ancient, older, even, than storied Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The entryways to stately mansion of crumbling black and silver brick open, unseeingly to the cobbled street. Above, black stars sparkle in a viridian sky, and the whole city is bathed in the harsh light of a vermillion moon. Not a soul stirs on the streets in this nameless city, save for you. You know not how you have come to this fabled unnamed city, but this strange city is hauntingly familiar. At the fountain, long gone dry and dusty, in the plaza around the bend, you sat and listened to minstrels sing ancient tales of far-off Lomar and Oriab. Your feet slow, drawn by the haunting remembrance, not quite a memory, but far more than a vague feeling. You can still hear the lyres play, the bard’s songs. But, then, unease fills your heart, and you look back.

Behind you is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the street’s canyon of crumbling, leaning manses like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the oddly familiar avenue, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps--slow and staggered, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave. And always just behind. Ever out of reach, but close, and drawing closer. Within, you can discern faint shapes. The fog swirls and billows in opposite ways, as though stirred by the beats of wings and or animals deep within. And always, there are the footsteps.
Still you run, fleeing the plaza of your half-remembered songs, across a courtyard of pillars top by cerulean orbs that fold in on themselves in an alien geometry. Your flight takes you down another avenue, and the battered buildings appear almost ruinous, they slump over the path, nearly blotting out the bruised twilight sky. Again, the grimy cobblestone street splits. This time, one route curves uphill, while the other recklessly descends. Behind, the yellow fog and the relentless sound of pursuit grow closer…

Hand pressed against a bowed, damp timber at the corner of the nearest house, Raif pauses a moment, only a moment; gasping to catch his breath. Wild eyes turn to look at the sickly yellow roil that is obscuring the owner of those accursed footsteps. The click-clack of those steps can scarcely penetrate the thump, thump, thump of Raif's heartbeat pounding in his ears. But of one thing he is certain, those steps mean death... and evil... and...ssssomething... "Gah!" he chuffs, memory failing as he turns and races headlong down the lower path; his mind scarsely registering the increasing sense of dread and decay that the path brings. He knows only that he... must... run... click, clack, click, clack...

Urdal was barely a young man when he was forced to drag the body from that decrepit house in the narrows. To this day he does not remember what business his sister had there. Was the old dwarf woman a relative? Why did the neighbours fail to smell the corpse for so long before the siblings arrived? Why was a dwarf so sheltered from the world made to endure this as his initiative to the abject darkness of reality?

All the cleric knew was that he now saw the many shades of putrefying flesh and bone swirling in the sickly yellow smoke that bore down on him, and the regrets of his past in the ominous horrors surely lurking within. Urdal was no longer protected by the sturdy dwarven walls he grew up in, and the fairy tales woven by his family; he knew that whatever this magic, be it arcane, divine or even alchemical, it was powerful enough to be a mirror to whomever observed it. If there was anyone else fleeing the cloying tide over these grimy cobbles then it would surely be stirring something similar within them, be it the shadows of misguided choices or a noble urge to combat the approaching darkness.

The footsteps of old colleagues, tending to corpses beneath the temple. A dusty, vermin infested basement rather than somewhere the dead should be allowed to be interned. A rotting wooden chapel rather than the glorious stone and marble houses of worship Urdal had imagined from simple sketches in long forgotten tomes. Pale faced, toothless chancers who shouldn't be allowed within five miles of the recently deceased filling their pockets with valuables and worthless trinkets and experimenting unchecked behind closed doors.
Was Urdal half remembering the sorry excuse for a temple, or was he imagining it? Worse still, was his memory so fragmented that he was filling the gaps in it with such evil in an attempt at cohesion? The dwarf was sickened further by the idea that his own mind would conjure up this darkness. Had he been so damaged by life itself that this corruption had become his narrative?

At each corner Urdal fully expected to emerge on to that street, his sister urging him to lug the blanket wrapped decomposition out in to the street. Sweating and red faced as the horrified neighbours looked on. He expected to see the chapel, with the horse and cart at the door and a thin, jaundiced undertaker smirking as he delivered his latest haul. He expected to see leathery wings flapping above a poverty stricken village, and people peering nervously through window slats. Maybe a bard playing lonely in a town square, songs that seemed to promise a life elsewhere in some opulent city or sleepy hamlet. Instead the dwarf saw more narrow twisting alleyways and the curls and wisps of ochrine smoke inching their way ever closer.

Ahead, a literal fork in the road that would have caused Urdal to laugh if not paralysed by fear, doubt and uncertainty. A road curved upwards, and it's opposite down. Perhaps the lower road would offer the opportunity for shelter, maybe a dark basement with a thick door and a heavy iron lock where the cleric could wait out the approaching ominence. The road upwards could offer the opportunity to outrun the smoke and whatever lay within. Maybe higher ground would attract others looking for companions and assistance.
Although he was loathe to admit it, even inside his own head, Urdal was drawn even backwards to the smoke. A familiarity lurked inside, and an opportunity for control. After all, why run from your fears when you can have power over them? This time, however, fear lay in every direction. Whichever path the dwarf chose would bring him face to face with something he was likely ill prepared for.

Urdal closed his eyes and for once ignored the images which seemed to be branded on the inside of his eyelids. He began to run.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Here is Julius's Response. It is also in his profile.


Julius's eyes wander his surroundings. When he lights upon the sky his eyes glimmer and a smile crosses his face. Beautiful. But he's not sure why he walks on. It too quiet for city this big. With a deep breath, flames erupt around Julius's hands shedding light as he launches several volleys in many directions to see if there is a reaction. When there is none, "Hōhā!" Goblin: Boring! Walking through the square he runs his hands through the dust in the fountain and sat down. Julius loses himself listening to the music, his eyes locked on the flames dancing around his hands that have shifted to alien colors and its familiar dance fals into rhythm with the mysterious music.
Julius stares directly into the fog, You a strange thingy."What is you?"He calls out. As the unease grows he lightly clenches his jaw and launches a larger gout of fire into the fog. And again and again and again. That's when the real fear sinks in and Julius ran away as fast as he could. Without a second thought Julius dove down the lower path, getting low and in the dark had always saved him while he was growing up... at least, he thinks it was.

Made this alias as a final-submission of Duris, with a couple of changes included. We'll know sometime this weekend whether we were chosen?

Urdal is done. Herolab came through for me.

Just as an update, I'm working on Jayson's background right now. What I've got so far is already in the character profile. I'll be able to finish it up soon.

I submit Alistar to the list :)

Grand Lodge

Your characters have no memory of their lives. Thus, they have no background. Instead of sending in a background for your amnesiac characters, I want you to write a response to this scene. It’s the opening scene to the AP.
The city is ancient, older, even, than storied Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The entryways to stately mansion of crumbling black and silver brick open, unseeingly to the cobbled street. Above, black stars sparkle in a viridian sky, and the whole city is bathed in the harsh light of a vermillion moon. Not a soul stirs on the streets in this nameless city, save for you. You know not how you have come to this fabled unnamed city, but this strange city is hauntingly familiar. At the fountain, long gone dry and dusty, in the plaza around the bend, you sat and listened to minstrels sing ancient tales of far-off Lomar and Oriab. Your feet slow, drawn by the haunting remembrance, not quite a memory, but far more than a vague feeling. You can still hear the lyres play, the bard’s songs. But, then, unease fills your heart, and you look back.
Behind you is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the street’s canyon of crumbling, leaning manses like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the oddly familiar avenue, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps--slow and staggered, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave. And always just behind. Ever out of reach, but close, and drawing closer. Within, you can discern faint shapes. The fog swirls and billows in opposite ways, as though stirred by the beats of wings and or animals deep within. And always, there are the footsteps.
Still you run, fleeing the plaza of your half-remembered songs, across a courtyard of pillars top by cerulean orbs that fold in on themselves in an alien geometry. Your flight takes you down another avenue, and the battered buildings appear almost ruinous, they slump over the path, nearly blotting out the bruised twilight sky. Again, the grimy cobblestone street splits. This time, one route curves uphill, while the other recklessly descends. Behind, the yellow fog and the relentless sound of pursuit grow closer…

open if you dare:
Felix chooses the lower road, knowing that going up will make him easily seen by those pursuing in the fog. He tightens the straps on his gear and bolts hoping to keep as quiet as possible, his large eyes looking everywhere all at once. He spots what he thinks is an open door, he makes for it in the dark looking cautiously over his shoulder and listening as hard as he can he slows his pace and opens the door. Not seeing anyone inside he ducks in, slowly closing the door. Maybe they didn’t see me, the fog would have made it hard to see me and I slowed down enough that my talons didn’t click to loudly.” His breathing will increase, he pulls out his polished copper piece and looks at it lovingly, rubbing it between his feather fingers. ”They didn’t see me, I am Felix Brightye and no one sees me come or go… well they did one time but that doesn’t count they cheated with magic. This fog worked for me…. He slowly puts his head to the door to listen.....

I plan to close submission tonight at 12am (Eastern Standard Time). If you have already submitted a character but need to tweak something or finish up the scenario you are okay. I will not make a final decision till Sunday night.

Exciting times ladies and gents.

I think Zadok is completely ready.

Calcifer is prepared. If chosen I'll make her Alias.

Liberty's Edge

Waiting patently. :)

Grand Lodge

Xerxzayas begins walking backwards, looking into the sickly fog. He wants to disbelieve that it is a danger to him, but he can not. He keeps looking and walking faster and faster until he is at a run. As he runs he does his best to find a weapon or a way out. His legs get heavy and his lungs begin to burn Damn my weak form, yet he keeps running. Xerx tries to look back to see how close it is, but only manages to stumble. He rights himself and keeps running. Choosing the high road in the hopes it behaves like a normal fog will, but no, it doesn't. The entity within directs it to follow him. He ran higher and higher, still the fog chased him. Then, at the point his legs were leaden and his lungs were ready to burst, Xerxzayas stopped. No more running. I may be weak, but still I am strong. He turns to face his unbeatable foe. That is when he sees the oil. He sloshes it across the street and quickly lights it. He tosses down some cloth which also catches fire. It won't stop the fog, he knows that, but it does give it some pause. Which proves that it is being contolled. That there is a will behind it. Xerxzayas can't help but smile. This body is weak, but my will is strong. With that he turns and runs again. Not to get away from the fog, but to find a way to defeat his foe.

I think Jayson's profile is finally officially done, complete with fluff and gear! If you have any questions or thoughts, please don't hesitate to ask!

Opening Prompt:
The notion that she might somehow know this place makes Laufey’s skin crawl.

This place is not right or real. The sky is NOT that color, day or night. Stars are NOT that color. I cannot know a place that cannot be real. That there might be magic in her mind occurs to her, and she feels a sour sickness in her stomach.

And then she sees the fog and she knows it can’t be real and it doesn’t matter. Her skin is covered in gooseflesh and she runs anyway.

Laufey is very fast, and she knows it. Rarely has she met a person who can match, much less outpace her. But she can hear the footsteps coming as the fog surges on behind her. They are gaining at a walk no matter how hard she pushes herself. Her heart is banging in her chest and before long she will be winded.

At the split she consolidates what she knows and makes her decision in only a second. Left is unlucky. Uphill will slow me. Downhill will speed me but it doesn’t matter. Fog hugs the ground. Hold the high ground in a fight. She goes left, uphill where the advantage lies.

There is no point in running, and I know I am going to die. It is only a matter of choosing how. What follows me is impossible, and how can that be killed? She finds her spot, stops, and turns as she draws her sword. She barely has to wait for the fog. This will be the better way.

GM Cuc wrote:

The city is ancient, older, even, than storied Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The entryways to stately mansion of crumbling black and silver brick open, unseeingly to the cobbled street. Above, black stars sparkle in a viridian sky, and the whole city is bathed in the harsh light of a vermillion moon. Not a soul stirs on the streets in this nameless city, save for you. You know not how you have come to this fabled unnamed city, but this strange city is hauntingly familiar. At the fountain, long gone dry and dusty, in the plaza around the bend, you sat and listened to minstrels sing ancient tales of far-off Lomar and Oriab. Your feet slow, drawn by the haunting remembrance, not quite a memory, but far more than a vague feeling. You can still hear the lyres play, the bard’s songs. But, then, unease fills your heart, and you look back.

Behind you is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the street’s canyon of crumbling, leaning manses like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the oddly familiar avenue, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps--slow and staggered, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave. And always just behind. Ever out of reach, but close, and drawing closer. Within, you can discern faint shapes. The fog swirls and billows in opposite ways, as though stirred by the beats of wings and or animals deep within. And always, there are the footsteps.

Still you run, fleeing the plaza of your half-remembered songs, across a courtyard of pillars top by cerulean orbs that fold in on themselves in an alien geometry. Your flight takes you down another avenue, and the battered buildings appear almost ruinous, they slump over the path, nearly blotting out the bruised twilight sky. Again, the grimy cobblestone street splits. This time, one route curves uphill, while the other recklessly descends. Behind, the yellow fog and the relentless sound of pursuit grow closer…

Fifteen runs, instincts deeply embedded in synthetic muscles propelling cybernetic legs forward and away from the fog. The one glance back was quite enough and Fifteen puts their head down and flees. Fear is not an emotion Fifteen has any experience of, but the coursing of nanites throughout their frame, healing muscles damage almost before it happens sends a strange thrill through their nervous systems.

Rapid glances to each side capture snap-shots of the situation around, humanoid figures moving through the fog, all fleeing in different directions, even as the swelling wave of the fog sweeps in from all sides. Fifteen’s mind rolls smoothly through possibilities, each more illogical and disturbing than the last. This place is not real, the architecture matches no style and I have never been here before. To feel connection here means that something, or someone, is controlling my thought processors. By now the buildings are blurring past, as Fifteen continues to build momentum, huge leaping strides consuming more ground than any normal step should. The fog pursues relentlessly, never falling behind no matter how much ground Fifteen consumes.

My speed is impossible, I should have fallen or encountered obstacles by now. Fifteen muses as they swerve effortlessly between narrow buildings. There is only one conclusion. This is the domain of some sort of hunter, a predator that enjoys the hunt more than the kill. As though to mock that theory one of the shadowy figures that are constantly looming out of the shadows, collapses with a high pitched scream, a spray of blood showing unnaturally crimson before it too is swallowed by the fog.

I cannot escape by running and fighting is clearly futile. Fifteen was rapidly coming to the only conclusion left. If I wish to survive I must do something unexpected. Spying a dark spire leaning drunkenly against the viridian sky Fifteen turns, unsurprised now how the buildings open in front of them to provide a path. Leaping fifty feet into the air Fifteen grasps the stonework and swarms rapidly up the crumbling spire to the pinnacle. Looking down Fifteen sees a roiling sea of yellow mist, lapping hungrily at the shadowy forms of the buildings. Directly beneath long tendrils of mist begin swarming upwards towards the poised android. Fifteen grins, teeth bared in a rictus smile, Unexpected…. As the tendrils reach for the cyborgs feet Fifteen leaps…

This feeling of not knowing, it's so nerve wrecking. I can't stand it. I don't even know if I'm really here. A guttural laughter resounds through her mind. ::Don't worry little one, it'll all be clear soon...::

Kenderella Lefuriel wrote:
This feeling of not knowing, it's so nerve wrecking. I can't stand it. I don't even know if I'm really here. A guttural laughter resounds through her mind. ::Don't worry little one, it'll all be clear soon...::

WOW! You have a really detailed character right there... Makes me kinda feel inadequate.

Its also kinda cool that we have a sorta similar concept going on. Yours being more physical than mine, but still similar. Rinns voices stick to her own head, they may however start to force their way to her lips should she let them garner to much influence.

I'm also thinking of writing up a personality for each of the spirits. Whichever one she channels affects her personality greatly. Say she channels her champion spirit, as influence is garnered she may have to start restraining herself from the bloodlust that the monstrous forces she made the deal with hold.

I'm tempted to take the Haunting Regret or Anxious drawback, as they apply to Urdal's background somewhat.

I think I'll leave it up to DM Cuc if I'm chosen; I'm still not a hundred percent sure how much of the backstory is decided by the GM in this AP and how much the players have control over.

I see dead people....

Theophilus Carter wrote:
I see dead people....

But which ones are dead and which are alive? That's the real question. ;-)

I can help you see living people, if you wish...

Sunday night yo... Suspense is a killer.

Good luck to all of you.

Theophilus Carter wrote:
I see dead people....

I have dead people playing tricks on me. It gets irritating sometimes.

Good luck to all the submitters! This is always the worst part...

Alas the time has come, I apologize for keeping everybody waiting, I was wrapping up grad school work and then reviewing the list again. I had several different party compositions in my head but in the end decided against two parties many because I am worried that I will get overwhelmed and burned out. Everybody submitted awesome characters and a few that as much as I loved were just too far out of the box for me to include, mainly due to the nature of the AP. Again thank you everybody for your submissions!

Theophilus Carter
Kenderella Lefuriel
Rinn Laddel
Vlad Mirwood
Jayson Sunfyre

Again thank you everybody for your submissions!

For those selected, I have started the discussion thread already so please report in over there.

Aww well, that is a pity. Have fun guys. And thanks Cuc for the feedback.

To all that didn't make it, good luck in other recruitments. May we see eachother in... I dunno, giantslayer maybe?

The point is good luck elsewhere, some great characters here.

Aw... well, good luck to everyone who got in. I hope you have a great game.

Enjoy all. See ya around

Congrats! Have fun!

Congratulations to the doomed! :p

Thank you for the selection! I appreciate it very much!

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