About Laufey GemshrikeStatistics:
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban/Primalist) 3
CN Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf) Init +3; Senses Perception +8
hp 35 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 (+6 vs. Enchantment Spells and Effects) (All Saves +1 vs Arcane Spells)
Melee +6 Ranged +5
Monster Hunter:
Failed Apprentice:
Arcane Temper:
Feats Toughness:
Skills (12 points; 8 class, 0 INT, 4 Background)
Acrobatics* +6 = DEX 2+1+3
*ACP applies to these skills
Keen Senses (Half-Elf): +2 Perception Languages Common, Skald, Elven Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Half-Elf Elven Immunities:
Keen Senses
Low Light Vision:
Elf Blood:
Dual Minded:
Fey Thoughts:
Bloodrager Controlled Bloodrage: 10 Rounds/Day
Fast Movement
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Restrained Magic (Su):
Arcane Bloodline Disruptive Bloodrage
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) 1st (0/day) Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ +1 Longsword
Carrying Capacity
Money 19 GP 5 SP 8 CP
Laufey’s mother Svala is a witch of some power and ambition, but of almost no renown of Kalsgard. That is the best type of witch to be in a city like Kalsgard, where magic in general, and witchcraft in particular, is distrusted. As a younger woman, Svala was (and still is to be fair) a considerable beauty, enough to beguile a Snowcaster elf into abandoning his responsibilities as a Twilight Speaker to take up with her. Raelyosradin had undergone his tribe’s preparations to inure him against the temptations of the wider world, but he was a poorer choice as a Twilight Speaker than either his tribe, or he himself imagined possible. Sent to Kalsgard as a trader, and spy when the opportunity arose, he began to be swayed by city life after his initial shock wore off. Svala sought him out, and he found her fieriness and forwardness irresistible. For her part Svala saw Raelyosradin as a prize. Winning him despite his promises to his people would prove her abilities in manipulation and seduction. Laufey was born to them a year into their relationship. Some years went by, and both Svala’s and Raelyosradin’s feelings for each other cooled. As Svala’s powers grew and her network of underworld contacts expanded, Raelyosradin seemed to her a smaller and smaller trophy. Raelyosradin grew bored and lonely. Elves were extremely rare in Kalsgard. Most were other Snowcaster elves, who had no dealings with him after delivering a final message that he was no longer welcome at home. The few other elves found him too strange to be comfortable with, and he never managed to accustom himself to Ulfen ways. By the time Laufey was fifteen, Raelyosradin had begun to think about perhaps moving on to see more of the world. Unfortunately the first trip he took was to another woman’s bed. Svala found out about the affair almost immediately of course. Her response was to murder, cook, and eat Raelyosradin. She did the same to the woman who had dared to cross her when she tracked down her identity. Laufey was shocked. She understood well that her mother could not let such an affront to her honor go without a response, but what Svala had done seemed rather disproportionate revenge. Laufey didn’t express this to her mother, that now seemed very dangerous. Nor did she tell anyone else, that would have been a very foolish thing to do. So, life continued for Laufey and Svala as if Raelyosradin had suddenly one day just disappeared, on the surface at least. Laufey had reached the age when her training as a witch needed to begin. Although she knew Laufey had the spark, Svala found her infuriating. She seemed to be unable to learn even the simplest of things, and never attracted a patron. Svala eventually decided Laufey was too stupid and lazy to amount to anything and abandoned Laufey’s tutelage. Laufey did find witchcraft beyond her ability, but she was learning according to her own agenda. She was increasingly horrified by her mother, and had set about learning how to protect herself from magic. As Svala realized she would never coven with her daughter, she lost interest in her. Laufey waited her mother out. When her mother no longer bothered to monitor her, Laufey simply packed her belongings and slipped away. She was of no more value to her mother than a household servant anymore, so Laufey doubted Svala would bother to look for her. As a precaution Laufey dropped her byname of Svalasdottir and instead adopted "Gemshrike", a pet name her father had called her because she had loved to collect baubles and beads and string them as necklaces when she was a child. Laufey took her life savings and invested it in weapons and armor. Her father had taught her the basics of martial combat, and she would make her way earning a living by it. Her size and strength secured Laufey a spot on a cargo ship bound for Riddleport. From there she signed on with caravans as a guard. Laufey has come to enjoy the company of the mostly Varisian caravaners she has traveled with. Their more free-spirited lifestyle has been in counterpoint to Kalsgard's reserved culture and Laufey's fraught family life. She has relaxed some and learned to enjoy herself more. Content as she has been in many ways, a tangle with some stirges prompted her to decide to move on to other things. Laufey found she was very good at sensing the weaknesses of the creatures. She could understand how they had been remade by magic in some intuitive way. Laufey has heard many stories of fantastical creatures from caravaners. She's also realized life as a caravan guard will always be a hand-to-mouth existence. She figures if even a portion of the stories she's heard are true, she could make a name for herself by hunting down and killing a couple of the these storied beasts. A reputation could lead to moving up to better paying jobs. Choosing the Sandpoint Devil, Laufey has worked her way to Sandpoint in order to track it down.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 6'2" | Weight: 150 | Hair: White Gold | Eyes: Pale Blue Appearance Laufey inherited her father’s height and she is imposing, standing taller than most human males. She isn’t exactly lithe, but instead lean and, like most Ulfen people, muscular. Both her father and mother were pale skinned, with blond hair and blue eyes. Laufey is the same, though slightly paler than typical for Ulfen humans, and with almost white hair and light blue eyes. She is attractive, but her size tends to be a bit off-putting to most men. Her face isn’t quite as rounded as the average Ulfen woman’s, which along with her ears betrays her elven heritage. Although she isn’t particularly talkative with people she doesn’t know well, she is polite and knows to smile when dealing with others if she wants to make a good impression. When she isn’t in armor, Laufey typically wears simple clothing of linen and leather for comfort. She doesn’t ignore her looks, but doesn’t trouble herself much with extra primping. Staying clean and keeping her hair in good order is enough for her. Although she doesn’t pass for human upon close scrutiny, Laufey has found that in Varisia the overwhelming Ulfeness of her size and looks tend to be the center of people’s attention rather than her elven features. This is a reversal from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and she is pleased by it. Personality If Laufey inherited her father’s height, she inherited her temper from her mother. While violent, it is not a loud, dramatic type of anger. Laufey’s temper is a cold fury that she can keep hidden until the time is right. Like almost all Ulfen, she is mindful of her honor, and will not let slights pass unchallenged. When she was younger she gave and received more than her share of black eyes and bruises over disparaging comments about her elven parentage. On the other hand, Laufey does not use honor as an excuse to seek out fights. Slights or insults must be real and with intent to rouse her. Laufey tends to be pessimistic about human nature. She doesn’t really expect people to be their best, or to act in good ways. Her childhood was proof enough to her that most people are not kind or helpful unless they will benefit by it. She doesn’t assume others are out to harm her, but she does keep her guard up with strangers until she knows something about them. Trust is something that she believes must be earned, and she hates the idea of being shown to be gullible. She talks little and vaguely about her past. It is an awkward subject that she doesn’t expect other people to understand. She is used to Ulfen biases against witchcraft, which in her mother’s case are entirely justified anyway. Her expectation is for others to either be revolted if they knew about her family, or to pity her. She wants neither of these. Once Laufey warms to someone she is very different. She does have a dry sense of humor and enjoys small talk and casual conversation with those she is comfortable around. A cornerstone of Ulfen life is the family as a protective barrier from a harsh world. When she gets close to people she begins to view them as family since her own turned out to not meet her needs. She is also utterly loyal in return. Laufey views magic and its practitioners negatively for obvious reasons. Her views on magic may be shaped by a somewhat provincial version of the arcane, but she does understand what magic is and what it can do. She has worked hard to build mental shields against enchantments, which she fears the most. Her elven heritage has helped her considerably in this, but she is always on the lookout for anything that will strengthen her protections against spells and hexes.
Character Development:
My plan for Laufey is to develop her as an effective anti-caster martial, and also to make a character that progresses sensibly given the unusual abilities of the Bloodrager class. Her background is set up to portray her counter to the more usual barbaric "fear and superstition about the unknown" in regarding magic, to fear and suspicion because she does know about it. Delayed casting until 4th level means that I'm emphasizing her defensive abilities versus magic early on. But she does in fact have the "spark" as her mother believed. Her mother's mistake has trying to teach a spontaneous user. It was like trying to teach a penguin to fly because it's a bird, not ever realizing it is meant to swim. When she does gain spellcasting abilities it will be an extension of the manipulations she's already learned to protect herself. Before that point she has no idea she is capable of spell casting at all. I chose the arcane bloodline for the anti-caster abilities as well, but some consider it an OP bloodline, and if you are leery of it I'd certainly be willing to switch to destined instead. I see her as almost an anti-magic inquisitor without the religious trappings. Know the enemy, and use the enemy's own tactics to defeat it. As for personality and CN alignment, it is with CG tendencies, a "limited good" philosophy that you can't make the world a better place, but you can help and protect family, friends and allies from it. Definitely not a chaotic crazy or random for the hell of it version of the alignment. |