GM Itzi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Leaving their home of Sandpoint and braving the long and dangerous trek across the Crown of the World, our brave heroes are going to undertake the danger-fueled quest to escort their friend Ameiko Kaijitsu to the other side of the world and the throne that awaits her.
What Kind Of Adventure Is This?
If you're not familiar with this AP (and even if you are), feel free to grab the Player's Guide.
As stated above, this AP will have the PCs facing challenges and foes all the way from the small town of Sandpoint to the far-flung continent of Tian Xia. There will be a lot of focus in this AP on the relationships the PCs have with the four primary NPCs; Ameiko Kaijitsu, Sandru Vhiski, Koya Mvashti, and Shalelu Andosana.
I heavily favor character driven games, so some drama is always nice and romance fits right in. I try my best to give my NPCs personality and have a lot of fun when players interact with them. I don't shy away from romance in my games. If you're looking for a love interest for your character and none of the existing personalities (PC or NPC) appeal, let me know and I can come up with something more to your taste. That said, I'd like to keep the game on the conservative side of an 'R' rating. If romance isn't your thing, that's totally fine. Just be aware that there's a strong possibility that it'll be happening somewhere in the game. If that bothers you or turns you off, this probably isn't the game for you.
The goal is to finish the entire AP, so be expecting a ride of at least a year or two. I'm planning on accepting 3 submittals for this game with two additional slots pre-allocated for a total of 5 players.
Attributes: 20-point Buy
Race: I won't disallow any official Paizo race, but I have a preference for those in the Jade Regent Players Guide.
Alignment: Characters should be decidedly on the side of good. I'll consider neutrals, but selfish loners won't get more than a first glance.
Class: Unchained versions of the classes that offer them. Otherwise, again, the Jade Regent Players Guide is a good reference.
Starting Funds: Maximum for 1st level.
Traits: A campaign trait from the Jade Regent Players Guide is a must. You can take a drawback for a third trait if so desired.
Backstory: There's no minimum word count required, but give me a couple of short paragraphs at least.
Special: We will be using Background Skills. No pre-game crafting allowed.
I've been a player in three different attempts to complete this AP and none of them have run it to completion. So I've decided to run it myself.
I'm an IT professional with a number of years of experience with RPGs under my belt. I cut my teeth on the original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook before the Dungeon Master's Guide was published. Yeah, that was a long time ago. I'm old. I've played in quite a few PBF games and GM'd a few as well.
Be warned, I love the structure and detail that the Pathfinder rules provide, but I favor RAI rather than RAW. And I heavily favor story over rules. If I get a rule wrong, feel free to point out my mistake (it won't be the first or last) - I'll most likely correct it. But there may be times when the story plays better without correction and I'll leave it as is.
I'm in California (GMT-0800) and I can typically make small posts throughout the day. I'll most likely be putting up a single larger post later in the afternoon. Weekends get much more chaotic but I'm usually near a keyboard and responded to posts both days.
I'm looking for players that will commit to at least a post a day during the week. I don't expect posts on the weekends. If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a few days, that's fine - Real Life happens. Please let us know in advance if possible. In your application, please note what time zone you're in and what time of the day you usually post - if consistent. I would like to see at least a little fluff in every post you make - even the combat ones.
I will probably reserve one slot to give a first timer a chance to get their foot in the door. Otherwise, I will be checking post histories.
Also note, that I will hope, expect?, wish?, that you will have read Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero. In fact, if you're wanting to get in on the 'first-timer' slot, I'll expect you to let me know that you have read it. There is invaluable information there.
The crunch and alias isn't required in the application. Give me your character concept and background - preferably in a spoiler to avoid walls'o'text. I don't need a thousand words, but a few paragraphs would be nice.
Specifically, as the campaign traits are tied to the four central NPCs in the AP, explain your trait choice and what relationship you expect to develop/enhance with your chosen NPC.
Optionally, if there's a particular post (or posts) you've made in another game that you're proud of, put a link to it in your application.
I will be taking party balance into considering when choosing characters, but it won't be my primary focus. In that regard the two pre-filled slots are probably going to be a shifter and an arcane caster.
We'll be using milestone leveling, so no experience tracking will be required. And, as such, there may be some 'filler' encounters that get hand-waved with a couple of descriptive paragraphs.
I also may be adding some encounters/story elements in some of the areas of the AP that require ... a bit more.
I'll be rolling for everyone's initiative in combat and I'll be using block initiatives. Feel free to post your actions as soon as your block comes up. Within a given initiative block I'll be resolving the actions in posted order. I make it pretty clear who's actions are pending and I'll do my best to keep combat moving along. I won't hesitate to bot someone if the game is dragging down waiting for someone to post their action. You've been warned. :)
Speaking of botting, it'll be a big help if you put some general botting instructions in your character's profile.
To keep the game moving along, I'll also be following the 'Majority of Two' rule. If the course of action for the group is unclear and it seems like the group is getting bogged down in indecision, once a suggestion is made and agreed with by a second player, then I'm taking that as a decision made and moving forward with it.
If you think a knowledge roll, Perception roll, or face-skill roll might be needed for the actions in your post, feel free to roll it. If you don't, I might ask you to roll it or I might roll it for you depending on how the pacing's going. Be aware that if you make a roll in advance, please don't get annoyed because you rolled a 20 and then I post that the roll wasn't needed.
Maps will be through Google Docs.
There will be a Discord channel set up for OOC discussions and I would prefer that that's where OOC discussions take place, rather than the Gameplay thread.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 8th, 09:00 PST and I'll announce the final choices Thursday morning.
AJM4885 |
Okay, I'm game.
Throwing Aelbourne Andosana into the ring. The (Half) Elven younger brother of Shalelu who left Crying Leaf after Shalelu did and has been wandering around Varisia ever since.
He's still a work in progress as I just whipped him together when I saw this post.
J Scot Shady |
May I present Skorfot Stampeding-Thunder, Totemic Skald of the Sklar-Quah.
The mechanics of the actual build will depend a bit on the party, specifically the build of the Shifter who will be playing. The main concept is to have the Auroch as a totem but it won’t stack well if the shifter focuses on the Strength with their abilities. I can easily refocus Skorfot to Tiger (cinderpelt) or Snake (cindersnake). With some work I might be able to switch to Bear but that one isn’t ideal for the story I have in my head.
His main weapon is going to be the Totem Spear, functioning as both a weapon and an instrument. He will also be able to sing, though the mix of the two is odd since his spear is Shoanti but his singing is clearly Varisian. He will also have a horse from the Shoanti Steed trait, and proficiency with the Shoanti bola via the Military Tradition alternate racial ability.
Upon arriving, Skoroft’s presence reignited the old tensions between Garridan Vishalai and his brother, Sherrif Belor Hemlock. Garridan insisted, vocally and threateningly, that the boy was approaching his time of testing and must be returned to the Shriikirri-Quah. Belor joined with the Varisian clan in their belief that the boy was better off among the wandering people. The discussion started to turn ugly one evening with Garridan raising his fists to strike one of the Varisian elders, but Shalelu stepped in with an observation.
”The boy carries a totem spear,” the elven ranger began. ”While Garridan is correct that the boy is likely approaching the time of testing, I believe he has the wrong Quah. He has the look of a member of the Sklar-Quah and if he cherishes the spear perhaps he should be returned to his people to learn it’s proper use.”
After more calm discussions, it was presented to Skorfot to decide. He asked many questions but eventually, he agreed that he would like to learn more about his people and would like to return for now. He said he would want to return to the clan one day, after he passed the tests of his Quah. Shalelu agreed to take him, knowing that his people’s xenophobic beliefs could keep Skorfot from returning and she could work to make sure he remembered his promise to return.
rdknight |
Interested! Thanks for running a campaign Itzi!
I'm considering a Caydenite Inquisitor or Warpriest with the Childhood Crush - Sandru campaign trait.
But before I decide, I want to ask whether a Ranger with the Transporter archetype would be compatible with the campaign? Along with this, how will you be handling the caravan and romance subsystems? Sorry if I missed anything you said about them above. I read through twice but I also have a nasty head cold right now so I'm not very sharp presently.
GM Itzi |
@JeminiZero & TheNine
As others have stated, the pre-filled slots are going to be a Shifter and an Arcane Caster.
Why Discord? Personal preference. I'm on there throughout the day and it's the easiest way to raise questions to me. It also provides for an alternate means to communicate with other players in the extremely rare instance of Paizo's forums having technical difficulties. Which never, ever happens.
Sounds interesting. I hope to see more about him.
@J Scot Shady
Always nice to see another old-timer. :)
Mounts can work well in this AP, although there are some dungeon-crawl elements at times.
Can't wait to see him fleshed out a little.
With regard to the Transporter archetype; That could be very useful at select moments. However, a significant portion of the actual travel path will be chosen by the NPCs.
And as far as the caravan and romance subsystems go ...
I knew I would forget something in the recruitment post. We won't be using the caravan combat system. The encounters that are scripted for that system will either be hand-waved or replaced with something more specific for the characters to deal with.
We will also not be using the mechanics of the relationship/romance system. I prefer PC/NPC relationships to be more organic in feel and to develop strictly through RP. That's not to say that there won't be any rewards, but, like in real life, you don't have a list of things to do that generate specific benefits.
Sometimes you'll know immediately whether what your PC did improved an NPC's view of them. And other times, again, like in real life, you'll be left wondering. :)
Souls At War |
How will you handle the Caravan stuff?
And you can have a discussion thread in Online Campaingns/Play by Post Discussion, it can automatically(?) be created by selecting the "Discussion" tab at the top of this page.
Edit: ninja'ed
John Gs |
Hello again Itzi, I posted, deleted, considered, reconsidered, now am posting what I posted before. Sorry for the decision anxiety, there are just so many possibilities, but now Cailyn is being reposted as a submission. I promise to leave her alone now.
Cailyn Vanderale
Female half-elf (Spireborn) occultist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 46)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19-20)
Implement Schools
. . Conjuration (Hawker's Grief, 1 point) Resonant—casting focus; Focus—servitor
. . Transmutation (The If Only Stone, 4 points) Resonant—physical enhancement (dexterity); Focus—legacy weapon, size alteration
Occultist Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (2/day)—gravity bow[APG], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—create water, mage hand
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0.75; CMB -1; CMD 13
Feats Point-Blank Shot
Traits best friend, clever wordplay, traditionalist
Skills Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Perception +7, Profession (sailor) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +8, Swim +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (history), +2 Knowledge (local), +2 Perception
Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Minatan, Tien, Varisian
SQ crossbow training, elf blood, implements 2, insatiable, mental focus (5/day), sophisticate
Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), dagger, heavy crossbow, backpack, belt pouch, chalk, charcoal, fashionable accessories, hip flask[UE], occultist's implement[OA], occultist's implement[OA], paper (2), thieves' tools, trail rations (4), 9 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Casting Focus (Su) Use as extra focus component to add to CL for conjuration spell.
Conjuration (Hawker's Grief) Implements used in conjuration allow the occultist to perform magic that transports or calls creatures.
Implements: Bowl, brazier, compass, figurine, lantern, mirror.
Crossbow Training Reload proficient crossbows 1 step faster.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Implements (Su) Gain a series of items which grant access to schools and powers.
Insatiable Goods & services cost you 10% more & you need 2x as much food & liquid as normal.
Legacy Weapon +1 (Su) 1 focus: weapon touched gains enhancement bonus plus a special ability.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mental Focus (5/day) (Su) You have a pool of points that activate your focus powers.
Physical Enhancement +2 (Dexterity) (Su) Implement grants bearer enhancement to one physical attribute.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Servitor (Summon Monster I) (Sp) Standard action and 1 focus to summon a single creature, as summon monster
Size Alteration (Sp) 1 focus: increase or decrease a creature's size by one step.
Sophisticate +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history, local) and can use untrained
Transmutation (The If Only Stone) Transmutation implements can alter the properties of both objects and creatures.
Implements: Belt, boots, sandals, vest, weapon.
There is a young woman before you of muddled Chelaxian descent with pale skin dusted with a dash of sun, bluish black hair straight, loose, and framing a roundish face with two pointed ears splitting the dark curtain of hair and light blue eyes that dance with a mix of interest and uncertainty.
Some people associate initial impressions of people with a single word, and if one did decide on this course of action, this young woman could be labeled with the word ‘Sea’. The blue of her eyes bring to mind the waves lapping against the shore, the deep black of her hair the fathomless depths of the deep, she moves with the grace of the wind against the surface, she even smells a little of the sea.
The latter trait is explained when the young woman pulls a small paper sack out of her coat pocket, pinching out a salt encrusted strip of dried fish and popping it in her mouth. The bulge in her pocket only slightly dimished by pulling the snack sack out, so it speaks that maybe she significantly provisioned at all times.
Speaking of coats and pockets, the young woman is dressed somewhere between wealthy and vagabond. Rich well tailored coat of a deep navy blue over a stark white shirt and black breeches, covered in all sorts of buttons and bobs, pouches, ribbons, even a worn hawker’s gauntlet hanging from multiple belts, no fewer than six necklaces, and a worn backpack clinking and clunking will all sorts of oddities.
Her Da was a Spireborn, a half elf from the Mordant Spire, who nearly died from a shipwreck. Her mother, a Vanderale noblewoman from Magnimar aboard one of their trading vessels, had him fished out of the Steaming Sea, where he was the only survivor. It wasn’t love at first sight, or ever love in truth, but there was plenty of lust, both then and regretfully (in Cailyn’s eyes) every time the two got together again. The phrase ‘Get a Room’ was shouted in her teenage years rather often.
Cailyn was raised in the Vanderale estates, developed a great love for reading and conversation, and was content to live an indulgent wasteful life of the wealthy, but neither her mother or her Da agreed with this desire. Her mother had named her after a hero and felt inclined to push her daughter in that direction. She taught her reluctant offspring how to negotiate prices, how to find the best deals, and even a bit of magic, Then when Cailyn came of age, she travelled with her Da aboard the ship where he was first mate on, another Vanerale trading vessel, learning the sea and how to Properly use a crossbow.
Now, they both expect her to go make something of herself.
And she is going to try, starting in the town that has been pretty much a second home all her life. Sandpoint, with the only person she feels that has truly understood her or at least accepted her for what she was, Ameiko.
curious, intelligent, a bit snarky over feeling a bit put out by her parents (a tad childish still even in her mid twenties), pampered to the point she can’t comprehend Not spending more for the best food and rooms, she loves Things with history and personality and collects way too much. A little unsure of herself, this being her first time truly on her own.
The If Only Stone: When growing up in Magnimar, there was a woman who delivered onions and potatoes to the family estate every Toilday. The lady would sit with Cailyn over tea and lament about all the things she wished she done with her life, always starting with ‘If Only’. While she did so she rubbed the small gray stone hanging from around her neck. ‘If Only I had married X, If Only I had learned a trade, If only I hadn’t lost those toes’ the last one was the cause of her death by the way. Being a bit unsteady on her feet, she pitched over in the street and a horse stomped her. Cailyn was one of the only people to attend the funeral, so the grave digger gave her the seemingly worthless stone. Now she uses if as the most apt beacon of desired transformation possible.
Hawker’s Grief: Graddy Turtlepeg was a gnarled old hawker that taught the nobleman’s sport to many of the Magnimar elite, the Vanderale’s were often hiring him for the same. Cailyn never learned, being a bastard and all, but she did attend and spend time with the curmudgeon. The old man taught the sport but did not own a single hawk of his own, just a tired old owl. He complained about the bird all the time, but Cailyn liked to think he loved it dearly. The man passed from simple old age, but in his meager will he asked for the glove and the owl to be given to little girl that listened to him often. That was a while ago, so the now adult no longer has the owl, since it was already very old when she received it, but she uses the glove to bring the owl back to life (not really, it is just a summoning spell that looks like an owl, but she likes to pretend it is the same old bird)
Sir Longears |
Hi Itzi! I believe I've played with you in one of these attempts, run by Shadow Lord! I was Olaf.
So I'm considering to play an old character... And I've noticed the Childhood Crush trait excluded Koya. Would you be against me picking it up with her? Old people need love as well!
I'm in a phase of simple characters, so I'll be submitting a fighter. No stats higher than 15 to pass the idea of an actual old warrior that has lost most of his strength and agility. Single one handed sword, no shield, light armor (too heavy and my knees are killing me), so when before he used to solve his problems with violence, now he must use his mind.
bigrig107 |
Working on a Cartomancer/Hedge Witch that worships Pulura the Shimmering Maiden, the North Star and patron of those travellers that become homesick, lost, or injured in the snowy wastes of the far north. Likely heading into her Stargazer Prestige class at a certain point, though I’m still planning out the build. Definitely aiming more towards a supportive role that can throw some cards for either nasty debuff spells or ranged healing/buffing for her allies.
Will either be Rescued by Koya for the healing boost, or a Friend of the Family, still deciding on that. Either way, Koya will be her NPC of choice (though not romantically, closer to a mother).
Koya and her mother taught me all about the stars and the fortune telling powers of the Harrow, I just combined them and discovered the North Star on my own.
rdknight |
@GM Itzi: No problem, I wasn't counting on that Ranger archetype working out, just figured I'd ask and see.
I haven't conclusively decided between Warpriest or Inquisitor yet, but her background and so forth will be the same regardless of which of the two classes I choose. I've gone ahead and posted BAP portions below.
Vigny was born in Southmoor, the most southern part of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. When she was barely 4, her parents decided with some friends and relatives to establish a small hamlet in the wild lands close to the Varisian border. It was a perilous place to try to live, but her parents had no use for overlords or taxes, and wanted to be well outside the reach of the regional capital at Jol. When Vigny was 13, the danger caught up to her family. Less than a day into a journey north to buy winter supplies, a group from the hamlet, Vigny among them, was set upon by a band of Nolanders who had crossed over into Southmoor to raid. In a short and brutal fight, Vigney's parents, along with an uncle and her teenaged cousin were killed.
The raiders took Vigny, the only surviver, south as a captive into the Nolands. After a couple of days of travel, the band spied a caravan. They decided to probe its strength by approaching with an offer to barter. The caravan's owner Sandru Vhisky saw through the ruse and surprised them by agreeing. The raiders actually had nothing to offer in trade except Vigny, for which Sandru traded away much of his food supplies and other materials as well. Sandru was careful that the raiders found no exploitable weaknesses, and since they had done far better in the exchange than they expected, the raiders left the caravan in peace.
Sandru reassured the frightened girl, and took her with the caravan to Riddleport. There, he placed her in the care of Caylenite priests who ran an orphanage. Vigny spent the rest of her childhood there, going from ward and student to temple tavern worker. Eventually Vigny joined the church formally as a _________. During those years she only saw Sandru a couple of times when he stopped by to check in on her (she's pretty sure that's why he stopped by. Surely that's why he stopped by...). After becoming a ________ of the church, Vigny decided that it was time for her to travel. She wanted to find Sandru and travel with him if possible. Knowing he was from Sandpoint and stops there regularly, she went to the town hoping to catch him there when he next passes through.
Height: 5'8" | Weight: 135 | Hair: Light Blond | Eyes: Medium Blue
Vigny is on the tall side and has the sturdy build and light coloration typical among Ulfen people. Living outside The Lands of the Linnorm Kings for many years and from an early age, she lacks many of the mannerisms common there. She is far more open and approachable than the gruff, guarded Ulfen of her homeland. Vigny is attractive, but in an athletic and outdoorsy way rather than being strikingly beautiful. Her clothing is Varisian rather than Ulfen.
Vigny's capture, rescue by Sandru, and subsequent life with the Caydenite priests affected her strongly in several ways. Her family had been insular and suspicious. Their lesson to Vigny was to never trust strangers or stick your neck out for them. But then Sandru, a stranger, saved her. She has rejected her family's views because she knows firsthand the value of a stranger's kindness. Over time Vigny has probably mythologized Sandru's altruism beyond what it actually was. Sandru acted both in kindness and as a canny way out of a dangerous situation. Vigny tends to forget about that second part.
She has come to love him based on her view of events. He saved her from several possible fates worse than death, and probably death too. He gifted her with her entire life since her capture, and even if he never loves her back, she believes she could never repay him for what he did. She also sees Sandru as a prototype of the roguish do-gooder type she is modeling herself on.
Life with the Brothers and Sisters of Cayden Cailean in Varisia has been an altogether sunnier experience for Vigny than Southmoor was, and she has embraced their values. She is optimistic and usually cheerful. She's quite brave really, and a fierce enemy of slavery and oppression. One tendency from her early life in Southmoor has persisted. Growing up so near the Grungir Forest, Vigny heard many stories about the forest's fey inhabitants, all of them to some degree grim and cautionary. She still views fey anything with suspicion and some degree of fear.
She is good at getting to know other people, and skilled at talking up strangers due to her time serving in the Caydenite tavern. Vigny is confident and assertive, but somewhat naive in her idealistic, open views and opinions. She sees the world as mostly white, with some irritating black spots that can certainly be dealt with given enough determination. Grays are something she's not yet accustomed to seeing all that well. Vigny isn't a genius, and isn't particularly subtle in her thinking. She can also be a bit day-dreamy and absent-minded, and therefore clumsy from not paying attention to her surroundings.
Vigny is NOT a loner. She is much happier when around other people. Games, stories, drinking, telling stories about drinking games, whatever will keep her interacting with people is her go to means of steadying herself.
While she's not a perfectionist, she appreciates the value of having the right equipment, and keeping it in excellent condition. Weapon, armor, and equipment maintenance can be a relief for nervous hands or boredom. While she is not much of an art and craft hobbyist in the usual sense, Vigny may find wagon repair to be something interesting. Certainly it would keep her in proximity to Sandru.
Exercise is a good way for her to get her mind off troubles. Weapon practice, swimming, whatever gets her moving and sweating is a good balm. She's not given to sitting around and perseverating about doubts or problems.
Vigny is very much a woman of the common people. Class and hierarchies bother her. She finds them distasteful at best, and usually harmful. Such things run against her communitarian instincts. This could present her with a dilemma later, how does she justify working to enthrone an empress, even one who is a friend, given her social and political leanings?
On the other hand, Vigny is less concerned with tinkering with the "good enough" aspects of the world than with eliminating the bad. She isn't radically anti-establishment in an anarchic sense. She is happy to leave the questions of exactly how a society, polity, or community should work to the philosophers as long as it meets a minimum criteria of not promoting greater suffering.
Spazmodeus |
Race: half-orc (human half would be Tian)
I thought about ninja....but then thought of another angle.
Perhaps a more esoteric, mystical branch of the ninja....the shadow dancer.
I'd start with the Skulking Slayer rogue archetype, then transition into the shadow dancer prestige class
and maybe a dip into the Dirty Fighter archetype later, maybe, for some more combat maneuver hijinks.
I'd understand if you wanted to nix the shadowdancer part....can be a bit tricky managing the shadow hopping, light levels etc.
He/She ( haven't decided on gender yet) would of course hail from the common half-orc loveless assault based conception.
But their mother would be no stranger to hardship, having travelled with family across the top of the world as a child herself, raising him/her despite their parentage.
Perhaps they're retainers to Kaijitsu family, but either way they'll have carried a secret with them. A tradition frowned upon
in their homeland, even among those who traditionally work in the shadows. An esoteric 'worship' of the shadow, culminating in
the discipline of shadowdancing.
I see him/her going forth with the caravan as a guard for Sandru, probably to escape some situation with the Szarni, for whom he/she's been working, hence the initial class.
Though having pursued a bit of a underworld career in Sandpoint, he/she still felt a calling to his/her Tian heritage, instilled of course by their mother.
I see her subtly exposing him/her to his/her heritage over the years, especially the dancing part, despite his/her embarrassed complaints!
When ready to set off with the caravan to Tian, the mother would hand over a number of scrolls for him/her to read on the journey, with exercises and concepts to meditate on etc.
As the journey would progress, eventually he/she would reach the end of the scrolls, revealing the final ritual to undertake to become a true shadowdancer,
coincidentally occurring when he/she turns 6th level!! :)
Much the same as you! Also in IT! But I'm in EST.
Cut my teeth on AD&D and Gamma World back in the early 80s.
Been on the Paizo boards since 2014, with a couple of extended absences.
GM Itzi |
@Souls At War
Yes. The game will have a Discussion thread and that's where I'll expect people to chronicle their level-up decisions. But I'll be expecting OOC conversations/questions/discussions to take place in Discord.
@John Gs
Looks good!
@Sir Longears
I would allow Childhood Crush to apply to Koya as well. Yes, old folks need romance just as much as young people.
Sounds interesting.
Either Warpriest or Inquisitor would work well.
@Sarah 'queen' B.
waves back at Sarah
@Setomi & @Spazmodeus
Those look good.
Critzible |
Might make them a Crusader Cleric, or a Hospitalar Paladin.
They fight with a Glaive and wear heavy armor, despite the penchant for song and dance. I see them as buffer/Healer, secondary fighter(Or primary fighter) and face.
She grew in a simple farm some miles from Sandpoint unfortunately She found herself orphaned after Goblins slew them. She survived being in a niche her parents had hid her in. Her siblings died and she survived. Shalelu found her and brought her into the city proper, there Koya took her in and taught her many things. Strangely it was the time with the older woman that sparked her love and devotion to the Eternal Rose.
This lead her to take up the glaive, to learn the dances and songs of the Eternal Rose as well as buy a cheap copy of Melodies and Inner Beauty and began to teach, preach and pontificate in the name of Shelyn, seeking to spread her message of love, music and art to Sandpoint and all who would listen. She loved Koya as a defacto mother and Shelalu as a friend and possibly more.
Vigny Einarsdottir |
Alright, I decided to go with Warpriest. Vigny's essentials are in the profile now. I still need to add some of the extra information, and I might yet do a little minor tinkering with some details like weapons and gear. I still have money to spend.
@GM Itsi: Another question, are you allowing VMC? I'm thinking about adding VMC Fighter if you are.
stormraven |
I'm intrigued. I'll be creating a human Samurai (Warrior Poet) with a splash of uMonk (Weapon Adept) whose parent emigrated from Minkai when she was a babe. She'll be a Friend of the Family to Koya and looking forward to seeing the 'old country' that her father has been talking about for 2 decades.
I have played the early section of Jade Regent some years ago but I barely remember it and recall none of the twists or encounters. And I've recently jumped into a JR game as we are moving across the Crown of the World. Let me know if either of those facts are disqualifying. If it concerns you, I have a talent for playing dumb to things my character shouldn't know and a general 'forgettery'. TBH, some of the forgettery bit is likely a result of my age. :P
Supreveio |
I don't plan on my character getting into any romances.
Fortunately, her cries were heard by Shalelu Andosana. Unable to leave the poor girl to fend for herself, she took the young human to Sandpoint. While contemplating what to do with her at the Rusty Dragon, Shalelu and Ameiko asked for her name. She was too young to remember, or perhaps she was never given a name at all. At that moment, she was given the name "Ginko" by Ameiko, "Silver Child" in Tian, after her oddly silver hair.
With no one in town willing to take her in, Shalelu begrudgingly decided to raise Ginko herself, at least until she was able to survive on her own. But as the years passed and Ginko's sorcerer powers grew, the elf began to see the young human less as someone she was taking care of, and more as a student, a seeming connection to fate itself bringing the both of them good luck.
On her tenth "birthday" (the day she was found by Shalelu), Ameiko and Shalelu gifted her a harrow deck. Though the deck was nonmagical, the first card Ginko drew from the deck surged with arcane power, filling her with its magic. Temporarily at least, but it solidified her mentor's belief in her connection to fate.
pauljathome |
This is my application for Sandu Kaijitsu, the human younger brother of Ameiko. Sandu is a benefactor Shaman who worships Desna and is a good friend to his spirit animal the Raven Vralk (who will have his own alias and make his own posts :-))
Sandu has very much grown up in the shadow of his older sister and wants to change their relationship to one of friends and peers. While he deeply loves his sister he doesn't always like her and knows that the same holds for her.
In character he has no particular interest in long lasting romance at this point (he is fine with more casual relationships). As a player, I'm quite open to the possibility of romance if it arrives more or less organically from events
Sandu has always wanted to become an adventurer and have adventures and exploits like his big sister.
He tried to become a fighter and caravan guard but he isn't burly enough and failed at that. He tried to become a rogue but he isn't dextrous nor sneaky enough for that and failed. Although he greatly respects and reveres Desna he just felt no calling to become a cleric ministering to peoples spiritual needs. He is personable but not sufficiently so to be a bard and, besides, he doesn't want to just follow in his sisters footsteps.
He had almost despaired of becoming an adventurer when fate intervened. One day he came across an old lady being bullied by some local toughs. He intervened, trying to talk them down and convince them to leave the poor woman alone. He failed and the bullies set upon him.
It turns out that Celestina (the old lady) wasn't nearly as helpless as she appeared and she rapidly drove the thugs off with some magics, But the bravery of Sandu had impressed her and she decided to take him under her wing and teach him the way of the Shaman.
Sandu has only recently graduated from his apprenticeship with Celestina and is once more looking for adventure, for the opportunity to travel
I live up here in the Frozen North (Toronto, EST) although I was born in the UK. I'm even more of an Old Fart than the GM (I started with the original White Box D&D) and have played and GMed a huge range of games over the years.
Retired computer programmer if that matters. So we can talk techie talk if the game lags :-).
I've played a fair amount of PBP in the past (here on Paizo and elsewhere) but haven't played any for about a decade or so and am trying to get back into it.
I enjoy most facets of RPGs. Definitely like roleplaying, I also like puzzles and intellectual challenges and sometimes its just fun to kick axx and take names. I love more or less balanced parties where everybody contributes but admit that it irks me more if I'm way on the weak side than if I'm way on the strong side.
-Karma- |
Interested! Here's an application for Hiro Nagata.
”Hiro! Your papers are all over the table. I am going to put them away!” A woman’s voice shouted. The sounds of rapid footsteps follow, and a young man bursts into the room, running. ”Don’t touch them, mother! They are important… for my studies. Go away, I’ll clean.” he says, and throws himself on top of the scattered sheets of paper.
Hiro’s mother walks out of the room, shaking her head. He watches her go, and breathes a sigh a relief. That was close… he thinks, and starts sorting the papers. He wasn’t lying, mostly they are scriptures of faith and his own notes of Tsukiyo’s teachings. But there was one particular piece he left there unguarded. Finding that, Hiro lifts it up.
To Ameiko,
You are my Shizuru. My light, beautiful as the sun.
Let me be you Tsukiyo. Your moon, your lover in the sky…
”Oh man… This is never going to work...” Hiro whimpers, crushes the paper into a ball and throws it into the fireplace. That certainly wasn’t the first attempt for a love letter, but no better than the previous ones. A bit hard, when his notions of romance come from hundreds years old religious texts. And he isn’t blessed with the gift of words, either.
Unlike Ameiko, who is talented and popular - and older than him.
Hiro sighs, and goes back to the scriptures. There is still much to study about Tsukiyo and Fumeiyoshi for tomorrow…
A long time ago, the Nagata family traveled from Tian Xia to Avistan, and settled Sandpoint. With them, they brought their old gods, and each generation was taught to revere them. And so also is Hiro Nagata studying the mysteries of Tian gods. And since the young man shows a lot of talent, he is initiated into the clergy of Tsukiyo, the moon prince.
Since the tien people keep together, the family has always been good friends with the Kaijitsu family. And knowing her since he was a little boy, Hiro has had quite a crush on Ameiko.
I live in Finland, so my active hours tend to be different from the rest of the group usually. (Also, english is not my native language - but should be passable.)
Some examples of posting/writing style:
Driving a personal story
Combat post
Random post
Random post
GM Itzi |
I've always had a weakness for Shelyn. A paladin or cleric of hers would fit right it.
I'd rather stay out of the weeds as far as variants go. Let's avoid VMC if we can.
I have no issues with players having knowledge of the AP. I've chosen to make the assumption that we're all adults here and the goal is to have fun and tell a story rather than 'win' - whatever that means in an RPG.
The submission looks good. I have no plans on forcing romance on anyone's PC that isn't interested - consent is everything. Just be aware that it may be going on around you. :)
@pauljathome & -Karma-
Those look good.
The subject has been at least peripherally mentioned in a couple of PMs to me, so I thought that I would make this clear to all ...
My games are inclusive to all sexualities and sexual identities. Everyone is welcome here and regardless of whether they become romantically involved with NPCs/PCs or not, I hope they feel included and have fun. As long as everyone involved is an adult and fully consenting, I'm a fan.
J Scot Shady |
@GM Itzi I do have two quick questions, or rather a clarification on how you rule something. They revolve around magic item crafting, specifically in the paragraphs below from the Core book. Since Skald gets Scribe Scroll, I figure I would likely be making use of it when I can.
The creator also needs a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well lit place in which to work. Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for making items. Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours. Potions and scrolls are an exception to this rule; they can take as little as 2 hours to create (if their base price is 250 gp or less). Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item. The character must spend the gold at the beginning of the construction process. Regardless of the time needed for construction, a caster can create no more than one magic item per day. This process can be accelerated to 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item’s base price (or fraction thereof) by increasing the DC to create the item by +5.
The caster can work for up to 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day, but the days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit. If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours’ worth of work. This time is not spent in one continuous period, but rather during lunch, morning preparation, and during watches at night. If time is dedicated to creation, it must be spent in uninterrupted 4-hour blocks. This work is generally done in a controlled environment, where distractions are at a minimum, such as a laboratory or shrine. Work that is performed in a distracting or dangerous environment nets only half the amount of progress (just as with the adventuring caster).
Question 1: Assuming you are good with crafting scrolls while adventuring as it shows above and you are good with the accelerated crafting with the +5 to DC shown above, could I craft one scroll up to a value of 500 gold per day?
Question 2: When crafting, if my Spellcraft bonus is high enough, can I Take 10 on crafting?
I appreciate the consideration and follow up.
Of note, I have the character crunch done for the most part. Still working out some details and I am currently trying out some names based on what Totem I end up taking which will depend on the party make up somewhat. So, while the concept is the same, if you see different names on the sheets for now, that is why. The list is below.
GM Itzi |
@J Scot Shady
Answer 1: I'd allow the 500gp crafting limit while the caravan is traveling.
Answer 2: Yes, you can Take 10 on crafting.
The Current List
Orchid (Nikolaus de'Shade) - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Shifter - Sandru (Younger Sibling)
Flori Costor (inara14) - Human Conjuration Wizard - Koya (Foster Child)
Aelbourne Andosana (AJM4885) - Half-elf Rogue - Shalelu (Younger Sibling)
Skorfot Fiery-Wind-That-Roars (J Scot Shady) - Skald - Shalelu (Student Survivalist)
Vigny Einarsdottir (rdknight) - Human Warpriest - Sandru (Childhood Crush)
Cailyn Vanderale (John Gs) - Half-elf Occultist - Ameiko (Best Friend)
Setomi (Daniel Stewart) - Human Ninja - Ameiko (Best Friend)
Sandu Kaijitsu (pauljathome) Human Shaman - Ameiko (Younger Sibling)
Hiro Nagata (-Karma-) Human Cleric - Ameiko (Childhood Crush)
??? (Sir Longears) - Human Fighter - Koya (Childhood Crush)
??? (bigrig107) - ??? - Witch - Koya (Rescued/Friend of the Family)
??? (Spazmodeus) - Half-orc Ninja/Shadow Dancer - Sandru (Caravan Guard)
??? (Critzible) - ??? Cleric/Paladin - Shelalu/Koya (Rescued/Foster Child)
??? (stormraven) - Human Samurai - Koya (Friend of the Family)
??? (Supreveio) - Human Sorcerer - Shalelu (Rescued)
??? (Veniir) - Human Monk - ??? (???)
Hayashi Hanzo |
This is stormraven. Build deets (still being tweaked a bit) are in the profile. Here is the high-level view:
I’ll be drawing on both common conceptions of samurai along with historical facts to (hopefully) make a really interesting character with a lot of depth who is also an effective melee combatant.
In terms of the campaign traits… many of them could work and I’m flexible on which I would use to avoid overlap with other players. My initial pick is Friend of the Family with the idea that their families are next door neighbors and Old Niska died around the same time as Hanzo’s father, creating a bond of sympathy between him and Koya. The promise he made to Niska to watch over Koya would be strong as steel since he is an Order of the Warrior samurai. So, when Koya wants to take this trip, Hanzo will be obligated to go along… and it will give him a chance to visit his familial homeland which would also be a huge draw for him. Their relationship would be complicated from Hanzo’s point of view. There would be aspects of parent/child but it would be presumptuous for him to act as if they were family (given the importance of bloodlines to the Tian). So, I think he would feel as if she was an elder aunt and would treat her with utmost respect as his senior… but he’d have a hard time expressing affections that would be too ‘familiar’ by Tian standards.
If that trait doesn’t work or conflicts with another player… I can just as easily go with Childhood Crush on Ameiko as they are both Minkaian, share some cultural ties but are also the ‘odd men out’ among all the Avistani folks. I have no problems with RP romances. Foster Child could also work. I’d just need to have Hanzo’s father die earlier than I planned. Even Caravan Guard could be used without a great deal of effort.
As Hanzo is technically a masterless samurai, it’s possible that he could ‘adopt’ Ameiko as his liege lord (whether he tells her or not), which could make for some fun RP especially if she is very Avistani in her thinking while he is a bit more Tian in his views on these matters.
Politics in Tian Xia are subtle… until they become very bloody. At such a moment in Minkai, nearly two decades ago, a grizzled bushi – Hayashi Haru – turned monk after the death of his wife, decided life was more important than honor… or rather, his infant son’s life was more important than his own honor. He couldn’t see his entire line end due to the changing fortunes of daimyos. He’d lost Midori to disease the year before. That was enough. So, he bundled up his son and ran… far and fast. Two years later, Haru and his (now) toddler had crossed the Crown of the World and settled down to a quiet life in Sandpoint. There were even a few other Tian in town, which Haru took as an auspicious sign.
Haru raised his son on stories of refined samurai, the glories of Minkai, lofty Tian Gods, the nobility of their culture, the impressive Hayashi family history, and the importance of honor. Truths, half-truths, and fiction were well mixed and impossible to sort out. Perhaps Haru convinced himself it was all true. The most fanciful tale was that there was dragon’s blood in all Hayashi veins which made them fierce warriors. Hanzo couldn’t speak to the ‘ferocity’ part of the tale but he did have remarkable vision atypical for humans (Trait: Blood of Dragons – low light vision).
Hanzo was raised to believe they were of noble samurai stock (they weren’t) and he should act accordingly. As a dutiful son, he did so… somehow taking his father’s practical warfare experiences, religious studies, and tales of samurai high arts and fusing them into his own brand of warrior (Samurai – Warrior-Poet, multiclass into Monk).
As he matured Hanzo longed for adventure and to prove himself a samurai. He would have accompanied Ameiko when she went adventuring (Rise of the Runelords) but his father forbade it. Hanzo chafed at the restriction but he was duty-bound to obey. And maybe that would have been his life, forever waiting for a chance to prove himself… but the dual tragedy of Haru’s and Niska’s deaths and the pledge he’d made to the older woman changed the course of his life irrevocably.
If you have any questions, please ask. Thanks for considering him!
J Scot Shady |
@J Scot Shady
Answer 1: I'd allow the 500gp crafting limit while the caravan is traveling.
Answer 2: Yes, you can Take 10 on crafting.
Thank you.
I just realized that my character name is far too close to that of one of the NPCs. Changing Sandu to Davius. Everything else unchanged
My wife and I have been watching The British Baking Show and one of the bakers is named Sandro and until I saw it spelled, I kept wondering if I was hearing them correctly.
Drogeney |
Dotting in here. I have a character I have applied with in prior JR games but sadly they either died right away or I didn't make the cut. I'll have to see if I still have the right up since she was re-tooled for a different campaign that never got off the ground.
Bare bones info:
human Void Wizard intending to pick up Lunar Oracle and go into Mystic Theurge.
GM Itzi |
More Current List
Orchid (Nikolaus de'Shade) - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Shifter - Sandru (Younger Sibling)
Flori Costor (inara14) - Human Conjuration Wizard - Koya (Foster Child)
Aelbourne Andosana (AJM4885) - Half-elf Rogue - Shalelu (Younger Sibling)
Skorfot Fiery-Wind-That-Roars (J Scot Shady) - Skald - Shalelu (Student Survivalist)
Vigny Einarsdottir (rdknight) - Human Warpriest - Sandru (Childhood Crush)
Cailyn Vanderale (John Gs) - Half-elf Occultist - Ameiko (Best Friend)
Setomi (Daniel Stewart) - Human Ninja - Ameiko (Best Friend)
Davius Kaijitsu (pauljathome) Human Shaman - Ameiko (Younger Sibling)
Hiro Nagata (-Karma-) Human Cleric - Ameiko (Childhood Crush)
Hayashi Hanzo (stormraven) - Human Samurai - Koya (Friend of the Family)
Ginko Andosana (Supreveio) - Human Sorcerer - Shalelu (Rescued)
Esdras Martalen (Sir Longears) - Human Fighter - Koya (Childhood Crush)
Scera (Drogeney) - Human Wizard - ??? (???)
??? (bigrig107) - ??? Witch - Koya (Rescued/Friend of the Family)
??? (Spazmodeus) - Half-orc Ninja/Shadow Dancer - Sandru (Caravan Guard)
??? (Critzible) - ??? Cleric/Paladin - Shelalu/Koya (Rescued/Foster Child)
??? (Veniir) - Human Monk - ??? (???)
One day left until the deadline.
Veniir |
Hello this is my umonk submission. Please read spoilers.
I understand that there's already a shifter in the game and this umonk might therefore become redundant. But I find the class so fitting for an eastern-themed adventure that I couldn't not submit him. At least, mr. or mrs. shifter may enjoy some company in the front lines. The campaign trait has absolutely no mechanical use for the character (I won't be doing concentration checks), but it makes total sense for him.
The background has some minor spoilers for the first book in Rise of the Runelords. I expect this won't be a major problem considering this adventure is supposed to take place after the latter has already happened.
This is just a vanilla unchained monk, planning to go slap mode with the possibility of picking up a monk weapon on the way to use in one of the hands (not dual-wielding, though). I imagine that the campaign has a lot of monk weapon loot, so the monk would make them useful. My character remains a bit flexible, being able to build as a tank or more damage further down the line, with crane or dragon style. I'm setting him up to be moving a lot, so taking Mobility and maybe even one day Wind/Lightning Stance. Should be fun in open spaces that a moving caravan would provide.
The character was also built to represent a culture enthusiast that actually follows through in his passion of the culture. That is, he is meant to start as a bit immature, but evolve into a great person. This would of course depend on how the story goes, but this is how I envision him.
Marc Wolfe
Male Varisian human unchained monk 1
LG Medium humanoid
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
Fav class Monk
Fav class bonus +1 hp
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Wisdom, +2 Dex, +1 dodge (feat)) (Add 4 if AoO from moving - Mobility feat)
hp 12 (10 (lvl 1 umonk) + 1 (1*Con) + 1 (1*FC))
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed +6/+6 (1d6+4/20x2 1d6+4/20x2)
Ranged javelin (ammo = 2) +3 (1d6+4/20x2)
Other abilities and SQ
Flurry of Blows
Stunning Fist
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (Unarmed strike), Mobility
Traits Reactionary, Hero Worship (Ameiko)
Armor check penalty: 0
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +8, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Background skills Knowledge (history) +4, Linguistics +4
Languages Common, Minkaian
Javelin x2, Backpack, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Chalk x 10, Crowbar, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Belt pouch, Trail rations x5, Hemp rope, Sewing needle, Soap, Waterskin
Leftover money
gp: 45
sp: 8
Marc never knew who his parents were. He never cared either. He was raised in a monastery and focused his life on the strict discipline. When he met Tsuto Kaijitsu, he started to learn about life. The young man made his life miserable, always picking on him and making sure his mistakes were known. Ameiko always interceded when she came to visit her brother. Marc had trouble understanding what he felt, young as he was. One day, visiting Sandpoint, it just clicked for him. She was a role model, someone he looked up to, someone to drive his actions.
He took the news about Tsuto's demise with some relief. He was causing trouble. Over time, an idea started to grow in his mind. He would do his best to replace Tsuto in Ameiko's life. Of course, he was too young to understand the absurdity of this idea, but more and more he frequented the Rusty Dragon inn, talking to Ameiko and practicing his martial arts. He learned Minkaian and studied history to be able to talk to Ameiko about her heritage. It was with sadness that he heard her say she didn't have much interest in taking care of her family's business. He remembers saying "But Ameiko, it is an honor to take care of your family's legacy." Her angry outburst is one of the things he'll never forget.
This drove the young monk into study about Minkaian culture. He bought any and all literature that came from the far continent, and dreamed of going there. In his fantasy, he would travel with Ameiko, to finally prove to her how reliable he was. Deep down, he understood how absurd that was, but he did not stop himself from daydreaming. He liked to think how he'd fight alongside his hero during his practicing routines. And he never dismissed his thoughts.
Scera |
I got a bit carried away with the background but here it is.
Scera is a human void school wizard tied to Koya's via the Foster Child Trait. As I mentioned before while she starts off void wizard I intend to have her eventually dual class in a lunar or heaven's oracle and then move into Mystic Theurge. She will be behind in spell levels that she can cast but she will have a lot of variety and spells per day available eventually.
As Scera grew up she was surrounded by the miracles her mother could perform via her connection to the divine and studied healing from a young age. Scera’s mind proved quick to learn, being able to speak early and then read, she eventually became quite the studious child and eventually finished every book she could get her hands on. Despite all her studies, or maybe because of them, she found that the path Koya followed in her life, that of a priestess, was not what she wanted for herself. She always felt guilty about this as Koya was her inspiration in life but religions was just not what she was interested in.
It was during a rare trip to Magnimar, not long after the attack on Sandpoint by the goblins and the disasters that followed, that she accompanied Koya on a rare trip to Magnimar. While her mother spent some time at the local temple there Scera ended up finding a strange library tucked away nearby the temple and she was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She perused the books until one particularly strange one fell into her hands seemingly by chance. It was an old book, one with letters in a language she did not understand, but she knew that she needed to learn what was in it.
When Screa turned around to go see what the book would cost her she suddenly found herself on the street she had just been on with no sign of the strange library in sight. Although she asked around no one around knew anything about the library and eventually Scera decided that maybe this was proof that the divine had some reason for what she had found. She was hesitant to tell Koya what had really happened, how she had found the book, so she managed to pass it off as something she found on sale for a good bargain because no one could read it.
Scera began to study the book but had little success at it, the tome was in such an obscure language she just could not figure it out. It wasn’t until she happened to be at the establishment run by Ameiko and was trying to decipher it that she found an unexpected aid in her efforts. Ameiko was able to identify the language as a dialect of Tien, the language of her ancestors on the other side of the world. With some help learning the language from Ameiko, Scera quickly began to translate the book and, within a year Scera had managed to understand the first page of the book and she was shocked to realize that it was a spell book, a wizards spell book!
The same night that Scera understood the first spell, one to read magic, a terrible storm occurred and in the middle of the night she heard a rapping at her shudder. Everyone knows not to open a window during a storm, especially given how late it was, but she did so anyway. She was startled by the raven that flew through the open shutter and, as soon as it was in, the shutter closed itself. The bird was weak and bedraggled so she followed an impulse to nurse it back to health.
The following day the Raven seemed back to normal and, while Koya was not happy having the bird inside, she allowed it for the time being. As Scera was studying later that day and had troubles with a particular word that she could swear she had correct she suddenly heard a voice correct her. Shocked Scera looked around and realized her feathered companion was the only one there. It corrected her again and Scera about jumped out of her skin until she understood that the raven was to be her familiar! From then on Scera and the raven, Kurogane, became close companions and Scera’s progress was rapid in learning the spells after that.
It has been a few years now and Scera has learned all of the beginner spells in the book as well as several others that were in it as well. The book taught a different system of magical schools, rather than the school of magic being based on the standard line of abjuration, conjurations, etc. this school looked at it elementally. The spellbook she had found that day was connected to a view of aether, air, earth, fire, metal, void, water, and wood schools. The potential was impressive and she eagerly wanted to learn more. Little did she know what her fate would hold in store for her, a long journey, the chance to improve her wizardry, and perhaps most importantly, the divine was not done with her just yet.
Hatashi Iancu |
Welp. Here's Hatashi Iancu, disgraced ninja. Twilight Hunter's submission.
So, turns out, these guys play a part in this campaign? It's literally the title of one of the AP books, so I decided to make this guy disgraced just in case they end up as antagonists.
If I had more time, I'd draft up a gunpowder bombardier flavored as a rogue with gunpowder bombs, maybe with a level of gunslinger, but I'm out of time so have this guy instead.
Backstory and personality are in the profile.