DM Cuc's Strange Aeon (Inactive)

Game Master moafnsteel

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Sigvald should now be complete

Things are looking awesome with these characters! Upon reading and finishing the second AP I will say that I will be "Creating"/accounting for the last 2-3 years of your characters life. If that helps anybody with creating a brief backstory.

Hopefully the next night or so I will go through everybody's characters and comment on if I see any issues (which is HIGHLY doubtful as I am not strict) and post an overview of the characters and their classes.

I think I plan to keep the submissions open till at least Sunday, and on a side note nobody has submitted my favorite classes (two classes) :(

Lol. Look at you stirring the pot...

Got to have some fun and keep people guessing lol

Silver Crusade

At a guess.. Cleric and Druid as favourites

As a DM, I do like the characters not remembering their past part.
It allows for some really good, honest rping to get each other's background known (or figured out).

Couple that with Lovecraftian themes....jackpot!

Grand Lodge

Xerxzayas is a Human Alchemist (metamorph)

Xerxzayas has known much violence in his life. He's been through raids by goblins and orcs, attacks by monsters like manticores and werewolves, rampages by giants and wayward demons, and incursions from devils and darklings. Each time he saw brave men and women through themselves into harm's way and die at the hands of creatures and beings far more powerful than themselves. They would die by the tens, the hundreds, and even the thousands.

Xerxzayas was determined to be one of those defenders, but he did not want to die. He had to become more than what he was if he was to survive. He had to find a way to surpass his human frailty. While he continued to train his body, he also trained his mind. In addition, he sough the counsel and advice of the wise and the learned. In alchemy, Xerxzayas believes he's found what he's looking for.

He wakes in a room. His memory about recent events... any events, really, are a bit hazy.

Okay everybody I am sorry but I am changing a few things about the backstory.. After reading peoples comments it got me thinking I will post the change once I get a scenario for the characters to respond to. Again I am sorry for the flip flopping. I will understand if anybody doesnt want to do this. Scenario will be posted soon.

I added a background for Kendrella in her profile. Be wary though, it's quite dark. If you want a milder version I'll adapt it. If you want a few more people from it to survive that's not too big of a change either. I had not expected it to turn out quite that way, but the words had a mind of their own. I hope you like it. It matches quite with her selection of traits and skills.

I already have a response to a scenario as you put it in my profile. It would be nice if I could use the same thing. It's a response to the "Fluffy Goodness" spoiler from this post. Already got 5 google doc pages of fluff after adding a backstory for you.

Does favorite class means it'll be more likely to get picked? I'm going to guess wizard and barbarian. I almost did make a wizard for this, but the inspiration for the synthesist was far greater.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I submit to you, Calcifer, the Ifrit Wishcrafter Sorceress!


Female ifrit sorcerer (wishcrafter) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 128, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 160)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear and emotion effects
Resist fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1/day—efreeti magic[ARG]
Sorcerer (Wishcrafter) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—burning disarm (DC 15), mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, flare (DC 14), prestidigitation, spark[APG] (DC 14)
. . Bloodline Efreeti
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Elemental Strike, Eschew Materials
Traits enduring stoicism, unflappable arrogance, unseen but not undone
Skills Appraise +4, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Linguistics +1, Spellcraft +4
Languages Common, Elven, Ignan
SQ betrayed, fire ray, wishbound arcana
Other Gear dagger, 148 gp
Special Abilities
Betrayed When use Sense motive to gain hunch, roll twice (take low, can't reroll).
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Efreeti You were born with the power of fire genies, and the magic of the efreet is strong in you.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire. This also changes the spell's descri
Efreeti Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast enlarge person or reduce person 1/day.
Elemental Strike (+1 fire) Swift action to imbue your weapons with elemental damage for a round.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fire Ray (1d6 fire damage, 7/day) (Sp) Starting at 1st level, you can unleash an elemental ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. You can use this ability
Wishbound Arcana (Su) Use expressed wishes of nearby creatures as verbal components of your spell.
Calcifer has always been a confident woman. A wishcrafter, she could tap into the powers of her ancestral bloodline to grant minor wishes to others, which made her feel complete. This was not driven by a desire to do good; but rather a need to grant wishes that stemmed from her belief that it was her purpose.
She worked with good people, granted wishes to the evil, and everything in-between. Her power was limited, but it was enough to get her places. Strange places.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very cool, rungok!

CrusaderWolf wrote:
Very cool, rungok!

Thank you! I really love the idea of playing one of these. Not optimal in the slightest, but really fun conceptually and good for working together with a party!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

While flipping through my Inner Sea Gods for a different character, I saw the Empyreal Lord Chucaro, an entity of madness, oracles, hallucinations, and mists. Since there's almost zero canonical information on her I had a concept for an Inquisitor (Madness Domain) devoted to her. A secret society called the Unravellers devoted to thwarting the creatures of the Dark Tapestry & their agents. Chucaro blesses these Unravellers with madness as a partial inoculation against the horrors they will face. Kind of tempted to change my submission now...

CrusaderWolf wrote:
While flipping through my Inner Sea Gods for a different character, I saw the Empyreal Lord Chucaro, an entity of madness, oracles, hallucinations, and mists. Since there's almost zero canonical information on her I had a concept for an Inquisitor (Madness Domain) devoted to her. A secret society called the Unravellers devoted to thwarting the creatures of the Dark Tapestry & their agents. Chucaro blesses these Unravellers with madness as a partial inoculation against the horrors they will face. Kind of tempted to change my submission now...

Nice. I've been looking through a book of mine and had similar considerations.

@DM cuc, What are your thoughts on multiclassing?

Okay so for the backstory since the AP does assume certain things I am posting a passage that you can respond to as the character. I took it (with permission) from dragonofashandflame's recruitment thread


Your characters have no memory of their lives. Thus, they have no background. Instead of sending in a background for your amnesiac characters, I want you to write a response to this scene. It’s the opening scene to the AP.
The city is ancient, older, even, than storied Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The entryways to stately mansion of crumbling black and silver brick open, unseeingly to the cobbled street. Above, black stars sparkle in a viridian sky, and the whole city is bathed in the harsh light of a vermillion moon. Not a soul stirs on the streets in this nameless city, save for you. You know not how you have come to this fabled unnamed city, but this strange city is hauntingly familiar. At the fountain, long gone dry and dusty, in the plaza around the bend, you sat and listened to minstrels sing ancient tales of far-off Lomar and Oriab. Your feet slow, drawn by the haunting remembrance, not quite a memory, but far more than a vague feeling. You can still hear the lyres play, the bard’s songs. But, then, unease fills your heart, and you look back.
Behind you is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the street’s canyon of crumbling, leaning manses like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the oddly familiar avenue, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps--slow and staggered, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave. And always just behind. Ever out of reach, but close, and drawing closer. Within, you can discern faint shapes. The fog swirls and billows in opposite ways, as though stirred by the beats of wings and or animals deep within. And always, there are the footsteps.
Still you run, fleeing the plaza of your half-remembered songs, across a courtyard of pillars top by cerulean orbs that fold in on themselves in an alien geometry. Your flight takes you down another avenue, and the battered buildings appear almost ruinous, they slump over the path, nearly blotting out the bruised twilight sky. Again, the grimy cobblestone street splits. This time, one route curves uphill, while the other recklessly descends. Behind, the yellow fog and the relentless sound of pursuit grow closer…

RePete - I am not against multiclassing I just think it needs to make sense and have a purpose for the character.

I always kid with people about my favorite classes, but it does not necessarily mean that you will get picked, I just tend to favor them over others. A cool character concept and how you respond to the scenario mean more to me. And fear not all the backstories that people have posted, if they get selected, I will work on incorporating elements of them into the character's backstory. I have already thought of a few good ones for some of the characters posted.

GM I have my response done already and it's tailored to my campaign trait.

Sigvald Derleth Waite wrote:

GM I have my response done already and it's tailored to my campaign trait.

Thats fine. Anybody who applied to dragonofashandflame's recruitment thread can use what they already have.

Liberty's Edge

*blinks a few times* darn, now I have to drop everything I made a
To remake the same response I deleted when I applied to this game :/

Vlad Mirwood wrote:

*blinks a few times* darn, now I have to drop everything I made a

To remake the same response I deleted when I applied to this game :/

I am so sorry Vlad, but you do not have to drop the history or anything. If picked my plan is to incorporate things that you come up with.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, but I'm working on it, but right now I am posting from phone and can't create an in depth response.

Zadok is missing about five and a half years of memory. Most of that was working for the big bad (if I remember what little I've heard about the AP correctly), so I don't really know what to fill in for that. As for how he went from Sarenite priest to working for a shady noble... well...

Backstory stuff:
Three months after the last thing Zadok remembers, he had a serious falling out with the high priestess at the temple where he was studying. He stormed out in a rage, forsaking the temple and electing to study on his own rather than remain with the other acolytes. This led him in to the employ of a charming nobleman who was more than happy to help him advance his knowledge of the divine. Zadok became progressively less stable as his knowledge advanced and the tenants of the Dawnflower became less and less important in the face of deepening his understanding of the mysteries of the spheres. Slowly, the Dawnflower's light was replaced with cold starlight and the swirling tides of the Dark Tapestry, so subtly that Zadok was well and truly lost before he realized what was happening. With his memory loss, his original faith and gentler nature have reasserted themselves and he's become rather... distraught with the changes he's undergone. That, and he hit his last growth spurt about three years ago and is about four inches taller than he remembers.

Added response

Linjesh Pai responding to your scenario


Such a pretty sound. I wish I could...What was that?!

Fearful Linjesh looks around. Who’s...what’s there? Stranger have you a care? Please leave, it’s only fair. I won’t harm you; I swear!. Yet the sound continues to approach her. Her fear manifesting, takes hold causing Linjesh to flee in a panic.

Regardless of how fast she runs the sound continues to approach her; closer and closer. Stranger beware! I...I… trailing off sher realizes she has no idea what to do. Who am I? What possible defense could I take against this...whatever it is.

The poor gnome darts down street after street, attempting to lose her pursuer. Alas it’s to no avail. She looks back again, still incapable of making out the shadowy figure. Something new catchs her eye. Is that a wall? Who would have the gall? I wish I could recall…Why do I keep rhyming? This is just bad timing

Coming to the split between up and down she pauses. Seems either way I can’t outrun this thing. But…uphill should help. It would be natural for the cloud to take the downward path. Without a second though the small creatures began trudging upwards. Why are they chasing me? Who is it?

The sound growing ever closer she spies another shadow out of the corner of her eye. ITS A TRAP! THEY ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! Beginning to tire, she slows. They are going to catch me...How is that fog still following me? It should have gone down! Something is terribly wrong here…I can’t…... Linjesh dives into an alley, trying desperately to hide. Unsure of what’s to come, she waits; praying they won’t find her.

Jayson was used in the application for dragonofashandflame's recruitment but didn't make it into the game...that said, it does mean I already have the opening response ready to go! It's in the character profile, but for ease of viewing I'll put it here, as well.

Prompt Response:
Drawing in a slow breath, tentatively using his tongue to wet his suddenly-dry lips, Jayson raised his right hand, slowly running his fingers through his thick red hair. ”What is this place…?” he said aloud, but he already knew in his heart that there would be no answer. He was alone. That thought filled him with dread and sorrow, as if a familiar presence in his mind was suddenly gone. What that presence might be, though, he had no idea.

The light above him seemed…wrong, in a way that he couldn’t put his finger on. The wisps of memory tugged at his mind, some vague sense of familiarity drawing him forward. The fingers of his right hand involuntarily closed, as if seeking a grip on something, but again, what that might be escaped him. Even so, he was compelled by some strange melody on the air, a song that was like one heard from a waking dream, to move forward.

Then the dread again, but stronger this time, more immediate, and he whirled. He only needed a moment to register the sickly yellow; his feet almost seemed to move of their own will, and as he broke into a full run, part of his mind registered how light his feet felt beneath him. It didn’t seem to matter, though; the faster he ran, the closer the fog seemed to draw, close enough that he could make it strange, shuffly-sounding footsteps within it, occasionally outlines of wings or other appendages seen there. He ran harder, his lungs burning in his chest as he fought to outrun the fog, barely registering the orb-topped columns. He turned on a dime to take another path, the sense that the ruined buildings around him were about to collapse on top of him spurring him harder, even as the vomit-colored smoke roiled forward.

As the path split again in front of him, he hesitated. Up would be tougher to run, but it might slow the fog; down would speed him, but it might speed the fog. He had to decide. Involuntarily, a prayer came to mind in the last moment before he had to make his choice, lest the yellow wave overtake him. Strangely, his last thought struck him as being almost a prayer.

”May the light of Dawn guide my steps…”

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Duris Kennet Response.

Prompt Response:
Duris whirled to face the sickly yellow fog, eyes darting to every hint of movement as he backed away. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" he screamed, voice raw with fear. He started to reach for his greatsword, then glanced back at the fog and barked a bitter laugh. "Ha! For all the good it would do me."

Still backing away, he dragged his eyes from the encroaching fog to quickly scan the hillside, muttering to himself. "Seize the high ground? Maybe, but this damned fog isn't natural, I could find myself encircled. Nowhere to hide, I'm...being herded? Downward then, there might be an exit." Ignoring the tremble in his hands and the ache in his legs, Duris set off, desperately ignoring the icy terror that clawed at him with every step, not daring to check behind himself.


He turned and ran. Great as his strength was, there was no hope against that eldritch might. As the breath fled from his lungs in ragged gasps, he stumbled on the cobblestones. Falling to his knees, he glimpsed his visage in the puddle.
That horrid face. That jutting brow, sallow skin, and monstrous protruding canines. The feeling deep in his breast that even more bestial aspects lurked within, ready to break out. What vile sorcery had a progenitor worked, to befoul his bloodline in such a manner? To what fell demon had he been desecrated? Or something beyond a demon, beyond our understanding?
And it called to him. The dark whisper within. "Free me," it said. "Free me, and we shall smite those who pursue you. We shall rule this realm."
And he spoke back to the whisper, and he said --

Then he awoke... or was that the reality and this the dream?

Will you be providing feedback before final selection so we'll have time to make adaptions if necessary?

As already mentioned I already got a reply up in my profile.

The Exchange

I did do dragonsofashandflame post but that was for a different character and the reaction will be different this time round. Hrmm. Will need a while to think about it.

I will relook through everything tonight and can provide general feedback. I did not see anything so far that I did not like. I have rough ideas in my head for ways to explain why most of the characters are where they are at now.

Again, I want to apologize to everybody for making this sudden change. As I said before I still plan to incorporate the backstories your provided, but I will be "taking over" the backstory for about the past 5 or so years.

Reaction to scene:
Rinn's vision fades in on the sight of the crumbling ancient city. Her eyes dart down the decrepit cobbled streets as a shiver climbs up her spine.

I'm alone... She thinks, failing to get any words out.

Walking down the street twords the plaza... How do I know where the plaza is?... We are leading you.... Rinn Scratches the back of her head, not startled by the whisper. We are going to hear the minstrels, hurry along now

A dreaded feeling suddenly strikes her heart. She begins to turn her head to look back, the cloud is but a few feet away... Or is it a few miles, so hard to tell. You'd best run girl, less our little deal be fulfilled to soon.

Rinn turns on her heels and dashes in the other direction, unsure if the cloud can be outrun but damn sure she's going to try. The footsteps that can now be heard in the fog do little to settle her mood, what she wouldn't give for even a dagger.

After running for what seems like forever through the strangely shaped streets, the fog and whatever lies within right on her heels Rinn comes to a split in the road. One side ascends the other descends.

Her decision is made in a split second when she has the faintest of remembrances. Take the high road lass... All others lead to little more than... Rinn felt she should listen this time.

Really exited to hear what you think!

Liberty's Edge

Added reaction, in my alias :/

may work on it it is a little... bare...

Meanwhile, here's another song that I feel is quite fitting for my character

@Vlad: That's why I always keep a backup copy of my past sheets in Google doc. Even if I overwrite a character I'll still be able to reuse things from those sheets.

I tried to send everybody feedback about their submissions. Most of them are extremely brief but that is not an indicator of anything. I will say that Vlad I did not see your response when I PMed you, but after reading it I really like it! Everything in my response to you still stands.

If no new submissions come I may eventually close the recruitment thread within the next few days, but I will keep everybody updated.

Thank you for the time you spent perusing our characters.
I know that DMing is time consuming, so from one DM to another.

Theophilus Carter wrote:

Thank you for the time you spent perusing our characters.

I know that DMing is time consuming, so from one DM to another.

I felt that everybody deserved it for the time I made them waste on their backstories to only change things again.

Theophilus Carter wrote:

Thank you for the time you spent perusing our characters.

I know that DMing is time consuming, so from one DM to another.

I second that thanks! I know it can't have been easy to send a PM to so many applicants; the mere fact that you were willing to do so gives me great faith in your commitment to seeing the AP through to the end.

Here is a quick breakdown of the submissions. I know some people probably could argue they fall in another category but I just did it what makes sense to me lol. If I missed anybody I am sorry let me know and I will add you. I was copying and pasting from my word document and may have accidentally deleted somebody.

Martial Character:
Laufey Gemshrike (Half-Elf Bloodrager) –
Felix Brightye (bright-eye) Tengu Rogue
Fifteen (Android Fighter (Eldritch Guardian/Two Weapon Warrior)
Jacqueline Artorias (Magus (Mindblade Kensai))
Duris Kennet (human Slayer)
Dervak (Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 (Aberrant))

Ranged Based:

Theophilus Carter Witch [cartomancer]
Xerxzayas alchemist (metamorph) –
Kin (Wyrmwood Alchemist) –
Raifstarian "Raif (Half-Elf Sorcerer)
Calcifer (Ifrit Wishcrafter Sorceress)
Trevor Culexis (half-orc alchemist)
Linjesh Pai (Gnome Archivist (Bard Arch)
Kenderella Lefuriel (Half-Elf Summoner (Synthesist))

Julius Armistead (Gobin Pyrokineticist)
Rinn Laddel (Halfling Medium)

Lokar (Half Orc Investigator (Empiricist))
Sigvald Derleth Waite (Aasimar Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer))
Vlad Mirwood (Dhampir Inquisitor)
Zadok Warren (Human Oracle)
Jayson Sunfyre (Human Warpriest)

Jayson Sunfyre wrote:
Theophilus Carter wrote:

Thank you for the time you spent perusing our characters.

I know that DMing is time consuming, so from one DM to another.
I second that thanks! I know it can't have been easy to send a PM to so many applicants; the mere fact that you were willing to do so gives me great faith in your commitment to seeing the AP through to the end.

My goal is to really see this through. Anytime I GM it gets me in the mood to write (fiction) again and get better at my abilities. SO far it is really hard to make decisions as I can see so many different and awesome combos between the submissions.

And let's get a response to that prompt up.

Zadok stares up at the sky in wonder, the glittering starlight and bloody moonlight casting a strange, unearthly shine over the plaza. "How strange... how... beautiful..." He chuckles in spite of himself. For how wrong the sky looks, it seems as beautiful as the sunrise over Oppara's skyline. And somehow... familiar. Had he seen this sky before? He can almost picture it: the crimson moon rising over streets as old as time and lost to all memory. And something about it... calls to him. As deeply as the glowing golden light of the Dawnflower.

His moment of wonder is shattered as he slowly turns, counting the stars one by one. The instant he sees the sickly fog, one thought dominates his mind. "Run." He knows, almost instinctively, that if he enters that fog, he will die. He turns and runs, runs like he's never run before.

His feet pound against ancient cobblestones and his breath comes in short, heavy pants. "I need to get in better shape..." He rounds a corner and finds the street splitting. "Up." he murmurs to himself. "Up is away from the fog." He keeps running.

Liberty's Edge

oh, I'd like to mention, Vlad isn't just Divine, in combat he will be a ranged focus, he will be using crossbows and be rocking them :)

eventually I'd like to use a repeating crossbow... but I'm gonna need some gold first :P

As he said, some people can fit in multiple categories. I'm sure he has considered that. Kenderella for example is quite the monster in melee, but she's also an arcane caster.

So I am still undecided on the number of players I am going to take for this AP, but I do know it will be between 4-6. I thought about running two groups but I fear that will be too much. Keep everybody updated about the deadline. If you applied but havn't had a chance to do the prompt you are okay still. Even if I close the submission you will still be able to send it to me since I changed things at the last minute. I may close the submissions tomorrow night if I do not receive any new submissions, but we shall see.

And FYI, only one of my favorite classes has been guessed :)

Do we get more goes at guessing? I'm guessing that the guessed class is cleric and that the other favorite is fighter. Should have done some research before guessing the first time...

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to say gunslinger!

... that or rouge... because neither of those are up there...

ind i think your named one was Druid.

Kenderella Lefuriel wrote:
Do we get more goes at guessing? I'm guessing that the guessed class is cleric and that the other favorite is fighter. Should have done some research before guessing the first time...

If fighter is a favourite then there's been a fighter submission :) Fifteen does have class levels as well as a race, even if its the race that gets all the attention! :D

Nice to see you again Kendrella, maybe this will finally be our game?

Here's Urdal.

I'm just filling everything in now, so it will be continuously updating for the next few minutes.

This is always the part that I hate about being a GM. There are just too many good submission and it is so hard to select characters. Plus I always feel bad about not picking people lol. It really seems that I may not be getting any more random submissions. I think that submission will close tomorrow night, just not sure what time yet. It will be after 9pm (eastern time) when my kids go to bed.

Small chance that I may run a second group, but I really have to think on it.

Oooh! If you run 2 tables, and both Zadok and I are chosen, can we be in the same group so I can continue to pick on him like before? :)

Yeah, I know that feeling. Picking through submissions is always the hardest part of starting a campaign.

I feel you. I set out to run one Skulls amd Shackles PbP and ended up with 3 tables.

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