DM Cuc's Strange Aeon (Inactive)

Game Master moafnsteel

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Yes I did sorry Kenderella. Eidolon is same as PC, max at first and then roll and if less than half take half.


After tonight I will be unavailable for posting as my mother-in-law and sister-in-law just got in from out of state and are staying for the weekend.


Jayson you can use your new save roll. Also as long as nobody else touches the bodies (without gloves or some other form of protection) you do not have to roll a saving throw.

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

Well, he clearly examined them first, but was it before Kendrella could touch them, or was it already too late for her?

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

If this was at a table, obviously I would wait for the result of the heal check... But since it's not I guess I'm stuck being diseased.

Female Halfling Medium
HP & AC:
| HP- 9 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14
| Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 2

Daaaang 3 people with voices haha. Anyways. You still their GM?


Sorry everybody my in-laws left this morning so I will update everything tonight. Currently at work and have clients in meetings most of the morning. When I can get on my laptop (currently on my phone) I will try to update. Sorry again for the delay

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

@Dervak: I could not agree less with you on the merits of splitting the party in pbp. An hour of game time can easily be months in the real world, especially when we are rushing to get the most out of her spells.

There is a very good reason why most groups don't use scouting in pbp. Not only is it no fun to wait around for days, but people quickly lose track of what's going on in the game if they are left without anything to post for weeks at end.

Not only will we not be able to benefit from your presence, but you will also fall behind in experience.

I'm so vehemently opposed to splitting the party in pbp that I'm almost considering leaving the game if we don't find a way to fix this.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

No, it'll be fine. Go ahead. I promise I won't drop out or lose track; the GM and I can PM stuff. I'll make sure you guys are never waiting on me.

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

Well, it'll certainly lessen my enjoyment of the game a considerable amount.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

All I can say is that there's a purpose here that I think will be beneficial to a Lovecraftian horror game.

Female Halfling Medium
HP & AC:
| HP- 9 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14
| Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 2

DM: Its cool then. Just making sure the game isn't dead.

Dervak: While I'm not going to stop you but I will say that I agree with Kenderella. Splitting the party no matter the situation, is usually a bad idea.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Oh yes, in terms of prudency, acting rationally, and leveraging our abilities to kill monsters and overcome challenges quickly and efficiently it's a terrible idea. But there's a purpose here.

Female Halfling Medium
HP & AC:
| HP- 9 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14
| Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 2

Well if you have a reason then I suppose I can't say much on it.

It helps a bit that we have three competent bruisers in the larger group and a exelent bruiser in the smaller one.

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theo smiles and flexes.


I am generally against splitting parties myself, but I am okay with Dervak, we have talked :)


I apologize to everybody, I tried to get on last night and had issues connecting to the site, and then I got caught up in homework. So I am sorry.

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Going to a Con for the weekend, so probably won't be posting til Sunday night.


I will wait for the others to post before I move the dialogue forward.

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

How do you know what doppelgängers are? I thought we had lost all our memories? Did you make a knowledge check? I guess we do know the result of knowledge checks.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Otherworldly shrieks, unearthly lights, and the sounds of battle. You thought you had left Dervak in an area with no other exits or entrances but the chute.
If he is truly dead, then what did it? And how long until it follows up the chute? Should you run? Ready to fight? Or go back to loot his stuff?
Just trying to move the cosmic horror along...

Male Human Warpriest 1; HP 10/10; AC 18/13/15; F+4/R+3/W+5 (+2 vs charm/comp/emo); Init+3; Per+3

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a heads-up...I got married earlier this afternoon and and won't be back from my honeymoon until Tuesday evening.

Please feel free to bot me as necessary! Thank you!

Female Halfling Medium
HP & AC:
| HP- 9 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14
| Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 2

Holly crap congrats man! Always good to hear about stuff like That! Take your time , happy for you.

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

Congratulations! Wish you all the best.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Congratulations and best wishes!

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26


Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Attending UCon in Michigan this weekend. Catch up after...

Male Human Warpriest 1; HP 10/10; AC 18/13/15; F+4/R+3/W+5 (+2 vs charm/comp/emo); Init+3; Per+3

We all still here?

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Yup; everyday....

Liberty's Edge

male Dhampir Inquisitor(kin-slayer) 1
HP:9/9 AC:16=10+(3dex,3 armor) BAB:+0 Fort:3 Refl:3 Will:5 CMB:+1 CMD:14 Init:+3, Perc:+7, Sence:+8

Raises hand.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

I wrote the GM a message a couple of weeks ago and never heard back.

Female Gnome Sorcerer | CG | Init:+3 | HP8/8 | AC:13 T:12 FF:12 CMD:9 [+2jng] | F:+3 R:+1 W:+3 | Perc:+6, low-light | SM:+0| Spells: 1st(1/4): Silent Image, Color Spray | SLA: Entangle, Water, Guidance, EDiplo | Active: None || Enzi Black Jaguar | 11/11 HP | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+6 W:+4 | Perc:+1, low-light, scent

I'm actually surprised at how often threads requesting GMs or replacement GMs on these forum actually do work out.

Female Halfling Medium
HP & AC:
| HP- 9 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14
| Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 2

Sad is I. 2nd game in a row the GM just disappeared...

Liberty's Edge

male Dhampir Inquisitor(kin-slayer) 1
HP:9/9 AC:16=10+(3dex,3 armor) BAB:+0 Fort:3 Refl:3 Will:5 CMB:+1 CMD:14 Init:+3, Perc:+7, Sence:+8

Yeah, now I have a page with barely active games. I'm lucky if I get one post a day.

But I'm a DM as well so I have some games of my own.

Male Human Warpriest 1; HP 10/10; AC 18/13/15; F+4/R+3/W+5 (+2 vs charm/comp/emo); Init+3; Per+3

I'd certainly be up for seeing if someone else would take us on as a GM.

Liberty's Edge

male Dhampir Inquisitor(kin-slayer) 1
HP:9/9 AC:16=10+(3dex,3 armor) BAB:+0 Fort:3 Refl:3 Will:5 CMB:+1 CMD:14 Init:+3, Perc:+7, Sence:+8

I would but I don't have the module. Who's willing to post the thread?

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Do to another missing DM, I shall be withdrawing. Thank you all.

Liberty's Edge

male Dhampir Inquisitor(kin-slayer) 1
HP:9/9 AC:16=10+(3dex,3 armor) BAB:+0 Fort:3 Refl:3 Will:5 CMB:+1 CMD:14 Init:+3, Perc:+7, Sence:+8


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