moafnsteel's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts (1,049 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.


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Thank you everybody for your input! I am still trying to figure out, I am torn between Inquisitor, Monk, and Paladin, with my fear for monk is my AC as I will be the most front line fighter that we have. I am hoping that the person making the cleric/oracle will gear him to be slightly a fighter type.

After reading up some more stuff, I have narrowed it down to Monk or Paladin as my main two choices, with a fighter and Barbarian as backups.

My biggest hesitation is I do not want to be useless outside of battles. I wanted to be a halfling Cavalier but I was reading there are a lot of times that I will not get charging lanes so I don't know if they would be a waste of time.

Thank you guys for the suggestions, I can use APG but I am not allowed to use archetypes so that really changes some of my options. I thought about the cavalier, but I do not know if my mount will become an issue in the game, I guess I could go small and take a dog or wolf or something similar! I am debating between a Monk or even a small cavalier or the usualy fighter or barbarian but they get so boring to me.

That is my bad I forgot that the newer book with Bloodrager and them is called Advanced Class Guide lol.

Unfortunately I cannot use classes that are not Core or Advanced Players Guide.

I am thinking Paladin, Unchained Monk, Magus, or maybe Inquisitor

I thought about a Paladin but I am not a fan of the whole lawful good spectrum as I have a lot of trouble playing that way. Grant it the players are new and I am still trying to help them play their characters instead of what they want to do. Warpriest would be good but I can only be classes from the core, advanced, and unchained.

Also Gunslingers are banned, not that they meet my requirement for a front line fighter lol

As the title says, I am about to enter a Reign of Winter campaign with several players who are still relatively new to the game. We have an unchained rogue, ranger (unsure of his specialization), sorcerer, and a cleric or oracle.

We are in need of a front line fighter and that is where I guess I have to come in. I am okay with playing a front line fighter, but would like to be able to do more than just fight. I can play a fighter or barbarian but is there any other class that could hold there own as the main front line fighter?

Our character creation requirements are core, advanced, and unchained only. No archetypes and all core races. 20 pt buy system. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

So in my gaming session with my group, when they fought Nualia I played with her strategy and she was able to escape the group due to some poor choices on their part. Now that she is gone, I am unsure of how to reincorporate her in the future of the campaign. This is the first time I have ever GM'd a RL game and I have never GM'd a game where it did not follow the story. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

that makes sense, I really appreciate the help as that makes my life a lot easier

thank you, is there a limit to the amount of EGO an item can have? I have never customed made an item in pathfinder before.

I guess I should of stated it that differently, I am the GM lol, the character is going to be NPC/legend/may make an appearance not sure yet, but I want him to be able to be put into the world at some point.

also I should say it does not have to be a premade magical item/artifact it can be made up, I just suck at doing those kinds of things. And I cannot believe I forgot the most important part. The magical weapon is slowly influecing the character down the evil path, the influence is sublte.

Okay so I have a gestalt character that I am working on and in his backstory he stole a magical weapon from the academy before he went AWOL. He is an Unchained Rogue/Fighter build who is going TWF and DEX based. The premise that I am building off of is that the magical/artifact weapon is strong against magic users. In the story that I originally wrote that character in the dagger would disenchant/disable magical wards and protective spells (they worked differently in my world). This weapon is meant to be powerful so level that a character would get this does not matter. Also assume the GM says yes to anything, except that it cannot be third party. I am still not sure what weapon I am going to use, I just want it to be finessable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am also planning on running Rise of the Runelords here real soon, and for me the most helpful place was the Rise of the Runelord section of the message boards. People over there have done some awesome work and I highly suggest checking that section out.

Thank you everybody for the help! I love the ranger, and are up there as my favorite class and would help out a lot on the TWF build, but that darn slayer fits him perfectly lol.

thanks, I was wondering if I could drop INT to 10 because i wasn't sure if combat expertise was needed for anything outside of maybe flavor

I am currently working on making a slayer for a Kingmaker game. I should say that I am running the Kingmaker game myself, because I have no local group and am too busy to commit to PbP and they just havnt worked for me. My slayer has a specific build idea in mind. He is a character I have used in stories in the past for about 9 years and want to bring him into a game and see how he works. I am running all the characters on PbP so I can get into each character. My Slayer is focusing on STR but I want a good Dex for stealth as that is a huge part of his character. He will eventually get a ring of invisibility, as that is part of his backstory, but that is probably later. He is human and I am using a 25 point buy because I can lol. He has to be TWF and I am thinking about using Sawtooth Sabre but am not completely sold on it. He is loosely base off of Luscious (not sure of spelling) from the Dark Brotherhood in Elder Scrolls Oblivion as well as of of Artemis Entreri.

My main question is, can I focus mostly on STR and still use TWF. I know I can get the TWF through Slayer talent. Any help with feat selection and possibly traits would be helpful.

Any questions let me know.

I cannot answer anything about feat selections for a paladin as I have never played one, but I think it will depend on how close you want to get to Captain as a character. I think a lot of what the paladin does, such as lay on hands or detect evil, doesn't fit with my image of Captain, but that's just my opinion. I am not sure how well it would synergize with the brawler but I think gunslinger may have some merit, especially when focusing on pistols. Sorry I cannot be super helpful with your exact question but thought I would add my 2cp.

Wow, everytime I think I made a choice, other people present good stuff. I am narrowing it down to a Urban/Skirmisher Ranger, Slayer, or Ninja. Part of me is thinking that as good as a Slayer seems to be that it just doesn't fit the character concept as well as the other two seem to. The ninja I can fluff the class a little bit to match what I want. Her being like a bounty-hunter/acquisition person that mostly deals in trafficking stolen antiques and other hard to find items though makes me question that whole Slayer class. But others have pointed out that the classes don't necessarily define the character, which is hard for me to work with as I tend to think of the class and what it is suppose to be a huge factor in creating my characters lol.

On a side note can anybody tell me which city would make more sense for her to be from. She was orphaned at a young age and her and two other party members grew up together until the wizard character was sent off to a Magic-type University, which led her to fall in with the wrong crowd and run off with a "bounty hunter-type" group. I was thinking Magnimar because I thought they visited that city and I am hoping I can get the GM to add a little bit for the three party members who were orphans there.

I may look more into the ninja and slayer and see how I can tailor them to match my background, and maybe tweak a few things in her background. The pick-pocketing is not essential for the build, but the disable device is, as I was planning on making her kind of like an acquisition specialist, of people and/or valuable/antique items.

Thanks wraithstrike, that helps as I was unsure how rare or not Asian weapons would by outside of certain parts. I thought I remembered reading somewhere, probably on these boards, about how certain weapons are normally not available most places. I may go with a ninja, but I really want to go TWF, but it is not a necessity.

Yes Anzyr I am aware that they co-exist, but in Rise of the Runelords they did not exist. I guess I should of worded that differently. The way I have read stuff on Pathfinder (which is minimal) seems to keep a lot of the Asian themed things in a different area with minimal overlap. My knowledge of Magnimar,Korvosa, and Sandpoint is limited but I don't remember much about ninjas, samurais, or their weapon's appearing in those areas much. Again I am not sure how much our GM will tailor that game to help me find better versions of those weapons due to them not being in the AP.

Thanks, I will have to read more up on Feint and how to use it in combat, I have never made nor have I seen a character use it in Pathfinder.

Thank you all so much for all the help. I have a lot of different options now! Still not 100% sure, but at least I have traits that fit my character perfect, thanks Irontruth for those two traits as they do fit perfectly. Also, thanks for pointing out the whole pick-pocketing thing, I will probably invest a few points in it and then stop as I figured there wouldn't be a whole lot of opportunities to use it, but it just fits so well :-).

The GM runs the campaign pretty much to a T, with little added, except maybe a few more enemies or increased HD for the enemies.

Thank you everybody for your input, it helps me, but gives me a few more options. I guess my issue with ninja is some of their weapon proficiency is tailored to Asian themed weapons which I find hard to logically be incorporated into the world. I may do something like a "rogue" (not the class) ninja type organization is in either Magnimar or Korvosa (where my character is from) and she did something to screw her former employers over and that is why she is headed to Sandpoint.

I have this character in mind, she is sneaky, quick-witted, and good t pickpocketing. She was raised in an orphanage and around 12 was discovered breaking into and stealing several things from a local house. She was discovered by, insert class related group such as thieves, ninjas or bounty hunters. She has always had an interest in antiques and wants to eventually open her own store (not super important) What I am looking for is help decided on which class. We dont optimize but i still want to be effective. I would like twf and no spell casting as it doesn't fit her character. I want to be sneaky, able to pickpocket and disable device. She was always jealous of her friend who was very smart (wizard) so her INT won't be high but her WIS will. I am torn between a rogue, ninja, and slayer.

I have read a lot about how not good rogues are so that scares me, but i am finding it hard to fit a ninja based character into the world. The campaign is Runelords and most of the needed "roles" are filled. We have a reach fighter, wizard (conjuration), cleric or warpriest, and a gunslinger.

I am mostly looking for advice on which class fits the best not necessary a build. Even though I suggested a build I am open to other class, but am quite firm on the no magic as it doesnt fit her backstory. Also she is human for RP purposes. Any question about her backstory let me know i have a lot more but on a tablet that is hard to type. Thanks in advanced!

side note: Pathfinder material only.

We also ended up grappling her and drowning her, it took us quite awhile but were finally able to successfully do it. My friend and his group stuffed her in a sack and tied it, then held the sack underwater.

That Quasit almost killed us, as we were all brand new players, so our GM hinted about alternative strategies, until one of us realized that we could grapple it. We ended up grappling it and holding it underwater until it died, then cut its head off (something I do regularly thanks to something a GM did to me, I know meta-gaming but still :) ). I took us a long time to do this as it kept breaking out, but it was much easier than trying to kill it with our weapons (nobody had cold weapons and their was no journal for us to find as Tsuto got away.

Thanks again! that is really helpful stuff!

The way I handled it was, when they would break for camp, I would let survival rolls to see if they found food. As far as water I cannot help you, we had a cleric who used create water at will. Hope that helps a little.


Thanks that is some good stuff. The lost city I was referring to is Saventh-Yi, couldn't remember the name and my books just got packed up. I like that idea, changing the beginning story. Thanks for your help!

So I had this idea, after reading the seekers of secrets, to run a campaign that all the PCs were newly made Pathfinder Field Operatives. I thought what better AP, then Serpent's Skulls. Their are some issues that I am unsure of how to change. First, the PCs obviously will side with the Pathfinders, and since they are already Pathfinders have no real need to make the gnome (forgot his name) an ally to get the Pathfinders to help them. The other thing I run into, is why they are going on this trip. I thought it would be just to find the lost city (again forgot its name lol). Any help on modifying the way the beginning happens with the NPCs from the ship would be helpful. Since the player's would get to choose which "group" they side with should I change anything else up? Thanks in advance.

-also if anybody thinks there is a better AP then this one please feel free to let me know.

-I did post in the campaign specific thread, but it is a lot less traveled over there it seems than the advice forum. Thanks again!

So I had this idea, after reading the seekers of secrets, to run a campaign that all the PCs were newly made Pathfinder Field Operatives. I thought what better AP, then Serpent's Skulls. Their are some issues that I am unsure of how to change. First, the PCs obviously will side with the Pathfinders, and since they are already Pathfinders have no real need to make the gnome (forgot his name) an ally to get the Pathfinders to help them. The other thing I run into, is why they are going on this trip. I thought it would be just to find the lost city (again forgot its name lol). Any help on modifying the way the beginning happens with the NPCs from the ship would be helpful. Since the player's would get to choose which "group" they side with should I change anything else up? Thanks in advance.

-also if anybody thinks there is a better AP then this one please feel free to let me know.

I am by no means an expert at Pathfinder and all the rules. One thing that came to mind for me though, was that the King may not have a real high CR, but if you add in all the guards that he commands, because I doubt, if anybody were to "fight" him, that he would be alone. Also, I am one of those people, who hand wave things like CR-WBL, on things like Kings or wealthy NPCs. Hope this is at least somewhat helpful :)

Thank you so much for your help guys, I have some good ideas, now I just have to stop reading the Advice Forums on here and actually make the characters and their back stories so I can write lol.


Okay, I should start this off by saying that, my IRL group fell apart, and therefore I am returning to making characters and writing stories based of adventure paths, as they help eliminate some of my pitfalls as a novice writer, and plus I love pathfinder. I am planning to use the Reign of Winter for my newest story, as it sounds interesting and I got the idea, from various threads and the players guide, to do a witch hunting group. Still working on the back story of the group but the only two characters I have on lock is an inquisitor (witch hunter archetype more than likely), and a Witch - winter witch archetype (PrC eventually). The Witch will be a failed apprentice, and after reading somebody's character background, will have escape through the portal to Taldor and was recovered (unconscious) by the inquisitor. Now I am trying to round the party out the best that I can. Obvsiouly this is a story, so min-maxing isn't needing, but I generally do "play" out most of the battles, fudging results sometimes, but do let "PCs" die if needed. Here are some of my other ideas for the group

Magus - Hexcrafter
Barbarian - IR
and maybe a Sorcerer with the boreal bloodline and fit it thematically to the story.

I am choosing to focus more on the witch hunter theme than building a party who optimizes in the cold weather climate. Any help would be appreciated.

I am thinking between 4-6 PCs for this story.

So we are playing a Kingmaker game, and the party, once again has changed some things up. The party consists of a Dervish Dancer Bard, Ranger (archer), Life Oracle (I think, whichever one lets you come back to life in like 3 days), Swordlord Fighter (Dex Focused), a druid or possible a Barbarian now that our Fighter is no longer a reach build and myself an enchanter wizard - manipulator. I have been reading on the boards and some guides and I know that this school and subschool are not optimized and have some issues but it fits my background so well.

My wizard and her twin sister (the bard) come from one of the noble houses (not sure which one as they all appear to not benefit either of us greatly) and the reason we are going with the group is because our characters got caught charming, manipulating, and stealing from several of the local nobility and tradesmen. My character is very manipulative plays to her beauty, and uses enchantments to get other's to do as she pleases. I need help with feats and traits.

I think for traits I am going with hedge magician, just not sure, b/c I am having trouble fitting it into my background (to make sense). We are allowed two traits plus a campaign trait, but they MUST fit in our background.

Stats (I don't dump stats)
STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 18
WIS: 12
CHA: 14

I am a human and was thinking Spell Focus (Enchantment) and Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment).

For 1st level spells I was thinking color spray, charm person , sleep, mage armor, and I am not sure about the last one.

My opposition schools are necromancy and evocation. I know giving up evocation I lose some good blast spells, but my reasoning behind this is that my character doesn't believe she has to fight and uses people to do her bidding (which is going to come to a quick end once she gets shipped off) and therefore thought Evocation was for "lesser" wizards, if that makes sense.

Any help would be appreciated and sorry for the long post.

I am going to be joining a new Kingmaker campaign. The creation guidelines are 25 point buy, core races, all classes except ACG. Are party consists of a druid (focusing on wildshape), wizard (conjuration - item creation focus), bard (dervish dancer or dervish of dawn going shadowdancer for character concept), cavalier (focusing on chargers), and a ranger (archery). I have decided to play a human, RP purposes, and am intent on going some kind of divine class, except no Paladin (don't like lawful good and I am poor at playing it anyways). I am torn between a cleric, oracle, and an inquisitor. I do not want to be a "heal bot" but am unsure of the main role I need/want to play. I can see a tank being helpful as well as another damage dealer. I have not selected a deity yet as I am waiting to figure out what I want to play and how to mold it into my backstory. If the bard decides to go dervish of dawn I thought about having the same deity and playing their relationship up as the reason I am going to the Stolen Lands. Any advice on what a better class would be as well as a better role would be appreciated. I am not the best at making class.

I should also note, that myself and the GM are not fans of complete stat dumping or super optimizing of classes. I like fun classes that are effective but that I can make a good backstory up and tie everything together.

I would like Mason Kendry to be considered

Currently working on his backstory and all his stats in his profile. I am currently not in any active PBP game and I can post at least on a daily basis. My character's reason to be the area will be included in his profile.

also money is not an issue for me I have almost 900K to spend. I bought catskin leather or something like that, that gives me shadow and halfs my dam if I fall. The campaign I am playing is focused on being self-sufficent and stealthy and since I am starting at a level 19 I figure hey why not be a druid since I have always wanted to play a druid once they get to level 4 (for wildshape) lol.

Thanks Darkwolf! I have amulet of protection so i figured I could not wear the bracers of armor. I know the bracers are like bonus or enchantment and the effects don't stack but my amulet of protection gives me +8 AC (or 6 dont remember) of deflection bonus, would that stack?

so I take it my AC is figured out the same way? I know I don't count my armor unless it has "wild" enchantment, so does that mean that I do not count any of my extra equipment like my belt of physical might? So basically I take my dex+natural AC bonus (per spell)+feats? Thanks and sorry I keep asking questions I just want to make sure I am doing it right.

thanks you are truly awesome and have help lessen my worries about jumping into the deep end.

Okay so I am making a 19 level druid who focuses on his wild shape and I have spent several hours trying to spend all of the 880K gold I was given to make him and I have managed to spend 645500 (not counting some extra basic equipment and potential wands). Here is what I have anything else I need or could use (I am only using magic items that I have not created myself). Lastly please let me know if you notice a magic item that is useless due to its effects not stacking. I tried to look out for this buy I sometimes miss things

Catskin Leather Armor 18,910
Rapier of Puncturing 50,320
Beaststrike Club 7,300
Ring of Regeneration 90,000
Ring of Protection +5 50000
Handy Haversack 2000
Amulet of Might Fists +5 125,000
Belt of Physical Might +6 (STR and DEX) 90,000
Eyes of Charming 56,000
Cloak of Etherealness 55,000
Books of Teleportation 49,000
Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 36,000
Gautlent of Rust 11,500
Vestment, Druids 3750
Bread, campfire 720
Scabbard of Keen Edge 16,000

nvm about the strength I reread your post sorry lol

Thank you so much for the information!! I am kind of worried about the character to be honest, I just needed a character that was self sufficent and can heal self. I was going to be a ranger but I really like wild shape, lol. For the slam damage the spells gives me like +4 or +6 to my strength and my strength before that and before any extra gear I buy is already a 20 so would I use my strength modifer instead of the +6. Thanks again

Okay so I have played pathfinder for awhile now but have never played or seen played a druid that could use wild shape. My problem is that I am creating a level 19 druid but have no idea how to figure out my attacks and stats for my wild shape. I have read the spell descriptions (ex. elemental body IV) and see what I get a bonus to but what do I use the beastiary for? Just for the special abilities and all that or for the stats as well? Also when looking at the melee for Air Elemental it says 2 Slams + 17 (2d6+6) what does this mean or do I just ignore that part? Thank you in advance and sorry for being so noobish lol

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