Chain Mauler

Zadok Warren's page

123 posts. Alias of kamenhero25.


Male Fetchling Investigator (Questioner) 10 | HP: 73/73 | AC: 23, T: 16, FF: 19| CMD: 23 | Fort: +8, Reflex: +14, Will: +10 | Init: +4 | Perception: +14


| Inspiration: 9/9 | Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 3/4, 4th: 2/2

About Zadok Warren

Male Fetchling Investigator (Questioner) 10
LN Outsider (Native)
Init: +4 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision, Perception +13


AC: 23, Touch 16, Flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +2 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
HP: 73 (10d8+20)
Fort: +8 Reflex: +14 Will: +10
Defense: Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 10, Trap Sense +3


Speed: 30 feet
Melee: Short Sword +13/+8 (1d6+6/19-20)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +11 (1d8/19-20)
Special: Inspiration (9/day, +1d8), Studied Combat (+5, 4 rounds), Studied Strike (+4d6)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th)
1/day - Disguise Self, Shadow Walk (self only)
Investigator Spells Known (CL 10th)
4th-level (DC 18) - Scintillating Wall (DC 20), Shadow Conjuration (DC 20)
3rd-level (DC 17) - Displacement, Haste, Major Image (DC 19), Shadow Enchantment (DC 19)
2nd-level (DC 16) - Detect Thoughts, Heroism, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Silence
1st-level (DC 15) - Expeditious Retreat, Feather Step, Heightened Awareness, Shadow Trap (DC 17), Silent Image (DC 17)
0-level (DC 14) - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Read Magic, Sift


Str: 11 0
Dex: 18 +4
Con: 14 +2
Int: 18 +4
Wis: 10 0
Cha: 16 +3
BAB: +7 CMB: +7 CMD: 23

Feats: Deadly Agility, Extra Investigator Talent, Greater Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Illusion), Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +22 (10 ranks, +5 competence), Bluff +18* (10 ranks, +2 race), Diplomacy +18* (10 ranks, +2 race), Disable Device +22* (10 ranks, +5 class), Knowledge (Arcana) +20* (10 ranks, +3 class), Knowledge (Local) +20* (10 ranks, +3 class), Knowledge (Planes) +20* (10 ranks, +3 class), Perception +14* (10 ranks, +1 trait), Sense Motive +19* (10 ranks, +5 competence, +1 trait), Spellcraft +17 (10 ranks), Stealth +22* (10 ranks, +5 competence)
Background: Linguistics +17* (10 ranks), Sleight of Hand +17* (10 ranks)
Traits: Eyes and Ears of the City, Influence (Sense Motive)
Advancement: Armor Attunement +2 (Chain Shirt), Deflection +2, Mental Prowess +2 (Int), Physical Prowess +2 (Dex), Resistance +3, Toughening +1, Weapon Attunement +2 (Short Sword)
Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, D’ziriak (cannot speak), Elven, Infernal, Ignan, Protean, Shae, Sylvan, Terran
Special: Emissary (re-roll Bluff or Diplomacy 1/day), Investigator Talents (Amazing Inspiration, Combat Inspiration*, Eidetic Recollection*, Expanded Inspiration, Quick Study, Underworld Inspiration), Keen Recollection, Know-it-all (+3), Shadow Agent, Swift Alchemy, Trapfinding (+5)
Combat Gear: Antiplague (2), Antitoxin (2), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2), Potion of Fly, Potion of Endure Elements (2), Scroll of Dispel Magic (2), Soothe Syrup (2), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Other Gear: Cold Iron Shortsword, Dagger, Light Crossbow, Bolts (30), Mithral Chainshirt, Adventurer’s Sash, Belt Pouch, Blue Book (City of Brass), Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Elvenkind, Heavyload Belt, Ink, Inkpen, Inquisitor’s Monocle, Journal, Manacle Key, Masterwork Backpack, Masterwork Thieves’ Tools, Minor Ring of Fire Resistance, Quickcatch Manacles, Scroll Case, Waterskin, 643 gp, 9 sp

Grazed: 55
Wounded: 36
Critical: 18

Carrying Capacity
Light: 129 lbs or less
Medium: 130-258 lbs
Heavy: 259-390 lbs

Zadok was born and raised in the merchant’s quarter of Shadow Absalom. Like many fetchlings, he grew up expecting to deal with the many travelers coming and going through the city’s planar gates and through their own magical abilities. When he was a teenager, he was apprenticed to the city guard, intending to stay a bit closer to home for a time and protect the people who lived in the city from harm where he could. He quickly proved to be a talented investigator with a knack for sorting out evidence and coaxing information from witnesses when the need arose. The district captain had him transferred to an investigative position where he completed his training and became one of the guard’s investigators dealing with complex and difficult crimes. His knowledge of magic and skill attracted the attention of other, higher powers in Shadow Absalom and soon he was approached by agents of Argrinyxia, the umbral dragon who took lordship over Shadow Absalom many years ago. Refusing an offer from the Lady of Ebon Scales was not something most sane individuals did and Zadok was taken in as one of the agents responsible for overseeing the law and tracking and defeating criminals who violated the decrees of the dragon and the most important laws of the city.

His last case seemed to be another day on the job. Rumors were spreading of a group of smugglers who had been moving contraband goods through some of the warehouses on the docks. Considering the city’s lax trade laws, anything actually illegal was the worst kind of s%@! the Great Beyond could dig up: Abyssal drugs, mortal souls, and more. Zadok had commandeered a few guards to help him with a stakeout on the suspicious warehouses. They were identifying regular visitors to the drab building when Zadok saw a strange dark fire burning through one of the windows. Moments later, panicked shouts erupted from the inside. A moment after that, black fire explosions tore through three warehouses and left a chunk of the docks a smoking crater. Zadok and his men were lucky to be far enough back to avoid much more injury than ringing eardrums and some scrapes from where the blast knocked them off their feet. Digging through the rubble revealed that the smuggling ring was worse than they had though. The remnants of the warehouses were torn apart by a planar rift, only possible through the use of the rare substance: Blackfire. The insane cultists of the Blackfire Adepts were considered criminals in most of the Inner Planes and Zadok knew just who to get in touch with to track down the smugglers before they managed to create another rift somewhere more important than an old warehouse.

Zadok appears much like the common conception of fetchlings in Shadow Absalom: gregarious, welcoming, and level-headed. He has spent a great deal of time perfecting this act, just like many of the officials and merchants who work in the dark stone city. The fetchlings have long served as the intermediaries between the Plane of Shadows’ denizens and distant planes and he is hardly an exception. However, he is a caring person and with people he’s actually close to, his demeanor becomes much more genuine. He can be a bit short when he’s under stress or has something that must be done, but he generally keeps his troubles to himself if he can. As one of the agents who serve to enforce Shadow Absalom’s laws, Zadok also cares deeply for the people, but the cold nature of the Plane of Shadows often requires hard choices and cruel decisions to keep things running smoothly. The underhanded espionage and manipulation that most of the agents must take part in makes him a bit hesitant to trust and more inclined to consider how he can best make use of others rather than how best to get along with them. But there is a relatively decent person underneath, despite his profession.

Zadok has the colorless grey complexion that most fetchlings share. On most people, it would look unhealthy, but he seems lively and strong enough that it doesn't seem as so on him. His features are sharp and show the Azlanti heritage that exists in most fetchlings families. His hair is deep raven black and long, but usually kept tied back in a short ponytail with a high hairline and a notable widow's peak. Unusually, his eyes have a bit of color to them, appearing a purplish color instead of the darker shades of most fetchlings. He wears a mixture of dark tones, mostly blacks greys and silvers. His outfit appears as a dark grey vest and black jacket with silver buttons over a pale grey shirt and pants. His boots are jet black with silver buckles and high tops. He also keeps a silver monocle on a chain in his vest's chest pocket so he can easily access it when in need.