DM Cuc |
So it has been two years since I attempted to GM a game here on a PBP. Since my RL game died and I am dying to get back into playing Pathfinder, I am going to try my hand again at GMing a game.
Point Buy: 20
HP: Max
Gold: Max
Classes: paizo only
Races: for the first time I am going to be pretty open about races, but again Paizo only.
Sorry for the change but I want to add that we are going to be using Background Skills from Unchained and automatic bonus progress as well
I am one of those people who only uses Paizo stuff for all the character creations.
As far as alignment, no evil as I think it does not go with the campaign.
I am looking for 4-5 characters to start the game. I recently finished the maps on Google Drive and am hoping they will be helpful.
I like seeing good backstories, minimal min-max, and fun character concepts. I am a pretty lenient GM and try to make the game fun. I have not been on a play by post for about 2 years, but have GMed some RL games. Any questions please just ask and I am truly hoping that this game will last and be fun for everybody.
Alandrian Verium |
So my idea is a weird one but a fun one... I want to present Kin, a Wyrmwood Alchemist who doesn't know he is a Wyrmwood. He has the Emotional trait, so he is not immune to mind effecting things and can feel and react like a person. He is bandaged basically wherever he would be bare, is medium sized through the War Titan alternate trait and will think of himself as whatever race the first medium creature he sees is.
Kin remembers only his name, partially, as it is actually Kindling, a name he will have received from a fellow party member, maybe a melee based character or a smart cracking Bard or something, and fire and pain.
He is built to be a Visionary Researcher, as he will be focused on buffing the party as best he can with his limited abilities.
I think Kin could be a fun addition, but I understand if he is too outside the box to work.
Race Wyrmwood Titan
Gender Oak
Age 30 Rings or so
Class Alchemist (Visionary Researcher) 1
Init +6; Senses Perception +4, Survival +4
Formulae List-
Bombers Eye
Monkey Fish
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10
(+0 Armor, +4 Dex)
Hp 29 Temp hp []
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 20ft
Unarmed +2 (1d3+2/x2)
Anything +4 (1d6+2/x2)
Special Attacks
Bombs +4 (1d6+3/x2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 0, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Extra Bombs
Traits Axe to Grind, Twitchy
Disable Device +8 (+4Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Knowledge +7 (Arcana) (+3 Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Knowledge +7 (Nature) (+3 Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Perception +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class)
Spellcraft +7 (+3 Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Survival +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class)
Use Magic Device +2 (-2Ability, +1 Rank, +3Class)
Background Skills
Craft (Alchemy) +7 (+3 Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Sleight of Hand +8 (+4Ability, +1Rank, +3Class)
Common, Elven, Dwarven (???)
Alchemy, bomb 1d6 (6/Day), brew potion, mutagen, throw anything
Racial Abilities
Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Cha
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20ft
A construct race such as the Wyrmwood has the following features:
Constructs have no Constitution score. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty).
Constructs have the low-light vision racial trait.
Constructs have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait.
Constructs are immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Constructs cannot heal damage on their own, but can often be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (depending on the construct's racial abilities) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. Constructs can also be healed through spells such as make whole. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
Constructs are not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
Constructs are immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Constructs do not risk death due to massive damage, but they are immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or fewer.
Constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.
Constructs are hard to destroy, and gain bonus hit points based on their size.
Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that a construct can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required to survive or stay in good health.
Alternate Racial Traits
Emotional: Through a mistake of the creation process or an intentional design choice, a wyrwood with this alternate racial trait possesses emotions. A wyrwood that desires to make use of or benefit from a class feature that provides morale bonuses (such as the barbarian’s rage ability or the wilder’s euphoric surge ability) requires this alternate racial trait. A wyrwood with this alternate racial ability is not immune to mind-affecting effects.
War Titan: Some wyrwood creators have increased the size of their progeny over time to make them more formidable and intimidating opponents. Such wyrwoods are Medium-sized creatures and gain 20 bonus hit points when created; however, their base speed is decreased to 20 feet due to the extra weight of their bodies.
Height 6ft 2
Weight 190lbs
Eye Color Black
Wood Color Reddish
Physical Appearance-
Kin appears to be a large man heavily bandaged from upper arm to hand, from knee to foot, and his whole head, crown to collar and everything in between. He wears thick leather gloves to protect his hands from chemicals and explosions, along with heavy leather boots over tough canvas trousers. He wears a tough canvas shirt, cinched at the wrists, which disappear into his gloves. Over this he wears a heavy leather coat and a thick black scarf. Temperature does not seem to affect him.
When light floods his consciousness the only thing Kin remembers is his name and fire. He can remember vividly pain, his body aching, his face and hands especially. The echo of explosions fill his ears, setting him on edge, causing him to twitch and fidgit, his eyes constantly searching for the next threat. His friends however, as he is sure of that, his friends keep him focused. He can remember that at least.
“Kin-something…?” He sighed reaching up to tenderly touch his face and adjust the goggles he wore, covering his smoke damaged eyes. “Kin will do…”
Backstory to be continued when I have time to look at other characters.
Raifstarian "Raif" |
I would love to join.
IMHO - I would like to interact with "Kin" as well. I can imagine some interesting dialogue.
I am thinking an afflicted, conflicted half-elven sorcerer; Harry Dresden-esque.
I would like to introduce Raif, half-elven sorcerer with the accursed bloodline.
Raif has always been something of a ... well he can't really remember what he's always been at the moment.
I will post the character crunch later today.
DM Cuc |
So far really cool concepts, a few minor things, posting will be at least once a day weekends I will be slightly more lenient as I can't post until 9pm (eastern) most weekends.
I plan to use the sanity stuff but need to read a little more up on it.
You all get two traits and one has to be campaign trait. I also ask you that tie the trait into your backstory instead of just selecting on to make your character stronger. Drawbacks are allowed.
Vlad Mirwood |
Yes, but it will be more for me so I can incorporate things that you begin to know about your past.
Ah, okay, well Vlad is going to be the Child of a powerful vampire lord, and I'm leaving it up to you if you want to bring him into the game, or if you want to stick that title of father to a vampire in game.
other than that, are we using background skills or anything else like that?
Edit: i don't like min/maxing, I like keeping balance... hence, all my stats are above 10 :P
Jacqueline Artorias |
This is Jacqueline Artorias, who is from a previous game whose GM unfortunately vanishes. Here is the one thing she remembers other than vague recollections of Academy experiences:
It prowled through the hallways.
Blood and gore indelibly stained the lecture halls, giving it a new, dark history, a place whispered of in years to come, a palace of suffering that would appear to the Sensitive in their deepest nightmares, calling to them like a dark siren, whispering of ancient lore and powerful secrets.
Even now, Jacqueline felt it, pressing against her mind, the blasphemies that had only recently taken place murmuring into her soul. It sniffed, its wings twitching in a gruesome shower of darkness and blood. Jacqueline's sign was branded into its forehead.
Taking a deep breath, Jacqueline stepped into its field of view, channeling all of her rage, her sorrow, her regret, into a hot-forged blade in her hands.
"You will stain this earth no longer," she whispered, almost tenderly, then leapt forward, dodging its ill-timed swipes and resisting the mournful, shredding wail. Finally, she slammed her red, crackling blade into her sigil, then as it faded away, Jacqueline says, sorrowfully, "I am sorry, Sorana. I'm so sorry." Then, she slumped and wept.
Vlad Mirwood |
Yes we are going to use the background skills from umchained. Depends on how the rest of the AP pans out I would like to make use of the background skills
Wonderful! because Vlad has Craft(silversmithing) and profession(soldier) ;)
I'm planning on using the silversmithing to craft silver weapons at the most, otherwise it is everything a RL silversmith does. spoons, knives, plates, bullets, guns, things that are "for show" rather than use... otherwise he'll probably be using a lot of silver coins as well, although he won't make silver coins unless he has approval and some silver ore :P
As for the soldier, pure fluff as well as some conventional use.
although the Craft could just go into smithing, because silversmithing is more a profession :/
i could just imagine him throwing silver coins at a vampire... or melting them into a cross/holy symbol :P
Jayson Sunfyre |
Dotting for interest with this character. I have to make some tweaks, as I think he was built on 25 points instead of 20, but the rest of it should still be good.
For the GM: How much of a backstory are you wanting us to have for our characters, what with the us being in a fugue state at the beginning? Also, I've created Jayson as a warpriest of Sarenrae and the campaign trait True Devotion, but that trait as written only works for Inquisitions or Domain powers. Since Warpriests get neither of those abilities, but Blessings instead, would you allow me one extra use of Blessing per day, but only for the minor power? Thank you!
CrusaderWolf |
Same question of Jayson, how much leeway to we have given the fugue state? I have a human Slayer (one level aberrant Bloodrager for "murderous blackouts") but I don't know how much detail. Is "wakes up in a Blackjackets uniform holding a greatsword" too much? Never done a memory-wiped character.
DM Cuc |
Jayson I will need to look at the trait again when I get home from work, but I will more than likely allow it, as I do not see it game breaking.
As far as the backstory, it is more for me as I want to trickle information to your characters. I just got the second AP (PDF) and plan to read it tonight to get a better understanding of how much you guys learn. If you can give me the history of the character, such as why they are in Ustalav to begin with, and you do not have to make mention of how you ended up in the AP. I will work with the ones who get selected further on the exact backstory of how they ended up in the AP. Also I want to be more clean on the details myself, as I only read through it once and its a lot to take in lol. And I just got the hard copy which is easier for me to read than PDFs on my computer screen.
I am excited about the submissions so far, and am happy I eased up on the races. With that said though, I forgot how unkind Ustalav is to other races. So if you are a noncore race I would like to know how your character has survived in Ustalav.
Hopefully this all makes sense and I am not just rambling lol
Kenderella Lefuriel |
I like that you like good backstories... But this game kinda assumes you've lost your backstory. This is my submission for another Strange Aeons game. I'll modify her to fit your wishes including adding some more background information on how she got into the asylum. Currently she does have some fluff describing her reaction to the current situation. I hope you like the song and fluff:
A song I feel is quite fitting for this character
Long blond locks billowed about as she ran. Some of her hair got in her face, in her mouth as she ran. No, they got me! She thought, but thankfully it was only her hair. It was not easy for her to run, her heart pounded in her chest and her legs felt weak. I'm so weak.
::I can make you strong!:: A deep guttural voice resounded through her head. She nearly crashed into a wall in surprise and she looked about fervently. Where did the voice come from? The voice had let a torrent of mixed emotions lose. It made her horrified, but also feel safe. But more than anything it gave her a deep sense of guilt. Something to with the voice was her fault.
The young girl shook her head in denial and to regain focus. I don't have time to think about some voice now. The shaking hindered her further though, sending long golden threads to yet again obscure her vision.
As she started running down the hill another feature of her well proportioned body came in her way. Her bountiful breasts, started jumping up and down, nearly breaking free of her torn clothing several times and severely disrupting her balance. Why are my clothes torn?
Stumbling down the hill, it didn't take long for the voice to call out to her again. ::Call upon me and I'll help you. I'll make you strong and able to ignore these petty problems and able to make you defeat what's following you too.::
The sense of guilt that flowed over her from those words were overwhelming. Yet behind it, there was a feeling of comfort, of being protected, there too. Why can't I remember the cause of these feelings? She tried to think, it was difficult amidst the physical exertion, but she tried hard enough that she felt like she should have found something. [iWhy can't I remember anything?[/i]
She stumbled. As the world went all lopsided she was sure she would fall and the things in the mist would get to her. Thankfully she managed to get her bearings as the last moment. The guilt is just a feeling. These problems I'm facing are oh so real.
::Yessss, that's the way. I'm just here to help you. Together we are strong.:: The voice was somehow softer now, like velvet.
Have you played baldur's gate 2? This character is very much inspired by bhaalspawn from there.
I hope you are not turned away by the class/archtype combination. The cruelty drawback does quite a bit to tone down her power (she'll have to fight the murderous impulses from the monster inside of her) and the inability to use her transformed form in a lot of situations takes that further.
Dervak |
Even though a core race, I expect Dervak has had a worse time than many non-core ones.
He has the "pariah" alternate racial trait, emphasizing his outcast nature. I'll work up a story of how he came to Ustalav... Most likely in search of a cure, and desperate enough to trust somebody he shouldn't have.
Kenderella Lefuriel |
So far really cool concepts, a few minor things, posting will be at least once a day weekends I will be slightly more lenient as I can't post until 9pm (eastern) most weekends.
I plan to use the sanity stuff but need to read a little more up on it.
You all get two traits and one has to be campaign trait. I also ask you that tie the trait into your backstory instead of just selecting on to make your character stronger. Drawbacks are allowed.
Yes they are. In the previous recruitment I was in they were actually required...
Darthrancor |
I'm gonna throw in Julius Armistead, Goblin Pyrokineticist.
derpdidruid |
DM Cuc wrote:Yes they are. In the previous recruitment I was in they were actually required...So far really cool concepts, a few minor things, posting will be at least once a day weekends I will be slightly more lenient as I can't post until 9pm (eastern) most weekends.
I plan to use the sanity stuff but need to read a little more up on it.
You all get two traits and one has to be campaign trait. I also ask you that tie the trait into your backstory instead of just selecting on to make your character stronger. Drawbacks are allowed.
Thanks missed that bit.
Draw backs are awsome both mechanically and flavor wise.
DM Cuc |
So far some great submissions
Jayson I don't have an issue with you using a blessing in place of domains or inquisitions.
I keep going back and forth about the backstories. I like them because it gives me a better sense of the character and you are right that your character will not remember any of it once it starts but it is assumed you get back all your memories. Plus I think it will be fun to RP bits and pieces of your memories at a time before learning everything.
Rinn Laddel |
OK here's my submission. Rinn Ladel, Halfling Medium. She has vauge memories of being involved with dwarves in some way, she awakes to find she hears whispers (The spirits) that constantly offer her power... At an eventual price.
I have a complete backstory for her but I'm gana keep that to myself until you decide what you want. :)
Raltus |
Felix Brightye (bright-eye) Tengu Rogue, very twitchy even for a humanoid Raven. No Idea where he is or why he is here but he needs some cover and shinny things ASAP.
Felix Brightye
Tengu rogue (unchained) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 263, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
CN Medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rhoka sword -2 (1d8/18-20) or
swordbreaker dagger +1 (1d4) or
bite -2 (1d3)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits suspicious, twitchy
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +5, Climb +3, Craft (glass) +4, Disable Device +5, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth
+8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Tengu
SQ gifted linguist, swordtrained, trapfinding +1
Other Gear dagger APG, 60 gp
Special Abilities
Gifted Linguist Tengus gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and learn two languages each time
they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than one language.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Swordtrained Tengus are automatically proficient with swordlike weapons (including bastard swords,
daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers,
scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
DarkestHeart |
His master was a kind man, or so Kin believed at first. He thought Kin how to mix reagents, how to concoct and brew and distill and Kin thrived at it. He soon became adept at the creation of bottled fire, of light in a flask and even ice spheres. He soon learned the intricacies of explosives, of the correct mixing of powder to cause death and destruction. And that is when the pain began.
Fire and wood do not mix, not in a pleasant way. Though he was not truly wood, the pain still became unbearable, unrelenting. His Master forced him in to more dangerous situations, making him destroy his brethren up close, making him cause mayhem and destruction wherever they went. By the end of their time together Kin was covered in deep scarring, his arms, his face and his legs pitted beyond repair. When the revolution came, Kin rose up with the others, killing his Master in cold blood, treating him to a concoction of alchemy and poison, causing his blood vessels to rupture and his eyes to leak his insides.
Stripping his master of all of his finery, Kin destroyed the garments and bound his wounds, hiding his scars from the world, burying himself in large clothing and disguising himself as best he could, before heading off in to the world.
So that is just the origins part of his backstory. Kin is meant to be really, really old (Though I don't know how long Wyrmwood live). I feel like any disturbing flashes of his past would circle around his Master, the things he has done, the cruelty he has endured.
As for how he lives in Ustulav, carefully. He resided in the wilderness for most of his time and traded Alchemy and work for anything he needed. He keeps away from people for 90% of the time and only interacts with people he trusts.
Veltharis |
Would an oracle sporting a split personality via the Shattered Psyche curse from Iron Gods be permissible, or would such a thing have to be done through the Insanity rules?
Rough idea would be a wandering Varisian youth that encountered "something" Dark Tapestry-related in his childhood that thoroughly scrambled his mind and now has an alternate persona lurking in his head that he's utterly terrified of.
DM Cuc |
Would an oracle sporting a split personality via the Shattered Psyche curse from Iron Gods be permissible, or would such a thing have to be done through the Insanity rules?
Rough idea would be a wandering Varisian youth that encountered "something" Dark Tapestry-related in his childhood that thoroughly scrambled his mind and now has an alternate persona lurking in his head that he's utterly terrified of.
I have no issues with that.
Okay so just as a heads up the more i read AP 2, whoever is selected some of their more recent backstories may be changing a bit, I just want to give everybody that heads up. But like I said the backstories serve to help me understand the character better, and to help with the eventual reveal of older memories.
Raifstarian "Raif" |
As promised, more about Raif.
Raif was born the "love" child of Ardruviel, Elven emmissary and Chanda, Changling prostitute. He grew up running the streets and helping around the brothel. With the onset of puberty, Raif began to experience magic coursing through his veins... (more to come)
Raif stirs as awareness slowly pushes through the cobwebs of his mind.
His back, legs and head are cold; cold from the hard surface he is on.
Flexing his fingers slightly, he can feel seams between the block that makes up the hard surface; the floor.
Rolling to his side, he pushes up on his left elbow, blinks lazily and shakes his head gently. "What the...?!" he thinks in bewilderment. "How'd I get here? Where am I?"
Bewilderment becomes alarm as an uneasy feeling creeps into the pit of his stomach... "What have I done?!"
The last is from his campaign trait
Raifstarian "Raif"
Race: Half-elf
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Class: Sorcerer 1
Bloodline: Accursed
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
(+0 Armor, +2 Dex)
Hp 7 Temp hp []
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 30ft
BAB +0
Melee +0 / Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/x2)
/ Staff +0 (1d6/1d6 /x2)
Ranged +2
/ Light Crossbow +2 (1d8 /19-20/x2)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats: Eschew Materials, Adaptability (Skill Focus: Spell Craft),
Skill Focus: Knowledge (Arcana)
Traits: Elven Reflexes (+2 Init),
Driven by Guilt (+1 saves vs spells cast by evil &
+Cha mod to attack / +1 per level dam - 1x per day)
Appraise +6 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Knowledge +9 (Arcana) (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +3 Skill Focus)
Perception +4 (-2 Ability +1 Rank, +3 Class, +2 Racial)
Spellcraft +9 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +3 Skill Focus)
Use Magic Device +8 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Languages:Common, Elven, Giant
Level 0: DC:14
Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation
Level 1: DC:15 Spells /day:4
Magic Missle, Grease
Class Skill: Perception.
Bonus Spells:
ray of enfeeblement (3rd), touch of idiocy (5th),
ray of exhaustion (7th), bestow curse (9th),
feeblemind (11th), eyebite (13th),
insanity (15th), dimensional lock (17th),
energy drain (19th).
Bonus Feats:
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Deceitful,
Defensive Combat Training, Endurance, Great Fortitude,
Mounted Combat.
Bloodline Arcana:
You count as a hag for the purpose of joining a hag’s coven.
The coven must contain at least one hag. In addition, whenever you are within
30 feet of another sorcerer with this bloodline or a witch with the coven hex,
you can use the aid another action to grant a +1 bonus to the other spellcaster’s
caster level for 1 round.
Bloodline Powers:
The source of your power isn’t pretty, but it does allow you to emulate the
preternatural ugliness and toughness of a hag, though doing so won’t help you
make friends.
Horrific Visage (Su): At 1st level, you can draw upon your hag ancestor to cause
one target to perceive you as having a horrifying appearance. As a standard action,
you can force one target within 30 feet to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your
sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 1 round for every 2 sorcerer
levels you possess (minimum 1 round). This is a mind-affecting, fear-based ability.
This fear does not stack with other fear effects. You may use this ability a number of
times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Wretched Endurance (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against charm,
cold, fear, fire, and sleep effects. And 9th level, these bonuses increase to +4.
Dread Gaze (Su): At 9th level, you gain a form of the green hag’s evil eye power. As a standard
action, you may fix your gaze on any one creature within 60 feet. The target must make
a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) or be staggered
for 1 round for every 2 sorcerer levels you possess. You may use this ability once per
day at 9th level. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 20th level,
you may use this ability three times per day.
Dream Walking (Sp): At 15th level, you can enter the ethereal plane. This functions like
ethereal jaunt, but with a duration of 1 minute for every 2 sorcerer levels you possess.
Once during this trip, you may cast nightmare as a spell-like ability on a creature you
see on the Material Plane. (This is an exception to the normal rule that ethereal
creatures cannot affect targets on the Material Plane).
Fearsome Survival (Su): At 20th level, your hag-blood gives you considerable resilience. You
gain DR 10/cold iron, and gain SR equal to 6 + your sorcerer level.
Money 120 gp
Racial Abilities
Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Cha
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30ft
Low Light Vision
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities (immune to sleep & +2 saves vs. enchantments)
Height: 6ft
Weight: 150lbs
Eye Color: Blue / Grey
Hair Color: Corn silk blonde
Physical Appearance
Raif is a tall half elf of average build. He has pale skin and blonde hair.
Raif's eyes are unique. One iris is grey and one is a grey hue of blue.
He typically dresses in typical human attire for Ustalav.
Raif was born the bastard child of Ardruviel; Elven emmissary and Chanda; a Changling
prostitute. He grew up on the streets and helping around the brothel. With the onset of
puberty, Raif began to experience the magic coursing through his veins... (more to come)
Raif becomes aware of cold stone under his body. Rolling to his side, he pushes up on his left elbow,
blinks and shakes his head gently. "What the...?!" he thinks in alarm. "How'd I get here and Where am I?"
Bewilderment becomes alarm as an uneasy feeling creeps into the pit of his stomache... "What have I done?!"
Laufey Gemshrike |
Laufey is also one of the orphans from the roughly week-long Strange Aeons campaign. A Half-Elven Bloodrager with Arcane Bloodline. She was just looking for work with decent pay. How she would up in this mess is thus far a mystery to her even more than others. It might have had something to do with her ability to put down arcane monstrosities with extreme prejudice.
She has a fully developed background and associated fluff given with her character sheet.
RePete |
I wish to submit Linjesh
she will never be too fresh.
She just likes to rhyme
If you'll give her the time.
Otherwise she'd take pesh.
She's a bard
that's found life to be hard.
She hopes her persistence
is of assistance.
Here I leave her card.
Thank you for your consideration. No, not all of the rhymes would be this bad. It's late and I'm tired. :-P
====Linjesh Pai====
Female Gnome Archivist (Bard Arch) HP: 9/9 (1d8+1) *favored into racial
Init: +4 Senses: Darkvision 60’; Perc: -1 SM: -1
Speed: 20’
AC: 18; Touch: 13; FF: 16 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Fort:; +1 Ref: +5; Will: +1; +2 vs illusion, charm, compulsion
Whip +2 (1d2+1/x2); disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip
Sap +2(1d4+1/x2); nonlethal
Dagger +2 (1d3+1/19-20x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d4/x3)
SQ: 9/day Bardic Performance (Naturalist, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate); Bardic Knowledge
Level 1 2/day; 2 known - DC 15
Silent Image (DC 16)
Saving Finale
Level 0 4 known - DC 14
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound (DC 15)
Read Magic
Str: 12 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 8 Cha: 18
BAB: 0 CMB: +0 CMD: 12
Feats: 1) Lingering Performance
Trained Skills: Diplomacy (+9); K (Arcana) (+7); K (Religion) (+7); Linguistics (+6); Perform (Oratory) (+8); Spellcraft (+6); Stealth (+10); UMD (+8)
*All other K skills +3 - can roll untrained
Background Skills: Artistry (Literature); Lore (Music)
Alternate Racials: Gift of Tongues; Darkvision
Traits:Twitchy (+2 Init, +1 Ref), Unswaying Love (+2 vs charm/compulsion), Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks)
Drawback: Vain
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Elven, Dwarven, Orc, Halfling
Combat Gear: Whip, Sap, Dagger, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Chain Shirt, Buckler
Other Gear: Backpack, Waterskin, Common Ukulele, Rations (5days); 50’ Rope: 28g 5s
I wonder if my family misses me as much as I miss them.. pondered Linjesh. This was her first time performing without their support in such a strange place. Her jittery nerves were understandable...right? Well, no bother. The piece she was about to share was an old standby she’d recited it hundreds of times before. Shelyn wouldn’t let her fail.
What’d they call this place? Ustalav?
There weren’t a lot of non-humans around. Heck, the barkeep thought she was a child! She was over 100 seasons old! It’s likely the barkeep wasn’t even half her age. To calm her nerves she let her mind drift.
This particular poem she’d learned back at the monastery. One of the first pieces she’d memorized. Back then she’d sing and read poems every week in front of everyone. When she’d finish her parents would be standing at the edge of the stage, waiting to shower her with praises. Such an unlikely match those two had been. Her father a mutt sorcerer had fallen for a Shelyn priestess. They had met while working for some group…was it the pathfinders? Eh, no matter. Those were simpler times… Shoot! Was that the cue?
Snapping back to the present Ms Pai took a deep breath and stepped out onto the stage. Some stranger of to the side mumbled some nonsense and touched her arm as she passed. Was he wishing me luck? Standing in the bright lights, staring out over the shadowy figures before her she began.
”The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.
The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people.
”WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE” Hollered some drunk from the back.
”Uh….Beautiful, also, is the sun...uh” stammered Linjesh
”GET THAT KID OUT OF HERE” the unknown voice yelled out.
”Please, quiet down. I have other poems…..Uh...How about…
By whose touch does the lily smile
And open its beauty - bud?
Whose moonlit beauty”
”I’ll show you a moonlit beauty sweetness” snarled another voice. The crowd burst into hysterics.
Linjesh looked to the stranger she’d passed on her way onstage with desperation. He offered a sly toothless grin. ”The Old Ones say ‘ello. You made that too easy lass. Thanks for that.”
What was he talking about? Was he to blame for this? Had he done something to her? As she turned back to the crowd to try again, something soggy hit the side of her face. They..They’re throwing food at me?! Bursting into tear she fled the bar. She ran until she found herself alone in an alley, where she sat and cried her heart out. ”Shelyn! Why?! Just why?!”
Hearing a sound from the side, she jerked her head to see a tall figure at the entrance of the alley, blocking her exit. What’s he doing? An incoherent mumble and a gesture from the stranger is all it took. Everything started going dark. Her arms and legs began getting heavier and heavier. Is this the end?
CrusaderWolf |
So I'm working with the madness angle, but for the most part I'm going for an ordinary man with no ties to the occult. What's a Cthulu horror game without someone in way over their head screaming "What in the hells in THAT?!"
Quickly run out of coin, Duris signed up with the Molthuni military and spent the next year learning the basics of soldiering after being placed in the Trailblazer Academy—a program for light infantry training in counter-insurgency & guerilla tactics to make them more effective against Nirmathi rangers. After graduating from basic training and being assigned to Fort Ramgate, Duris saw his first action: a Nirmathi assault including a pair of mangonels hidden in a dense copse of trees. The garrison commander decided to sally forth to destroy the siege engines, only for the advancing Molthunis to be shredded by incoming arrow fire. Duris’ squad lost four men trying to get out of the killzone, fleeing downriver to hide and regroup. In the dead of the night Duris awoke from a nightmare covered in cold sweat—and the hot blood of his five fellow soldiers, butchered all around him. Duris’ arms and halberd were slick with gore, though the horrified young man had no memory of anything since lying down. Knowing he would almost certainly be court-marshalled and hanged, Duris shed his uniform, hiked to Tamran, and caught the first boat out.
The boat put ashore in Druma, and so Duris did what he knew how to do and signed up with the Blackjackets. He spent the last three years working as a mercenary there and succeeded in burying the memory of what happened at Fort Ramgate. His most recent assignment was easy money, just riding some merchant cog to Ustalev…but it happened again. Two nights before arriving in Caliphas Duris awoke, echoes of haunting not-music in his mind and half a dozen of his crewmates slaughtered. A thick grey fog had rolled in and Duris’ last conscious moment was gibbering terror as the choir in his head reached a crescendo.
Duris stands 5’ 10” with close-cropped black hair, keen blue eyes, and a lean but powerful build, weighing in at 200lbs. He’s spent nearly his entire life doing what others told him to do, and until now he’s never stopped to wonder why he does what he does. Upon awakening Duris is gripped by a bone-deep dread at whatever it is that’s in his head, and he’s fighting down panic while he tries to figure out what’s happening to him.
Str18 (+4) Dex13 (+1) Con14 (+2) Int10 (+0) Wis14 (+2) Cha7 (-2); BAB +1, CMD16, CMB +5
AC14 (+3 studded leather, +1 Dex); Touch11, Flat-Footed13
Attacks: Greatsword +5 (2d6+6) or longbow +2 (1d8) or thrown dagger +2 (1d4+4)
Feats: Dodge, Power Attack
Adventuring Skills (6/lvl): Stealth +4, Perception +6, Survival +6, Sense Motive +6, Knowledge [Geography] +4, Knowledge [Local] +4
Background Skills (2/lvl): Profession (Cook) +3, Profession (Soldier) +3
Abilities: 1st studied target (+1), Track,
Equipment: ms studded leather, greatsword, longbow, quiver w/20 arrows, two daggers,
Pugilist: 1/day for 1 round treat weapon damage as one size larger, or increase reach by 5ft
Tactician: +1 Initiative; 1/day gain +2 attack on a AoE
Also sorry if this has already been answered, when does recruitment close?
Just a Mort |
Half Orc Investigator (Empiricist)
N Humanoid
Init +4;
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13
hp 11 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longspear +3 (1d8+3)
Investigator extracts Prepared (CL 1)
. . 1st — Shield, Cure Light Wounds
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Combat Reflexes
Skills Perception +4, Knowledge religion +6, Disable Device +7, Knowledge arcana +6, Knowledge planes +6, Knowledge local +6, Knowledge dungeoneering +6, Knowledge nature +6
Background skills Craft alchemy +6, Knowledge History +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Abyssal,
Traits Twitchy, Fates favored, TBC
Drawback Paranoid
Racial Traits
Sacred Tattoo : +1 luck bonus to all saves
Gear Cold Iron Dagger, Silver Mace, Longspear, Studded leather armor, Belt pouch, Backpack, 2 sacks, 2 Waterproof bags, Waterskin, Flint and Steel, Torch, Light crossbow, Rope, String, 5 sheets of paper, Ink, Inkpen, Grappling hook, Charcoal, 3 days trail rations, 1 sack of flour, a bell, string, fishhook, signal whistle, 5 pieces chalk, 2 pitons, 1 hammer, Sling, 20 bullets, Alchemist kit, TBD
Wt - TBD
Lokar and his friends Rembalo, Drax and Larry grew up on the streets of Vauntil. They lived on the streets and scavenged what they could from the bins and the wilds surrounding Vauntil. They all hoped for a better life, but where was a gutter rat going to find the money to get themselves an apprecticeship? One day, while they were trying to hide from a storm, they ran into a ruined mansoleum. In there, Rembalo found a chest full of coins That was their ticket to riches! They stuffed as many coins in their threadbare clothes and used their newfound wealth to buy themselves into society. Lokar apprenticed under an alchemist, Rembalo under a general goods vendor and Larry a physician. Drax preferred the wilds of Vauntil and set himself up as a hunter. Lokar kept in contact with his old friends as they moved up in society. The time came when they wanted to set up their own businesses. They went back to their coin stash, and took what remained from there, but there wasn't enough. Lokar had long come to the conclusion that the dead(if they even existed) had no use for material posessions, so why not have it taken by the living? Spectres were just things of tales, and if a few walking bones came, couple good whacks with a quarterstaff was enough to put them to rest, permanently. He encouraged his friends to find more tombs to rob, and they soon began their double lives. In the day, they were honest merchants. Some days of the momth they would close their shops(hanging gone on vacation signs) and plunder tombs for loot. Rembalo in particular proved adept at liquidating the assets looted from their various expeditions. Lokar was the brains of the expedition, spending time in the library researching lore on where the tombs might be. Lokar was proud of his team. At this rate they'd be able to buy themselves into nobility.
Lokar eyed his next target. Supposedly the tomb of the legendary Count Afanas. Count Afanas was a rich noble who dabbled in spellcraft in his life, and by the book accounts, buried with a sea of gold and jewels. His tomb was supposed to be protected by devious traps and ancient guardians. 'Pah, what moonshine' Lokar thought. People would write about guardian golems, and what you saw when you got there would be worn statues. Shadows on the wall were just illusions caused by the light of a flickering torch. Besides, Larry had a way of dealing with uncanny things. Usually a pulse of positive energy messed them up pretty good.
They set off for the tomb, and after dealing with a couple of simple traps and shambling things, they entered a room with an ornately decorated coffin and another exit leading further into darkness.Drax shoved upon the coffin to reveal a perfectly preserved skeleton decked in finery. Lokar walked over and began relieving the skeleton of its posssesions, starting with the red ruby ring in its left hand, when blue lights appeared in the skeletons eyes and the room became deathly cold. Lokar felt numb-chilling fear, like nothing that he had ever felt in his life before. He had to get away from that monstrosity! The skeleton gave a diabolical grin, and gestured at the entrance. A solid wall of ice materialized and blocked it completely. The only escape would be into the darkness. Lokar and his companions fled recklessly towards tunnel, the only thought in their minds being to escape, just as the lich wanted.
The lich could have killed them at any time, but preferred to watch them flee into his gauntlet of death instead(it was about the only amusement he had gotten for the last 50 years). The party tripped over a trap wire in their haste to escape and the walls of the tunnels started growing spikes and closing upon them and they all rushed to get away. Poor Larry was too slow and ground to a paste. Lokar could still remember his fingers sticking out of the bloody wall section, outstretched for a rescue that never came. The rest of the party ran forth and then something happened to Drax. He acted like he was suddenly possessed and came after Rembalo and Lokar with his Greataxe, out for their blood.They were forced to cut him down, and the scariest thing was that for each wound they gave him, he only laughed crazily. When he finally died, a shadowy bat like thing emerged from his body and assailed them with icy cold claws. Weapons passed through the thing like it didn't existed, but yet its claws were all too real. Faced with a foe they could not hope to beat, the pair fled further into the tunnel. They came into another chamber where the doors closed on them and immediately began to fill with icy water. It was a race against time for Rembalo and Lokar to figure the release mechanism before they drowned. They managed it, and cold, exhausted and bloodied, they stumbled into a section of a tunnel going up, lined with everburning torches. 'Up was a good thing' Lothar thought. Until shadows began to ooze out of the wall and grab Rembalo. With each touch Rembalo grew paler as the shadows drained his life energy. Lokar ran off, leaving Rembalo behind, not wanting to share the same fate. The tunnel went up, then down again, and Lokar heard the sound of gears grinding and then the howls and growls of many things pursuing him from the darkness. He didnt dare to stop, or look back. He needed to find a way out of the hellish nightmare that had claimed the lives of his friends. Finally, the tunnel went consistently upwards and he thought he could see daylight at the end of the tunnel. 'Saved!' He thought, and ran towards the light, unaware he was stepping on some arcane glyphs. The glyphs triggered a Symbol of Insanity that wiped his memory.
A Desnan priest found him unkempt, gibbering and drooling, wandering the plains aimlessly. Fearing that he would do harm to himself, but yet unable to help him, the priest brought him to the asylum in Thrushmoor in hope that the asylum will be the place for his shattered mind to heal.
I'd like to submit Urdal, a dwarf cleric with spells leaning towards the necromancy side of things. He starts the AP as a good or neutral character however he has spells that hint at past evil, or at least a past attempt to start down that path.
I thought it might be interesting to have a character who's abilities are at odds with his idea of himself and with his personality. He's stuck with certain spells and he has to figure out how to utilise them.