DM Barcas |

Good news! Bad news! News!
I was offered a position today as a Homicide detective. It's not final, as my current captain has to approve the transfer, which is far from a given. If I am able to make the transfer, it will be effective November 10th. Once in Homicide, I would drop even further in time as compared to now.
However - you guys are my #2 priority in my games, right behind my Kingmaker game. I'll fight to keep from dropping you, but we'll just have to take a wait-and-see approach to it.

DM Barcas |

Guys, I am at the point of mental exhaustion. I seem to only have enough gas after work for one campaign (which itself requires a bit of a pull) as the DM. Since Kingmaker is my first campaign, and the one I have invested most in, it's the one that gets my limited attention. It's with a heavy heart that I have to suspend this campaign.
It's been going like this for a while, but I don't want to disappoint anyone. Since I am leaving for Homicide soon, I know that my mental exhaustion will not get any better. I'm sorry for getting everybody's hopes up by re-activating this campaign before I knew what was going on. I hope y'all will forgive me.

Nylie Brillamorrow |

Dude, of course I'm disappointed! You were telling an awesome story here. But you were also testing the bounds of human endurance.
It was explained to me like this: the reason why 2 1/2 men is so popular isn't just because most people are stupid. It's also because smart people have brain-draining jobs, and by the time they get home they don't have enough mental energy for more than sex and fart jokes.
You're proving that theory wrong every time that you update your Kingmaker. So you keep on doing that -- and I'll keep this game in my RSS, so that I'll see your comeback even if the forums are bugged. Because the game is awesome. 8)
But RL comes first. Good luck on those big cases, 'grats on your promotion, and best wishes on your master's! I really hope that you someday have the time and energy to pick this back up; but yeah, of course I forgive you. I felt like it was a privilege, to get to play in another one of your games. Take care! :)