Alistair Corinth |

DM Barcas, I'm going to be moving next Friday from Florida to Alabama and won't have access to the internet for some time. I'm hoping that I'll have access on weekdays, but we'll see if that's true or not. I'll try to get a good post in here or there, but it'll be fairly sporadic until I'm settled in.
Hopefully this won't be too much of a problem. Maybe it'll give you a chance to have those in the morning/mid-morning catch up without having to deal with Alistair much.

Rica Hismar |

Borrowing a friend's computer real quick to say that I should have computer access back by Monday. My computer isn't going to be fixed by then, but I've requisitioned my old computer which I'll have hooked up tomorrow. I'd have it done today, but I'm away from home for the night/next morning. I'm very sorry for my absence, and I'm hoping to jump back in as soon as possible.

Rica Hismar |

I thought that would be easiest on you, since I was already fairly behind. I agree about being late though, she'll probably take her sweet time finding the correct warehouse. It really depends on if she does get accosted on her way there. If this were her own meeting, then she'd be fairly late, but since Astin asked her to go, she doesn't want to reflect too poorly on him, so she'll only be slightly late, if that makes any sense.

Lucadeno Jeggare |

Back! The Gull makes his move!
Starting to get a feel for everyone elses cool characters!
I can't think of who I'd get to play Luca in a HBO series!
In the interest of everyone getting to know each other; I'm a 23 old physics graduate doing my masters, and I live in Ireland. Pleasure to do business with you all!

Rica Hismar |

I just wanted to say that I am REALLY enjoying this game so far, and that I'm sorry it took me so long to get into the swing of posting. I don't have a job or school right now, so I figured I'd be at the computer all day every day, but I didn't figure in computer mishaps. My computer still isn't fixed, but I have my old one up and running, so unless -that- one breaks down, I should be good to post multiple times a day.
Also wanted to say: DM Barcas? Thank you SO much for doing applications the way you did them. I'm currently recruiting for a game, and what helped me most when deciding how to do applications was thinking back over how pleasant my experience applying for this game was. To be blunt, you kind of inspired me.
I am absolutely loving everyone's characters so far, and it's great to see things pick back up again!

Rica Hismar |

Pointing out that it's Rica who's irritated, not me. I'd probably ignore her if I had the chance too. I'm not trying to force the attention on her, -she- is. I'm perfectly happy with you guys shooting her down in whatever way you deem appropriate and moving on. :)
Just wanted to let that be known, since I've had horrible luck with players thinking I'm like my character or...something. I don't think that will be a problem with you guys, but I figured its better safe than sorry.

DM Barcas |

Conflict, if a natural progression of differing views, is good roleplaying. You should see my Kingmaker campaign, where Verik and Jemini were seriously considering arresting and prosecuting Taisper. It was a tense, but very well-done narrative.
Sorry I've been quiet. Somehow I went from 18 hours of overtime this week to 41, thanks to people asking for favors and an interview for an investigative position. On top of that, I keep finding cases where I can file warrants, and always at end of shift! I worked 18 hours straight yesterday, got 5 hours of sleep, and headed into the interview. Handing them a complete warrant packet for an aggravated robbery suspect helped my interview, I hope. Hopefully it will get the suspect off the street before he kills someone. He's looking at a $40,000 bond and faces 15 years to life in prison.

Lucadeno Jeggare |

Hey, way to go man. I'm always amazed by how different the attitude of police is over there. In Ireland the serious guards are mostly in Dublin and investigating big crimes, most Gardai on the streets are just kind of lads, even when their in the uniform. Its all very Irish, and the Irish have a lax veiw of technical laws, theft and murder and drugs are bad, but 'whats a little bit over the speed limit', or 'a pint before driving home' is a rampant attitude.

Alistair Corinth |

I'm still sort of in-and-out with Internet for the time being. Theoretically I'll have internet in my new place sometime this evening, though, so that shouldn't last much longer. So that explains my lack of in-depth posts for the time being. Hopefully that'll start to get better now that I'm settled in my new place. I should be able to get on at least once or twice in the evening when most of the posting seems to occur.
Rica, I know how to separate player from character. If I wasn't so frazzled with the move and had a more steady internet connection, I probably would've said something to your character. It is what it is though. Should be better from here out.

Rica Hismar |

Oh, I wasn't worried or anything. She's a character that I kind of expect other characters to ignore. In fact, I welcome it. It just makes her angrier, which generates more laughs for me. And hey, maybe she'll learn something from it. :D I'm trying to show that she's has a lust for attention without derailing the game or anything. If it ever seems like she's getting too dramatic though, just tell me and I can tone it down.
Senjin, I love it. >)
-runs to go post-

Elrithrathiel |

Elrith's trying to do something that she'll be doing a lot of over the course of this game: trying to get people in her pocket. Having people owe her one is a big source of her power and she rarely passes up a chance to put an informant in her pocket. As you can see, she's also not too picky on the means she uses to try to get these minions for herself, either.

Elrithrathiel |

I have a funny feeling that this guy pulled one over on her. She will not be amused if he's a no-show on Oathday. Then I have to decide if she tracks him down or not. The guy's not really her type of target; on the otherhand, she has to maintain her street cred. I don't want her falling into evil, however, just ruthless. A tough call I'm sure Barcas will delight in forcing me to make!!

Fredrik |

Bravo! <more applause>

Lucadeno Jeggare |

Oh, on the matter of accents, Luca drops the accent around you guys, its his way of letting his guard down, and showing trust, without revealing his identity. You are all more than welcome to know that he's more than just a regular beggar, which I'm sure ye already did. My intention to is to keep the accent with non-conspirators.

Senjin |

That did not go well...AT ALL!
Interesting little chess problem. I considered three options.
1)The move I attempted, needing one acrobatics check, but they can still catch up with a double move, meaning another acrobatics check is needed - But they can't charge me so I avoid an attack during their round. This had the best upside with good rolls
2)Run - straight east. Take the AoO and hope it is just one but lose +3 to AC while running, and keep running. In the hindsight on poor rolls, this might have been the better option. It likely ends the encounter with either my death or escape.
3)Use total defense and head south. Take the AoO at +4 ac (and a slim chance of more) and be exposed to just one attack next round. Basically what I am facing now, but with a higher AC...damn dice roller.