redclover |

I'd like to say that I'm interested, albeit in a little late. I'm working on an Elven Monk of the Lotus, I think it'll offer alot of rich RP opportunities. I'll post a write up in the next couple hours, any questions or comments would be great, thanks.
Are you okay with alternative racial traits? I'd like to take Lightbringer.
I'll have to withdraw my entry, i had a good idea but alas life interferes and i will be unable to write up a sufficient back story.
Good luck to the rest of you

acidrica |

Name: Rica Hismar
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Class: Summoner
Alignment: CN
Projected Build: Master Summoner, straight Summoner.
Combat Role: Flexible summons with supportive casting.
Personality: Reckless, narcissistic, awkward.
Primary Deity: None
Concept: Best summoner ever, totally.
Her eyes are bloodshot and almost constantly dry and irritated, but they're a lot better then they were a few days after the accident.
She certainly could slip into CE in the right (or wrong) group, but given that she does have a propensity to at least -try- to be kind to others, it would take a lot for her to lose that. Personally, I'm hoping she'll grow as a person and possibly head towards the more good side of CN.
Outside of combat, she can be seen with Acid, but once combat starts, unless Acid really would be the best option, she tends to summon a variety of different creatures.
Her parents are somewhat embarrassed of how their daughter has changed, and while they put up a front of caring, they don't tend to make contact with her, leaving Rica to be the one to check in to see if they're even still alive.
On some level, she senses that Acid is basically a part of her, even if she doesn't consciously realize it. Because of this, she tends to be much more quick to react with anger towards him than any other summon, because of her own issues with herself. Even so, if the fact that she's enslaved him pops up, she'd probably react with denial and guilt. Speaking is one of those things that she doesn't allow Acid to do, and Acid is generally fine with this, because he honestly sees Rica as his better. Generally, she doesn't think about it, and indeed she puts a lot of effort into -not- thinking about it.

DM Barcas |

Okay, here's my final round of questions. If you don't get any questions, don't worry. I want to give every single character the best opportunity possible to get in. For a lot of the characters, I feel that I've got a great grasp of how they might fit into the campaign, so I don't need any more questions. That doesn't mean that people who get questions are at any disadvantage. I have only tentatively assigned one spot so far, so five are up for grabs.
@Lorelai Okay, can you give me any details about a potential cleric build? What domain? What sort of spells?
@Ruhk The urumi doesn't have reach, but it is a bladed weapon. Just keep in mind that the magus can't use several of its best abilities when using two weapons.
@Alyosha I still need the data for my spreadsheet, such as age, deity, etc.
@Solangus Does he wish to see Cheliax and Asmodeus ruling over Korvosa? How has he advanced thus far in the Hellknights? How would he get involved in a band of revolutionaries? Does he do any thinking for himself? If not, does it bother him that he is this way?
@Sebastian If he achieves vengeance, would he be finished with everything? What would keep him motivated beyond simple vengeance?
@Winston Murdered twin brother, eh? Did he hold a torch for Samia, and thus devastated by that as well? Is the reason he has the heretic archetype because he keeps heading into cities? How long has he had his Erastil-granted powers?
Lucadeno Jeggare, LN Human Male Oracle (Veils)
Elrithrathiel, CN Elf Female Rogue (Sniper)
Narnel Falerathon, CN Elf Male Rogue (Sniper)
Gathien Toran, CG Halfling Male Barbarian (Elemental Kin)
Grusk, N Half-Orc Summoner
Pruitt Nellis, LN Half-Elf Male Ranger (Urban Ranger)
Senjin, NG Human Male Ranger (Skirmisher)
Alyosha Baradin, CG Human Male Sorcerer
Alejandro Endrin, LG Human Male Fighter (Weapon Master)
Lorelei, LN Human Female Fighter
Alistair Corinth, CG Human Male Inquisitor of Milani
Ruhk "The Dandy", CN Tengu Male Magus
Tristain the Chalker, NG Half-Elf Druid (Urban Druid)
Sebastian Creed, CG Human Male Fighter (Polearm)
Quariel, CN Elf Male Wizard
Rica Hismar, CN Human Female Summoner
Winston Chareth, CG Human Male Inquisitor of Erastil
Solangus Witrish, LE Human Male Fighter (Polearm)
Pluck Stoutbarrel, CN Halfling Male Oracle (Flame)

Ruhk "The Dandy" |

They changed it again? I'm having trouble keeping up sometimes.
Right. Falcata it is then.
Edit: Your other comment is true, but I still feel that it make sense personality wise to keep that feat. Plus, spells do run out haha.
Edit: Additionaly, I've designed Ruhk as a Bladebound magus in case you missed that bit. Sorry, I guess I forgot to be clear about that bit.

lovelydwarf |

Here's the information for the spreadsheet. Sorry about missing it at first.
Name: Alyosha Baradin
Race: Human (Chelaxian, native to Korvosa)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Good (but slipping)
Projected Build: Straight Sorcerer
Combat Role: Control, I guess. He'll be using enchantment and illusion spells mostly. That means lots of sleep at early levels. I'm not too good at the combat role terminology.
Personality: A charming and manipulative fellow out for his own advancement, and if he helps others that'd be nice too.
Primary Deity: Saranrae, but starting to pay more attention to Abadar since he's more popular in the wealthier sections of town.
Concept: Poor kid made good on the back of his sorcerous abilities. Now a reformer who puts himself first.

garabbott |

Did he hold a torch for Samia, and thus devastated by that as well?
Yes, his love for Samia persisted throughout the years, but it was more the type of love visible in a tragic Shakespearean poem rather than a cheesy soap opera. Samia was on a pedestal of beauty and good, far from his reach. Even if she was lowered to his level and chosen him, it would have destroyed his love for her, knowing that she had in doing so broken the heart of his own brother in the process. Long story short: yes, he held a torch for Samia, but he would never have returned to Korvosa to act on it.
Is the reason he has the heretic archetype because he keeps heading into cities?
I imagine him having the heretic archetype because he is a worshiper of the god of family and community, but he caused the tragic separation of his own family. I'm sure the locals in the area felt badly for Bree and Dastan when Winston left, and he was probably viewed as childish and immature for the action. Some of the Harse locals might even hold some animosity for Winston, though his family (being loving, forgiving people) would not hold a grudge. And, being somewhat of a drifter, while he was serving the community he was at the same time abandoning them in a selfish search to understand the emotions inside of him. He preaches and believes in the ethics of Erastil, but in a few select scenarios his actions have contradicted them.
How long has he had his Erastil-granted powers?
This question has bothered me since I invented the basic concept of the character. How can a 43 year old wander the world for decades and yet, when the adventure begins, still be only a level 1 character? It seems a little unorthodox. I believe his weapon proficiencies, especially the longbow, would have come from his childhood when he grew up on the farm hunting and farming for a living. The armor proficiencies would have come during his time working while abroad--it's a dangerous world and one must protect oneself. As for the spells and various special abilities granted by Erastil, however, I think would be most interesting if he gained them close to the end of the line--right before and right after learning of Harold and Samia's death. And when he decides to avenge the death of his brother's family and take up his brother's place where he left off by serving the people of Korvosa during their time of need, Erastil would have recognized Winston as a valuable tool in saving the poor community from the impending doom, and chosen this time to completely manifest in him the rest of the powers. In other words, the supernatural abilities

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@Solangus Does he wish to see Cheliax and Asmodeus ruling over Korvosa? How has he advanced thus far in the Hellknights? How would he get involved in a band of revolutionaries? Does he do any thinking for himself? If not, does it bother him that he is this way?
Yes, he would like to see Korvosa ruled by Cheliax, but he is more loyal to the Hellknights than Cheliax. If there is a strong lawful ruler on the throne and the Hellknights were partially responsible and thus had influence, he would consider that a success. He is only an applicant to the Hellknights, he has not been approved for squire hood yet.
He would become involved with revolutionaries due to dissatisfaction with the current government and it's perceived inability to enforce the law, or because his superiors ordered him to.
He is a free thinker, but he also believes in order over chaos, above and beyond his own personal feelings and how that law might affect others. He will not question what he sees as a lawful order, but he will allow personal experience to sway him. Getting him to break a law would be very difficult and he would have to be convinced that the law isn't correct first. In his mind law is really a way of saying that the strong rule over the weak. If the government of Korvosa is weak, then the strong must replace it, via revolution if necessary.

DM Barcas |

Selection time! I will explain in detail my selection process. I want to start by saying that all of the entries had merit, and that no elimination was easy.
I started knowing I wanted a few things. I wanted diversity, first and foremost. I wanted at least one Varisian or Shoanti and at least one non-human, as well as making sure it not entirely male. I wanted a full spectrum of alignments across the top half, though I was willing to consider Evil characters if it fit. I wanted as broad a group as possible in terms of class roles.
My selections are as follows:
1. Lucando Jeggare (vagrant-poet)
2. Alejandro Endrin (DarkestHeart)
3. Alistair Corinth (DukeRuckley)
4. Elrithathiel (Nazard)
5. Rica Hismar (adrica)
6. Senjin (Meowzebub)
I started by picking the highest ranked entry, Lucando Jeggare. I ranked him #1 with 22 points because I'm familiar with his writing and consistently impressed (10/10), I found a large number of potential hooks that I can include in the story (4/5), and I found his story unique and interesting (8/10). This eliminated the oracle competition, Pluck Stoutbarrel, and diminished the odds of other full divine casters. My next choice was Alejandro Endrin because of his connection with Lucando, his high scores (19 total points), and his being the only LG submission. Unfortunately, this eliminated several other fighters: Sebastian Creed and Solangus Witrish, while lowering the chances of other potential melee classes.
My next selection was Alistair Corinth, who I picked because I thought he would have interesting interactions with Lucando, half-Varisian heritage, good scores (16 total), and an important point of view as to the future of Korvosa. This eliminated Winston Chareth as a fellow inquisitor, and Alyosha Baradin because they are too similar.
As the slots were rapidly filling up, I made my next choice based on role: Elrithathiel, who came in at 16 points and checked several boxes including alignment, race, and combat role. This eliminated Narnel Falerathon, who was nearly identical but had slightly lower scores.
At this point, I was having major difficulty making the selection. I thought I had it several times and changed it back and forth half a dozen times. The question came the two ranger submissions that were mutually exclusive and had nearly identical scores (18 and 19). If I picked one, narrative interest would mean I couldn't pick the other. I originally picked Pruitt Nellis, whose story would be difficult but hopefully rewarding. If I picked Pruitt, I couldn't pick Senjin because Pruitt wouldn't be exposed to a half-race PC, and vice-versa. As a result of this choice, I would've picked Tristain the Chalker as the half-race that Pruitt would be exposed to. (I also liked his interesting, unique take on the urban druid, as well as a NG alignment to balance things out.) However, this would overstack the party with divine casters while neglecting arcane too much. I went back and chose Rica Hismar out of the arcane casters, which added a female point of view as well as another class issue. I rounded it out with Senjin, whose Shoanti and beggar's roots would raise yet another issue.
This eliminated the remaining choices, none of which were easy to do. The last two spots came down to a near-tie between Rica, Senjin, Pruitt, Tristain, and Ruhk, all of whom had 17-19 points.
I hope everyone enjoyed the selection process, even if you didn't get picked. I know how much of a letdown it can be to not be picked for a game that you spent a lot of time and effort trying to get into. (I was actually recently turned down myself, not a week ago.) If you didn't get chosen, I hope these interesting characters get picked eventually too and that your time here has helped you flesh them out for the future. If anyone wants specific feedback or your scores, I'll gladly give it to you if you ask.

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Good luck to those in the campaign.
Meanwhile, in another part of Korvosa...
At daylight, Tristain brings his chalks and what rations he could round up and makes a small pile next to the wall.
Tristain scans the small section of wall on the south side of Korvosa, near the south gate. He has been in and out of the city several times this day, doing sketches of the outside view and comparing it to the inside.
He had tried to get on the wall to look out, but the guards would not let him even glance from a top the wall.
Tristain is determined to make this happen.
This spot here, this spot will be my masterpiece, Tristain thinks as he measures the wall with his hands, placing black charcoal dots for points of reference.
* * *
The morning passes quickly, as he outlines and sketches where the trees and bushes should be. He uses mostly the dark chalk for the outlines, they give definition and he will blur them later.
As the sun crests he no longer has the shade to work, but he continues anyway. A small crowd gathers, some stay to gawk, others toss in a few coppers into his collection cup (it would not cover the cost of the colored chalks, but this was going to be worth it), and others cheer and a few others jeer. A soldier or two walk by and admire his work, but none stop him.
There are few laws against free art in this City. For that, Tristain is thankful.
He begins to chalk the tall trees from the forest beyond. He uses boxes to reach the higher parts. It is hard work, and he frequently breaks to take a look at his work from a distance and compare it to the sketches.
* * *
The wall is nearly finished with the background, the trees are tall and green, the bushes are squat and green, and the shadows blend nicely as a part of everything.
Now it is time for the art.
The sun is past midday and Tristain pauses more frequently now, the length of the chore and standing taking its toll.
Tristain adds a piece of his own soul to the chalkwork on the wall...a unicorn. (He had seen one once as a child on a trip out of the city. It was a fleeting glimpse, but he asked about it...then he saw pictures in book of one. It was.)
The unicorn is white and proud, a stark contrast to the forest behind it. At first glance, it seems like a protector of the forest, as if daring the city to encroach further. On further inspection, the unicorn is actually protecting the city, a fierce gaze warning away predators. It is glorious.
* * *
The sun has almost set by the time he finishes his work. Tristain's arms burn from the ache of so much use...his neck is burnt by the sun. But he still smiles in weariness and pain.
Tristain stands back and admires his work. The half-full cup of tips is nothing compared to his joy of seeing his vision come to life.
Every visitor leaving by the South Gate will see this work and be reminded of this city and the promise it holds.
Glorious Korvosa!
This is my greatest work...yet.

Khaladon |

Y'missed it, Khaladon.
Good job to everyone, congratulations on the new players! I will keep my eye on the game, it is a very interesting concept and I'm excited to see where it goes.
Dang it all! This is like the umpteenth time I've just missed being in a DMB game. Sigh, ah well. Next time! ; )
Great gaming to y'all!