Quorthos |

Sorry folks - will do shopping today, was in workshops for three days straight now. We can sell the wand of cat's grace. I am in for the share of the CLW wands, as well.
I'd like to claim 1 potion of invisibility and 2 1 of CMW from the loot list. Confirming I do not have the cloak that I mis-claimed earlier.

Quorthos |

Start: 1821.34 gp
New loot:
+165gp (share of selling wand of cat's grace)
-450gp (share of buying wands of clw)
cost of living - 10 gp
upgrade +1 dagger to +1 human bane dagger - 6000gp
aegis of recovery - 1500gp
+1 ring of protection - 2000gp
book of harms - 900gp (Ultimate Magic)
+1 cloak of resistance - 1000gp
handy haversack - 2000gp
left: 185.09 gp

Quorthos |

Also, can I change my 7th-level feat still? I misread some of the text of Summon Good Monster and it will likely just be annoying... will swap it out if that's ok.

StephNyan |

It costs me 350gp to retrain a feat, afaik.
I'd like to retrain rapid shot into extra arcana pool.
There's a difference between retraining a feat you've had for a while, and swapping something you've barely just chosen.
You chose your Rapid Shot feat januari 1st 2016. If you want to retrain that feat, you can. For the price the retrain rules tell you it costs, which is just 350 gp. (And 5 days, but we can leave those out while we gradually move from book 2 to 3.)
Quorthos chose his Summon Good Monster feat januari 11th 2017, barely two weeks ago. Your characters have barely seen play between then and the moment he asked if he could still swap it, so he can swap it freely.

Allyph Yssal |

I put 450 gp aside from Allyph's wallet for the 3 CLW wands, and have added the wands to the Party Items in the Campaign Tab. I wrote that Tural holds them, because it makes sense he does.

Tural Ardas |

I've also decided to purchase a handy haversack. The amount of junk you guys throw my way is just too much ;P

Quorthos |

Start: 185.09 gp
Gifts from Armory:
2 x mwk heavy dart launcher (Ultimate Intrigue; fires hand crossbow bolts) - (550gp each, total 1100gp)
50 x heartstake crossbow bolts (1000gp)
mwk dagger (302gp)
Sell gear: plaguebringer's mask +1000gp
Left: 1185.09gp
Start: 1821.34 gp
New loot:
+165gp (share of selling wand of cat's grace)
-450gp (share of buying wands of clw)
cost of living - 10 gp
upgrade +1 dagger to +1 human bane dagger - 6000gp
aegis of recovery - 1500gp
+1 ring of protection - 2000gp
book of harms - 900gp (Ultimate Magic)
+1 cloak of resistance - 1000gp
handy haversack - 2000gp
----------left: 185.09 gp

Baer Mytr |

..16250.5 to spend
-.10000.0 belt of str/dex +2
-..4000.0 headband int +2
-..1000.0 PoP 1
-...450.0 share of wands of CLW
800.5 to spend
..800.5 gp to spend
+.165.0 gp share of cat's grace+.250.0 gp various gifts
-..10.0 gp various furnitures
.1205.5 gp to spend

StephNyan |

I'm thinking about retiring Allyph from the game, because her status as GM controlled PC forces her to hang in the back and she generally doesn't feel very useful there. Her presence sometimes comes in handy to push something along (for which she was intended) or when you need invisibility, but that's about it.
If you don't object to a 6th player, there are a couple of people I have in mind whom I could ask to join.

Baer Mytr |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Meh. Pretty neutral on this one.
I kind of liked having a player who almost always posts near or around when the GM posts. It's strangely helpful.
But if that's work and you want to bring someone good in, I'm happy to have another yahoo. But please make sure that they can push and move things along. It's *the* important skill.

Quorthos |

Your call, GM. I do think, in-game, that we already trust Allyph, and that anyone who suddenly joins the group right now will not have the same level of trust built up. I think we'd need a pretty good reason to accept them into the group now.

Baer Mytr |

Ooooh, fret you not.
You will love me >.>
I'll ask you...what does this group 'need?'
RP. Bring a character, not a class (which I trust you know). Play the character that you will bring to life and enjoy playing.
Class/role? Meh. So much less important than RP and pushing.

Baer Mytr |

..800.5 gp to spend
+.165.0 gp share of cat's grace
+.250.0 gp various gifts
-..10.0 gp various furnitures
.1205.5 gp to spend
.1205.5 gp to spend
+.833.5 gp share of Queen's gold----------
.2036.0 gp to spend

Tural Ardas |

Oh god no! Not him!
Welcome to the game! And I agree with Baer, class doesn't matter much. For the other two parts I don't think you'll have a problem...
@Baer Each of us got 5000 gold from the queen :)
Buying two pearls of power level II for 8k gp

Mavor Asku |

Our group consists of a frontliner rogue in heavy armour (me), a spellcasting half-orc that also joins melee, a card- caster magus, a supporting andere healing shaman and a rogueish tiefling that is good up close but also manages tot cast spells.
Any class/character would fit the group.

Denario Vasquez |

Like Tural, i hover over the pic to see if we know the guy.
...aha, yes, yes we know that one. ^^
Fyi, we are not in need of tea here though.
But welcome regardless. :)
Previous money: 6389,65
Queen's begrudged reward: 5k
New total: 11.389,65gp
I'll get to browsing purchases later today.

Mavor Asku |

old total: 3404 gp
gifts: +250 gp
selling of cat's grace +165gp
Queen's gift: 5000gp
new total: 8819gp
Guys, now I have additional skill ranks, I still have three left. Should I get Linguistics or Escape Artist? Linguistics looks the most appropriate to me. But any suggestions for languages then?
Can I upgrade my belt of Giant Strength to a belt of physical might +2 for Strength and Con?

Imoya |

I introduce...Imoya, Fire mage.
Coming from virisia as an outsider...
DISCLAIMER---Traits (And thus backstory) Need approval, pending on Stephen's responses.
Crunch is done tho.

StephNyan |

Didn't get to post yesterday due to a huge headache... :( I will update the game in a couple of hours, but decided to quickly pop up to address some stuff.
I know Imoya / Bringer of Stories from another game I've been running for over 2 years, and he's one of the most active players I've ever seen. Also, his RP skills are awesome. Denario and Tural already know this :)
@Denario: I want you to first run them by me so I can determine if they're not broken, but I do accept 3rd party items.
@Imoya: I will go over your character and answer your PMs in a couple of hours, but so far your character looks promising! :) The character creation rules can be found here, but the part about 'character advancement' and 'maps' are outdated. You level up at set moments in the story, and we use the same maps you're already familiar with. We by the way have a couple of extra maps, which you can find above the thread. (Like the map of Korvosa.) Here's a post on how we handle loot.

Tural Ardas |

I've finally had some time to edit the secret lair map to add furniture! Behold! Tural's green bed!

Imoya |

Backstory fixed.
Awaiting other things.
Tural...Denario... Can you dig(as in the slang to get on board)?

Tural Ardas |

A lot shorter than the one previously on your profile ;P But all in all I think a pyromaniac is a very bad idea... Seeing that I'm a tree... Very very bad idea... ;P

Imoya |

You say that like LN would torch you without principle. Sir...sir. Your fine.
The onboard mention was gauging if you two can endure yet another machination of my design!
This one does not have a gimmick.

StephNyan |

I introduce...Imoya, Fire mage.
Coming from virisia as an outsider...DISCLAIMER---Traits (And thus backstory) Need approval, pending on Stephen's responses.
Crunch is done tho.
Your traits are fine, and I like the backstory! Perhaps you could add a bit about what you've been doing the past 5 years?
I'm going to let you start with 35k so you can purchase gear that's up to par with the rest of the party. (I've calculated the total value of the items Allyph holds and saw it was just over 35,000 gp.)

Imoya |

Frost sorc's...difficult for me.
But I'm glad you made her frosty >.>
Ill see if I can toss in some five year fluff. I used 23.5k starting wealth of a lv 7 char, I have no problem throwing 11.5k into my pot of gold.
EDIT: I've used the gold. Just added another ring and amulet. Increase that squish AC a bit.
For simplicity, the five years between was a time of alignment shifting from CN to LN. So assume a lot of formative bandit murder... They are obviously harming people and praying on them. Thus, unbiased scorched earth tactics are reasonable.
That's the sum up. Ill get details later

Baer Mytr |

Edited and updated.
.1205.5 gp to spend
+5000.0 gp share of Queen's gold
.6205.5 gp to spend
.6205.5 gp to spend
-1400.0 gp spell scribing (see below)----------
.4805.5 gp to spend
Lvl 1s:
Expeditious Retreat
Ray of Enfeeblement
Lvl 2s:
Scorching Ray
Lvl 3s:
Water Breathing
Lvl 4s:
Solid Fog
Wall of Fire
Lvl 5s:
Baleful Polymorph

Quorthos |

Just noticed that this AP has been sanctioned for Pathfinder Society... is there any chance we can get Chronicles for this campaign? All we'd have to do is report the game, basically.

StephNyan |

It has been?! O_O
*looks it up*
Oh my god, it has been! And for months!
So I can give all of you who want it, save Imoya, a chronicle sheet for book 2... But what about book 1...
"Alternatively, if you are participating in the Curse of the
Crimson Throne Adventure Path with an ongoing group
undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may
receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the
adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In
this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound
to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild
campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero
points, etc.) when running the campaign. Pathfinder Society
characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure Path
campaign may not play in the same adventure."
Well, we still are participating in the very same game as back when we started and this is still an ongoing group, so that's a yes! :)
I just need to dig up when Quorthos and Tural came in...
*a few minutes pass*
Okay, Quorthos came in on February 9, 2015. Tural on February 3, 2015. Both well past the sanctioned parts of book 1.
That means I can offer Baer, Denario, and Mavor PFS chronicle sheets for book 1, which can be applied to level 1 or 2 characters. I can offer everyone who finished book 2 a PFS chronicle sheet for book 2, which can be applied to level 6-8 characters.
If you want (a) chronicle sheet(s) please post the following information for me:
Player Name:
Current gp:
Current PP/Fame:

Imoya |

So, we'll get credit for this moving onward as if it was Pregen'd to assign to other characters?

Tural Ardas |

Awesome! That's a very nice surprise!

Mavor Asku |

Nice, I think it would only be fair if a Rogue earns another rogue some points, so I'm gonna level my PFS rogue with it.

Denario Vasquez |

Copying spells -1025gp
New gp:
Gm, would you allow these bracers?