Hung Hei Kwoon |

Steph: My changes were in the email I sent. But, I'll list my email here:
HP: Since he is a d8 class I choose 5 HP, plus 2 from CON and then added +1 for his Favored Class for a total of 8 additional HP. That brings him to 19 total.
Skills Selected for Level 2 (5 skills each level, which includes Human bonus but not a favored class option): Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth (NEW SELECTION - also class skill). Thus, Climb and Stealth both only have 1 skill point invested, while the others have 2 skill points invested. Please see page 1 of the character sheet (attached) for skill point totals and the math for each skill.
Saves: All saves increase by +1.
CMB/CMD: Increases by 1 each.
Specifics - Level 2 Monk usually gets a bonus feat. However, the flowing-monk instead gets "Unbalancing Counter (EX)", which means AoOs put the enemy's AC to Flat-Foot status until the end of my next turn. This is listed on page 2 of my character sheet (attached).
A Level 2 monk also gains "Evasion", which is also shown on page 2 of my character sheet.
Loot: I have listed 27 gold as his loot for level 1. I have repurchased the silk rope but I could not afford the mage armor potion, so only 1 remains. Since there was no formal agreement on sharing loot when he went to save Jovalson, Hung Hei Kwoon cannot accept the loot taken. However, per his employer's instructions he gave away 112gp to the other PCs despite them not having an agreement to save Jovalson; Hung Hei Kwoon is still very upset about that instruction.
Character's combined total wealth as of Level 2 (includes gold on hand as well as purchase price [not sale price] value of all items owned): 136gp total.
Total Encumberance: 31.5lbs, or 1.5lbs away from his light encumberance limit of 33lbs. This includes the weight of the 27 gold he is carrying.

StephNyan |

@Kwoon: As I wrote in the spoiler when the otyugh fight started: "Your character update looks fine."
I didn't expect you to send it to my email, which I didn't pay attention to Friday and Saturday. So I thought you hadn't gotten around to leveling yet.
What will you do with the money Baer and Mavor returned to you?

StephNyan |

If anyone's interested, I'm starting a Tide of Twilight PFS game soon. Subtier 1-2.
I currently have 3 players, but I'd like some more. So jump in if you want to :)

StephNyan |

If Kwoon's going to drop out, which I'm slowly starting to believe, would you like a replacement?
You're welcome to recommend a person you think would be an asset to the game. No slow posters please, and someone who likes RPing is very much preferred.
I'm not going to ask for a specific class to join.

StephNyan |

I'm going to wait a little longer, but not too long. I sent Kwoon a PM and email. If he hasn't replied by the end of the week, or informs me he doesn't want to return, I'll retire him from the game.
If you want, Denario, go ahead and ask your Falcon's Hollow GM if he'd be interested in playing this game.
Even if a new player's going to join, please keep the gameplay thread rolling! I feel like we're slowing down, but we had such a good pace earlier! :S

Mavor Asku |

I also sure hope 'that guy who lost his head wasn't the guy we were looking for, but with hits like that it might be hard for me to question anyone.

GM Niles |

Hey guys,
I'm making a character right now. Rolling a Varisian Witch.
GM, I'd like to take two archetypes Cartomancer which changes the familiar of the witch to be a Harrow deck, and where more appropriate than this campaign is that! And Hex Channeler which swaps the level 2 hex learned to channel energy like a cleric, and allows the witch to substitute learning a new hex with adding d6's to her channel.
The problem with this is that both archetypes replace the level 2 hex. Cartomancer with the deadly dealer feat and Hex channeler with channel energy. As a work around, I wouldn't mind giving up my level 1 bonus feat and/or my level 1 hex so that I could take both archetypes.
The reason I want both so badly is that Cartomancer is just plain cool for this campaign, and Hex Channeler will allow the witch to heal more effectively and use her spells for other things.
Uriah Lewis
Male Human Witch 2
NG medium humanoid
Init +2 Senses Normal Vision Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
hp 12
Fort 0 Reflex 2 Will 3
Speed 30 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 18 WIS 10 CHA 14
BAB 1 CMB 1 CMD 13
Feats Extra Hex
Skills Acrobatics 2, Appraise 4, Bluff 2, Climb 0, Diplomacy 2, Disguise 2, Escape Artist 2, Fly 2, Heal 0, Intimidate 7, Knowledge (arcana) 8, Knowledge (history) 8, Knowledge (nature) 8, Knowledge (planes) 8, Perception 0, Ride 2, Sense Motive 0, Spellcraft 9, Stealth 2, Survival 0, Swim 0, Use Magic Device 7
Languages Common, Varisian, Shadowtongue, Elven, Goblin
• Varisian Immunity (Var 28): You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist diseases. Additionally, you are immune to the diseases Vorel’s phage and blood veil.
• Harrow Chosen (Var 8): You begin play with your family's heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.
Class Features
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons.
• Patron (APG 70): You have selected the following patron: Portents
• Familiar (APG 69): You have gained a familiar.
• Hexes (APG 66): You have learned a number of magic tricks (DC: 15):
• Healing (Su) (APG 66): You can soothe the wounds of those you touch (1d8+2). Each creature can benefit from this hex once per 24 hours
• Extra Hex (APG 160): You gain one additional hex.
Spellbook/Familiar: All level 0 spells as well as Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Identify, Hypnotism, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Delusional Pride, Forced Quiet
Haven't chosen a level 1 hex or a level 1 feat yet. Also, haven't included the Cartomancer or Hex Channeler stuff yet either, waiting on GM approval.

StephNyan |

Because both archetypes make you give up a hex, I think the best thing is to make you give up another hex. So if you give up both your 1st and 2nd level hex in order to get both archetypes, I'm fine with it.
Keep in mind 1 of your traits has to be from the Crimson Throne player's guide. You may re-flavor the trait a bit to match your background, considering the party's already dealt with Gaedren Lamm. As to who Gaedren Lamm was: a minor crime lord that did bad things to the party, and is now dead because of it. (He was the introduction's boss.)
If you start reading from this post onward you'll have a good idea what the party's currently doing. the spoiler below will continue some extra details you may find of interest.
After defeating Lamm, the man who made a mess of the lives of the party members, the party learned that the king died. This has caused riots throughout the entire city, because now the queen's in control and not everyone supports her. The party found a brooch that belonged to the queen in between Lamm's stuff, and went to return it to her for the reward of 1200 gold.
The party is currently employed by Field Marshall Cressida Kroft, the leader of the Guard in Korvosa, as agents of the guard. The party was recommended for this position by the queen herself, who figured the city could use the help during these dark days of riots and chaos.

GM Niles |

I think the Varisian Immunity trait was from the Player's Guide...at least YAPCG thinks it is as well as Nethys Archives. If that one isn't a campaign trait then I'll look for something else. Also, thanks for letting me do this! I look forward to finishing my Witch!

StephNyan |

I looked it up, and now see Varisia, Birthplace of Legends added 2 new background traits for Curse of the Crimson Throne. One of which is Varisian Immunity, and the other is Dockside Avenger. I had no idea there were 2 more background traits in another book.
The others had to choose from the background traits in the original player's guide. So I'm going to ask you to do the same.

GM Niles |

Male Human Witch 2
NG medium humanoid
Init +2 Senses Normal Vision Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
hp 12
Fort 0 Reflex 2 Will 3
Speed 30 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 18 WIS 10 CHA 14
BAB 1 CMB 1 CMD 13
Feats Extra Hex,
Skills Acrobatics 2, Appraise 4, Bluff 2, Climb 0, Diplomacy 2, Disguise 2, Escape Artist 2, Fly 2, Heal 0, Intimidate 7, Knowledge (arcana) 8, Knowledge (history) 8, Knowledge (nature) 8, Knowledge (planes) 8, Perception 0, Ride 2, Sense Motive 0, Spellcraft 9, Stealth 2, Survival 0, Swim 0, Use Magic Device 7
Languages Common, Varisian, Shadowtongue, Elven, Goblin
• • Dropout (APCT 15): You gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.*
• Harrow Chosen (Var 8): You begin play with your family's heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.
Class Features
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons.
• Patron (APG 70): You have selected the following patron: Portents
• Spell Deck: Each cartomancer carries a special harrow deck that allows her to communicate with her patron. Its ability to hold spells functions identically to the way a witch's spells are granted by her familiar. The cartomancer must consult her harrow deck each day to prepare her spells and cannot prepare spells that are not stored in the deck. The spell deck cannot be used for this purpose if any cards are missing.This ability replaces the witch's familiar.
Deadly Dealer: At 2nd level, a cartomancer gains the Deadly Dealer feat as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. The cartomancer gains the benefits of the Arcane Strike feat, but only for the purposes of using Deadly Dealer.
This replaces the witch's 2nd-level hex.
Channel Energy (Su)
At 2nd level, a hex channeler can call upon her patron to release a wave of energy from herself or her familiar. A good witch channels positive energy (like a good cleric), and an evil witch channels negative energy (like an evil cleric). A witch who is neither good nor evil must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy; once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed.
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the witch. The witch can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This otherwise functions as a cleric using channel energy, except the witch does not require a holy symbol to use this ability. The hex channeler uses her witch level as her cleric level for all other effects dependent upon channel energy (except increasing the amount of damage healed or dealt). The hex channeler can choose whether or not to include herself or her familiar in this effect.
This burst heals or deals 1d6 points of damage. Every time the hex channeler is able to learn a new hex (including major or grand hexes), she can instead increase her channel energy amount by 1d6.
This ability replaces the hex gained at 1st level.
• Hexes (APG 66): You have learned a number of magic tricks (DC: 15):
• Healing (Su) (APG 66): You can soothe the wounds of those you touch (1d8+2). Each creature can benefit from this hex once per 24 hours
• Extra Hex (APG 160): You gain one additional hex.
• Point-Blank Shot (Core 131): You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Deadly Dealer You can throw a card as though it were a dart, with the same damage, range, and other features. You must use the Arcane Strike feat when throwing a card in this way, or else the card lacks the magical force and precision to deal lethal damage. A card is destroyed when thrown in this way.
Harrow cards are treated as masterwork weapons when thrown using this feat, but are still destroyed after they are thrown. A harrow deck can no longer be used as a fortune-telling device after even a single card is thrown.
A spellcaster with this feat can enhance a deck of cards as though it were a ranged weapon with 54 pieces of ammunition. This enhancement functions only when used in tandem with this feat, and has no affect on any other way the cards might be used.
Only a character who possesses this feat can use an enhanced deck of cards; she must still use the Arcane Strike feat to activate the cards' enhancement.
Arcane Strike (Only with Harrow Cards): As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, your weapons deal +1 damage and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Gear: Antique Harrow deck of Spells, Mundane Harrow deck (54 remaining), Deck of Cards 54 remaining. 545GP remaining.
Spellbook/Antique Harrow Deck: All level 0 spells as well as Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Identify, Hypnotism, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Delusional Pride, Forced Quiet
Here is the updated stat block and crunch, gonna work backstory asap. I took the Framed trait, so I'll go with the idea that Uriah was a Chelish man who was attending the Acadamae when Lamm had him framed for some reason, haven't thought why yet, and Uriah had to drop out of the Acadamae, this led to Uriah joining up with a group of Varisian's and learning their ways. Uriah returns for revenge against Lamm some years later only to hear about a group of like minded individuals who ended Lamm some time earlier.

Uriah Lewis |

Still need to work on a background and finish things but here is the preliminary profile.

StephNyan |

Looks good, Uriah! :)
For Denario I made a rule about the prices for cards he can throw. He uses specially designed cards to throw, instead of regular Harrow Cards.
Ruling: "You're allowed to buy the regular version of your specially designed cards for 10% of a harrow deck's price. So that's 1 deck for 10gp. The non-regular version that you'll need from level 3 onward, in order to use Role Dealer, can be purchased for 50% of a harrow deck's price. So that's 50gp.
You're only able to get these discounts from the young woman who crafts them for you. Unless you have another suggestion I'd say she lives in the Midlands. There are a lot of shops there."
So perhaps Denario can introduce you this this lady, or maybe your character already knows her, or maybe Denario and Uriah already know each other... Whatever works for you.
The regular version equals regular ammo. The non-regular version is treated as a real Harrow Deck for all abilities tied to it. (So Deadly Dealer treats the non-regular deck as masterwork, even when it's in fact not true masterwork ammo.)

Uriah Lewis |

I'm OK with those prices. I don't know what to spend my starting gold on anyways. The trait I took gives me one Harrow Deck for free, I'm considering that one my spellbook. I "purchased" a backup Harrow Deck for 100GP with starting cash and I bought a regular Deck of cards to throw for 10GP. I have 640GP and no clue on what to spend it on....scrolls?

Baer Mytr |

"So what's down there, you two are staring aimlessly.", Denario says as Mavor and Baer stand and "see nothing".
Help us all out, peeps. When you post, be sure to push the action or leave a hook (something for others to respond to).
Denario, you could have totally opened the next door, or stood in the hallway keeping guard or something that moved things along. Or at least pushed Mavor or Baer along.
If we're not going to post often, we have to post well...always pushing things. It's not about how often we post, but what we do when we do post...we have to make them count. There are only 3 of us active players, we need to act and push.
Hopefully, Mavor will push a bit when he next posts.

Uriah Lewis |

Uriah is almost ready to begin. Gotta work backstory and I'll be ready.

StephNyan |

Help us all out, peeps. When you post, be sure to push the action or leave a hook (something for others to respond to).
Denario, you could have totally opened the next door, or stood in the hallway keeping guard or something that moved things along. Or at least pushed Mavor or Baer along.
If we're not going to post often, we have to post well...always pushing things. It's not about how often we post, but what we do when we do post...we have to make them count. There are only 3 of us active players, we need to act and push.
Hopefully, Mavor will push a bit when he next posts.
The pace of this game started out good, but it's slowed down quite a bit and I want to pick it up again. We'll soon have Uriah join us in the story, and I expect having a 4th player again will also help to pick up the pace, but indeed: make your posts count.
Try to post something that progresses the story, especially when exploring an enemy's base. The thrill of exploring is lost if you're just standing still in their base.
Uriah is almost ready to begin. Gotta work backstory and I'll be ready.
I'm looking forward to reading it!

Uriah Lewis |

Uriah was a decent enough lad, born to Chelish immigrants. He showed an early aptitude for the arcane so his mother and father took loans to send him to the Acadamae. However, these loans proved to be from none other than Gedren Lamm. Lamm came to collect one day and found the Lewis's unable to pay in full and so he had them framed. The Lewises went to debtors prison, and young Uriah was forced to leave school. Penniless, he drifted into a life of Sczarni crime. He impressed his Sczarni bosses with his intelligence and soon was dispatched to "rough up" some Varisian merchants. These weren't merchants however, they were Harrowers. Intrigued, Uriah let them perform a harrowing, and what they showed him shook him to his core. He still doesn't talk about it, but that day he pledged himself to the Varisian method of divination, perhaps seeking to change the fate shown to him.
Sorry it took so long, I'll keep working it.

Mavor Asku |

Just as a notice I'll be out for the whole weekend starting Friday afternoon. Bot me as needed as I'll probably will not have that much access to a pc.

Uriah Lewis |

Uriah is ready to go.

Baer Mytr |

Denario purchased a wand of CLW, not a wand of Infernal Healing.
This is funny. None of us can use a wand of CLW and we asked for a wand of Infernal Healing.
If Baer can't use it, no reason for her to carry it.
Is there any reason why can't just make it correct? As in Infernal Healing?

StephNyan |

Like I wrote earlier, I don't mind if you swap it now. I just want the party to agree on the swap, but I don't think that'll be a problem.
Baer's used Infernal Healing a couple of times, and I see both Allyph and Denario can use the wand. Uriah will also be able to use it. Allyph wouldn't mind carrying it, but do make it known if you'd rather carry it. If it's not handed to someone else in the gameplay thread, then I'll assume Denario continues to carry it.

StephNyan |

StephNyan |

I'll use Baer's calculations, with a minor adjustment in bolt that changes the numbers a bit.
875 gp: +1 Arrows [x19]
4 gp: Bolts [x40]
600 gp: Chainmail [x4]
300 gp: Chainmail, masterwork
600 gp: Composite longbow (+2 Str), masterwork
80 gp: Heavy steel shield [x4]
140 gp: Light crossbow [x4]
45 gp: Longsword [x3]
22 gp: Silver dagger
302 gp: Spear, masterwork
12 gp: Warhammer
2980 gp/2 = 1490 gp + 80gp = 1570 gp
1570/4 = 392.5 gp loot share + 250 gp reward = 642.5 gp
This is assuming we'll keep the CMW potion for the party. (In case the 'wand bearer' goes down?)
Baer will have to deduct 300 gp from her share for keeping the masterwork composite longbow with +2 Str, and Mavor will have to deduct 10 gp from his share for keeping the heavy steel shield.
So we'll end up with this:
Allyph: 642gp 5sp
Baer: 342gp 5sp + Composite longbow (+2 Str), masterwork
Denario: 642gp 5sp
Mavor: 632gp 5sp + Heavy Steel Shield
Keep in mind these values include the mission's reward money, which you've already received.

Uriah Lewis |

Uriah is still here