StephNyan |

Curse of the Crimson Throne
Even before Curse of the Crimson Throne begins, you and the other players have a shared trait—you’ve all been wronged, in some manner, by the despicable Gaedren Lamm. The campaign you are about to begin starts as you and several other promising young heroes are brought together to do what the city guards cannot (or will not) do—to see that Gaedren Lamm answers for his crimes, be that in a court of law or at the edge of a vengeful blade.
In the player’s guide you’ll find more info on the city of Korvosa, where most of the adventure takes place, and the game’s setting. I request you read at least the last chapter about the game’s special traits, because you’ll have to choose one for your character.
Character Creation
Alignment: Everything but evil goes.
Build: 20 point buy, 1 feat, and 2 traits (1 of which must be a background trait from the player’s guide).
Classes: Almost every paizo and every 3rd party class is allowed. Run it be me first so I can check if it’s balanced. If you wonder how people in Korvosa will react to your class, check the player’s guide. If your class isn’t in it, expect reactions to be the same as with a similar class.
Races: You’re allowed to play a non-core race, but run it by me first. It has to fit within Korvosa. I won’t allow (hob)goblins, kobolds, and other ‘mobs’ as character races.
Starting wealth: 150 gold
When you've created you character, provide an info bar similar to the following where 'race' is listed in your profile:
M Human Alchemist/3 (HP 22/23 | AC:20 | T:17 | FF:13 | CMB: +0 | CMD:14 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+7 | Will:+0 | Init:+4 | Perc: +3 | Speed: 30 ft.)
Character Advancement
You’ll level based on the XP you get from encounters. I’ll use the medium progress from the table on this page to determine the amount of XP needed to level.
When you level your HP increases by half the HD of the class you take a level in plus 1. So if your new HD is 1d8 that means you get 5 HP when you level.
I reserve the right to make changes to encounters in this game. The main reason for doing so will be to keep the game balanced.
We'll use Ditzie for maps. Here is a link to a Ditzie map. To adjust a character's position, just drag its picture to another spot. Hit Enter on your keyboard, and a new url should appear. Copy the new url and place it in your post whenever you move.
When a map's present all movement without a map update will be ignored. If there's absolutely no way for you to update the map, provide a clear description of your new position and ask if someone else can update the map for you.
I'll constantly post the most recent map I've seen below my name, and will make it known in a post when I've updated the map below my name. When the map below my name's not yet updated with the last map posted by a player, use the last map posted by that player.
Posting requirements
I request an average posting rate of at least 1 post a day.
When you know you won't be able to post for a prolonged time, please do inform me.

Hung Hei Kwoon |

I am so excited to get to be a player! I would like to play this character, a flowing monk. I will need to make some changes as I played him very briefly in a carrion crown AP that lasted about 2 weeks. I know it isn't anything sexy but I haven't played even the basic classes yet for very long.
I will have the changes done by tomorrow.

Hung Hei Kwoon |

Okay, all done. Updated the background, redid the trait and spent all 150 gold, most of it went to 2 potions of mage armor and a light crossbow.
Hung Hei Kwoon is a front-row fighter character that excels in combat with humanoids.

StephNyan |

Okay, all done. Updated the background, redid the trait and spent all 150 gold, most of it went to 2 potions of mage armor and a light crossbow.
Hung Hei Kwoon is a front-row fighter character that excels in combat with humanoids.
Nice character! This part of his background made me laugh:
"He asked the captain which land near the inner sea was in most need of hope and civilization? The captain told him that the ship was sailing to Korvosa, so Hung could go there if he wanted, otherwise he could swim. "
Stat-wise also very interesting. I love trip.
The pre-gen characters for book 6 are level 14.
Yup! So expect your character to reach, give or take a level, level 16.

Rocan |

I'm thinking of making a slightly unusual build for the campaign. A brutish half-orc thug (a rogue) but instead of being shady, he's quite out in the open, people would rather think of him as a soldier. He's more muscle than quick on his feet, though he can convince people he's not the man they're looking for and then hit them in the back with a greataxe.
Stats will probably be something like this:
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Crunchwise I'd need to dip level 1 in a full BAB class to fully benefit from his rogue archetypes as they provide early boons to Feats I need BAB of +1 for.

StephNyan |

I'm thinking of making a slightly unusual build for the campaign. A brutish half-orc thug (a rogue) but instead of being shady, he's quite out in the open, people would rather think of him as a soldier. He's more muscle than quick on his feet, though he can convince people he's not the man they're looking for and then hit them in the back with a greataxe.
Stats will probably be something like this:
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14Crunchwise I'd need to dip level 1 in a full BAB class to fully benefit from his rogue archetypes as they provide early boons to Feats I need BAB of +1 for.
A fun concept! I'm looking forward to see how he'll turn out.

Rocan |

Is it okay for me to reflavour the alternate racial trait of half-orcs 'Rock Climber' to Roof Climber? It would fit the char more flavourfully.
Also I assume we still get a free 10 gp or less outfit right?
Now I must only decide If I envision him to be more charismatic or intelligent. Does he try to disguise himself or not... Both have their merits and quirks I could enjoy.

StephNyan |

Is it okay for me to reflavour the alternate racial trait of half-orcs 'Rock Climber' to Roof Climber? It would fit the char more flavourfully.
Also I assume we still get a free 10 gp or less outfit right?
Now I must only decide If I envision him to be more charismatic or intelligent. Does he try to disguise himself or not... Both have their merits and quirks I could enjoy.
If you're just changing the name of the trait that's fine.
Starting wealth is 150gp for everyone, but I have a feeling no one's going to use that for an outfit. And 'cause that'll probably result in characters running around wearing only armor, if any, I'll allow the free 10gp or less outfit.
(I always give my characters an outfit, even if it's not free. It feels weird to let them run around town wearing nothing but a breastplate.)

Hung Hei Kwoon |

StephNyan |

Current list of players:
Hung Hei Kwoon - human monk (Moondragon Starshadow)
? - half-orc rogue (Rocan)
? - ? (Chyrone)
? - ? (Painlord)
This means we have enough players to start! Yay!
I have several more invites standing out, but am not going to invite more people. So hereby I close the 'recruitment phase' of this game.
Two important announcements:
1) Your character's alignment and backstory are necessary for the game's preparation.
2) I'd like to start this game no later than the end of next week.
I like Hung Hei Kwoon, and Rocan's concept for a rogue looks promising. I'm looking forward to see the final party formation!

StephNyan |

I've created a harrow deck for this campaign, using a normal deck of cards. So I decided to test it with the question "Will we have fun playing Curse of the Crimson Throne?"
The cards tell me that we've just barely averted great disaster with several choices someone made. This makes me wonder what the heck one of you was up to with the build of his character, but I'm glad to see he apparently reconsidered and is working on something decent.
In the present time I see someone's struggling with great disaster. Though it's unclear if it's the same person. This again makes me wonder what the heck you guys are up to. Especially 'cause the cards say the disaster can't be averted this time. The cards say one of you thinks he's got everything worked out, but there are some major problems that haven't been discovered yet.
The future will bring us, I'd never guessed, more disaster. We will face hard trials while playing the game, and we will not be able to avert the worst damage. It's not clear if this is the same undiscovered disaster the present speaks of, which will show itself during the game. Guys...? What the heck are you up to...?
This harrowing leaves me with two conclusions:
1: Someone's up to something that'll somehow have a major negative impact on the game. He may or may not be (partially) aware of this.
2: The harrow deck works perfect. It's just like a real tarot reading.

Chyrone |

Fails on a nat 1 and trips himself......
Sorry Flynn Hung Hei Kwoon
I have a better use for a harrow/playing card deck.
I'll prob go for the Card Caster magus. Nope i'm not basing this on a character.
Offensive magic and debuffs.
GM, i was thinking of a char who's, if you allow the fluff, a semi-professional card player whose younger sibling had disappeared. Traveling and making money out of playing cards he'd have traveled and his latest lead got him to town.
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 7

StephNyan |

2. It does? I know this gal called Malena who did a harrowing for a monk some time ago. She can tell you any deck's genuinity and origins.
This deck's origin is 'happened to find it in a drawer and wrote stuff on it, based on this page and the harrow guide' :P
Kwoon attempts to trip the Harrow Deck!
Sorry, swarm traits: many cards, and all tiny.
I have a better use for a harrow/playing card deck.
I'll prob go for the Card Caster magus. Nope i'm not basing this on a character.
Offensive magic and debuffs.GM, i was thinking of a char who's, if you allow the fluff, a semi-professional card player whose younger sibling had disappeared. Traveling and making money out of playing cards he'd have traveled and his latest lead got him to town.
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 7
Card Caster magus looks fine. Keep in mind Gaedren Lamm operates in Korvosa only. So your sister must've disappeared while you were in the city.

Hung Hei Kwoon |

For money! Always a good motivator.
Kwoon doesnt do things for free. Wise man once told me͵ "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing for money." Man I miss the 80's. Mostly why Abadar tends to be my god of choice in pathfinder.

Rocan |

Well my Rogue isn't a Rogue yet, just a ruffian with a quick wit and a tendency to talk him out of stuff by asking weird questions that are supposed to make them think about his words.
Decided that I'd liked the intelligent but brutish half-orc more than the subtle one. Favoring Int over Cha and taking Clever Wordplay as a trait for his Bluff skill.
He'll start of as a Fighter, but will take Rogue levels with two compatible archetypes after that. Rogue with Skulking Slayer & Scout archetypes, so he won't disable traps for us.

Baer Mytr |

Fabric rips between sight, mind, and screen as Baer enters the thread.
"I summon myself from the aether and into this thread! Let the circuits tremble and the pixels quake at my coming!"
Stepping through, Baer dusts herself off and snaps in twain the silver cord attached at the waist.
"Curse of the Crimson Throne, eh? I pledge my full soul and highest body that I have character worthy of this group. We shall strike down Gaedren Lamm and those who have wronged us."
Baer draws a large stone from the aether and places it near her. Baer dusts off the rock, has a sit, and begins to wait for the others to arrive. Her chin rests upon this clenched fist and that upon a bowed elbow upon knee.
* * *
Thanks for the invite. I'm excited for this. I'm working on builds now, but will likely only share the fruits of those labors with the GM. I don't believe in party roles or balance and hope you all play the character you want to play.

Hung Hei Kwoon |

Baer Mytr |

-Gambit (Arcane poker),
-Baer Mytr (Divine something?)
Wow. Quite a misread: I thought that said 'Arcane Porker'.
And Baer is unlikely to be divine.

Chyrone |

GM, i'm reading also thrown weapons have a range of 10ft.
Might it be houserule extended to, 15ft?
I've had to use my 2 feat slots at point-blank shot and precise shot to make throwing work.
Almost done, i'll post it tomorrow. (later today)
Edit: nvm, cards can be tossed the same way as darts, so range of 20ft.

Mavor Asku |

Mavor Asku
Male Half-Orc, Fighter 1/ Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 0
CN Medium Humanoid (Human/Orc)
Init +1; Senses: Perception +0, Darkvision 60 ft
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13. . (+3 Armor)
HP 12 (10 +2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0 (+2 vs Nausea, Disease and Sickened)
Speed 30 ft. (Medium Armor) (+10ft when running, charging or withdrawing.)
Melee: Greataxe +5 (1d12+6/x2)
With Power Attack +4 (1d12+6+3/x2)
Str 18 (16+2), Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15 (10 +4 Str +1 BAB)
Feats: Power Attack (-1+2)(1st), Cleave (Fighter Bonus Feat)
Traits: Clever Wordplay: Bluff Choose one Charisma-based skill. You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.
Unhappy Childhood: Tortured Gaedren tortured you and left you for dead on a garbage heap after you made one too many errors. Your scars and memories have honed your reaction speed and make you rather jumpy. You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves.
Skills: Climb 1 ranks (+9, +8 in armour), Bluff 1 rank (+3), Knowledge (Local) 1 rank (+3), Acrobatics 1 rank (+3, +2 in armour)
Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin, Abyssal
Combat Gear: Greataxe (20 gp, 12lbs), Studded Leather (25gp, 20lbs), Sap (1gp, 2lbs), Whip (1gp, 2lbs), Greatclub (5gp, 8lbs)
Other Gear: 2 blankets (1gp, 6lbs), food equalling 7 trail rations (3,5gp, 7lbs), Backpack (2gp, 2lbs), Traveler’s Outfit (1gp, 5lbs), Belt Pouch (1gp, 0,5lbs), 2 Waterskins (2gp, 8lbs), Crowbar, (2gp, 5lbs), 100ft silk rope (20gp, 10lbs), Grappling hook (1gp, 4lbs), potion of CLW (50gp, 0,5lbs)
Encumbrance: 92 lbs; Light Load, (Light Load up to 100lbs, Medium up to 200lbs)
Money Spent: 135,5gp spent, 14,5gp left
Racial Traits
Speed: Half-Orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Squalid Some half-orcs exist in surroundings so filthy and pestilent that even orcs would have difficulty living in them. Halforcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made to resist nausea, the sickened condition, and disease. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Roof Climber Half-orcs with this trait are excellent climbers, be it climbing onto rocks or onto roofs of the city and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.
Class Abilities
Favored Class Bonus: Rogue (+0HP)
As a baby Mavor was left on the doorstep of one of the many orphanages in Korvosa, actually one situated in Old Korvosa itself, a bad neighbourhood if there ever was one in Korvosa. Who his parents were was never clear, but a Shoanti tattoed mark left no mistake as to where his roots lay, one of the many Shoanti visitors to Korvosa, perhaps a woman of a caravan or trader, no one could really tell. The name Mavor was written on a note, his last name Asku was given to him later, Asku being the Orcish word for orphan as an old half-orc employed in the orphanage told Mavor later.
Growing up in the orphanage it became quite clear that Mavor was bigger and also stronger than most, but his ability to learn quickly was not often seen in most of the orphans as well. As most of the children played games and ran around the yard, Mavor climbed the shed and the low buildings of the orphanage often getting a reprimande or punishment from one of the leaders there, but he climbed back up as soon as he got the chance. It gave him a nice view of the sky and all the creatures flying in the Korvosan sky. As he grew up and laid on the roofs of one building or the other, he noticed from time to time a group of tough and rough looking men coming round and taking a few of the older children with them, mostly strong ones or nimble ones. Mavor became intrigued by these events.
When the group came next, handing a sack of gold to the owner of the orphanage, Mavor jumped to the occasion and barged in through the line of children they had lined up they might take with them. He wasn’t afraid to do so. The men looked at him with inquisitive eyes, felt his muscles and asked him the important question. ”So you want to be a little Lamm eh? You think you’ve got what it takes?” Mavor didn’t know what a little Lamm was, but he knew he wanted a change in his life, he replied with a resounding ”Yes”
Life at Gaedren Lamm’s was not so bad at first, eating regularly, having a bit of fun with the other children and the guards at first, acting as pickpockets during the day, practicing climbing and quick-footedness at night. That changed quickly as Mavor wasn’t as stealthy or nimble as some of the other children, he was more of a direct approach, distracting them with quick talk and then trying to steal their wallet. Mavor made a few errors in doing so, someone noticed him trying to steal a wallet, another person had his purse tied with a rope to his clothing and he failed to notice. He caused quite a scene with that action and drew too much attention for Gaedren to properly use him any further.
What made things worse is that Mavor could think for himself and was quick with his words to try and talk himself out of trouble, the guards and Gaedren’s henchmen were easily dumbstruck and outwitted, but Gaedren became only more furious with the now teenage half-orc. Gaedren himself, together with two of his guards dragged him off to a garbage heap telling him that ”That’s where smart-asses like you belong.” The thugs roughened Mavor up with their fists, beating him almost unconscious before Gaedren approached him with a dagger. ”Now do one thing properly this time for me. Die like the rat you are.” The cut that followed sucked every last willpower from Mavor to fight back, he fell unconscious and bleeding onto the garbage heap and was left for dead. Miraculously he survived, as to how he couldn’t say, but when he awoke his wound was wrapped in old and greasy linen cloth and he was sitting upright against a city wall.
That day changed his life, the scar reminded him of the event and fueled his rage and lust for revenge on Gaedren Lamm and his henchmen. He vowed to kill him for what he was put through. But the time for revenge was not now, he was too weak, too unskilled yet, his time would come eventually.
In the years after, Mavor turned to petty crime himself, moving through the outer circles of the underworld in Korvosa, sometimes robbing rich men, sometimes robbing other thieves. Mostly he used his quick wit and play of words to distract them such as: ”Those guards seem awfully prepared and numerous, you suppose they’re coming for you?” or ”Have you ever seen those pseudodragons fly? I bet you they could carry a coconut or even a bunch.” When the thief looked around or up he got hit by a club to his head and Mavor earned another week or so worth of food and coin.
He was pretty good at what he did, many people didn’t see him coming. A large half-orc dressed like a traveler or adventurer, most were awe-struck about his sudden deep thinking and questions which wasn’t expected of someone like him. Though he was good at that, he wasn’t fully satisfied as to how he approached it, he still had a lot to learn. Perhaps Gaedren Lamm’s henchmen and goons were a good target, they were pretty gullible before…
Here's Mavor's crunch and background. I might add bits and pieces as we go along in the campaign, for instance how he picked up Goblin and Abyssal as languages. He's known in certain circles and picked up their language, that's the short version.
Equipment wise, he's not set for adventuring or anything yet, just for some light misdemeanors...
Also Chyrone, Mavor is less of a skill monkey than a general Rogue, though he will provide you all with knowledge about local gangs and thugs and with what to watch out for. Thrown weapons have a range increment depending on the weapon you use; knives and clubs are 10 feet, shortspears are 20 feet and javelins are 30 feet for example.
If you're going to make ranged fighter type or something might I recommend Quick Draw, Rapid Shot and perhaps Two-Weapon Fighting on later levels?

Baer Mytr |

Finally have some time to do some important things:
Chyrone, nice to meet you. I see that you, like Rocan, are an experienced PbPer. That is exciting.
Rocan, nice to meet you as well. It's strange to see two yahoos with over 9000 posts between them, yet we haven't met yet in a PbP.
Kwoon, you and I have already met...but this time it cursed. Let's rock this. I expect this campaign to be slightly more light than other campaigns...*cough*...
StephNyan, again, thanks for the invite. Let's rock this.

Mavor Asku |

Nice to meet you too Painlord. I think it's because I'm in a few longer running campaigns that I have a lot of posts, I'm easing up on new recruitment threads so that might be the reason we've never met.
Though invites are always a plus for me.
Also curious to see the builds and background of you and Chyrone.

StephNyan |

@Mavor: "Speed 30 ft. (Medium Armor) (+10ft when running, charging or withdrawing.)"
I spent a few minutes trying to figure out why your speed was still 30 ft. while you were wearing medium armor. Turns out you're currently wearing light armor. But where does the +10ft when running, et cetera, come from?
I like your background! I'm curious to see how Mavor will function in-game :)
@Chyrone: Keep in mind your cards are destroyed when used. So once you're level 3 and get your Role Dealer ability it'll be important to keep track of the cards you've used from your deck. As Role Dealer only works when the Card Caster "randomly draws and throws a harrow card" you'll have to find a way to randomly throw them.
Random Card: 1d54 ⇒ 39
Random Card: 1d53 ⇒ 11
This seems to work :) So if you'd keep a list like this in a Word document, also add the ability stats to the cards, and constantly cross out what you've used... you'd constantly throw a new random card from the deck. Or you could use an actual deck of cards, and really draw the cards. Just a few suggestions though!
You're allowed to create fluff around it, because you're using a 'special' deck instead of a harrow deck. Just keep the mechanic working ;)
@Baer: You're welcome!

Chyrone |

Greetings PainLord. Well some of the people i've seen on the board, and then i'm talking people active on various sections have that amount personally.
Posting crunch later, background first.
Denario Vasquez was born in Korvosa's lower class.
A smart kid with a decent common sense and ambition to get up the ladder in life, Denario always looked for ways to achieve that goal, or at least become a bit wealthier from it. His spare time he spent playing games in inns and on the streets. Yet it was that playing games that got him to where he is today, for both good and as current, worse.
As a kid he developed a taste for competitive darts and proved reasonably well with it.
"I can hit that red circle i think."
Nah, no way you can do that.
"Ok, if i do hit it, i win those 5sp you have on you. If i lose, you get 5sp i have with me."
Done. Denario won that game back then and he continued to enter smalltime street competitions. Eventually he grew bored though, nobody wanted to go against him anymore except adults. A few years later in his mid teens he was once again in the inn tossing darts abit, not for fun but to just kill time. That's when his eye caught a table where a couple of men were playing cards. (Similar to our poker) He started observing the way to play. A man folded and stepped down. Hey, you goin' already? Somebody want to take this guy's place?
Denario, being 16 only he sat down, much to the surprise of the men.
Haha, a kid wants ta play? Sure, it's your money anyway, stakes to enter is 20gp. You rich enough?
Dario had that with him at that point and placed it on the table. A few hours later Denario left with five times that amount, albeit with leaving a few bad-losers with painful hands...darts were halfway in them after they tried to attack him. A scam too many on his family involving magic objects "of great value", he started paying more close attention to the details. When 2 people from the academy were about to buy a few "magical trinkets" he pointed out they were fake and just smashed it, a genuine thing would not have broken. They took this sharp eyed young man in, offered him lodge and a job as an inspector for when the magic academy would need to buy items. At some point between he started showing a knack for basic magics, which got him into training. Life went fairly well from there on, he'd enjoy a job outsmarting frauds and played cards in his spare time. His cards are a special thing too, he got his set from a harrower who was crafting them, but their templates failed, rendering them useless to her and she was about to throw them away.
"Wait a minute miss, i'll buy those if you can make the suits like this.".
They looked like playing cards from the inside, but with a special customized suit. Denario is now a regular to any cardgame happening in the taverns of Korvosa.
Contrary to his ambitions, he had a little sister, 10 years younger. He did care for her, despite her following him around, much to their parents' dismay.
GM, i was hoping that, since harrow decks are very expensive, his current cards would be specially designed playing cards. As in bio, incomplete templates that were incorrect for harrowing effects mentioned in that link but customized in appearance and usable to him for his throwing. Who knows, maybe that young harrow woman will be where he buys his cards instead of a regular merchant stall.
Denario has short brown hair and some minor chin hair. Watchful eyes rest in his calm face.
He wears a copper colored hideshirt jacket, which when opened, is decorated with playing cards inside.
His special deck's suits looks like: this."

Mavor Asku |

@StephNyan: Yeah saw that mistake when I updated the alias, I altered up the crunch of another character I tried to build, must have missed that part about his armour and speed.
It's correct in the alias though.
I'm also anticipating Mavor to walk around in medium armour eventually, perhaps even heavy when it's mithril.

Denario Vasquez |

Reporting in.
Denario Vasquez
M Card Caster magus
AC: 16,13,13
Hp 10 (1d8+1FCB+1Con)
AC 16 (+3 Dex, 3 Armor)
-Morningstar +1(1d8+1, x2)
-Throwing axe +1(1d6+1, x2)
-Cards +4(1d4+2, x2) (range 20ft)
1 Deck =54 pieces to throw.
1 Deck (unused till lvl 5)
-Throwing axe (1) +4(1d6+2, x2, 10ft)
Initiative (+3), Perception +2
Save rolls: Fort: +3, Ref +3, Will +4, +2 vs charm & compulsion
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +0, CMB +1; CMD 14
Favored Class Bonus: Magus (+1HP)
Arcane Pool points: 4/4
-Deadly Dealer (keep 1 pt in arcane pool for effects)
-Point-blank shot
-Precise shot
-Missing child: +2 to Kn. Local or +1 to Diplomacy rolls to find the younger sibling.
-Strong Willed: You receive a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
-Climb 1[+5]
-Kn. Arcana 1[+7]
-Profession [Inspector] 1[+6]
-Sleight of Hand 1[+4]
-Spellcraft 1[+7]
-Use Magic Device 1[+2]
Skillpoints per lvl 6(2+3int+1racial)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Elven, Orc
Spells known:
Cantrips all, 3 different a/day. DC 13
Prepared: Accid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic
Lvl 1 x6, 2 a/day, DC 14.
Chill Touch, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Vanish
Prepared: Shield, Ray of enfeeblement
Combat Gear
Hide shirt 20gp 18lbs
Morningstar 8gp 6lbs
Throwing axe 8gp 2lbs
Cards 54(playing), 2gp 1/2lbs Purpose: Arcane pool focus
Cards 54(playing), 2gp 1/2lbs Purpose: Harrowed Spellstrike
Other gear
Backpack, common, 2gp 2lbs
Belt pouch, 1gp 1/2 lb
Potion of CLW 50gp, 1/2 lb
Traveler's outfit 1gp 1/2 lb
Food worth 4 rations 2gp 4lbs
Waterskin 1gp 4lbs
Caltrops 1gp 2lbs
Torch 1cp 1lbs
Total spent: 98 gp 1cp, Money left: 51gp 9sp 9cp
Total weight: 41,5 lbs
Light load 12 Str=1-43lbs

StephNyan |

@Denario: Nice backstory. Can't wait to see how a Card Caster functions in combat!
GM, i was hoping that, since harrow decks are very expensive, his current cards would be specially designed playing cards. As in bio, incomplete templates that were incorrect for harrowing effects mentioned in that link but customized in appearance and usable to him for his throwing. Who knows, maybe that young harrow woman will be where he buys his cards instead of a regular merchant stall.
Firearm ammunition is very expensive, which is why I've chosen for a solution similar to the solution gunslingers have for buying ammo in PFS.
You're allowed to buy the regular version of your specially designed cards for 10% of a harrow deck's price. So that's 1 deck for 10gp. The non-regular version that you'll need from level 3 onward, in order to use Role Dealer, can be purchased for 50% of a harrow deck's price. So that's 50gp.
You're only able to get these discounts from the young woman who crafts them for you. Unless you have another suggestion I'd say she lives in the Midlands. There are a lot of shops there.
The prices may still seem high in comparison to arrows and bolts, but 10gp or 50gp for 54 pieces of ammunition is still less pricey than 1 dose of black powder at 10% (1gp) or the cheapest alchemical cartridge at 50% (5gp). And 50gp won't be that much money anymore on level 3, luckily.

Denario Vasquez |

Ok, that's 16 extra gold pieces, no biggy.
2 Decks of special suited playing cards.
The role dealer deck will be bought later.
I was thinking of buying a spring-wrist sheath, so his deck of cards would spring out of his sleeves as a swift action. One of those can hold up to 1 lb of ammo. A deck merely weighs 1/2 lb.
Denario was busy one afternoon with the finals of a game. His sister had eluded their parents again, she'd likely grow up a good sneak. Just as Denario had eliminated another opponent, a friend of his came in.
<Denario, man hey listen to me.>
"What's up? I'm almost through with this last guy and..."
<Man, your little sis appeared again and got snatched away.>
Denario's eyes widened..."What? Who?"
<This is the part you're not gonna like man. Remember that rumoured crimelord? He's got her.....a guy matched the man's "recruiter" description.>
The last guy was rude; <Oi, you gonna finish the game or what?>
Denario looked at him furiously. Holding a chip, he flicked it at the guy, leaving a red imprint on his face.
It was the first time Denario ever walked out of a cardgame.
This guy just made a big mistake. The cards won't be in his favor in this game.

Baer Mytr |

For some reason I thought we were waiting for others.
Anyhoot, Baer is 95% done. Still tweaking the story and gear, but done enough.
Steph, I'll be PMing the final build with gear soon enough.

Mavor Asku |

I'm not really sure about that Denario, seeing as Baer's stat bar says he is a barrister, If I remember correctly there is an archetype of clerics or wizards that is called a barrister.
Though it could be just flavour reasons to mislead us and keep us guessing.
Else we will need to buy a bag of holding and tons of potions.