About QuorthosQuorthos' story:
Quorthos was born into the streets of Korvosa, growing up in an orphanage in North Point. He knows little about his early childhood, and his first memories are of the faithful Sarenites who brought him up and cared for him despite his obvious tainted blood.
As a youth, Quorthos showed some talent in academics and an interest in occult mysteries, and so when he came of age he presented himself to the Acadamae. Yet, Quorthos' interests were too varied to be confined to only a single school of magic, and so after only a single semester he withdrew from the school and found himself back on the street. He fell in with a group of low-lifes who rescued him from a (staged) assault on the docks, and ended up as a goon in one of Korvosa's many gangs. After several months of this life, he was noticed and recruited by Gaedran Lamm, a notorius Korvosan drug dealer. Lamm tempted Quorthos with shiver, and got him addicted, using him as a slave for his nefarious purposes. The next fourteen years of his life are lost to Quorthos, as he stumbled from one high to another, with mercifully few snatches of memory. Then, when breaking into a shop on Lamm's orders, he was saved. The shop belonged to Magambe D'temba, a shaman from the vast jungles of the Mwangi expanse, and a secret crusader against Korvosa's criminal element. The aged angekok subdued Quorthos, and recognized the magical potential within him. He reported Quorthos as dead, and secretly nursed him back to health over many months. When he was healed, Quorthos began to study the strange magical rituals practiced by Magembe. It took many years for Quorthos to achieve any level of magical understanding under Magembe's tutelage, but when he did he displayed a surprising flexibility of his memorized spells, something even Magembe did not fully understand. While many of the powers seem similar to those he was exposed to at the Academae, many are different. He has developed a talent for creating beings from the "outside", yet cannot keep them for very long. One of the goals he has set is to be able to acquire a familiar like the wizards at the Academae had - a loyal friend, which (aside from Magembe) he has never had before. Over the years, Magembe continued to work against the criminal element of Korvosa, taking in orphans, cleaning up addicts, and on occasion buying up street drugs and destroying them. Quorthos learned the value of friendship and the importance of standing up against those who would beat you down. Quorthos and Magembe have spent nearly two decades researching this new "style" of magic, and Quorthos also helps run the shop which now serves as a front for their operations. They have recently heard of the demise of Gaedran Lamm, and Quorthos hopes one day to meet those who took down his tormentor. Quorthos' appearance:
Quorthos clearly has a touch of the outsideness in him. Very slight horns ring his forehead, and his clean pate is often concealed under a large turban. His reddish skin and snake-like tail clearly mark him as a hellspawn, as does the faint smell of brimstone in the air near him. He wears a suit of finely-crafted armor which appears to be made of plates of dark fabric, and a short sword hangs at his belt. A variety of knives protrude from his person, each a slightly different design or style.
Despite his fearsome appearance, Quorthos is soft-spoken, listening being preferred to speech. He is polite and compassionate in his words, although one can see a smoldering temper deep within that seethes to escape. Favorite color: black Favorite direction: north Quorthos
Special Attacks sneak attack (2d8/2d4)
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 10): 8/5/3/2/1
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker; Arcane Armor Training, Armor of the Pit, Armor Proficiency (Light); Opening Volley; Rogue Weapon Proficiency; Simple Weapon Proficiency - All; Summon Good Monster; Weapon Finesse (bonus); Weapon Focus (dagger) Traits Drug Addict (personal), Magical Knack (Arcanist) Skills Acrobatics +15 (+24 jumping), Appraise +4, Bluff +7 (+9 vs Korvosans), Climb +2, Diplomacy +6 (+8 vs Korvosans), Disable Device +8, Disguise 0, Escape Artist +8, Fly +3, Heal +0, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +11, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +16, Linguistics +8, Perception +13, Perform (general) +0, Ride +3, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +16, Survival +0, Swim +2. Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Infernal
Combat Gear +1 spell storing darkleaf cloth lamellar (leather) armor, +1 dagger, mwk dagger (3), dagger (6), brass knuckles, sap, short sword, boots of striding and springing, headband of vast intellect +2 (Know: Religion), +1 cloak of resistance, +1 ring of protection, aegis of recovery, 2 x mwk heavy dart launchers loaded with heartstake bolts, staff of the pyre lord. Consumables
Good Samaritans boon:
Dozens of families recognize you for saving the lives of family members or neighbors. You each gain a favor from a skilled craftsman, local artist, or other member of an NPC class. This favor might be the gift of an item worth no more than 1,000 gp, a place to hide out for a night, help researching a topic, or any of a variety of useful services (ultimately adjudicated by me). 1 x spring-loaded wrist sheath: +1 human bane dagger
1st level: alarm, burning hands, cause fear, chill touch, detect undead, disguise self, expeditious retreat, feather fall, infernal healing, mage armor, magic missile, monkey fish, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, true strike, unseen servant, vanish 2nd level: blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, defending bone, false life, glitterdust, invisibility, resist energy, scare, see invisibility, scorching ray, spectral hand 3rd level: blink, fly, gentle repose, ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch, water breathing 4th: animate dead, boneshatter, enervation, fear, solid fog, stone shape, wall of fire 5th: baleful polymorph, magic jar, teleport, waves of fatigue Other gear: mwk backpack, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, scrivener's kit, candle (3), candlestick, playing cards, chalk (5), charcoal stick (3), crowbar, earplugs, fortune-teller's deck, grappling hook, hat, hip flask, holy symbol of Nethys (iron), journal, manacles, mirror, pickpocket's outfit, sack, scroll case, 50' silk rope, soap, spell component pouch, mwk thieves' tools, traveler's outfit, vial, waterskin, waterproof bag, whetstone, 2 x spring-loaded wrist sheaths, book of harms, handy haversack, 250gp of "thank you" gifts from citizens of Korvosa. Captured spellbook (Value: 320gp)
Captured spellbook #2 (value 1287.5gp):
Book of harms (value 900gp):
3rd—fireball, lightning bolt
PREPARATION RITUAL: Harmful Surge (Su) You can maximize a spell, but doing so damages you. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a wizard evocation spell. When you do, you can treat that spell as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, but you take 1d4 points of damage × the level of the spell that you are maximizing. The damage you take cannot be reduced in any way. Staff of the Pyre Lord:
Staff of the Pyre Lord
Price 8,800 gp; Slot none CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate evocation; Scaling wonder This staff is carved entirely of polished obsidian inset with rubies. Flickering flames seem to dance across its surface. As the wielder goes up in level, the illusory flames grow larger and change in color, starting out a faint yellow and eventually becoming a deep blue. This staff allows the use of the following spells. Spark (1 charge)