Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master StephNyan

Map of Korvosa
Map of the Dead Warrens (Secret Lair)

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Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Out until Sunday due to work stuff... see you then!

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Sorry, folks, I'm going to have to bow out. Came home from PaizoCon with a bunch of new freelance work, and I'll be focusing on that for the foreseeable future. Best of luck!

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

Too bad. But good luck with the job.

It's been a decision that pains me quite a bit, but with so many of the original party characters gone I don't want to continue this game. Adventure Paths are fun because you're building a story together, and I feel like this story's falling apart now Baer, Quorthos, and Mavor are no longer playing in it.

Denario and Tural, thank you for sticking around for so long. Denario since the beginning of this adventure, FOURS YEARS ago, and Tural since we needed a replacement THREE YEARS ago. You both did a lot to enrich this story, and I very much enjoyed playing this game with you during all those years.

Corven and Weiss, I'm sorry it lasted so short for the two of you. You've created two awesome characters to join us, but I hope you understand my reasoning.

Best of luck to all of you in your other and future games.

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

It's been 4 years already? Wow...

But i can understand the sentiment. It's been good while it lasted.

Thanks for running this game Steph.

UnRogue 10 (Relic Hunter) HP 73/73
AC:23 | T:17 | FF:17 | (+3 vs traps/haunts) | CMB: +13 | CMD:24 (+4 DT) | Fort:+8 | Ref:+16 (+3 vs traps) | Will:+6 | +3 vs curses/haunts | Init:+6 | Perc: +24 (+5 vs traps/haunts, +3 vs surprise) | Speed: 30 ft.

Well... that sucks.

I'll see ya'll around, I guess.

M CG Halfling Cleric of Cayden Cailean/10 (HP 83/83) | AC:29 | T:16 | FF: 26 | CMB: +7 | CMD:22 | Fort: +12 | Ref: +9 | Will:+16 | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 | Speed: 40 ft.

I understand. The game needs to be entertaining for everyone, including the GM. Thank you for inviting me, and good luck in your further adventures!

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

It's kinda sad to not play Tural any more. He's one of my best and favourite characters.

Good luck and thanks for running a great game!

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