Carpy DM |
So if we could get all the players to post here, confirming their participation and giving some idea what characters they are wanting to play, that would be great.
Does anyone have an opinion on hero points they'd like to put out there?
Also, reposting character creation guidelines:
* 20 point buy
* standard PF RPG races (no tengu, aasimar, tieflings and so on)
* any base class or archetype from any Paizo PF RPG source; ditto spells, feats, etc.
* two traits, one from the campaign list in the Player's Guide plus one more from any PF RPG source
* starting money (which I forgot to mention before) will be class average, as listed here or in the appropriate place in the APG
So, let 'er rip!
Patrik Ström |
Brief list since i'm at work now and haven't had the opportunity to check out the players guide or do anything more tangible. But in order of preference, going from top to bottom:
* Natalyah Melethiell, half-elf ranger. Going for weapon finesse and two weapon fighting in order to be able to do both melee and ranged fighting. Although i'm not very good at optimizing so i'm not sure how good the mechanic concept is. A kind of a lone wolf who started her career as an outcast when orphaned at an early age.
* Talented Thom Thornwood, human rogue (with future dips in bard). An upbeat and friendly fellow on the run after a few missteps during his conman career in <insert appropriate city>
* Harden Quinn, a sword and shield fighter. Once a talented mercenary who have let his lazyness and lack of ambition get the better of him.
I also have a vague concept for a human wizard and dwarf barbarian.
Will post a more fleshed out description later. Hopefully this evening, but might be as long as friday evening depending when i get home tonight.
Solarious |
Fantastic! thanks for picking me!
I'll read through the players guide and post up a Character soon, Based on what everyone else has posted, we may be a little low on Healing, So i will Prob do an Oracle/ Barb, the Rage Prophet Prestige class looking Interesting.
Squeeks |
Thanks for the invite! I've got a statblock for my rogue idea. My plan is to continue with the skill monkey bit, but also to be a feinter, to take full advantage of Sneak Attack (potentially looking at Gang Up from the APG). I may go two-weapon fighting. I haven't quite decided on that. She'll carry quite a few weapons for various situations (currently a rapier, two daggers, a light mace and crossbow). Background is pending at the moment though here are some of the basics: boarded the ship in the port of call in Cheliax where Ayesleigh spent most of her life living on the street. A bastard child, and unwanted, she spent most of her time on the streets, scraping by with whatever she could find. After years of stealing, Ayesleigh was able to count out enough gold to buy passage on the Jenivere and a map of the Mwangi Expanse, bound for where her dreams lie of exotic lands, riches and wealth. She's a quiet character, not knowing how to handle herself in most social situations, but is resourceful and good with her hands.
Female Half-Elf Rogue 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12. . (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Mace, Light +3 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
. . Rapier +3 (1d6+1/18-20/x2) and
Ranged Crossbow, Light +3 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Skill Focus: Bluff (Adaptability), Weapon Finesse
Traits Boarded In Cheliax, Poverty-Stricken
Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +5, Climb +2, Disable Device +5, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +4, Fly +0, Perception +7, Ride +0, Stealth +4, Survival +6, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +2
Languages Chelaxian, Common, Elven, Goblin, Infernal
SQ Earplugs, Elf Blood, Smoked Goggles, Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Leather, Bolts, Crossbow (10), Crossbow, Light, Dagger (2), Mace, Light, Rapier; Other Gear Masterwork Backpack, Bedroll, Climber's kit, Drill, Earplugs, Average Loaded Dice, Silk Rope(50 ft.), Smoked Goggles, Thieves' tools (2), Waterskin, Weapon Blanch, Cold Iron (3), Weapon Blanch, Silver (3)
Boarded In Cheliax +2 Knowledge (Geography) in the Mwangi Expanse.
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Elf Blood You are counted as both elves and humans for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Smoked Goggles +8 save vs. visual effects, -4 sight-based Perception and you treat all opponents as having 20% concealment.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.
Corerue |
Working on my druid right now, just to let you know.~ sorry for the wait.
Stats so far
20 points +2 (8 str)=22 –2 (12 dex) = 20 –5 (14 con) = 15 –10
(16 Wisdom) = 5 - 5 (14 cha) = 0
WISDOM 18 (Originally 16 gained +2 from human stat boost)
Carpy DM |
This is Solarious, here is my Half-Orc Oracle, future Orcale/barb/ Rage Prophet!
stats and background all done,Check the Profile! I look forward to the game!
Is there something about this AP that makes people want to play demon-worshippers? ;)
Just FYI, you're a spell short - you get all cure spells for free, you don't have to choose them.
Carpy DM |
Thanks for the invite! I've got a statblock for my rogue idea. My plan is to continue with the skill monkey bit, but also to be a feinter, to take full advantage of Sneak Attack (potentially looking at Gang Up from the APG). I may go two-weapon fighting. I haven't quite decided on that. She'll carry quite a few weapons for various situations (currently a rapier, two daggers, a light mace and crossbow). Background is pending at the moment though here are some of the basics: boarded the ship in the port of call in Cheliax where Ayesleigh spent most of her life living on the street. A bastard child, and unwanted, she spent most of her time on the streets, scraping by with whatever she could find. After years of stealing, Ayesleigh was able to count out enough gold to buy passage on the Jenivere and a map of the Mwangi Expanse, bound for where her dreams lie of exotic lands, riches and wealth. She's a quiet character, not knowing how to handle herself in most social situations, but is resourceful and good with her hands.
** spoiler omitted **...
Mechanics all look good (except that Chelaxian = Common, so there's no need to take both), but I am a little curious about the trait selection: Poverty-Stricken seems an ill-fit for a trait that gives you an extra 200 gp in materials. Maybe add something to explain where the extra cash/equipment came from?
Storian Belaric |
Working on a two handed weapon fighter (not using the two hander archetype) with a sideline in punches to the face. He's human, male, 25 years old and his name is Storian Belaric. I'll just work on the feats and skills (likely to include such old standbys as dodge and power attack, with alertness, combat expertise and improved unarmed combat to follow), then I'll go ahead and write some kind of background story.
Ready for inspection; may need a couple of things tweaking.
Inkathru |
Inkathru wrote:This is Solarious, here is my Half-Orc Oracle, future Orcale/barb/ Rage Prophet!
stats and background all done,Check the Profile! I look forward to the game!
Is there something about this AP that makes people want to play demon-worshippers? ;)
Just FYI, you're a spell short - you get all cure spells for free, you don't have to choose them.
OO I missed the free cure spells, I'll update it right way. I only went with the Demon, because Orc's Normally have demon Deities, So I tried to Tie it in to her blood line. rage Prophet seems like something more Savage. I was really torn between starting lvl 1 as barb, and getting the "revelation" later (taking Oracle at 2nd lvl), but i think oracle first will help the group survive longer between 1st-2nd.
Carpy DM |
Working on my druid right now, just to let you know.~ sorry for the wait.
You're not late - everyone else is just fast! Which is good - means we should have an easier time keeping to the posting schedule I'm hoping for...
So, clearly this is not a meatshield druid. Planning on summoning, or something else?
Corerue |
Somewhat still figuring that out as i go ^^;, focusing on a more spellcaster like druid, taking boon companion to beef up her animal companion and looking into feats that will either boost her companion up some or make her a more nasty spellcaster. Just taking some time to re acquaint myself with pathfinder again lol. Had a hard time choosing between druid or cleric. But with the possibility of a dinosaur or some nasty jungle critter as a companion i couldn't resist.
My two traits are Boon campanion which makes my Animal companion class Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher. and Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse, i'll try and have my full character posted asap. Got a pregnant wife and lots on my honey-to-do list. Also getting ready to go back for my two week stint at work lol. Lots to do today but don't worry once things calm down i'll be able to hammer this out no problem. Working on it ever chance i get.
Inkathru |
Somewhat still figuring that out as i go ^^;, focusing on a more spellcaster like druid, taking boon companion to beef up her animal companion and looking into feats that will either boost her companion up some or make her a more nasty spellcaster. Just taking some time to re acquaint myself with pathfinder again lol. Had a hard time choosing between druid or cleric. But with the possibility of a dinosaur or some nasty jungle critter as a companion i couldn't resist.
My two traits are Boon campanion which makes my Animal companion class Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher. and Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse, i'll try and have my full character posted asap. Got a pregnant wife and lots on my honey-to-do list. Also getting ready to go back for my two week stint at work lol. Lots to do today but don't worry once things calm down i'll be able to hammer this out no problem. Working on it ever chance i get.
Boon Companion only allows +4 lvls to your companion, up to your HD, so unless you multi-class, it won't help a druid =)
Corerue |
Corerue wrote:Boon Companion only allows +4 lvls to your companion, up to your HD, so unless you multi-class, it won't help a druid =)Somewhat still figuring that out as i go ^^;, focusing on a more spellcaster like druid, taking boon companion to beef up her animal companion and looking into feats that will either boost her companion up some or make her a more nasty spellcaster. Just taking some time to re acquaint myself with pathfinder again lol. Had a hard time choosing between druid or cleric. But with the possibility of a dinosaur or some nasty jungle critter as a companion i couldn't resist.
My two traits are Boon campanion which makes my Animal companion class Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher. and Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse, i'll try and have my full character posted asap. Got a pregnant wife and lots on my honey-to-do list. Also getting ready to go back for my two week stint at work lol. Lots to do today but don't worry once things calm down i'll be able to hammer this out no problem. Working on it ever chance i get.
Well darn thats the last time i trust my downloaded traits and feats tome i got from Paizo >.<; lol thanks i'll find something more useful. But ya all it says in that dl traits thing is:
Boon Companion: Animal companion or Familiar class ability Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher
thats why i thought it was useful, seemed over powered but useful xD
Carpy DM |
Carpy_DM: Would you prefer those of us on the 'wait list' to keep an eye on the discussion thread, or the recruitment thread?
Either way, good luck everyone :-)
The recruitment thread would be where I would announce any openings, but I encourage spectating (and even some peanut-gallery commentating) over here as well. With any luck, this game will be fun to read, as well as play in, and if we get an audience, so much the better...
Carpy DM |
Inkathru wrote:Corerue wrote:Boon Companion only allows +4 lvls to your companion, up to your HD, so unless you multi-class, it won't help a druid =)Somewhat still figuring that out as i go ^^;, focusing on a more spellcaster like druid, taking boon companion to beef up her animal companion and looking into feats that will either boost her companion up some or make her a more nasty spellcaster. Just taking some time to re acquaint myself with pathfinder again lol. Had a hard time choosing between druid or cleric. But with the possibility of a dinosaur or some nasty jungle critter as a companion i couldn't resist.
My two traits are Boon campanion which makes my Animal companion class Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher. and Boarded in the Mwangi Expanse, i'll try and have my full character posted asap. Got a pregnant wife and lots on my honey-to-do list. Also getting ready to go back for my two week stint at work lol. Lots to do today but don't worry once things calm down i'll be able to hammer this out no problem. Working on it ever chance i get.
Well darn thats the last time i trust my downloaded traits and feats tome i got from Paizo >.<; lol thanks i'll find something more useful. But ya all it says in that dl traits thing is:
Boon Companion: Animal companion or Familiar class ability Abilities of familiar/animal companion are as if you were 4 levels higher
thats why i thought it was useful, seemed over powered but useful xD
It's also a feat, not a trait, so it wouldn't work as one of your two free traits anyway.
There are some dinosaur companion options in the Bestiary, and a couple of pterosaur choices in the monster section of Souls for Smuggler's Shiv as well (one of which, Arctaris, is actually a valid familiar choice, if you wind up going that way with your bloodline).
Carpy DM |
Working on a two handed weapon fighter (not using the two hander archetype) with a sideline in punches to the face. He's human, male, 25 years old and his name is Storian Belaric. I'll just work on the feats and skills (likely to include such old standbys as dodge and power attack, with alertness, combat expertise and improved unarmed combat to follow), then I'll go ahead and write some kind of background story.
Ready for inspection; may need a couple of things tweaking.
Where's your favored class bonus going? You don't seem to have it i either your skills or your hit points.
Also (and this might be related to the previous question), I would kind of think a sailor might actually have a rank in Profession (sailor). It isn't required, but it would make sense.
Looking forward to seeing your history!
Carpy DM |
Carpy DM wrote:OO I missed the free cure spells, I'll update it right way. I only went with the Demon, because Orc's Normally have demon Deities, So I tried to Tie it in to her blood line. rage Prophet seems like something more Savage. I was really torn between starting lvl 1 as barb, and getting the "revelation" later (taking Oracle at 2nd lvl), but i think oracle first will help the group survive longer between 1st-2nd.Inkathru wrote:This is Solarious, here is my Half-Orc Oracle, future Orcale/barb/ Rage Prophet!
stats and background all done,Check the Profile! I look forward to the game!
Is there something about this AP that makes people want to play demon-worshippers? ;)
Just FYI, you're a spell short - you get all cure spells for free, you don't have to choose them.
I think the party will appreciate the healing, and I have no complaints with your logic for the deity. I already have a few plans in mind, in fact. Rage prophet is my favorite of the APG prestige classes - I look forward to seeing how you decide to approach it. :)
Carpy DM |
In terms of heals, one of the concepts that I'm really liking thus far is a cleric, so I'll be playing either a cleric or a sorcerer. So, which does the group need more, a sorcerer or a cleric?
Between the oracle and the druid, I expect minimum healing requirements will be met. There is currently no arcanist whatsoever, though, so the sorcerer seems the better fit.
That said, however, you can go whichever way you want - the group can deal with the consequences however you all wish.
Atzi |
Corerue here. Sorry for the wait wife has been sick most of the day (Its our first pregnancy so its been interesting ^^;) and i'm preparing to fly out for work tomorrow. Here is some of my character I will try and get it done post haste. But it still may take some time. Today is going to be hectic for my posting since i'll be flying for most of it. If this proves to be a bother its okay for you to drop me and get some who is ready. Your option ^^d don't want to spoil anyones fun or hold things up. ^^d
Still working on her right now. Druid level 1, choose to have an animal companion instead of domain stuff.
@ DM did you mind if i found an appropriate Dino companion or did you want to supply me one? Just didn't want to make any assumptions. ^^;
Atzi |
If you want to look my character over you can she is pretty much done. I will come back and fix whatever you need me to do. Also I can worry about getting a companion once we get to a point she can perform her ritual, that way i don't hold anything up if my companions are too awkward to include because of being exotic. I don't have any knowledge on how this AP starts or anythign about it other then it was kinda pirate themed lol ^^;.
A few companion options, upto you: ^^
Triceratops Companions
Starting Statistics: Size
Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +6
natural armor; Attack gore
(1d8); Ability Scores Str
10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 2,
Wis 12, Cha 7.
Pteranodon Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 ft.,
fly 50 ft. (clumsy); AC +0 natural armor; Attack
bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 21, Con 10,
Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12; Special Qualities low-light
vision, scent.
Quetzalcoatlus Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; AC +2 natural armor;
Speed 30 ft., f ly 50 ft. (clumsy); Attack bite (1d8); Ability
Scores Str 9, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12; Special
Qualities low-light vision, scent.
Will be busy for a good portion of the day, roughly until 7pm alaska time GMT-9 will try and check in if I can, but I will be flying and working most of the day. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Carpy DM |
If you want to look my character over you can she is pretty much done. I will come back and fix whatever you need me to do. Also I can worry about getting a companion once we get to a point she can perform her ritual, that way i don't hold anything up if my companions are too awkward to include because of being exotic. I don't have any knowledge on how this AP starts or anythign about it other then it was kinda pirate themed lol ^^;.
It's not so much pirate themed as jungle-exporation themed; it's a lot less Pirates of the Caribbean and a lot more King Solomon's Mines, really. As for having to perform a ritual to get your animal companion, that's not necessary; you can begin with your companion already with you easily enough.
A few companion options, upto you: ^^
Triceratops Companions
Starting Statistics: Size
Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +6
natural armor; Attack gore
(1d8); Ability Scores Str
10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 2,
Wis 12, Cha 7.Pteranodon Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 ft.,
fly 50 ft. (clumsy); AC +0 natural armor; Attack
bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 21, Con 10,
Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12; Special Qualities low-light
vision, scent.Quetzalcoatlus Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; AC +2 natural armor;
Speed 30 ft., f ly 50 ft. (clumsy); Attack bite (1d8); Ability
Scores Str 9, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12; Special
Qualities low-light vision, scent.
I'm fine with any of those, though I can't help pointing out that, unless you just really like pteranodons more than quetzalcoatluses (quetzalcoatli?), the quetzalcoatlus does everything the pteranodon does, but better.
As far as the rest of your character goes, I'm more concerned about your character background than the build; there's almost nothing to her history or personality, and what is there is just saying, "there's nothing here," really. I'm fine with a character with some traumatic amnesia, but I'd like more of a sense of who she is as a person at least. I get the feeling that you've rushed the description because you're worried about getting everything done as quickly as possible - if that's the case, don't be, we're not under that kind of pressure, I promise.
If you haven't done so, I might recommend taking the few minutes to really read through the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide - it might help you to get a better feel for the setting and the AP, and maybe get a better grasp on the character as well.
Carpy DM |
Ok then. I'm happy playing either concept, so I'll stat the sorcerer up and write him some backstory.
Sidebar: the group seems to be missing a party "face," so a point or two in some social skills might not go amiss. At the moment, the only way the group has to influence people is Inkathru's Intimidate, so if you'd be interested in making friends...
Carpy DM |
Patrik Ström here with my character avatar. She's not finished yet, put i'm hoping to put up a full character profile during the evening.
It looks like, even with your Charisma 7, you're 1 point over on your point buy (Str 14 = 5 pt, Dex 16 +2 racial = 10 pt, Con 14 -2 racial = 5 pt, Int 10 +2 racial = 0 pt, Wis 14 = 5 pt, Cha 7 = -4 pts. 5 + 10 + 5 + 0 + 5 - 4 = 21).
Your options looks to be dropping either Str or Wis to 13 or Con to 11, and then buying either Cha 8 or Int 14.
Patrik Ström |
It looks like, even with your Charisma 7, you're 1 point over on your point buy (Str 14 = 5 pt, Dex 16 +2 racial = 10 pt, Con 14 -2 racial = 5 pt, Int 10 +2 racial = 0 pt, Wis 14 = 5 pt, Cha 7 = -4 pts. 5 + 10 + 5 + 0 + 5 - 4 = 21).Your options looks to be dropping either Str or Wis to 13 or Con to 11, and then buying either Cha 8 or Int 14.
Natalyah is a half-elf, not a full elf, so the minus two to con and +2 to int does not apply. I just get a +2 modifier to a characteristic i select, or have i misread the rules?
Carpy DM |
As far as the rest of your character goes, I'm more concerned about your character background than the build; there's almost nothing to her history or personality, and what is there is just saying, "there's nothing here," really. I'm fine with a character with some traumatic amnesia, but I'd like more of a sense of who she is as a person at least. I get the feeling that you've rushed the description because you're worried about getting everything done as quickly as possible - if that's the case, don't be, we're not under that kind of pressure, I promise.
If you haven't done so, I might recommend taking the few minutes to really read through the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide - it might help you to get a better feel for the setting and the AP, and maybe get a better grasp on the character as well.
On second read, I don't think it's as vague as I thought it was earlier - that'll teach me to read and post that early in the morning. The only real vagueness is in the lack of proper nouns in her character background... I'm thinking the issue may just be that there's only been a fairly small amount of info put out on the Mwangi and Sargava, and it's all been isolated in Heart of the Jungle and Sargava: The Lost Colony. Assuming you don't have those two books. Is that the case?
Atzi |
I'll look into buying those today once I get done with all my flying. ^^; Once I give those a good reading over I will try and flesh her out some more. But more or less what books I had gave me a vague idea of what I should put, so instead of making an 'over the top' story for a 1st level character I was trying to keep it simple. Sadly I kept it too simple, my bad. >.<;
At least thats the only major issues with her, thus far, at least. ^^;
I'll select this animal companion then ^^:
Quetzalcoatlus Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; AC +2 natural armor;
Speed 30 ft., f ly 50 ft. (clumsy); Attack bite (1d8); Ability
Scores Str 9, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12; Special
Qualities low-light vision, scent.
I was just afraid of breaking the game on you by selecting anythign without your approval. ^^;
Will update asap. Thanks DM :)
Carpy DM |
Carpy DM wrote:Natalyah is a half-elf, not a full elf, so the minus two to con and +2 to int does not apply. I just get a +2 modifier to a characteristic i select, or have i misread the rules?
It looks like, even with your Charisma 7, you're 1 point over on your point buy (Str 14 = 5 pt, Dex 16 +2 racial = 10 pt, Con 14 -2 racial = 5 pt, Int 10 +2 racial = 0 pt, Wis 14 = 5 pt, Cha 7 = -4 pts. 5 + 10 + 5 + 0 + 5 - 4 = 21).Your options looks to be dropping either Str or Wis to 13 or Con to 11, and then buying either Cha 8 or Int 14.
Nope, you're good. I just somehow missed the "half-" on your sheet when I looked it over. And when you first posted the concept. (headshake)
Never mind, go about your business, citizen.
Carpy DM |
I'll look into buying those today once I get done with all my flying. ^^; Once I give those a good reading over I will try and flesh her out some more. But more or less what books I had gave me a vague idea of what I should put, so instead of making an 'over the top' story for a 1st level character I was trying to keep it simple. Sadly I kept it too simple, my bad. >.<;
You can probably save yourself the cash by starting out with the info on the PathfinderWiki:
* Sargava* The Mwangi Expanse
* The Mwangi peoples
Heart of the Jungle and Sargava are both good books, and Sargava also has the benefit of being quite cheap as a PDF, but there are alternatives available for this purpose.
Natalyah Melethiell |
Nope, you're good. I just somehow missed the "half-" on your sheet when I looked it over. And when you first posted the concept. (headshake)
Never mind, go about your business, citizen.
and i have! :)
the mechanical aspect of Natalyah is complete except for a favored enemy and the traits. i've used a demo version of Hero Lab but please take a look at the stats and see if there are any mistakes, and if i should change the layout of the character sheet.
also if you have any recommendations or changes i should make, please let me know.
background, personality and description is still under construction.
Arctaris |
Arctaris wrote:Ok then. I'm happy playing either concept, so I'll stat the sorcerer up and write him some backstory.Sidebar: the group seems to be missing a party "face," so a point or two in some social skills might not go amiss. At the moment, the only way the group has to influence people is Inkathru's Intimidate, so if you'd be interested in making friends...
My sorcerer will probably end up being our face, so to speak. He's something of a fast-talker, and he'll already have a high charisma.
Carpy DM |
Carpy DM wrote:Nope, you're good. I just somehow missed the "half-" on your sheet when I looked it over. And when you first posted the concept. (headshake)
Never mind, go about your business, citizen.
and i have! :)
the mechanical aspect of Natalyah is complete except for a favored enemy and the traits. i've used a demo version of Hero Lab but please take a look at the stats and see if there are any mistakes, and if i should change the layout of the character sheet.
also if you have any recommendations or changes i should make, please let me know.
background, personality and description is still under construction.
Teensy request - would you add Skill Focus (Perception) to the feat list that's in the "character sheet" at the top of the page? I know it's listed in the spoiler further down, but it would be useful to me to have it further up as well.
Mechanics all look good, at least so far. The SSPG has good recommendations for ranger favored enemies that will be suitable to the Adventure Path, but given Natalyah's attitude, I kinda think maybe FE: Human might not be a bad pick... I will be very interested to see which Traits you wind up choosing.
Carpy DM |
Carpy DM wrote:My sorcerer will probably end up being our face, so to speak. He's something of a fast-talker, and he'll already have a high charisma.Arctaris wrote:Ok then. I'm happy playing either concept, so I'll stat the sorcerer up and write him some backstory.Sidebar: the group seems to be missing a party "face," so a point or two in some social skills might not go amiss. At the moment, the only way the group has to influence people is Inkathru's Intimidate, so if you'd be interested in making friends...
(nods) That's why I aimed that comment in your direction. If the party is going to be able to talk nice to folks, it looked like you were the best remaining option. ;)
Carpy DM |
For everybody:
Two things in particular I will be looking for from all of your characters: 1) what it is that has brought you to Eleder on the Jenivere (i.e., what are your goals, intentions, etc., in Sargava?), and 2) which city, precisely, did you board the Jenivere at? Your chosen campaign trait will cover some of this, but I am definitely looking for specific information wherever possible. In most cases, the campaign trait you pick will give you a smaller selection of cities to have boarded the Jenivere at; you'll still need to choose one of them individually, however. Thanks!
Atzi |
I've updated my story and personality both are quite wordy and I apologize in advance. If you don't want to read the whole back-story you can skip to the end to find her reasons for being on the ship and the city she boarded at. Its somewhat summarize since I've been up 20+ hrs lol I will expand on her reasons for going there if you need me to or as the adventure goes along. Wanted to get this done and hopefully approved, if theres something you want me to change i'll get it done asap.
I will have the companion finished up shortly. Thanks for waiting ^^ I like everyones characters btw. =D Looking forward to playing!
Carpy DM |
Status report:
Squeeks - Aysleigh, rogue, mostly done except for small details (and still needing a separate profile avatar, it looks like)
Solarious - Inkathru, oracle, done and approved
Patrik - Natalyah, ranger, mostly done except for small details
Corerue - Atzi, almost done (just tweaks on the animal companion)
Chris Parker - Storian, fighter, mechanics done but background still in progress
Arctaris - sorcerer, still in progress
Things seem to be coming together well; if possible, I'd like to get all the characters finished and looked over for a Monday morning (my time) start. Any objections to that?
Also, since no one commented on hero points, I'm going to leave them out of this game.
Looking forward to getting started!
Carpy DM |
I've updated my story and personality both are quite wordy and I apologize in advance. If you don't want to read the whole back-story you can skip to the end to find her reasons for being on the ship and the city she boarded at. Its somewhat summarize since I've been up 20+ hrs lol I will expand on her reasons for going there if you need me to or as the adventure goes along. Wanted to get this done and hopefully approved, if theres something you want me to change i'll get it done asap.
I will have the companion finished up shortly. Thanks for waiting ^^ I like everyones characters btw. =D Looking forward to playing!
Background looks fine.
On Quetza: animal companions don't get the benefit of the full hit die at 1st level, so it should begin with 9 hp, not 12.
Atzi |
Atzi wrote:I've updated my story and personality both are quite wordy and I apologize in advance. If you don't want to read the whole back-story you can skip to the end to find her reasons for being on the ship and the city she boarded at. Its somewhat summarize since I've been up 20+ hrs lol I will expand on her reasons for going there if you need me to or as the adventure goes along. Wanted to get this done and hopefully approved, if theres something you want me to change i'll get it done asap.
I will have the companion finished up shortly. Thanks for waiting ^^ I like everyones characters btw. =D Looking forward to playing!
Background looks fine.
On Quetza: animal companions don't get the benefit of the full hit die at 1st level, so it should begin with 9 hp, not 12.
Roger that! After I had some time to do a little research, from those links you so graciously provided me, I tried to flesh out her background and personality with more details. Hopefully the writing wasn't to rough. >.<; I'm not at my best when writing with no energy. Also i'll get that Hit Dice update on my animal companion when i'm back at my work camp.
Currently posting on my crackberry :D