Mistress Kayltanya

Inkathru's page

57 posts. Alias of Josh Shrader.




Oracle 1







Special Abilities

Oracle's curse, Revelation, mystery






The Jenivere


Common, Orcish, Ignan


mercenary, XP 1191/2000

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Inkathru

Inkathru Oracle Of Flames 1
CN Medium humanoid (half-orc)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
(+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk Greataxe +4 1d12+3
Ranged +2 Javelin +2 1d6+2

Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st)
1st (4/day) [2]—Shield of Faith, Burning Disarm, Cure light wounds.
0—Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize.
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Traits, Heirloom Weapon, Get the Cargo Through
Feats, Extra Revelation
Skills Heal 4, Inimidate 8, Kn: Religion 4, Spellcraft 4.
Languages Common, Orcish, Ignan


Combat Gear: potion cure light wounds x3
Other Gear mwk Greataxe (12g), Beastplate (200g),Javlin x3 (3gp), Dagger (2pg),backpack (2g), bedroll (1sp), rations x20 (1gp), WaterSkin (1gp) Extra gold : 33gp.

Curse of Tongues:

In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues. Pick one of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, *Ignan*, Infernal, or Terran. Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent. You gain the selected language as a bonus language. At 5th level, pick an additional language to speak in combat and add it to your list of known languages. At 10th level, you can understand any spoken language, as if under the effects of tongues, even during combat. At 15th level, you can speak and understand any language, but your speech is still restricted during combat.


Burning Magic (Su): Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it can be extinguished as a move action if the creature succeeds at a Reflex save (using the spell’s DC). Dousing the creature with water as a standard action grants a +2 bonus on this save, while immersing the creature in water automatically extinguishes the fire. Spells that do not grant a save do not cause a creature to catch on fire.

Heat Aura (Su): As a swift action, you can cause waves of heat to radiate from your body. This heat deals 1d4 points of fire damage per two oracle levels (minimum 1d4) to all creatures within 10 feet. A Reflex save halves the damage. In addition, your form wavers and blurs, granting you 20% concealment until your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.


Inkathru was the Product of an Orcish Raid on a small town out-side of Magnimar in Varisia. Her Father was retired Pathfinder, her mother a Simple Farm girl. Her father had stopped in at the farmstead late one night durning the storm, seeking shelter. When her Mother answered the Door, he knew his days adventuring where over. Quickly they hwe married, and just as quickly the Marriage ended.

The Day after her parents had consimated their union, the farm was attacked by a band of raiding Orcs. Her Father Sprang into action with his Greataxe, a Weapon his father, and his father's father used before him, defending his Farm and bride. A handful of orcs fell to the blade, but alas, the orc's Numbers where too many. Her father was slain at the hands of the Orc's Shaman. With no one to defend her Mother, the Shaman Had his way with her, and Left her for Dead.

But her mother was tough, she survived the attack, and Continued to live the best she could. A few weeks later, she discovered she was with child. Terror overtook her, for on one hand, the child could be a gift from her husband, but on the other, it could be damned by Orc blood. Much to her mother's relief, the Child was born without any look of an Orc about her. but as the Year's passed, Inkathru's mother noticed strange things about her daughter. Her ears started to develop points, and her Skin started to Darken to a grey tone. The towns people knew the truth, her Father was not the fable'd Pathfinder, but a Evil Orc! They mobbed the child, tied her to a Pyre and ment to burn her Alive.

A few moments after the pyre caught, Inkathru started to cry out, in a strange language the Towns folk had never heard. She closed her eyes, allowing the Flames to take her. She could feel their heat, but no Harm came to her! suddenly, a Vision of a Great Salamander with black and firey scales apeared before her. Speaking in the same langauge she had, he Offered her a Deal, she was to Seek out her Father in Sargava, in return, he would save her life, and give her power over the flames.

In a moment of desperation, she agreed. Once the deal was struck, a Burst of Flame came from her, setting all the onlooking Villagers aflame, burning them to a crisp. Inkathru Escaped the pyre, took up her Fathers Axe, and headed out toward Magnimar. On her way, she learned to better control her power over Flames. Once in Magnimar, she took odd jobs as a body guard, or escort to earn enough money for passage on a ship to Find her True Father.

Inkathru stands 6" tall, with Green eyes, black hair, and the grey skin of an Orc. She is a free spirit, beholden to no one, but her Deity, Flauros who spaired her life. She is Charming, but has a Quick temper, and would kiss your cheek as easliy as she would set you a flame with a touch.