Atzi |

If you knew Atzi's story, then it all would make sense ;) besides Atzi wants everyone to get along. But people are a lot harder to convince comopared to Quetza. He just has more teeth and a stubborn streak xD.
Btw Good entrance Cutlass ^^d mst enjoyable =)

Uchendu Kybwa'ka |

BTW, DM Wellard, I like the way you have done the map, listing what we have discovered, and where we have discovered it. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I will definitely be archiving a copy of the 'completed' map when we are done as a chronicle of our exploits, assuming that is alright with you :-)

Natalyah Melethiell |

New lvl changes:
Hit point roll (unless we can take some kind of set figure like half of the HD, since my luck with dice usually leaves alot to wish for): 1d10 ⇒ 10
Taking Two weapon combat style feature and Two weapon fighting as the bonus feat.
Skill increases (basicly the same as lvl1 except for heal instead of climb):
Acrobatics +1
Handle animal +1
Heal +1
Knowledge (nature) +1
Perception +1
Stealth +1
Survival +1
That's what i've planned anyway. Any input is very welcomed.

Uchendu Kybwa'ka |

DM Wellard, I would like to go on record as saying that although my 'treasure summary sheet' tends to merge together any non-survival-assisting items into 'loot' on the summary sheet, I really like the way you provide detailed treasure descriptions rather than simply giving a gp total - it is certainly a lot more interesting :-)

Uchendu Kybwa'ka |

Changes for Level 2:
Cunning Initiative
Detect Alignment
+6 hp
+1 BAB
+1 Fort, +1 Will
+1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Knowledge(Planes), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Perception, +1 Sense Motive
+1 1st level spell
Spells Known: Orison - Virtue; 1st - CLW

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Changes for level 2:
HP +5 (4 level, 1 favoured class) for a total of 11
Skills: +8 ranks total (+2 wizard, +1 human, +5 Int)
Swim +2 ranks (thanks to Atzi for teaching me)
Spellcraft +2 ranks (thanks to the priest giving me guidance)
Survival +1 rank (yes - survival is on her mind constantly)
Linguistics +1 rank, Polyglot (seems a pretty simple language to Amisi seeing it being used bu other members)
Diplomacy +1 rank
Climb +1 rank
Knowledge Nature +1 rank
Saving throws: Will +1
BAB +1 CMD and CMB +1
Spells to cast each day +1 lvl zero +1 lvl one
I still need to work on the spells to select for this level that go into the spellbook for free. I will also soon do some Spellcraft checks. Amisi did take a few scrolls as part of her starting wealth. They have been her great treasure so far. Due to lack of Spellcraft she couldn't yet write them into the spellbook. Now she should be able to.
I do have ink and can take out money from my stash. Not sure where the money would go - but I will adjust to keep with the rules.

Atzi |

Changes for Level 2
I will try and apply these changes as quickly as possible. Sorry for the wait ^^;
2nd level jungle Druid:
Jungle Guardian (Ex)
At 2nd level, a jungle druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Climb, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in jungle terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such environments.
This ability replaces woodland stride.
+1 o level spell
+1 1st level spell YAY! \o/
+1 to Will
+1 to Fort
+1 BAB
Skill points 6: I tried to put them into skills I am actually using so it makes sense, no magically having skills upgrade.
Heal +1 rank
K: Geography +1 Rank
K: Nature +1 Rank
Climb: +1 Rank
Perception +1 Rank
Survival +1 Rank
I will post changes to Quetza shortly
[ooc]Edit Quetza Improvements[/ooc
+1 HD (4+1=5)
+1 BAB
+1 Will
+1 Skill Point
Skill - Survival +6 (+1 Rank, +3 Class +2 Wisdom)
+1 Feat
Feat - Improved Natural Attack 2d6 damage

DM Wellard |

I want to know what you guys think about not replacing Inkathru if she has to be removed from the party.
My feeling is that we can't keep having convenient castaways show up..this isn't 'Lost' after all.
Currently I'm considering having her contract something nasty..that won't kill her but will keep her out off the action until either her player returns or you get off the island.
The problem there is that it leaves you without a rogue

Patrik Ström |

We have never had a rogue in the party. My understanding is that Uchendu has been occupying the spot of "skill monkey". Inkathru contributed with melee strenght and healing abilities. I am not an experienced pathfinder player so i do not know if her absence will spell doom for our party.
I run a group of four through Rise of the Runelords in an RL campain and they seem to be doing all right with just a druid and a paladin. But they are higher level and better equipped than we are, and i don't know the challenge level of this adventure.
I do however think the disease is a nifty idea.

Uchendu Kybwa'ka |

I am happy to keep the group as it currently is (with Inkathru sick)... Having castaways appear every five minutes would be somewhat surreal ;-)
I agree, we never had a rogue in the party. Storian was a Fighter, and Inkathru was an Oracle. I have as of yet not encountered a module that truly punishes players for not having a rogue in the party. As long as someone has a decent Perception score, anyone can find traps, so that means the party has to come-up with creative ways to get around/avoid them, rather than trying to disable them.
If things *really* start to get bad, I can always look at investing in a level of Rogue, but I do not envision it being a significant issue.
I think we have a fairly diverse group of PCs here (with plenty of combat ability, skills, healing, and buffs) spread around, so I think that we should be fine.

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I agree with the above.
I think we should be able to cope with the group as it is. I might check occasionally if the player gets active again. He/she did drop multiple characters at the same time. Looks some real life event. So there could be a slim chance of someone back.
Maybe once we get off the island / some other major part starts we could get back to this discussion.
And sorry I was so unreliable lately.

Setebo |

*peaks in and looks about*
Ye gods Setebo! What jungle madness have you stumbled into!
Also hello all.
Hello Boss there seems to be a goat and a little green man. Strange place here.

Setebo |

Thanks for the welcome Patrik. looking forward to meeting the famed fair Natalyah.
Just to give you an idea of Stesebo's future path I am strongly considering a 1 level sidestep into druid. Having 1 or 2 first level spells and a spell list would be fun. I would choose domaign over companion and would likely choose the the animal domaign or the growth subdomaign. I would need to find/make/buy an Iron-wood brestplate at some point.
I am not considering doing this for some time. Maybe level 5-7. It will be part of Stesebo final acceptance of his warped form, a realization that he can actually connect to the outer world. I might take the druid level earlier if something really dramatic happens to Stesebo but it would need to be big. Death and resurection level or getting within one roll of dead from disease could do it. In that case the level represents the final triumph of the mad alchemists vision and the motteled mongrel that is Stesedo fuses through trial into a true being. The first and perhaps only member of a new race.
Note none of this will require any intervention on your part. It is pure fluff and I will not let it get in the way of the story and will drop it faster than a representitives text message if you object.
~Will {subtextorbust/gmail if it's useful}

Setebo |

All finished please feel free to double check or poke at anything you like. That goes for everybody. I am pants at optimizing and another set of eyes could help save your own life!

Caithan Kalson |

So I'm more or less finished being geared to the gills for a trek into the jungle. It'll need a bit of organization to make it easier to reference but it's pretty much done and ready whenever the GM is.
I'm honestly all for PoW's original idea that I was already in the jungle doing my thing when I found him floating about. Since I really don't know anything about this area beyond the stories of big animals I can kill and hang on my wall I probably mistook him as some kind of native humanoid in the area. In the attempted rescue I could easily get separated from my group of fellow hunters and guides and end up meeting the group as we attempt to make our way to some form of civilization. No telling how long or how far the storm threw us. Poor thing's lost his memory its seems. Damn b&~!! of fates certainly has her whimsies.
Reason I went with this is simply because Caithan is the type of man who tends to get noticed when he gets on a boat and is probably rich enough to get his own passage anyway. Setebo, well Setebo might have been crammed in a crate with some meat and shipped as cargo...
Anyway nothing for it I hear there's a dire tiger in the woods that needs wrestling!

Setebo |

Oh, I thought someone like you would own/charter your own boat?
The way I see this playing out
Kalson gets fed up with court life, decides to go on a hunt.
Buys/charters a small to medium sized boat. Crews and equips same.
Setebo, origional crew of Setebo's boat sail. Probably on the Shackles-Sargava route.
T-a good bit
Kalson. Sails from Cheliax.
Setebo. The shipwreck, the torture, the transformation.
T-a bit
Kalson sails round the eye through the shackles and towards the expance.
Setebo the final treatment. The rage. The fire. The escape.
T-a few days/weeks before game start.
Kalson and Setebo meet. Setebo recuperating on Kalson's ship. Kalson deciding if eating or employing this brute is the better idea.
T = now
Setebo up and about. Wearing the livery, Parade armor, of Kalson's design. Kalson is now considering Setebo as either a bodyguard or a companion for his hounds.
This way we are both unfamiliar with the area.
Good idea?

Setebo |

Dm. Minor tweak. Traded Toothy and Intimidating for Plagueborn.
It fits the character better that somone pumped full of alchemical wierdness and all would be very resistant to nausea and the sickened status.
I expect I will get Razortusk or Animal Fury soon enough.
Also took Chain fighter. Not because I ever expect to use it but it maks Setebo less 'orcish' and more 'what the sam hill is that.'

Patrik Ström |

So I'm more or less finished being geared to the gills for a trek into the jungle. It'll need a bit of organization to make it easier to reference but it's pretty much done and ready whenever the GM is.
I'm honestly all for PoW's original idea that I was already in the jungle doing my thing when I found him floating about. Since I really don't know anything about this area beyond the stories of big animals I can kill and hang on my wall I probably mistook him as some kind of native humanoid in the area. In the attempted rescue I could easily get separated from my group of fellow hunters and guides and end up meeting the group as we attempt to make our way to some form of civilization. No telling how long or how far the storm threw us. Poor thing's lost his memory its seems. Damn b!+~# of fates certainly has her whimsies.
Reason I went with this is simply because Caithan is the type of man who tends to get noticed when he gets on a boat and is probably rich enough to get his own passage anyway. Setebo, well Setebo might have been crammed in a crate with some meat and shipped as cargo...
Anyway nothing for it I hear there's a dire tiger in the woods that needs wrestling!
I love it! (although Natalyah probably won't)

Setebo |

Um.. Mr Kalson sir....
your greatsword damage looks off. Unless I missed something it should be 2d6(weapon) + 4(strength) +1 (whetstone, first hit only) so +5/+4
It is listed as 2d6+6. What did I miss?

Caithan Kalson |

Um.. Mr Kalson sir....
your greatsword damage looks off. Unless I missed something it should be 2d6(weapon) + 4(strength) +1 (whetstone, first hit only) so +5/+4
It is listed as 2d6+6. What did I miss?
Two handed weapons are 1.5 strength. HEck I didnt even know whetstones even work on damage. I just had it because. So yes, I carry a big stick.

Setebo |

Setebo wrote:Two handed weapons are 1.5 strength. HEck I didnt even know whetstones even work on damage. I just had it because. So yes, I carry a big stick.Um.. Mr Kalson sir....
your greatsword damage looks off. Unless I missed something it should be 2d6(weapon) + 4(strength) +1 (whetstone, first hit only) so +5/+4
It is listed as 2d6+6. What did I miss?
I am a moron. Can't believe I missed that. Yes whetstones are lovely but they only work on the first hit and I do not think any sane GM would let them effect arrows/bolts/shuriken.
What do you think of the suggested timeline?

Poor Wandering One |

All right so I need to stop tweaking Setebo now. I have changed back to Toothy and I am NOT changing again. This is not the perfect choice but getting a bite attack, which fits very well with the character and backstory, is important and going the 'Animal Fury' or 'Razortusk' routes open up a great big can of worms due to the odd language used.
Sticking with the nice clear toothy and will probably get 'Iron guts' as a feat later.

Setebo |

Well Caithan's ready to go with GM approval.
That's it. I'm done. No more tweaking. Just walk away from the computer.
Character all done. Gear redone to reflect those items that could be found on a boat.
Care to wander by and give us the once over?

Poor Wandering One |

Setebo wrote:That remains to be seen. She'll probably be suspicious and look down on Setebo for hanging around with a "devil worshiper" who hunts for sports :)Patrik Ström wrote:
I love it! (although Natalyah probably won't)I wonder what Natalyah will think of little old me.
Well I am looking forward to meeting her. I expect she will frighten poor Setebo.

Caithan Kalson |

Setebo wrote:That remains to be seen. She'll probably be suspicious and look down on Setebo for hanging around with a "devil worshiper" who hunts for sports :)Patrik Ström wrote:
I love it! (although Natalyah probably won't)I wonder what Natalyah will think of little old me.
Oh won't she be in for a surprise.

Caithan Kalson |

*sits in his comfortable chair by the fire with a good varisian brandy on the table beside him adn his hound next to him loyally he pours himself a cup and addresses Setebo*
"Ah, so how about the latest opera? I believe Mrs. Nitt makes an excellent singer. But I don't know how far she'll go doing "The Rise of Glorious Thrune" with a name like Nitt."

Setebo |

Ok guys I'm setting up for your intro just now...the spider webs should be a dead giveaway as to which particular cliche I'm going to use for that.
mmmmm... warm and snug.

Setebo |

*sits in his comfortable chair by the fire with a good varisian brandy on the table beside him adn his hound next to him loyally he pours himself a cup and addresses Setebo*
"Ah, so how about the latest opera? I believe Mrs. Nitt makes an excellent singer. But I don't know how far she'll go doing "The Rise of Glorious Thrune" with a name like Nitt."
Setebo adjusts his fez and removes the ivory mouthpiece of the hooka he had been smoking.
Setebo turns to Caithan, "Nothing wrong with a name like Nitt. Good common stock that name. My old tobacconist was named Nitt. Good man but he would try to push the Virginian on a fellow when he knows all I'll touch is the Turkish." Setebo brushes a speck of dust off his red silk smoking jacket and returns to reading the Times.
Caithan Kalson |

Caithan Kalson wrote:*sits in his comfortable chair by the fire with a good varisian brandy on the table beside him adn his hound next to him loyally he pours himself a cup and addresses Setebo*
"Ah, so how about the latest opera? I believe Mrs. Nitt makes an excellent singer. But I don't know how far she'll go doing "The Rise of Glorious Thrune" with a name like Nitt."
Setebo adjusts his fez and removes the ivory mouthpiece of the hooka he had been smoking.
Setebo turns to Caithan, "Nothing wrong with a name like Nitt. Good common stock that name. My old tobacconist was named Nitt. Good man but he would try to push the Virginian on a fellow when he knows all I'll touch is the Turkish." Setebo brushes a speck of dust off his red silk smoking jacket and returns to reading the Times.
"You can't compare an opera singer with tobacconist good man. I mean would you believe in a performance of A Night at the Chinese Opera performed by Maggie Nitt? You need good foreign sounding names like Magaretta Nittalia. See? Can't go far in opera with a name more fitting for a pub man." Caithan tosses Rollo a biscuit who casually lopes to the fire and gnaws on it messily.

Setebo |

"True true, I once knew a Margaretta... Back in my army days you understand." Setebo noisily turns the page. "Hmmm seems silk futures are taking a sharp plunge. Probably just specualtion at this point. Ah the shipping news. Hmmm bad news old man, the Jenivere is listed as overdue. Dammed pirates do you suppose?"

Setebo |

Damn you if you're entrance ends up getting Natalyah eaten! You know she will never forgive you :)
It's spiders, we'll get her drunk instead!