CorvusRed |

I've got a general idea of the build, but i have no idea of the items just yet.
Male Human (Keleshite) Cloistered Cleric 7, Monk Monk of the Lotus 8
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +26
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 64 (15d8)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +15
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Remote Viewing (7 rounds/day); Immune disease
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +13/+8/+3 (1d10+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +6/+6/+1/+1, Ki Strike, Magic
Spell-Like Abilities Lore Keeper (At will), Remote Viewing (7 rounds/day)
Cloistered Cleric Spells Known (CL 7, 13 melee touch, 13 ranged touch):
4 (1/day) Order's Wrath (DC 18), Divination (DC 18)
3 (2/day) Speak with Dead (DC 17), Dispel Magic, Daylight
2 (3/day) Detect Thoughts (DC 16), Hold Person (DC 16), Arrow of Law (DC 16), Protection from Evil, Communal (DC 16)
1 (4/day) Divine Favor (DC 15), Detect Chaos, Comprehend Languages (DC 15), Bless, Know the Enemy
0 (at will) Mending, Read Magic (DC 14), Detect Magic
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +15 (+17 Disarming+17 Tripping); CMD 32 (34 vs. Disarm34 vs. Trip)
Feats Alertness, Channel Smite, Cosmopolitan: Perception, Use Magic Device, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Empower Spell, Extra Channel, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Quicken Spell, Scholar: Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (History), Scribe Scroll, Touch of Serenity (2r) (9/day) (DC 21), Warrior Priest
Traits Scholar of Ruins: Knowledge (Geography), Scholar of the Great Beyond: Knowledge (History)
Skills Appraise +10, Heal +17, Knowledge (Arcana) +20, Knowledge (Engineering) +5, Knowledge (Geography) +14, Knowledge (History) +23, Knowledge (Local) +14, Knowledge (Planes) +13, Knowledge (Religion) +27, Linguistics +15, Perception +26, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +15
Languages Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, Kelish, Minakian, Osiriani, Osiriani, Ancient, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Tien, Varisian
SQ AC Bonus +6, Aura (Ex), Breadth of Knowledge +3, Channel Positive Energy 4d6 (5/day) (DC 13) (Su), Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) Domain: Knowledge, Fast Movement (+20'), High Jump (+8) (Ex), Ki Defense (Su), Ki Pool (Su), Maneuver Training (Ex), Purity of Body (Ex), Slow Fall 40' (Ex), Spontaneous Casting, Still Mind (Ex), Unarmed Strike (1d10), Verbal Instruction (2 allies) (Ex), Well-Read (Ex), Wholeness of Body (8 HP/use) (Su)
Other Gear Handy Haversack (1 @ 0 lbs), Wand of Cure Critical Wounds (CL 10), Wand of Restoration (CL 10)
AC Bonus +6 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Breadth of Knowledge +3 Add + 3 to all knowledge skill checks.
Channel Positive Energy 4d6 (5/day) (DC 13) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) Domain: Knowledge Granted Powers: You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Empower Spell Numeric effects of a spell are increased 50%. +2 Levels.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+20') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +6/+6/+1/+1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+8) (Ex) +8 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Disarm Disarm at +2, without an attack of opportunity.
Improved Trip You Trip at +2 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) At 4th level, ki strike allows a monk's unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Lore Keeper (At will) (Sp) By touch, learn about a creature with a Knowledge check result of 26.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Purity of Body (Ex) At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Quicken Spell Cast another spell in the same round you cast this one. +4 Levels.
Remote Viewing (7 rounds/day) (Sp) Use clairvoyance/clairaudience as a spell-like ability.
Scholar: Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (History) +2 bonus on two Knowledge skills
Slow Fall 40' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Still Mind (Ex) +2 to saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Touch of Serenity (2r) (9/day) (DC 21) Target hit by your unarmed attack takes no damage, but may not attack for 2r.
Unarmed Strike (1d10) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Verbal Instruction (2 allies) (Ex) Use aid another on one or more allies in 30 ft. Full rd if different tasks.
Warrior Priest +1 bonus to initiative and +2 on concentration checks when casting defensively
Well-Read (Ex) +2 to skills, CL checks, or saves if pertain to glyphs, symbols, or writings.
Wholeness of Body (8 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
at this point, when i complete the build I'll make an alias.

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I would like to have one of my rather strange character idea to be up for considerations.
He is a Psuedodragon Alchemist, traveling the world to become a famous chef and possible start a guild of similarly minded individual. He's in town as one of the chefs for the wedding.
He could be made using the racial class levels from this Google Document, meaning he would only have 13 actual class levels

Benoit Leblanc |

Khair Fireborn wrote:Partial stat block done. I'll do more once I get some work done.I'm on the train home and bored so I took a look at your sheet. May I ask why you chose power attack over piranha strike?
Hey thanks!! I didn't even know that it existed...plus I didn't have the book, you have to love pfsrd.

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Hey thanks!! I didn't even know that it existed...plus I didn't have the book, you have to love pfsrd.
Glad I could help. PFSRD is an excellent site and John will be glad to know it is loved. I don't contribute as much as I used to and I feel guilty allllll the time. If you have time and even the barest hint of html know how, John would be glad to have you aboard, I'm sure.
Good luck with your Dervish!

Watcher Uatu |

I would like to have one of my rather strange character idea to be up for considerations.
He is a Psuedodragon Alchemist, traveling the world to become a famous chef and possible start a guild of similarly minded individual. He's in town as one of the chefs for the wedding.
He could be made using the racial class levels from this Google Document, meaning he would only have 13 actual class levels
The strength would stay at stay at a -2, and the SR is equal to 10+HD which would be a 25 for this character. The Pseudodragon would also have to use blindsense because that is what the bestiary version has. Other than that it looks ok.

Watcher Uatu |

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Since submissions have slowed down I am looking over selections. No word has left the village about the troubles that are there.
You can be there for the to attend the event that the chefs are there for, which is a wedding. You can be a hired guard who was late, and so on.

Watcher Uatu |

Haundo |

Okori - Kitsune Time Thief lvl 15 or combination of rogue and time thief will have character posted soon. :)
Okori is a quiet and contemplative Kitsune who shares the love for beauty and art that his people are known for. He spent most of his time traversing the world, in search of knowledge, riches and renown. It was during one of these adventures that he discovered a strange portal deep within some ruins in the Mana Waste guarded by strange otherworldly guardians. Intrigued by what lay beyond Okori fought his way past the guardians and disappeared for over a decade.
He reappeared when a ripple in reality tore open in the western plains of Andoran and reduced an abandoned mill to little more then wreckage. From their he has continued to travel the world, in search of another of those portals. He sought to increase the power that he had discovered within the first portal and when he returned to the Mana Wastes he found the ruins were now no more then rubble. Since then he has focused his new found abilities and used them for his own gain and at times he has used them for the greater good as well, although not very often.
According to those who have had the pleasure of spending time in his company, Okori doesn't talk much at all. Merely sits and listens to people, asking the occasional question if the person's story peeks his interest or merely sitting silently and watching the storyteller with his golden eyes. Some have found his silence eerie, while others have found his ability to manipulate the ebb and flow of time to be quite unnerving.
Silver furred with golden eyes. Okori stands 6'4", one of the tallest's Kitsune's to live. He hadn't always been so tall some say, he had once been shorter then he is now but after his incident with the portal he returned changed, different from what others remembered. Both mentally and physically. He wears some of the finest clothes and wields excellent weaponry as he travels abroad.
He likes to weaken enemies from range with his ability to inflict 15d8 damage with a ranged touch attack. Literally aging his enemies before closing in to finish them up close and personal. Although sometimes all that remains of his enemies is dust...
When injured he has the ability to reverse time and heal his wounds, making his injuries disappear altogether.
Currently traveling will make a character when I can. For now this is what little I can type up on my mobile for now~ :)

DreamAtelier |
Hmm, hey, how about that?
Actually, it's more a case of my failing to delete back far enough than anything else... I had originally thought about making the character as a Vishkanya, and that line was going to be "if vishkanya aren't acceptable, I'll make her as a half elf," but by the time I was done writing the post I'd already changed my mind for three major reasons:
-I wasn't sure how you would feel about actual poison in the campaign, where you had said no evil.
-The rules for a Vishkanya's toxic body fluids are exceptionally vague: nothing tells you how to calculate the DC, or the effect, or pretty much anything other than how many times it can be used.
-The half-elf favored class bonus for witches was too good to pass up.
As far as the Leadership feat... my thought was that it would represent the consortium itself, which is mostly a family endeavor with Illiaster as the matriarch, and her consort as her cohort. They'd be based out of a personal stronghold that wouldn't need to be anywhere nearby, since Illiaster's archetype would let her leave a waypoint there and use magic to go back and forth without any risk of error, and everyone in the consortium would be dedicated crafters, allowing Illiaster and the party to basically outsource the creation of any magic items they need, and then go pick the items up once they were done.
If the game's time period is meant to be too short for any items to be made, or a similar restriction, than I'll drop the idea and flesh out her backstory with the consortium being destroyed: The other uses of leadership for a witch (combining it with the coven hex and a witch cohort) have a tendency to be a bit too overpowering for me to introduce them in good conscience. The destruction would provide a rather convenient reason for her to have been out in a rural area (ie, she'd always kept a small house there as a personal retreat, where she'd been recovering from her injuries before undead and dragons started rampaging about and disturbing her rest. Some neighbors just have no consideration).

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No word has left the village about the troubles that are there.
You can be there for the to attend the event that the chefs are there for, which is a wedding. You can be a hired guard who was late, and so on.
Could it be coincidental? Perhaps Thogg was in the area hunting an Irlgaunt that had been preying on travelers passing through the southwestern World's Spine mountains near where Dalaston is. He tracked it to its lair, announced his intentions (that's the sort of fellow he is), and killed it. Dragging its carcass to Dalaston, the best place for a drink in the area, he comes just in time to be confronted by the problems facing the town.
I actually had Thogg fight the Irlgaunt to see if the backstory would be probable. It really is. I might need him to fight something else if I were going to write out the fight in prose for his character sheet. It was kind of a short fight...

Riginald johnson |

This is reginald back story is in profile I would be happy to change crunch, if selected.
I would be paliden ( vengeful oath archetype) all the way to 15. For his paticualr form of vengance I would be happy to tweak back story to fit into the world, perhaps the bandits that attacked him when he was so very young worked for this BBEG long ago.

'Merciful' Arnaud |

This one is a natural choice for such an undertaking. Serenity of the mind, an ordered person and a knowledge of all things are the best and truest weapons against those who bring violence to bear against the innocent.
Ajerviskanis aman Farriq will have wandered into town in true Kung-Fu fashion. Done with the knowledge of books and meditation, he seeks to learn of the world through his own eyes. And he isn't allowed back to the monastery... So he makes the best of it, and has wandered north in to Taldor.
Equipment is not complete and spells are place-holders. The rest will be updated pending selection for the game.

Watcher Uatu |

Hmm, hey, how about that?
Actually, it's more a case of my failing to delete back far enough than anything else... I had originally thought about making the character as a Vishkanya, and that line was going to be "if vishkanya aren't acceptable, I'll make her as a half elf," but by the time I was done writing the post I'd already changed my mind for three major reasons:
-I wasn't sure how you would feel about actual poison in the campaign, where you had said no evil.
-The rules for a Vishkanya's toxic body fluids are exceptionally vague: nothing tells you how to calculate the DC, or the effect, or pretty much anything other than how many times it can be used.
-The half-elf favored class bonus for witches was too good to pass up.As far as the Leadership feat... my thought was that it would represent the consortium itself, which is mostly a family endeavor with Illiaster as the matriarch, and her consort as her cohort. They'd be based out of a personal stronghold that wouldn't need to be anywhere nearby, since Illiaster's archetype would let her leave a waypoint there and use magic to go back and forth without any risk of error, and everyone in the consortium would be dedicated crafters, allowing Illiaster and the party to basically outsource the creation of any magic items they need, and then go pick the items up once they were done.
If the game's time period is meant to be too short for any items to be made, or a similar restriction, than I'll drop the idea and flesh out her backstory with the consortium being destroyed: The other uses of leadership for a witch (combining it with the coven hex and a witch cohort) have a tendency to be a bit too overpowering for me to introduce them in good conscience. The destruction would provide a rather convenient reason for her to have been out in a rural area (ie, she'd always kept a small house there as a personal retreat, where she'd been recovering from her injuries before undead and dragons started rampaging about and disturbing her rest. Some neighbors...
I have no issues with poison. It is just a tool in my games.
The game probably will be for a short number of days in game time so while you might get some use out of it, I don't think it would be worth the feat.Edit:I see you have decided on the half-elf.

Watcher Uatu |

Watcher Uatu wrote:No word has left the village about the troubles that are there.
You can be there for the to attend the event that the chefs are there for, which is a wedding. You can be a hired guard who was late, and so on.
Could it be coincidental? Perhaps Thogg was in the area hunting an Irlgaunt that had been preying on travelers passing through the southwestern World's Spine mountains near where Dalaston is. He tracked it to its lair, announced his intentions (that's the sort of fellow he is), and killed it. Dragging its carcass to Dalaston, the best place for a drink in the area, he comes just in time to be confronted by the problems facing the town.
I actually had Thogg fight the Irlgaunt to see if the backstory would be probable. It really is. I might need him to fight something else if I were going to write out the fight in prose for his character sheet. It was kind of a short fight...
We can say Thogg was on his way to town when he ran into the others who were heading in. He has the Irlgaunt with him.
If I have too many heroes already in the town it decreases the liklihood of certain pre-story events taking place, and if none of the heroes notice what is going on and/or try to stop it then verisimilitude is going to be stretched.
In short those of you who have background stories with you already in the village will probably have them tweaked after being selected.
edit:added info.

Watcher Uatu |

This is reginald back story is in profile I would be happy to change crunch, if selected.
I would be paliden ( vengeful oath archetype) all the way to 15. For his paticualr form of vengance I would be happy to tweak back story to fit into the world, perhaps the bandits that attacked him when he was so very young worked for this BBEG long ago.
Fair enough you are taking a break also. I will probably say that those who get selected somehow know each other. The specifics will come later, but you background story is good as is.

Benoit Leblanc |

Back story could also be that we were an old adventuring party that split up to follow other interests for a while...me to spread the faith, Thogg just being Thogg, Carver to further his culinary career, etc.. etc..., and we decided to meet up again in our fair dragon ravaged town (obviously not knowing this) for old time sakes to catch up on what is happening with each other....
@Yuengling: I might just drop John a line since my career is in web related work. :)

Watcher Uatu |

Updated list.
If I missed anyone let me know and I will get you added.
Xantrian Carver-Fighter BG on site
Shady_Motives-sorc 5 / DD 10
Thog-Barb 12/HW 3
Marcus Adarian-Cleric(Evangalist)
DreamAtelier-Witch(Dimensional Occultist)
Bertholdt -Monk(Flowing Monk)3 /Inquisitor 12
John Spalding-Druid(Lion Shaman)
Lack of Focus-Fighter(Duelist?) Magus(Bladebound)
Corvus Red-Cleric/monk
Khair Fireborn-Bard(Dervish Dancer)
Mathpro18-Sorceror 10/DD 5
Haundo-Considering Time Theif
Riginald johnson-Paladin(Oath archetype)
Rampion Forsythe-Staff Magus
edit:added list.

Haundo |

Okori was in the town to rectify the imbalance in the flow of time due to the curse and the dragons foul tinkering. He was also there in search of anything that would help increase his power. He wasn't invited to the wedding though, more or less a party crasher in disguise.
Still working up a character, so it will be a bit before its done and i am going full time thief Watcher. Trying to chose abilities that won't cause us to rewind over and over again as in a PBP that would reeeeealllly drag things out.

Watcher Uatu |

Okori was in the town to rectify the imbalance in the flow of time due to the curse and the dragons foul tinkering. He was also there in search of anything that would help increase his power. He wasn't invited to the wedding though, more or less a party crasher in disguise.
Still working up a character, so it will be a bit before its done and i am going full time thief Watcher. Trying to chose abilities that won't cause us to rewind over and over again as in a PBP that would reeeeealllly drag things out.
That seems to be the purpose of the class, but I do agree that would drag things out. If I ever get to play IRL I might try one in a real game.

Tik-Tik |

Dragonborn3 here with the background for Tik-Tik, my pseudodragon alchemist. Crunch isn't done though.
This caused Tik-Tik to be sad for an entire day. He hid himself away and didn't eat. The next morning though, his curiosity got the better of him(again I should add) and he went down into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. Dragging a large book from his father's shelf, he began to to follow the recipe for what he thought was his favorite kind of oatmeal.
Just waking up, his father started to stretch and heard a large explosion from downstairs. Running down the stairs as fast as he could, he followed the smoke trail traveling across the ceiling to the kitchen, where he found Tik-Tik laying on his back. Looking at his father upside down, all Tik-Tik could do was say “Boom!” and giggle wildly. Seeing the potential his adopted son had, the elf's next purchase was a small lab and some formulas. He beamed with pride as Tik-Tik took to the alchemical arts as quickly as he himself and taken to wizardry.
Years pass and son father and son are making their living selling the potions, scrolls, and the occasional magical weapon. Then it is Tik-Tik turn to wake to an explosion. Flying down the stairs faster than humanly possible, he finds his father next to the front door, the house burning around him as he tries desperately to stem the blood flowing from a large gash in his side. He explained as quickly as he could that the people who had stolen him when he was young had found out about him and had come for him. He'd driven them off for now, but Tik-Tik needed to take everything he could carry and leave now.
So, as the fire from his father's spell spread through the house, Tik-Tik moved as fast as he could to collect his things. Risking life and limb, the last thing he grabbed before jumping out of the top floor window was his father's spellbook. As he fell, his wings snapped open and the hot air from the fire raised him high up into the sky.
What's with the surprised look? Did I forget to mention Tik-Tik was a pseudodragon? My apologies, but now that you know, let's move on with the story.
Spending the next year saddened, Tik-Tik stayed away from people as much as he could, spending his time reminiscing about the time he had spent cooking up new chemical concoctions with his father, making candies for the little children that came by to play, or reading books twice as heavy as he was in front of the fire...
Now, that was almost 12 years ago. Having taken care of the people after him, the small dragon start to spread word about himself. He started working in taverns, usually more of an entertaining waiter than a chef, but soon he proved himself as a great chef and word spread even further or the “Kitchen Drake”. He became so well known in fact, that he was asked to be part of a group cooking for a wedding. With such a happy event to cook for, how could he say no?

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates |

Short prose "Hunting an Irlgaunt" is now on Thogg's page. Thogg will now stop talking about himself until the party decisions are made. Thogg has been taking up a lot of YuenglingDragon's time with his drinking and screaming.
Edit: Just want to point out that although Thogg has some things like Knowledge (Arcana) and (Planes), these probably won't be used to identify a spell or engage in a pedantic discussion about the interplanar travel. I wanted him to have at least a shot at knowing something about a monster they face, knowledge hard won through combat rather than read in a book.

Jeffrey Swank Contributor |

Dragonborn3 wrote:The strength would stay at stay at a -2, and the SR is equal to 10+HD which would be a 25 for this character. The Pseudodragon would also have to use blindsense because that is what the bestiary version has. Other than that it looks ok.I would like to have one of my rather strange character idea to be up for considerations.
He is a Psuedodragon Alchemist, traveling the world to become a famous chef and possible start a guild of similarly minded individual. He's in town as one of the chefs for the wedding.
He could be made using the racial class levels from this Google Document, meaning he would only have 13 actual class levels
Hey hey, just saw this post! Glad to see someone out there using my bestiary levels! w0ot w0ot. Let me know how it play tests!
In regard to the pseudo - I did bump the str penalty to -3 overall since I thought he got some good bonuses to even it out when we tested him vs. a 2nd level fighter. The flying and poison stinger more than made up for the loss in str. Also I used SR = 10 + creature level (instead of the HD) so that he'd match the bestiary book in SR and so that his SR didn't continue to increase as the dragon took core class levels adding to HD.
I also included blindsense into the conversion as the bestiary did as well. Which together with its darkvision and low-light make it a nice perceptive lil creature. =)

Dragonserpent |

Dotting for interest, hoping to sneak in a submission before closing time! What would you think of a Master Spy who worships Irori who is also an ex-assassin/inquisitor of Norgorber. He/she(still working out gender for this one) would have inquisitor, (maybe some rogue, maybe some monk) a couple levels of assassin before delving full on into master spy. I'm thinking tiefling for the race, and the character would have a whole lot of flavor and history, but I want to make sure you're ok with a once evil, now more neutral character. He would be a great face, and an excellent scout with a non-evil death attack as far as party roll goes, and with a personality of something between Silk from the Belgariad, and Vino from Bacano. Let me know your thoughts, and good luck everyone!

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I'm going to be daring and bold and just to break the rhythm I'm going to propose Telgarana, a straight half-elven magus with no archetype. She's an Andoran free spirit without much of the baggage that many half-elves have, chiefly due to being born to a pair of half-elf parents.

Okori Jikan-nushi |
Slowly getting my gear together. Its hard making a character when I have 7 pes, a baby and my wife to take care of too. lol Once its done though its all clear sailing! xD
I wish TT was loaded on Hero Lab that would make this a breeze!
I have some of his items, his abilities loaded. Please Ignore his offence/defense as those are copied from another character. Thanks!

Watcher Uatu |

Dotting for interest, hoping to sneak in a submission before closing time! What would you think of a Master Spy who worships Irori who is also an ex-assassin/inquisitor of Norgorber. He/she(still working out gender for this one) would have inquisitor, (maybe some rogue, maybe some monk) a couple levels of assassin before delving full on into master spy. I'm thinking tiefling for the race, and the character would have a whole lot of flavor and history, but I want to make sure you're ok with a once evil, now more neutral character. He would be a great face, and an excellent scout with a non-evil death attack as far as party roll goes, and with a personality of something between Silk from the Belgariad, and Vino from Bacano. Let me know your thoughts, and good luck everyone!
That works for me.

Dragonserpent |

Alright, here's a rough back story for Adrian(which is the name he'd be going by as his basis for the adventure.)
”What are you thinking about, my love?” The young noble asked the now much older tiefling who was wearing the guise of a striking eleven beauty named Melinda, who perhaps would one day become the duchess of a Taldane hold if she wedded the human . ”Oh, I do apologize my lord, you see when you live to see as many hundreds of years as I have, the mind does tend to wander to ancient memories from time to time.”Melinda smiled sincerely at the man, for the master spy truly lived the rolls he played, in every aspect of their lives. ”I am sorry, but truly my dear, I feel as if I must rest. I’ve been feeling unwell…” The well intentioned young man apologized and tucked Adrian in and left her to rest well-made carriage as the tiefling kissed the man good-bye and pretended to fall asleep, returning to his memories.
Adrian remembered how his jealousy of those around him had made him bitter, angry, and cruel. He had been treated like a devil for so long, one day he simply decided to start acting like one. And that day was the day when Rathish had found him, a priest and assassin of Norgorber. He had promised revenge and shared the allure of mastery of death and secrecy. Adrian remembered with a wry smile how invincible he had felt then, learning how to manipulate others with his guile and wisdom instead of his natural talent. His eccentricities became he tools, and he became a master of lies and moving shadow, and then had lept at the chance to become an assassin in Norgorber’s name when a fellow priest had offered to train him.
Shacnot rose from his well-made hut to the sound of orcish chants and war drums, celebrating the successful hunt of a young warrior who had successfully wrestled and defeated a great beast of the Dirt Sea with only his raw strength and wild spirit. The tiefling was impressed as usual by the orcish tenacity and went through the rites of passage with the young warrior, promoting him to a standard bearer of the tribe as he decorated the orc with fresh war paint from the south and chanted prayers to Gorum and other gods. The tiefling was particularly proud of his adoption of the orcish tribe who revered him as a great shaman and personal speaker for the Gods, and occasionally would use one their warriors to advance his agenda, whiling keeping a careful watch on the rash creatures. Shacnot cleaned the pain from his face and appreciated the feel of actually having tusks before making his way back to his hut and the small and well hidden underground palace he’d had constructed there. Adrien wiped away the orcish form with a thought and assumed the form a handsome and well-built half elf, and spent several minutes playing around with his build and facial structure before he was satisfied and thought back to when he first had become a follower of Blackfingers.
How odd a sensation it had been when he killed Rathish! An assassin of Norgorber had approached him one day and told him that he saw promise in the young tiefling, and if he wanted to prove himself that he must kill his mentor in the name Blackfingers. Adrian had struggled for days with the idea before finally an opportunity presented itself when he stumbled upon his teacher while he was sleeping. The decision was made quickly before the would be assassin could have changed his mind, which might have led to a very different life for the creature who would become so many different people. Adrian had spent several years passionately venting his anger and bitterness ending the lives of others with-out thought after that, and when he finally became calmer, his fascination with people, manipulating and understanding them, and his strong desire to be loved and accepted him pushed him to study another aspect of Norgorber, and before long the young man was studiously learning the art of deception, disguise, and politics that worship of the Reaper of Reputation entailed. And then he’d met Garrun. Well, actually he’d been sent to kill the dwarf but was severely over matched. The stout fellow had no trouble locating the assassin, and then had proceeded to invite him for tea and discussion.
Adrian chuckled at the memory. He remembered poisoning the tea with the most potent toxin he’d had on him. The dwarf had simply pointed out that his sleight-of-hand was pathetic for any killer worth his salt and swigged down the theoretically deadly beverage with-out batting an eye. The dwarf continued to astound the assassin, and everything the young tiefling did to fool the dwarf or end his life ended in failure. Garrun had even encouraged him to leave and try again later. Thoroughly frustrated, Adrian had berated the dwarf verbally, but the creature merely responded with questions that the would-be assassin had no answer for, and before long they were engaged in religious debate. The dwarf followed the path of Irori, and made a convincing argument for Adrian to rethink his life, pushing the man of infernal heritage from his dark and self-righteous beliefs, showing morality to be nothing more than a social contract, and killing no more than speeding up the natural course of all life. Garrun had left Adrian dazed and confused inside his own home, and then had politely urged him to go out and do something thinking. Adrian vowed that he would never return to the cult of Norgorber until he had killed the dwarf, and he had kept his word on that vow ever since. Now, all these years later, the dwarf was still alive somewhere and Garrun sought to find the path to enlightenment through walking hundreds of different paths…
Adrian turned his head up from the path, seeing a small village not far ahead and wandering what his current path might lead him to stumble upon.
Also, Here are his levels so far, with race being tiefling and starting ability scores being something along the lines of a 10 str, 14 dex, 10 con, around 16 or so wisdom and intelligence with a dumped charisma. I also would enjoy the flavor and mechanics of making him middle-aged.
(rogue)Scroll scoundrel 2,(Inquisitor) Heretic 3, Assassin 2, Master Spy 8
Let me know if you have any questions or comments, and I'd be happy to listen and answer any questions you might have!

markofbane |

I'm looking at submitting a wizard that left town some time ago and is returning because he heard of the wedding (albiet news got to him a while after it had already happened).
A couple of quick questions. How long after the bargain with the evil fellow does the adventure start? Would it be okay to start knowing the groom or bride? How shall we handle crafted items? Do we pay full book price or can we pay the lower construction price for some or all of the items the character would have made themselves?

Watcher Uatu |

MoB check your private messages.
Crafting in the game will be unlikely because I don't think this will take long in game time to play out. If you want the crafting feats just to bypass WBL I will say every item of the type which qualifies for a feat you have gets a 25% discount.
In short if you have craft wondrous item, every wondrous item has a 25% discount.

![]() |
I'm going to be daring and bold and just to break the rhythm I'm going to propose Telgarana, a straight half-elven magus with no archetype. She's an Andoran free spirit without much of the baggage that many half-elves have, chiefly due to being born to a pair of half-elf parents.
Of late, I've been creating characters inspired by artwork I come across.

Taanyth Tuilinn |

I would like to submit Antal 'Mouse' Jabbar, Katapeshi Halfling Paladin/Monk
LG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +10; Senses Perception +21 Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 38, touch 29, flat-footed 29 (+7 armor, +8 Dex, +4 Wis, +1 dodge, +2 monk, +5 deflection, +1 size)
hp 91
Fort +23, Ref +26, Will +27
Immunities fear, charm
Speed 60 ft.
Melee +5 agile merciful unarmed attack +28/+28/+23/+18 (1d8+13+1d6; nonlethal)
Ranged +1 merciful seeking holy shocking burst composite longbow +25/+25/+20/+15 (1d6+4+1d6+1d6 electricity/x3; nonlethal) or
flurry of blows +23/+23/+23/+18/+18/+13/+13 (1d6+4+1d6+1d6 electricity/x3; nonlethal)
Special lay on hands 12/day 6d6, smite evil 4/day
Str 16, Dex 26, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 23
Base Atk +14; CMB +16; CMD 38
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Point Blank Master, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Clustered Shots, Improved Precise Shot, Snap Shot, Improved Snap Shot, Greater Snap Shot, Weapon Finesse
Traits Reactionary, Agent of Dusk
Skills Acrobatics +16, Climb +5, Diplomacy +15, Perception +21, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +16
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, aura of courage, divine health, channel wrath, aura of resolve, powerful justice, zen archery
Gear Belt of Physical Might +4 Str/Dex, Bracers of Armor +7, Agile Merciful Amulet of Mighty Fists, Monk's Robe, Goggles of Night, Boots of Speed, Headband of Mental Prowess +4, Cloak of Resistance +5, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Circlet of Persuasion, Gloves of Arrow Snaring, Inheritor's Gauntlets, +1 Merciful Seeking Holy Shocking Burst Composite Longbow +3 Str, Permanency Greater Magic Fang +5 on Unarmed, Wand of Barkskin +5, Efficient Quiver, Handy Haversack, 20 Adamantine Arrows, 20 Cold Iron Arrows, 20 Silver Arrows, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Deep Red Sphere Ioun Stone, Flawed Nacreous Grey Sphere Ioun Stone, Courtier's Outfit, Jewelry worth 50 gp, 820 gp, 5sp
Antal's luck changed when he had been his fourth master forced him to consult for spiritual healing at the local temples. His story was noticed by the temple of Iomedae, which decided to make a deal with the halfling within the confines of the confession booth. The deal was for the church to buy his freedom if he would allow them to teach him to hone his anger for better results. To Antal, this was a win-win situation. He took it.
The next morning, everything was as planned. The local bishops of the Inheritor visited the home where Antal was bound to and bought him. The halfling soon started his training in the arts of combat, grace, and inner peace. Although he tried his best with the Iomedian longsword, the clerics noticed his affinity with the bow, so he was allowed to focus on archery. He was also taught that he should not be blamed for his horrible past for he did nothing. Instead, he must pursue those of negative morals and have wronged him to restore peace, justice, and balance to the world.
When Antal reached his mid teens, his new family decided that he should practice outside the confines of the temple. They spoke to the leaders of the Dusk, and Antal became part of Katapesh's city watch. He was a promising adept, much shorter than his new-found brethren at war, but amazingly more agile, characteristics of him that got him the nickname 'Mouse'.He quickly built up his rank, however he never made it to the top, for he decided that his place in the Dusk was not permanent.
At the age of 23, after getting consent and favor with the temple, the little Mouse went off to hunt the gnoll group that took away his family. He was not alone, however, for he made new friends along the way. Some of his friends from the Dusk also decided to join him. They became the best of friends and even titled themselves the 'Magnificent Seven'.
The group made it great and finally reached what they thought was the gnoll camp. To their surprise, this was not a pack of gnolls, but a union between gnolls, evil outsiders, and their followers with the purpose of transforming Osirion and Katapesh into a Garundi version of Cheliax. What was once thought of as a fight against bipedal hyenas became an epic Battle of Thermopylae against efreet, necromancing cultists, and tiefling assassins. It was then that Antal realized that his oath to the Inheritor was not one against a specific group or race, but to evil itself.
After the Magnificent Seven dispersed the treaty with the help of the Osirian Army, the group split ways and Antal became a wandering warrior in search of evil with the sole purpose of destroying its every form. And although the halfling has his destructive intentions, he was taught well that evil was not an entity but a state of mind, and that everything, even a demon, has the chance to redeem itself and that vengeance does not necessarily mean violence. He now roams the world, armed with his bow and his mouth to defend everything from evil through propaganda, understanding, and if necessary, violent activism.
His story leads him to the rural Dalaston. What adventures may he find here?

Watcher Uatu |

Watcher, is there anything else you'd like to know about Adrian? I have some extra free time on me as a lot of my play by posts aren't moving very quickly this weekend.
I have not read the story yet to be honest. I am about to read it now Curvlk Wyrdon. :)
<takes time to read it>
I like it.

Watcher Uatu |

The Intro:In rural Dalaston, a quiet wedding festival is ruined when a rampaging dragon descends from its mountain aerie to rain fire and destruction on the peaceful celebration. In desperation, the town’s leader turns to a mysterious stranger who promises protection from the dragon—in exchange for a few sacrifices. Now the children of Dalaston rise from the dead as ghastly abominations to enforce martial law and kidnap people for their mysterious master... including the blushing bride herself. With time quickly slipping away, can the PCs break the undead curse on the town and stop the dragon from destroying what remains?
** spoiler omitted **
I plan to accept 4-6 players. Deadline for background submissions is 2/19 at 11:59pm.
After that the group can build characters. That does not mean you can't build them in advance, but I would hate for you to spend the time on a character, and not be selected.
Tonight is the deadline. 11:59 EST.
Thanks in advance to all those who submitted or will submit characters. I will probably be revealing those who were selected 2 at time so I can cover any mechanical or story based issues more easily that way. As those people are taken care of I will take the announce the next people that were selected until the final decisions have been made.
Watcher Uatu |

updated list:
Xantrian Carver-Fighter
Shady_Motives-sorc 5 / DD 10
Thog-Barb 12/HW 3
DreamAtelier-Witch(Dimensional Occultist)
Bertholdt -Monk(Flowing Monk)3 /Inquisitor 12
John Spalding-Druid(Lion Shaman)
Lack of Focus-Fighter(Duelist?) Magus(Bladebound)
Corvus Red-Cleric/monk
Khair Fireborn-Bard(Dervish Dancer)
Mathpro18-Sorceror 10/DD 5
Haundo-Considering Time Theif
Riginald johnson-Paladin(Oath archetype)
Rampion Forsythe-Staff Magus
Pally 12/Monk 3