AP #67-72 - Reign of Winter: Misfits Unchained (Inactive)

Game Master Wilmannator

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Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.

Nope - Don't got it.

And out of time.

Apparently I lose my armor bonus, so I believe that my AC will go down to 17.

Except I think I am supposed to apply the "large" template first, since I started as a medium creature.

I love crunch and I love RP.

This is a pain... but only a temporary pain. I will use Hero lab to help me tonight (I hope it has an option to add a polymorph template) and get it all right.

Looking at it now though, even though I am significantly stronger than my opponent, I will have quite a few less HP and the same AC - this could get interesting.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Ok - So I have got this Winter Wolf form figured out (thank you hero lab)

But in the process, I have discovered a great many things.

One thing is painfully obvious.

We (me notably included) are not claiming our loot:

So I noticed IMQiS pining earlier for the handy haversack. He has one. It's on the loot sheet. He got it from the Pale Tower.

I have a Belt of Mighty Constitution. Jorvik gave it to me when we traded breastplates. I never checked the box in Hero Lab or updated my profile online. I forgot completely about it until I needed Hero Lab to save me from trying to figure out what I can and cant do in wolf form. (in addition to adding all the healing potions we have gained)

I don't remember if anyone claimed anything from the ulfen village (desna priests, just before the quickling and twigjack encounter) but its not marked on the loot sheet.

We were given a few things from Ringeirr, but they were pretty easy to split up. Not sure if we need to put that on the Loot sheet, but I want to make sure everyone accounts for what they were given - ie potions of curing (and notably a belt of strength for Aoife)

A big part of this is me not taking control of the Loot sheet like I said I would, so I apologize. I need to do a better job of tracking what is "party treasure" (ie a stockpile of curing potions that IMQiS keeps in his handy haversack) or just doling out items if they go unclaimed.

Anyways - Just wanted to mention that. Ishbaad's profile is updated with the proper stats, taking into account the belt. I will have Ishbaad the Winter Wolf updated properly to reflect the abilities he can and can't use in this form momentarily.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.


Ishbaad the Chosen, and Ishbaad the Winter Wolf are all updated to the proper stats. AC 16, Strength 28, Constitution 18, Dexterity 10.

Details on Polymorphing if you are interested.

I can still use my abilities like judgements and such (since they are not tied to being an Oread) but I can't use my abilities like treacherous earth, or crystalline skin, etc. Technically my natural armor bonus for being an Oread goes away, and is replaced by the winter wolf's natural armor, so that isn't even a question of stacking.

Casting spells boils down to this (since I don't have the natural spell feat) - I can only cast spells that only have a verbal component. I can't make hand motions with my paws, and would need the natural spell feat to replace the need for material components. If it requires a focus, I don't have that either.

This means that the only spell I can cast in this form is flames of the faithful (only has a verbal component, and I could cast it on my mouth, being a natural weapon)

I have done much... much... much reading on this, and I am confident I have this right. If anything doesn't sound right, please let me know.

I am also now supremely confident that the numbers are right thanks to Hero Lab. I was worried that I would be less powerful in this form, even with the added strength, but I can see now that is not the case. Unless the dice gods favor GM Damo, Ishbaad should be able to put Agilur in his place.

The only question I have left is if Ishbaad can cast flames of the faithful before combat starts or not. I'm ok if I can't, since I likely antagonized him into attacking me before I could get a spell off.

As a side note to that, the spell components are Verbal, but there is never any detail about what words need to be spoken. I wouldn't be foolish enough to reveal my faith in Iomedae by casting a spell, but if it is more generic, it could be pretty intimidating and potent to have my muzzle wreathed in (blue?) flames...

Sorry for all the... everything!

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge
Ishbaad the Winter Wolf wrote:
Unless the dice gods favor GM Damo, Ishbaad should be able to put Agilur in his place

Why or why do you tempt the fates?

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.
Kuragin Kseniya wrote:

I think Agilur was the only one on range without Kuragin moving to first row. Besides, Kuragin couldn't care less about any wolven honorary codes on dueling and whatnot. He just wants to finish the battle asap.

Aaand I knew you were going to make the save...

I see this word/phrase used incorrectly so often I just had to get excited and point out when it is used correctly.

Kudos Kuragin. :)

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

Glad to hear I got it right, struggling as I am with your language :)
But how is typically misspelled, then?

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.

Not mis-spelled, mis-used. The common way to say it is "I could care less"

This means that on the scale of caring, you are somewhere not at the bottom. You could care less, so you have the capability to go down even more than where you are at. The statement is ambiguous and means nothing because you have no reference point for how much you actually care, other than its not at the bottom of the scale.

If you don't care at all, then you say you couldn't care less. This then means you are at the rock bottom of your ability to care.

I feel irrationally passionate about this. I can't explain it.

This is why it makes me happy when I see people using it correctly!

I am strange...

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CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
Ishbaad the Winter Wolf wrote:
I feel irrationally passionate about this. I can't explain it.

So... what you're saying (among other things) is that you could care less about this? Me too.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text
GM Damo wrote:
Ishbaad the Winter Wolf wrote:
I feel irrationally passionate about this. I can't explain it.
So... what you're saying (among other things) is that you could care less about this? Me too.

*slow clap*

Well played....

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:
GM Damo wrote:

As much as he wants to, however, he cannot break the little girl's hold on his gigantic neck.

I have real trouble visualizing this.

@ GM Damo: I'll try to add a link that might help you visualize Aoife in combat, taken from the Battle Chasers comic where I shamelessly stole the character concept for Aoife :)

Link = Aoife (Gully in the comic) wrestling against something much bigger than she is.

Assuming this link works, this was actually the exact image I was thinking of when remembering the old Battle Chasers comic, and decided I wanted to try and build this toon. So this moment/the current combat against the winter wolves is great because I'm getting to try having Aoife actually wrestle a creature to the ground which I have been looking forward to a lot, and I get to see if mechanically this toon works or not.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Heh. Now I'm having an even harder time of visualizing it. That just looks... weird. Very well drawn, but very cartoonish. I guess this is a roleplaying game, right? :-)

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Man I love this game.

That post got a bit longer than I originally intended - but what a fun moment to dig into.

Just wanted to say thanks everyone for not getting annoyed while I hogged the spotlight for a little bit. That was really fun.

Now it can be someone else's turn. :)

(of course... I am still totally intrigued how this will end up playing out)

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text
Jorvik_RoW wrote:

He turns. He hears.

Ishbaad wrote:
"Yield ...


But no. This is Ishbaad. And a fight over a mate.

Just wanted to mention that this was really cool. (Thanks Jorvik!)

As I typed out that post, I feel like as a player I went through the same struggle as I was trying to describe the character going through. I didn't want to yield, but I knew that it would almost certainly result in my character's death. This whole little rabbit trail with the rimepelt has been incredibly fun, and I just wanted to win!!!

But alas, by the time I got to the end of the post, I just knew that I wasn't going to, and I didn't want to lose my character yet. That is why it was so much fun to type out. I still didn't know if I was going to yield or not until the last paragraph or so. I couldn't make up my mind.

Awesome encounter. Thanks for letting me play with a cool toy. :)

Now hopefully Agilur has enough honor not to rip my throat out after I yielded. No less disrespectful and condescending I am sure... but hopefully not spiteful murder... :)

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Don't worry, Ishbaad.
Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight has a bomb for Agilur if he attacks. He was very close to attacking him with the bomb rather than targeting the one he did... after all, he wanted THREE winter wolves on fire.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Glad you're enjoying the fight so much, Ishbaad! It's been fun to run and definitely way tougher than I should technically have thrown at you guys... but I knew you'd be able to get there.

By the way, Agilur has class levels... without them, Ishbaad would have had the edge. :-)

As it turns out, it is a pretty even match!

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Also, sorry about having Agilur chomp you. I spent most of this afternoon thinking about how he'd react with Bathor downed in flames... and that's the conclusion I came to.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.

Ishbaad might just bring all of IMQiS's horrible memories about winter wolves back for nearly getting him killed... ;)

Simmering on a good post I think... Won't be able to get to it until later tonight though.

-Posted with Wayfinder

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Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

I have to say this entire thing was super fun.

Quick trip down memory lane for me. When I first started back in RP with 3.0 and LG back in 2000ish, I was playing at a local gaming store a lot and we were running this encounter and the GM had a character poised for a coup-de-grace. We went around the table and we were all scared. We all delayed. Until it came to one of my gaming friends, and I believe the current VC in my region, and he said "Screw it." and threw a dagger with the +1 RP bonus boon he got from the last encounter we played and just hit the BBEG. It was really cool.

Flash forward to now, and this is like the 3rd or 4th time you have put us in this position GM, and honestly, 15 years, and PbP and I am still scared at moments like this. Weird.

oh, and Jorvik delays.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge
Ishbaad the Chosen wrote:
Just wanted to mention that this was really cool. (Thanks Jorvik!)

Was totally living that fight vicariously though you.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

damnit. I don't know what I did with the tag line, but am working through it now.

It pretty much looks like +15 was impossible! So, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight will probably be out cold. I will update my post as soon as I know.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Heh. "Out cold" from a freezing breath weapon. I see what you did there.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.

Just wanted to mention to take out Ishbaad's last two wand charges to use on the wolves as well, though not sure if that really matters.

Also, counting back on the loot sheet, we have 8 total CMW potions that I had designated to party treasure (I can't even remember what PPP stands for anymore) and also 3 potions of CLW that weren't specifically claimed by anyone.

I would say we could spare a charge each, (jorvik and I) from the CMW wand. We have a decent stack of potions. Then we should pool some of the money we do have and buy one or two wands of CLW while we are here and finally in a place we can spend money.

Whaddya say?

I think that gets everyone at, or very close to full.

Also, I have mentioned this before, but the "party stash" of potions and elixirs and such were in a handy haversack that I assumed IMQiS had. Maybe its just been in the big pile of gear we have been carrying around, itching to sell. I don't think we need to micro manage that stuff, because it always seems to get tedious.

It would be nice to get a "Reset" of gear, coin, treasures, what are we selling, what can we buy, and then start with a bit of a clean slate on the loot sheet. I'm not sure if that is necessary, but it would do wonders for the part of my brain that is trying to make sense of it all.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor in Winter Wolf Form 4 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 16 (10 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +13, CMD: 24 | F: +8, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +12 | Speed 50ft | Hero 0/3, Touch of Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judgement 1/2 | Spells: 2nd 1/2, 1st 4/4 | Daily Abilities: [Omen] [Surge] | Active Conditions: Winter Wolf Form.

Ok - I am being obsessive and its not good for me :)

So, I went back through the loot sheet. Either your name is next to something, or it got sold.

Several things I marked with PPP - somehow that meant party stash.

Well its nixed now. We have enough potions in the "party stash" that in addition to whatever you have now, everyone can take 2 potions of cure moderate, and 2 potions of cure light. No more party stash. This makes life easier.

There are three things left unclaimed since the Ulfen village. I would like to deem everything else either claimed or "sold" (even though this is the first place we have gotten to to actually sell anything.)

One is the handy haversack that Ringeirr gave us. I know that IMQiS wanted to claim it earlier, but he already has one. Does everyone have at least a handy haversack? Ishbaad has a bag of holding II and would be willing to trade it for a haversack if someone needs the BOHII more.

Another is a bladed belt. I figured that would be best to sell and get the cash.

The last thing is a ring of feather falling. Again, not a bad thing to have. Someone should probably wear it, but if no one thinks it will be useful then we can sell it and split the cash.

Let me know what everyone thinks. Everyone should have just over 2k gold currently (assuming we are able to liquidate what is marked for selling on the loot sheet) from all of the things we have collected since arriving at the portal. (marked as 862, 145, and 1328 loot splits up until the Ulfen village)

Assuming we sell the bladed belt and ring of feather falling, we will be able to add another 618 to that.

I hope I am not making this more confusing. As I mentioned, I just want to get to a place where I know what I have and how much gold I have and I don't have to worry that there is still some un-used items in a loot pile that we forgot about. I don't know why that gives me heartburn. Apologies if my neurotic behavior is harshing your buzz. :)

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

What about the

Loot wrote:
A gold signet ring that Kuragin identifies as belonging to the family of Queen Tashanna, whose rule ended some 500 years ago.

Thought we were going to keep this?

I could use the haversack or the Bag of holding - either works for me.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text
Jorvik_RoW wrote:

What about the

Loot wrote:
A gold signet ring that Kuragin identifies as belonging to the family of Queen Tashanna, whose rule ended some 500 years ago.

Thought we were going to keep this?

I could use the haversack or the Bag of holding - either works for me.

Forgot about that - I marked it as Kuragin's in the Loot Sheet. That takes that last split down to 1286.

Handy Haversack is yours, marked on the sheet and on the magical item slots tab.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Glad you pointed this out, did some crunch in HeroLab. It appears that I have one less hp that when I did this manually, but my AC is 1 point higher than when I did this manually.

Hope that is ok GM ;) Sorry!

Everything fixed!

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

No trouble at all, Jorvik.

Ishbaad, thank you so much for sorting out the loot. I used to end up doing the loot in the home games, and it's usually a thankless task.

For me, it really helps if I can just dole it out and then move on. I can focus on customizing the hauls (sometimes) and my GM posts!

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Okay, so unless you folk completely lose your minds during this encounter - it should be resolved without combat.

That means...

Wait for it...

Time to level up to level 5!

Have fun. No immediate rush, the next encounter (with Solveig) is largely roleplay. Please let me know if you won't be able to crunch the numbers by Monday next week.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text


Cavalier dip, here I come. Ishbaad is going to look BA on the back of this monster....

Edit: Consequently, I am left to look longingly at the bane ability I will be missing out on until I hit 6th level. /sigh

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

Sweet!!!! Level 5!! Crazy rogue dip, coming up.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Is it a level dip when your current class levels are 1/2/1?

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Haahahahah. Funny. :)

I'll take one of those. one of those.

two of those

one of those

one of these...

AAaaaaaand now I want Ice Cream.

Look what you made me do to myself.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Remind me not to get behind Chris in the buffet line at GenCon.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Baaaahahahahahaha I love you guys :)

-Posted with Wayfinder

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

Hahahaha! Shaddup, you guys :)

It's ridiculous, I know. Some sort of stupid cross class nightmare. I'm treating this toon as if she were my daughter, and making sure she is well rounded growing up.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Holy crap, dudes. What every happened to specializing?

Well, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight will be taking another level of alchemist.... Need focus for this class. Eventually he will need fast bombs!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Inquisitors need a single level dip... but everyone knows it's barbarian you need!

Well done on keeping up with the specialization, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight. I'm sure Kuragin will do so also.

Ran out of time to post a moving it along post (wanted to get my PC posts in) so will move along tomorrow. Added benefit will be that Kuragin will get more time to post.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Cool things Jorvik just got:
Favored Terrain Cold (ice, glaciers, snow, and tundra)

PRD wrote:
Favored Terrain (Ex): At 3rd level, a ranger may select a type of terrain from the Favored Terrains table. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).

Took the Boon companion feat - Heafoc is now a 1/2 hp 5HD companion until one more ranger level when she gets full hp.

Level in Ranger so now Ranger3/Skald 2.

New Heafoc Skills
Fetch (DC 15) The animal goes and gets something. If you do not point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random object.

Flank (DC 20): You can instruct an animal to attack a foe you point to and always attempt to be adjacent to (and threatening) that foe. If you or an ally is also threatening the foe, the animal attempts to flank the foe, if possible. It always takes attacks of opportunity. The animal must know the attack trick before it can learn this trick.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Handle Animal, take 10: 10 + 10 = 20
Handle Animal, take 10: 10 + 10 = 20

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Nice skills for Heafoc! Love the level up. Bet you're aching for level 6!

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

Sorry for taking my time to post. Work should return to normal now...

I'll try to get Kuragin updated today or tomorrow latest. Level 5 witch cooking up.. Yay, level 3 spells. So Kuragin will not be dipping to other classes, but he is planning to get into winter witch prestige class.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

No trouble at all, Kuragin. You gave us a heads up, which is much appreciated and all I ever ask for.

Glad to hear things are normalizing.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Post coming... Late for a meeting

-Posted with Wayfinder

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

You know you play too much PbP when...

You say "post coming" barely 5 hours after your last post because you're worried that people might think you've abandoned the thread otherwise.


When you reply to such a post within 6 minutes despite very recently expressing a desire to quit this thing entirely.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text
GM Damo wrote:
You know you play too much PbP when... You say "post coming" barely 5 hours after your last post because you're worried that people might think you've abandoned the thread otherwise. ...or... When you reply to such a post within 6 minutes despite very recently expressing a desire to quit this thing entirely.

Yeeeessssssssssss (he posts from the meeting he was late for)

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Whew. Took longer than I thought.

And my posts are getting longer and longer it seems. Sorry about that!!!

GM Damo wrote:

You say "post coming" barely 5 hours after your last post because you're worried that people might think you've abandoned the thread otherwise.

This makes me laugh. :) I want to do this conversation justice (because its fun to me) but I also don't want anyone to think they have to wait for us to finish it. Figured I would try to help move it along quicker if I could.

Though you are posting what is happening as we move on, so I am probably just worried about nothing.

Except for my long posts. They are really long, and don't seem to be getting shorter.


Ishbaad farts.*

*TM Jorvik

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Don't apologize about the long posts. I think I've mentioned before that I miss the more frequent shorter posts on a single game thread... but the reality is we all play more simultaneous games now and sometimes we need to post when and as we can. Oftentimes that means bigger posts.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Actually I had a thought. I wanted to improve Heafoc and I could take the maneuver trick and give her the feat Agile Maneuvers in which she applies her Dex to CMB.

That would give her a +5 to her CMB, and if I gave her the maneuver (Disarm) trick that would be awesome. But would she provoke an AoO with out the Improved Disarm feat? That would be counter productive.

@ GM and that is why I still have hope that you can't quit us. (In a non-brokeback mountain kind of way)

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

She would provoke the AoO.

Hope is a powerful thing, but don't get your hopes up beyond book 2.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Ok - I've done very little multi-classing in my gaming career. I prefer to specialize, the sooner to get to the good stuff I say.

However, the introduction of Onyx was too much of a carrot to pass up, and so I will take a level of Cavalier.

I don't know that I will be specializing in mounted combat the way Pooka is, because I simply don't have the feats to spare, and Ishbaad is still an inquisitor at his core. Next level will be inquisitor for sure so I can declare bane and judgement on whoever I am charging on a giant freaking elk.

Therefore - I am not going to overthink this, and going to take a feat I have been itching to take because I really want it. Intimidating Prowess.

As luck would have it, a first level cavalier gets a free teamwork feat due to the tactician ability. (I like teamwork feats. I'll take more of those)

This feat will be outflank. Now I can also give all of you this same feat once per day for 4 rounds. But the great thing about being an inquisitor is that I can take advantage of this feat whether I give it to you or not, so as long as I am adjacent to any of you, I get a +4 to attack.

Aoife, this will come in especially handy for you if you are dipping rogue too, since you only need to stand next to me (when I give you outflank) to auto-qualify for doing your sneak attack damage.

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Radosek Pavril
Kuragin Kseniya

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min
(342 posts)


Female Human
Aoife Limerick

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:
(520 posts)


Ishbaad the Chosen

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text
(869 posts)
Papasteve08Ishbaad the Winter WolfJewel the Graceful


Sovereign Court Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield
(650 posts)


Gorvald Thrimbyrson

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge
(613 posts)


Baba Yaga's Cat

(NPC, GM Damo) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
(13 posts)
Dancing Hut
GM Damo

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
(2,844 posts)
Jadrenka the Crone

(NPC, GM Damo) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
(16 posts)
WilmannatorGreta - GM DamoNadya Petska - GM Damo

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