(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


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Male Orc Expert 5
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
You don't actually have to do it in the morning. As long as you don't leave the range of the collective, you stay in the collective until you die, your Wisdom drops to 0, or the Tactician/vitalist kicks you out, and you can voluntarily leave as a free action.

I know. I'm just a touch annoyed (the headache, toothache and lack of coffee doesn't help) and pbp moves so slow as it is I wasted a whole day on this. While it makes sense in character to be apprehensive about it it does make my life (and consequently the groups) a bit harder for it.

Though I find it interesting that vitalists have the same ability which is soemthing both sam and alyss would have experience with.

In any case it's fine for now but I really really don't want this to become a thing. Particularly once everyone starts chattering over Selvan Instant Messenger.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4
Selvan wrote:
"Welcome to the Swarm."

Ok, maybe if the congratulatory announcement had been just a little less creepy... ;-P

Selvan, don't worry. At least Connor has the "military upbringing" to recognize a battlefield telepathy network. It looks far weaker than his psicrystal link at 1st Level, too. I would argue in roleplay that any major Clan son or daughter, or Psychic Warrior with military training, would have had a Network Collective at least by majority age, just for familiarization.

Male Elfavian HP:31/31, 27/27 PP; Saves F:1 R:3 W:4, AC:17,+4 Init, +6 Perception

But...but that's how they welcomed us at the academy? I thought everyone wanted to be part of a silent, perfectly coordinated and synchronized unit of trained combatants!


Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

You just tried to use an unknown psionic effect on an uneducated criminal whom you have unknowingly antagonized in perhaps the most effective way possible. Don't worry, I like characterization (and am having perhaps a little too much fun playing Sam as a real S.O.B.) but I'm not too invested in it to hurt the party in a serious way.

I've got my character development planned out some. It'll get better for Selvan, especially when we meet up with the rest of the party. Of course, how Selvan reacts when Sam starts acting like they're bosom buddies is an entirely different matter.

Male Orc Expert 5

He'd probably think you're mad.

How this is different from now I honestly don't know.

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4


Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

Not to presume but I think the mintakia/guild plot is ready to move on.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yes, sorry, I've been in a room all day with the lights out (Migraine).

Moving on shortly.

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

I understand entirely. Last time I had one, I ended up horking Taco Bell up all over my parents' front lawn.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Whoa - lotsa mistakes in that post, mdt. Sorry about that, I was posting quick-n-dirty before I had to drive one hour back home from church.

- the Astral Construct disappears after 2 attacks, not 4 or 5
- pick whatever crossbow attack you feel is best, same for initiative
- Astral Construct descriptions should be shorter in the future

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Connor, I'm very confused on your posts. The 'multiple actions per post' is throwing me.

I put in the post you had summoned up the creature, so I'm not sure why you are summoning it again, unless you're summoning a second?

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

Just a note, Alys wouldn't use the same introduction twice, she was expecting two people. Two people arrived, the kid to her is unexpected, in her current situation she would rather greet him with "And who are you supposed to be?"

temp HP:9, +2 dmg 3 mins HP (21/21) | AC/Touch/Flat 19/15/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+8/+3 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Brutal Disruptor (3)

i am waiting until the enemy attacks, if theyre going before me (i think they are supposed to)

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Sorry, mdt - it's just one Astral Construct. I just wanted to describe it. After it appears and attacks the guy with the club, Connor will take one light crossbow shot, back up 5 feet, and repeat. The Astral Construct only attacks 2 rounds and then disappears.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ah, ok, sorry Alys, just retcon that part of Squeaker's post then, and assume it didn't happen.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok Connor, thanks for the clarification.

Male Orc Expert 5

Selvan Kilvani'tel Mintakis; presser of buttons.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yep, it's almost like Selvan is compensating for something small by being hugely irritating. :) The only people he hasn't insulted and set off so far are either Female or so much more powerful than him that he's cowed into silence in their presence. :)

Male Orc Expert 5

And he's the one with the diplomacy and sense motive in our trio.

I think we're screwed here. :)

Male Elfavian HP 36/36 | AC/Touch/Flat 20/19/15 | Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+10 | Init+7 | Perception+16, Low-Light Vision |
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+18, Perception+16, Sense Motive+13, Stealth+13
Marksman 3/Zen Archer Monk 3

Needs formating, and some backstory, but the stats are finished, other than traits.

Kinda wish I could be small and still be an Elfavian, as it would fit my concept but oh well.

Just want to make sure he's approved.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Looks good so far. Needs his background done, and traits. Need equipment finalized as well as remaining gold.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

50 gold pieces each for a few minutes' work, not bad. Of course, these guys are dead now.

"Greyhawk" (strip) the bodies & sell the armor/weapons! :) Being a psion, my Inertial Armor is better than any low-level armor. So unless somebody here (or in the other group) wants it, Connor will be selling the chain shirt and club.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Even if you wanted it, they were all grubs, which means only Sammark could wear it without heavy modifications.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Ah. "Grub" means "no wing holes", not "common junk". My offer still stands - thinking of the team! :)

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Just a note to the people in the Mintakia Guild plot, I did offer someone to assist with tracking down information. Not the GMs fault your resident diplomat and all around touch-feely expert ran them off.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Connor of McIntyre wrote:
Ah. "Grub" means "no wing holes", not "common junk". My offer still stands - thinking of the team! :)

Common Atalantian insults for surface dwellers.

Surfacers (mildest), Grubs, Worms, Roaches, Vermin, Grounders, Pounders, Groundpounders, Leggers, Hikers, Dirt Grubbers, Muckers, Wrigglers

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

Don't worry, we'll collect him in a minute.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Question on XP and Leveling.

When I run a table top game, I use the following rules :

Fast XP Chart from level 1 to 5
Normal XP chart from 6 to 15
Slow XP Chart from 16 on.

I do that because level 1 and 2 are super lethal (as we've seen).

So I have two options here. I can keep track of XP and use the fast/medium/slow progression above. Or I can just level you up at various points in the story. This will probably happen when there's a 'fast forward' or a major story arc is completed.

It's up to you, I'm fine with either way.

Male Humavian HP 31/31 | AC/Touch/Flat 13/10/13 | Fort: +8 Ref: +1 Will: +3 | Init: +1 | Perception +6|Barbarian 1/Aegis 1

I've no particular preference for how XP and leveling are handled. One variant I've seen, that I like and have used in the past is SKR's Steps method, which I find to be a pretty fluid system, though it's certainly not for everyone. Overall, though, like I said, I don't really have a preference one way or the other.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

I've seen SKR's method, but it seems a bit clunky to use in this type of environment.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Unless there is a reason to keep everyone's XP separate, I prefer the "story leveling" or "AP leveling". It's what my tabletop uses with Rise of the Runelords. One less calculation to figure at the end of each session.

Male Orc Expert 5
Connor of McIntyre wrote:
Unless there is a reason to keep everyone's XP separate, I prefer the "story leveling" or "AP leveling". It's what my tabletop uses with Rise of the Runelords. One less calculation to figure at the end of each session.

This is what I go with. Less concern about playing with numbers and more concern with other things. It let's me plan out things better and doesn't punish players for skipping extraneous stuff.

Male Humavian HP 31/31 | AC/Touch/Flat 13/10/13 | Fort: +8 Ref: +1 Will: +3 | Init: +1 | Perception +6|Barbarian 1/Aegis 1

Leveling up when you want us to level up works fine for me.

M Humanborn

I also prefer story leveling.

HP 41/41 ()| PP 56/63| AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 (IA)| Fort/Ref/Will +6/+7/+8| Init +4| CMB/CMD +3/17
Humavian; white feathered wings; Psion (Shaper) 5/Psicrystal Imprinter3 ML 7
Appraise: +6, Autohyp: +8, Bluff: +1, C: Sculpting +18/16, C: Jewelry +14/16, Dis Dev: +8/13, Diplo: +5/+9/+14, Esca Art: +5, Fly: +10, Heal: +3
K:Dun/Eng/Geo/Nat/Nob/Psi/Rel/ThePlanes +9, Linguistics +6, Percep +8 (+6 w/o psicrystal), Pro:Gem +5, Pro:Sail +10, Psicraft: +16, Sense Mo: +3/1, Surv: +4, Swim: +1, UPD: +4

Man, that chainmail shirt is gonna be heavy (25 lbs). Another reason I got the backpack. ;)

(CHAOTIC, not Lawful, Good. Which means fighting in self-defense and hiding the bodies from the authorities is okay.)

We'll see what the bosses say about the bodies, then saunter on back to the inn room.

Sammark, would your character like a free wingless common chain mail shirt in the future?

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

Nah, saving it for a potential wingless ally smacks a bit too much of metagame for my tastes. Regardless, my need for armor is a bit more pressing.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

BTW: Connor, I don't know if you've ever read the Dresden files, but for some reason, Hero just screamed 'childish Bob' to me. Hopefully you're enjoying it and not finding it annoying.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Sammark Bellefont wrote:
Nah, saving it for a potential wingless ally smacks a bit too much of metagame for my tastes. Regardless, my need for armor is a bit more pressing.

Depends on the level. I've had several characters over the years who once we got to the level where mundane armor was not worth reselling, I would carry them home anyway and put them in an 'armory' for future use of cohorts, followers, or just hirelings or NPCs. Same with weapons. Usually started building it up about level 4.

I remember one time I shocked my GM, she'd forgotten I'd been doing it, and I had to arm a mob in short order. She was expecting me to have to RP hunting down enough armor and weapons for two dozen people.

I had enough for 3 dozen in storage. :)

Male Elfavian HP 36/36 | AC/Touch/Flat 20/19/15 | Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+10 | Init+7 | Perception+16, Low-Light Vision |
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+18, Perception+16, Sense Motive+13, Stealth+13
Marksman 3/Zen Archer Monk 3

Ugh, having trouble finding any traits I like, that aren't generic.

I was looking for something that hinted at fey blood, but the only one I found relies on us fighting them.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Elrohir wrote:

Ugh, having trouble finding any traits I like, that aren't generic.

I was looking for something that hinted at fey blood, but the only one I found relies on us fighting them.


Fey Protection

Friend of the Fey

Unnatural Revenge

Male Elfavian HP 36/36 | AC/Touch/Flat 20/19/15 | Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+10 | Init+7 | Perception+16, Low-Light Vision |
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+18, Perception+16, Sense Motive+13, Stealth+13
Marksman 3/Zen Archer Monk 3

Question is, will be facing Fey at all? I was looking for one that didn't rely on that. Unless of course we will, than cool.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You may or may not be running into fey. If you're concerned about it, I'd suggest taking an existing trait and re-fluffing it to involve Fey if you prefer. I'm ok with refluffing traits to fit a background, as long as the mechanics don't change. You just have to actually type up the new fluff.

Male Orc Expert 5

Did our backpacks not include our weaposn and armor?

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Nope, they did

Male Half-Elf HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4

Oh, so they contained our possessions or wealth by level in equipment?
I thought I heard something about supply and info drops earlier.

Male Orc Expert 5

I believe they contained whatever you bought your character in creation.

Which is quite the feat. Selvan sports a polearm.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

I forgot about the polearm, it would have been sitting in the corner of the room.

But yes, your starting equipment was in the storage room.

The GM was saying the gold drops were a combination of WBL for level 2, and also bribery funds, and equipment funds. I knew most everyone wouldn't get a chance to get a lot of loot before level 2, so built in your WBL for 2 into the background.

Of course, Alys declined to take her gold because it was on corpses. :(

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

For the curious.


Mina, but add a pair of batlike wings.

Female Elfavian Gifted Bolt/6 | HP (13/52) | PP (4/5) | AC/Touch/Flat 22/16/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +5/+11/+7 | Init +7 | Percep +12 (+10 sight)

that's 2600 gp total?

There isn't really anything i need or want that i could afford from that without taking a major share.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yep, 2600 total. Alys didn't have any drops, just the other 2. 1300gp each. Alys was picked by the guild, the other two by Mintakia.

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