
Sammark Bellefont's page

443 posts. Alias of Ptolmaeus Arvenus.

Full Name

Sammark Bellefont




HP 31/31 | PP 16/16 | AC/Touch/Flat 19 (20)/14 (15)/15 (16) | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+6 | Init +4 | Per +11 | Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist) 4




M (5'7")








Common, Elven, Strix, Halfling



Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 19
Charisma 10

About Sammark Bellefont

Initiative: +4
Senses: Low-light vision
Land Speed: 30ft
HP: 31/31
PP: 16/16
Concentration: +14

AC: 19 (20)
Touch: 14 (15)
Flat-Footed: 15 (16)
Fort: 4
Ref: 5
Will: 6
CMD: 17

BAB: 3
CMB: 3

Masterwork Light Mace
Damage: 1d6

Acrobatics 11 (3+4+4)
Appraise 8 (3+2+2+1)
Autohypnosis 11 (3+4+4)
Climb 4 (3+0+1)
Diplomacy 2 (0+0+0+2)
Perception 11 (3+4+4)
Profession (Sailor) 9 (3+4+2)
Use Magic Device 12 (3+0+4+5)
Spellcraft 7 (3+2+2)
Swim 8 (3+0+1+4)

677.65 gp
Masterwork Studded Leather
AC +3
Max Dex: +5

Masterwork Darkwood Heavy Shield

Everwake Amulet

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 50/50
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 50/50
Tattoos of Natural Healing (12 hp) x4
Tattoos of Inevitable Strike (Standard, +20) x1
Cold and Hot weather gear
Fighter's Kit


Average Lock

Class Abilities:
Powers Known: Any psychokensis powers from the Psion Power List as the full Psychic Warrior power list

Martial Psionics: As long as there is at least one power point remaining or psionic focus is maintained, gains +1 deflection bonus to AC. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. Loses bonus if wearing medium or heavy armor.
Gains Energy Ray as a power known. Does not count against number of powers known. When manifesting this power, choose to manifest it for no cost by expending psionic focus, in which case it cannot be augmented, or manifest it normally, in which case effective manifester level for this power is treated as one higher than normal.

Psionic Prowess: Wis treated as 2 higher when determining power points.

Expanded Marital Psionics: Beginning at 3rd level, while maintaining psionic focus, the martial kineticist can deliver powers that feature a ranged touch attack as melee touch attack powers. He can use a ranged touch attack power that targets more than one creature, but he makes only one melee touch attack to deliver one of these ranged touch effects; additional ranged touch attacks from that effect are wasted and have no effect.

In addition, the martial kineticist can expend his psionic focus when he manifests a power to gain 1 temporary power point to augment that power. He must use the power point to augment this power, or it is lost.

Psionic Training: At 4th level, the psychic warrior gains a +2 bonus to Autohypnosis , Spellcraft , or Use Magic Device . Every three levels thereafter, he can choose to increase the bonus to one of these skills by +2 (to a maximum of +6 for any one of the three skills.) This may be a skill he has already chosen or one of the remaining skills.

+2 Use Magic Device

Feats, Traits, and Racial:

Antiquities Smuggler: +1 to Appraise, Always a class skill
Indomitable Faith: Will +1
Focused Mind: +2 on Concentration checks

Pride: -2 on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against someone who has challenged or insulted him until they apologize (I will always be applying this penalty to Strix).

Elven Immunities: Immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Low-Light vision
Adaptability: Bonus Skill Focus
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Water Child: +4 to swim checks, can take 10 while swimming.

Bonus (Racial): Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
Level: Weapon Finesse
Bonus (Class): Combat Manifestation (Psionic): +4 to Concentration Checks
Bonus (Class): Psionic Body (Psionic): +2 HP for every psionic feat
Level: Weapon Focus (Ray)

Powers Known:
Crystal Light, Detect Psionics, Energy Splash, Far Hand, Float,

Force Screen, Energy Ray, Matter Agitation, Hammer, Entangling Debris

Energy Missle

When does a good man hit his breaking point? Is it when he realizes power is the only thing that will be truly respected? Years of gradual wear and constant denigration? Does it come once he finally gives up on hope? Perhaps for an unlucky few, the breaking point comes just before their loved one hits the ground.

It was a long drop back to the embrace of Mama Morrigu, they made sure of it, then his wife of four years was undone. Death like that does not exactly lend itself to an open casket funeral. Thankfully Mama Morrigu is not picky.

Sammark is... was a diver on the coast. He lived a happy and peaceful life in a small town of people like him, far away from the pity of Clan Macholm. People who, whether by birth or accident, were denied the capacity for flight. So they specialized in the only way they really could that would give them an edge and made their living from the sea. Sam and his crew dredged up old treasures from the reefs around their home, the magical items were all sold to the mainland and the gold split evenly among his crew. It was a good, if dangerous, life.

Sam eventually netted himself a wife. She was, perhaps, the most beautiful woman he had met. Marisa was an Elfavian whose wings had been crippled in an attack, her family could not afford the powerful healing magics needed to restore them to full function. Instead of living with her clan and being pitied as an invalid, she ended up moving to Sam's village. They met at the Silverfin dance that year. She was an incredible dancer and he markedly less so.

Ah, I'll not bore you with the tales of courtship and wedded bliss but, long story short, life was good until a roving band of strix came into the area. Stalmortta strix. Slavers and sadists, they thought it would be amusing to force the land-bound to watch his crippled beloved take one last journey through the sky. They should have killed Sam too after that but they figured they could fetch a profit from a healthy half-elf. One thing they never counted on was that ol'Sam was very gifted in the psionic arts. He killed three of them and ripped the wings off the forth once they stopped for the night. As dark as his mind had gone, he would have gone on killing and maiming until he died if not for a well-timed and well-equipped detachment McTavish troops.

Seeing what the land-bound barbarian had done to the strix, they arrested him. Subsequent investigations revealed just what had caused Sam to go on the war path. He was eventually slated for rehabilitation and his expertise as a salvager and psionic specialist were put to use by the McTavish clan leadership. The paroled Sammark Bellefont is much different from the grinning daredevil of the past though.

Personality and Appearance:
At one point in his life, Sam was never without a grin on his face and a joke, usually terrible, waiting in the wings. He used to cheerfully ignore the limits of his life. It turns out, he relied on Marisa for much more than he let on. Sam rarely smiles these days and his humor is much darker. His life under parole is exceedingly spartan, not just due to the restrictions placed on him but because he eschews most luxuries even when they are offered to him. The only reason he continues to seek his own freedom is out of a vague sense that it is what Marisa would have wanted him to do. The telepaths in charge of rehabilitation describe his mind as a cold place, like a frozen beach.

Thankfully, they also say he has no intention of trying to escape his parole.

His dislike of Strix is well-known to his parole officers. While he does attempt to control himself, it takes very little to provoke him into a confrontation with them. The few times he shared a cell with a Strix prisoner, both men had to be treated for wounds. He also makes very little distinction between the Strix clans on first contact but is more willing to tolerate individuals from clan Straillia than Stalmortta.

Sam is not a large man, and he certainly is not very imposing as his body is built for speed and not brute force. Passably handsome but favors the human side of his lineage more than the elven side, as his blockier features and capacity to grow facial hair denotes to the casual observer. He would almost be easily mistakable for a human were it not for his slightly pointed ears. His hands are broad and tough from a life of swimming, sailing and climbing and his skin is prematurely weathered from the sea spray and the sun. His tan has faded long ago from his time in the prison system.

These days he wears the tan tunic and black trousers of a paroled criminal. The black chevrons on his shoulder denote the his years of cooperation with the authorities, he is up to five now. With a good record like that, he has been allowed to make the usually against regulations modification to his uniform of sewing the wing slits closed.

Development Plan:

Level: Psionic Meditation
Bonus Psionic: Deep Focus (Psionics Augmented)


Level: Enlarge Power

Bonus Psionic: Power Specialization

Level: Hustle Power


Level: Metapsionic Mastery
Bonus Psionic: Split Psionic Ray


Level: Greater Power Specialization

Bonus Psionic: Psionic Endowment

Level: Greater Psionic Endowment


Level: Psionic Talent
Bonus Psionic: Psionic Talent


Level: Psionic Talent

Bonus Psionic: Psionic Talent