What do you think the Technomancer and Mechanic will be like?

General Discussion

Grand Lodge

So, I know we've still got about a month and a third before the Technomancer and Mechanic playtest will be released...

Anyone else what to pass some of that time by speculating what kind of features they'll have? Here are my thoughts:

So, back in SF1e, the technomancer's whole shtick was "I'm a wizard... in space!" Not the most interesting thing compared to the other classes, and unlikely to be the case since SF2e and PF2e are meant to be compatible, so "Space Wizard" can be handled with... the Wizard class.
So, I'm guessing (or hoping) that the Technomancer will lean in more with the technology aspect than it did back in SF1e. Perhaps they'll get various means of incorporating technology into their spell casting? Like, casting spells through the internet, hacking with magic, use computers to speed up summoning rituals (Yes, like the Demon Summoning Program from SMT), or even create an AI hologram familiar?
I'm sure there are all sorts of inventive ways to combine magic and technology.

Now, the main issue facing the Mechanic, to me, is that PF2e already gave us the Inventor class, and a lot of ideas I have for what the Mechanic could be, the Inventor could cover.
Right now, though, I'm guessing they'll have features regarding hacking, tech item creation, their drone, and augmenting themselves (like the cortex feature from SF1e. Perhaps so feats/abilities for people wanting to make themselves into a customizable cyborg?

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I'm hoping technomancer ends up a wave-caster so it's class can afford to have a good amount of class abilities. Especially since techno-spells are just common things on the spell lists now. Everyone is healing via phones in Starfinder regardless of if they like that aesthetic, so just techy spells can't be the crux of their class idenity.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So I've long contended that I'd imagine the Mechanic's main ability to be overclocking tech. Like making your damage dice on your blaster bigger for a limited time, but then has to be fixed later. Temporary enhancements at the cost of repairs in down time. Over use the ability and you can't fix everything you broke between combats.

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I'm hoping/guessing that mechanic is a support martial that can also drop drones/turrets like the playtest necromancer's mechanics. Basically a martial inversion of that playtest. Im with Milo on the technomancer: the fewer the spell slots the more cool toys we get, so I hope it's a two slot caster or a wave caster

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll repost my previous thoughts:

I want the Technomancer to be the equivalent of the Druid of technology. They should be considered kinda weird compared to most everyone, and be a little *too* into the mysticism of technology, with a strong bent toward *software* specifically. I think Mechanic can handle the hardware side of things quite well, and so giving narrative control of software to Technomancers could be a good way to give the two classes some space.

I'd like Technomancers to be able to influence, duplicate, or generate AI helpers that can do things as diverse as doing research automatically in the background to providing useful combat HUD info or targeting assistance.

I'd like Technomancers to be able to champion Matrix style modes of play, including things like allowing the party to physically enter artificial environments, computer systems, or data pads (if only to hide for a bit from real world threats).

I feel like Technomancers should be able to blur the line between virtual reality and reality, perhaps allowing AI helpers or software threats to take physical form to assist in combat or skill challenges, or create illusory effects.

I think Technomancers should be able to act as essentially a living matrix node, allowing them to project an aura of technological effects even in the wilderness.

Overcoming security systems and cameras should be second nature to Technomancers.

I don't think Technomancers necessarily need to be able to throw fireballs (though I think they should have a high damage potential). So I would like to put forth, looking at the sheer number and variety of effects the Kineticist can gain access to, that the Technomancer should be something more akin to a kineticist who channels only technological effects.


I'd like to see Mechanics being able to swing their big narrative... wrench around. Having one in your party should be a bit like bringing civilization with you.

I imagine them meticulously and jealously assembling and caring for their personal engineering toolkit as essentially a personalized key to whatever the situation calls for, inside and out of combat.

A mechanic should be able to solve narrative problems that technology should be able to solve, without the party having to plan ahead or rely on begging NPCs for help. They should be able to quickly and easily convert UPBs into useful tools, and perhaps get some UPBs for free every day, so that they can always have an answer to the party not having the right tool for the job. From making an air conditioned shelter, to putting up a zipline, to building a permanent water harvesting system for a community, a mechanic should represent the kinds of power you'd normally get from utility spells in Pathfinder.

In combat I'd like to see Mechanics be able to do things unrelated to drones or modifying their own gear. Those things, I feel, should be pretty universally available options. I'd like it if they could do something more *sciencey*, possibly using their toolkit as a source of handwavium. Like spot welding enemy boots to the floor, generating a magnetic field that deflects bullets, welding a bulkhead door closed, creating an EMP wave, setting traps and snares, etc.

All in addition to being able to opt into computers/hacking, and naturally being able to use a gun.

I guess I kind of hope they fill more of a caster role in being able to solve problems and make flashy effects, but with the power of science.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Interesting options I'd like to see:

With the playtest witchwarper (Analyst paradox), or possibly a mystic (Akashic connection), already sort of covering the spellcasting side of the PF1 technomancer, I'd personally like to see an extra witchwarper paradox that leans a bit more into "virtual reality" (illusions) as well as a wave caster technomancer that has "item augmentation" abilities in as similar way to the SF2 inventor and/or runesmith.

I would like to see the mechanic as the SF2 "pet" class, but provide more options as to what counts as a "pet:" construct/drone, personal vehicle, powered armor (possibly, depending on how SF2 implements this), etc.

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The playtest notice describes the mechanic as "The mechanic syncs with their exocortex to deploy mines, turrets, or command a drone." Looks like mines, turrets, and a drone might be the subclasses

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Already super excited for the mechanic. I'm really glad the drone is coming back as a possible focus, and I like the emphasis on other deployables like turrets. If you are able to somewhat switch between those modes then it'll basically be exactly what I was hoping for out of the mechanic.

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Technomancer is overclocking gear and modding spells. I don't really know what "overclocking" would mean outside of weapons, but I'm interested in finding out. I'm assuming that modding spells is something of a spellshape focus, since that's the most consistent thing we have for modifying spells currently.

Slight tangent, but what's the over-under on SROs showing up on this future tech book.....asking for a friend

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, from the sounds of it the Technomancer is going to lean in to spellshaping, the way the Witch leans into familiars. Probably each subclass would have unique spell shapes to represent certain types of spellshaping. as for overclocking weapon, I imagine they'll have a magic ability, like a focus spell, that acts as essentially a spellshape for weapons and gear.

The Mechanic sounds interesting. Real battle field control style with turrets, mines, and a drone.

And I also hope SRO's return in the tech book, and holograms too.

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QuidEst wrote:
Technomancer is overclocking gear and modding spells. I don't really know what "overclocking" would mean outside of weapons, but I'm interested in finding out. I'm assuming that modding spells is something of a spellshape focus, since that's the most consistent thing we have for modifying spells currently.

It'd be really cool if you were able to layer modifications onto your spells. Call them Magic Hacks like in SF1E, and basically have them be free action modifications to spellshapes that you put on your spells, so you're extra rewarded for modifying your spells on the fly.

I hope the technomancer's Spell Cache comes back in some form. Maybe that will be their flavor of subclass, spell caches optimized for different kinds of casting.

Mangaholic13 wrote:

So, I know we've still got about a month and a third before the Technomancer and Mechanic playtest will be released...

Anyone else what to pass some of that time by speculating what kind of features they'll have? Here are my thoughts:

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I have to assume mechanics wind up leaning hard into their exocortex stuff for remote repair/hacking. I am curious if they still get drones but honestly I would be kinda surprised if they do as that would muddy the water between them and inventor.

It is possible they really go the other direction though which could be tech summoner style class. Less power on the mechanic side who would do more hacking style things from the backline while they are commanding a strong Drone more similar in power to an eidolon. That could lean into their SF1 flavor without stamping on inventors feet as much.

kaid wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:

So, I know we've still got about a month and a third before the Technomancer and Mechanic playtest will be released...

Anyone else what to pass some of that time by speculating what kind of features they'll have? Here are my thoughts:

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I have to assume mechanics wind up leaning hard into their exocortex stuff for remote repair/hacking. I am curious if they still get drones but honestly I would be kinda surprised if they do as that would muddy the water between them and inventor.

It is possible they really go the other direction though which could be tech summoner style class. Less power on the mechanic side who would do more hacking style things from the backline while they are commanding a strong Drone more similar in power to an eidolon. That could lean into their SF1 flavor without stamping on inventors feet as much.

We know for a fact that they can get a drone; that much was announced. (Alternatives are turrets and mines.)

Grand Lodge

Yeah, since I'm the one who started this thread without noticing that (partially due to failing my perception check), I'll post the words from the Playtest page:

Paizo wrote:
This spring we’re testing out two classes: mechanic and technomancer! The mechanic syncs with their exocortex to deploy mines, turrets, or command a drone. The technomancer hacks magic to overclock their gear and mod their own spells.

So yeah, we've got an idea of what they'll do.

Still, might be fun to speculate on other stuff:

Mechanic: I'm guessing they'll also have features involving crafting, repairing, and maybe hack? I'm also hoping, if not in the playtest, they'll eventually get some options regarding Power Armor or Mechs.

Technomancer: As some others have speculated, I'd guess the 'hack magic' part will involve spell shaping, though I am curious how 'mod their own spells' will be carried out... perhaps they'll be able to turn a Fireball into an Freezeball spell when making preparations (since SF1e technomancer was a prepared caster, and I don't really see a reason why they'd change that for SF2e).

QuidEst wrote:
Technomancer is overclocking gear and modding spells. I don't really know what "overclocking" would mean outside of weapons, but I'm interested in finding out. I'm assuming that modding spells is something of a spellshape focus, since that's the most consistent thing we have for modifying spells currently.

Well, in computing, Overclock basically means to boost the processing speed of a computer so that they run faster; at the cost of increasing the energy and cooling requirements. I'm guessing it would involve making gear do something extra for a time... and then be rendered inoperable until they're repaired.

I hope any "mod their own spells" is a free action. Spending a whole turn with my only action being cast 1 spell is hard to get hype for.

Mangaholic13 wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Technomancer is overclocking gear and modding spells. I don't really know what "overclocking" would mean outside of weapons, but I'm interested in finding out. I'm assuming that modding spells is something of a spellshape focus, since that's the most consistent thing we have for modifying spells currently.
Well, in computing, Overclock basically means to boost the processing speed of a computer so that they run faster; at the cost of increasing the energy and cooling requirements. I'm guessing it would involve making gear do something extra for a time... and then be rendered inoperable until they're repaired.

It's the "do something extra" that I'm not sure about. With weapons, it's easy- they all do damage. But augments? Armor? Personal comms? I don't really know. "Act as the next upgrade version for a few rounds, if one exists" is flexible enough, but it creates balance headaches for the rest of the game's life.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

as far as weapons goes, it doesn't have to just be "does more damage" immagine if you could add certain traits, like, give the heavy repeater the soldier is wielding the "Trip" or "Shove" trait. Give the Operative's rifle back stab, or deadly.

as for the mods, armor, and comms. I don't know. It maight work like runes/upgrades.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Mangaholic13 wrote:
(since SF1e technomancer was a prepared caster, and I don't really see a reason why they'd change that for SF2e)

Correction: The technomancer, like all SF1 casters, was spontaneous with a limited list of "spells known."

Grand Lodge

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
(since SF1e technomancer was a prepared caster, and I don't really see a reason why they'd change that for SF2e)
Correction: The technomancer, like all SF1 casters, was spontaneous with a limited list of "spells known."

Really? My bad.

...I guess this shows how invested I was in the SF1e Technomancer class...

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Mangaholic13 wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
(since SF1e technomancer was a prepared caster, and I don't really see a reason why they'd change that for SF2e)
Correction: The technomancer, like all SF1 casters, was spontaneous with a limited list of "spells known."

Really? My bad.

...I guess this shows how invested I was in the SF1e Technomancer class...

In fairness to you they did eventually get an option to become prepared casters in Galactic Magic. I really liked that concept, I hope we see something like it again.

I also just realized that, with the mechanic being the deployables class, they may fill the niche of martially-themed necromancer some people were talking about during the Impossible Playtest.

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Perpdepog wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
(since SF1e technomancer was a prepared caster, and I don't really see a reason why they'd change that for SF2e)
Correction: The technomancer, like all SF1 casters, was spontaneous with a limited list of "spells known."

Really? My bad.

...I guess this shows how invested I was in the SF1e Technomancer class...

In fairness to you they did eventually get an option to become prepared casters in Galactic Magic. I really liked that concept, I hope we see something like it again.

I also just realized that, with the mechanic being the deployables class, they may fill the niche of martially-themed necromancer some people were talking about during the Impossible Playtest.

This is my hope, too. A support martial with a map token mechanic like Necro would be a cool addition

Paizo Employee Community & Social Media Specialist

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WatersLethe wrote:

I'll repost my previous thoughts:

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** spoiler omitted **...

Spoiler referencing your Technomancer Spoiler:
Druid of Technology is incredible. That is what I want too.

I came here to say specifically that.

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