Red Blessing : Stars and Shadows

Game Master Nimon

Red Blessing is a campaign that takes place 59 years in the future of the current Pathfinder timeline, the years being 4770. It starts in Alkenstar with the first module Stars and Shadows and ends with Restoration of Blood.

Current Characters

Red Reaver
Silver Crusade Nightskies

(714 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Dark Archive Nimon

Male Human Dungeon Master
(2,721 posts)
Lantern Lodge Robert Brookes

(2,582 posts)

(87 posts)
Durkon Thundershield
Lantern Lodge Zachman08

Male Human (I think) Student 3/Bum 1
(231 posts)
aiden hawthorn

male human [1st lvl barbarian/4th lvl rogue (acrobat)/ 2nd lvl shadowdancer prestige] 7thlvl

played by abernastian (77 posts)
Silas Vekker
Ancient Champion of Torag

played by Nimon (3 posts)
Gaston Cromarchy
Cpt. Oliver Strowls

male human 2nd lvl Buccaneer (gunslinger)

played by abernastian (66 posts)
Fleshcrafted Drow
The Desert Witch

played by Nimon (5 posts)
Priest of Desna
Flynn Niven

played by Nimon (4 posts)
Son of Mercy
Grand Lodge Gathrix Darkwine

Male Human Inquisitor 1(Favored Class)

played by Nimon (7 posts)

Scarab Sages Gazerich

played by Nimon (0 posts)
Gazerich Greystone

played by Nimon (6 posts)
Illia Ean
Gloria Altkin

played by Nimon (11 posts)
Gnoll Mutant

played by Nimon (17 posts)
Kabran Bloodeye
Goulfvrim Knile

played by Nimon (26 posts)
Dark Archive Grachius Ureste

Male Human(Cheliaxian) Inquisitor(Infiltrator) 1

played by Nimon (23 posts)

Init +5, Per +7, AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16, HP 8, CMB +3, CMD 16, Sense Motive +8 Human Inquisitor (heritic)

played by LackofFocus (26 posts)
Leonard Kriegler
Gurney "The Hammer" Reidford

played by Nimon (14 posts)
Old Marm

played by Nimon (19 posts)
Brass Man
High God of Krynn

played by Darkfire142 (2,841 posts)

Male Human Rogue [Knife Master, Scout] 3, Fighter [Brawler] 4

played by Robert Brookes (222 posts)
Sabina Merrin
Kera Reedun

Female Human Fighter/3

played by E.L. Warren (127 posts)
Satinder Morne
Klara Voxian

Female Human-Varisian Cleric

played by Nimon (25 posts)
Miikae Falden

Female Human Druid (World Walker) 3 [ HP: 36/36 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +3 W:+6 | Init +4; Perception +7 | CMB +6 CMD +18]
Animal Companion 3 [ HP: 33/33 | AC:21 T:18 FF:19 | F: +5 R: +5 W:+2 | Init +2 | CMB +5 CMD +17]

played by TrueRepentance (152 posts)
Muziel Moreau

Male Dwarf Earth Wizard 3 | HP 25/25 | AC:11(15 vs giants) T:11 FF:10 CMD:12(14 drag/overrun/reposition; 18 bull rush/trip) | F+6 R+2 W+5 (+2 spells/SLA/poison) | Init+1 | Perc+11

played by Tazo (895 posts)
Sir Torlgrith
Pervince Ostgood Firetalker

Halfling Mysterious Stranger / Fighter 2 [ HP 26/30 | AC 18/15/14 (+1 vs larger opponents), Fort +5, Ref +6, Will -1 | Init +4; Perception +4 (+8 riding dog) ]

played by Nightskies (100 posts)
Protean, Voidworm

played by Nimon (1 post)
A Raven

played by Nimon (6 posts)
Samuel Reidford

played by Nimon (19 posts)
Lantern Lodge Sanzu

Male Elf Inquisitor(Exorcist) 4

played by Nimon (33 posts)
Red Mantis Leader
Synthia "Blood Scythe"

Female Human Rogue (Scout/Poisoner)6 / Red Mantis Assassin 2

played by Nimon (9 posts)
Tremor Mutant

played by Nimon (3 posts)
Vanzulii Mortanus

Male Human Inquisitor lvl 1(infiltrator)

played by Nimon (5 posts)
Clanartus Viliras
Venrich Weis

Male Human-Nidal Inquisitor-Heretic 1

played by Nimon (18 posts)
Xelra Fon

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1/Cleric 6/Holy Vindicator

played by Nimon (5 posts)
Fellnight Spriggan

played by Nimon (24 posts)
Human on Flying Carpet

Male Human Wizard(Spellslinger) 2

played by Zachman08 (42 posts)
Golden Orb
Silver Crusade Zaitherin

played by Darkfire142 (149 posts)