New class options you're really hoping to see?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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I didn't have a lot of interest in shifter until I saw the adaptive shifter archetype in 1e. I hope, if we do get shifter, that we get something closer to morphs like that then full battle forms.


Zoken44 wrote:
See, that's where we differ. I want less Beastboy and more Mystique. why make it about just animals?

I think there's space for that, but to me the base fantasy of shifter has always been them being more... feral... druids. It's something class archtypes could do a really good job with, especially since you then wouldn't need to try and make shifter feats super generalised to fit almost every form possible.

It could also just be done through subclasses, and like kinetisict you can stick with a subclass, or pick another one.

Grand Lodge

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Zoken44 wrote:
See, that's where we differ. I want less Beastboy and more Mystique. why make it about just animals?

I really want something closer to the changeling from Eberron. I think that may be better as a versatile ancestry though.

There's a general need for the whole spectrum of body mod options, including the ranges of permanency and consistency. Shapeshifting and permanent transformations are both very popular fantasies, and it would be good to tick as many boxes in one go as possible to create a robust design space instead if the current hodgepodge.

I was thinking the other day about a body modification style book. Would be right up my alley.

Some brainstorm ideas;

Class - shifter (with subclasses for beasts, mutant, and machine stuff)

Class archetypes - prosthetic innovation inventor, synthesist summoner

Archetypes - mutagenist, polymorph/morph archetype (a là captivator), graftcrafter, mutant, tattoo master, experimental pet (comes with aberration pet subject)

Pets - mutants and aberrations

Items - grafts, mutagens, tattoos, nectografts, elemental grafts, prosthetics,

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