Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

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Forgotten Realms world wide war.
Short version
- Ao has been trapped and all deities are currently planet side (my take on the Time of Troubles)
- Enemy invasion consists of extra planar Pantheon using the realms as a battle field ("civil war"). One side controls undead, the other elementals. ~20% FR population dead in the first few days.
- Players are 15th level
- Baldur's Gate has been wraith bombed
- Very high powered campaign. Going on for 3 or so years.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Here, here and here.

TLDR, slowly. I hope to be done in a couple years.

A year to the day since my last update. Some progress but probably another couple of years until we're done with the Paths to Immortality.

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We're once again in Limbo. Summer vacation schedules play havoc with gaming. Adding to that I have COVID again (and it's worse than before and likely the Omicron BA.5 strain). This strain isn't as lethal but it is far more contagious than the original COVID virus and slips past the vaccine very easily. My symptoms this time have been worse than before, though not dangerous. I've had it this time for the last two and a half weeks and I'm starting to feel better, though the fatigue, "brain fog" and fever are still going strong, and the fever is much worse this time. I don't have any idea how much longer it will last (the previous time was five weeks).

I was hoping to play the current campaign for a while longer, with the intent of letting some of the players who don't always get the spotlight be the focus of their own story arcs. But it seems everyone wants to go back to the campaign prior to this one, which I turned into a cluster foxtrot by trying to add too many elements into it and letting it become this convoluted, bloated THING that I was starting to hate. I agreed to do that, but only if we start over at first level, with either the characters they had then or new ones if they prefer. Everyone seems on board with that, so I guess that's what we'll do if we ever manage to finish the current campaign. It should wrap up in only one more session (two at the most) and then we'll go back and start up the other one.

Since I already have the end of this campaign planned, I've started to put together ideas for the Mark II version of the campaign we named Revolution Calling. I'm going to be more restrictive of classes and races than the first time out and I'm going to try and make sure the players have more importance to the story than the last time. And I also promised there'd be no time travel or alternate Prime Material planes and their crossovers this time (yeah, it got really stupid).

So that's it. Barely getting together since we tried to start up again in May and not knowing when we will be able to continue in the future.


Grand Lodge

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Sunday, we had our final session of Rise of the Runelords! Everyone was over at the house and we had an extra long session to finally fight Karzoug!

Shattered Star is going to get a reboot with a new player line up once schedules are settled. Curse of the Crimson Throne will be picking back up once some network problems are solved, as we journey to the Cinderlands.

Iron Gods is still on the list to play, but no start has been finalized. Skull and Shackles is probably dead at this point.

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Its been slightly over a year since my last post in this thread. Where has the time gone?

1) The Twilight Reach (homebrew setting/game) - Characters are level 12 now, and Mythic Rank 5 with waaaay more wealth then they have a right to have but are still having a blast. They are approaching an 'event horizon' in regards to the plot of the campaign, a fairly pivotal climax to an ongoing story arc that leads into the greater realm of the end game story.

2) Tyrant's Grasp - Currently on hiatus while I run a PF2 adventure path (Strength of Thousands). Players are level 8 in that and I am having a great deal of fun with the narrative and story, even if I find the system somewhat less than ideal for my tastes. Still good though. Played A LOT worse.

3) Giantslayer: Level 10 and currently working to sabotage our enemies. Doing a fairly good job of it too.

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Night Below - The party has reached 2nd level after Encountering the Blue Water Goblin tribe and through a combination of Diplomacy and threats of horrible violence, convinced them to give up the Magic ring that was slowly creating a swamp in the region.

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Skull & Shackles. From last year, we've won the Free Captains Regatta and are currently celebrating. Bonefist has told us what we have to do next, but we're trying to have fun at the party, while also talking with old allies, maybe make new ones, flirt, drink, have fun, that sort of stuff. We won fairly, though not by a great margin as we're not optimized for Profession (sailor) checks (though we have ranks in them of course).

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Wroth of the righteous:

Askold Beerfiend Magnuson, Chaotic Neutral Leader of the 5th Crusade has just committed an act of major interplanar terrorism, and is super popular suddenly because of this.

The ingredients:

1: Find a spaceship with a instable Fission reactor, which is only not going critical because of a Stasis field fueled by Blood magic of a remote elfen community (one other players mythic plot).

2: Secure control of this spaceship, defeating its robot guardians (somebody complained about only fighting demons).

3: Have a strict timetable for disposing of the nuke.

4: Get 2 scrolls of plane shift and several scrolls of teleport.

5: Petition Calistria for the aid of an Empusa, to annoint the instabile Fission reactor with celestial poison, so that the toxic radiation affects evil outsiders.

6: Cast Longarm on yourself, touching your oracle and the fission reactor (Am Skald, have great Saves!)

7: Plane shift to the rasping rifts, with the oracle casting his own phaseshift back 1 second later (while your cast is in progress).

8: Make a fart noise as you let go of the reactor

9: Get phase shifted back, randomly appearing in the worlds edge.

10: Teleport back to Drezens environs.

11: Beerfiend took a bath in mythic booze to relax.

So, Deskaris realm got super-Chernobyled, and has now an irradiated zone that is specifically deadly to evil outsiders, and thus makes for an excellent invasion output for any non evil outsider, we basically reverse worldwounded deskari and feel super smug about this.

Oh, Nocticula replaced the planar key keyed to the rasping rifts with one keyed to Socothbenoths Cathedral Thelemnic, but we figured that out and used a different key, it is concerning that she knew about our nuke though.

Also, Beerfiend is claiming that the nuke is just explosive Diarhea he got due to sampling some very spicy and hot midnight isle dishes, his bluff is insanely high, but its mostly to humiliate deskari even more.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

'Chapter 7' of Strange Aeons is reaching it's climax, despite many covid related delays. Hopefully only 2 or 3 sessions to go. The Level 20 Mythic 4 characters have arrived in time looped Carcosa. All they have to do is proceed to the palace and slay Hastur, having amassed the ritual and components to kill an un-killable Great Old One and allow Cassilda to free the souls of her people.

Unfortunately the only original PC has violated time and space so many times that he has attracted the attention of the Arch-Lord of Tindalos Mh'ithrha, which has arrived to 'smooth out' some temporal anomalies. This character had taken the Path of the Bound from Legendary Games' Mythic Character Codex, saying he was drawing on the Mythic power of ancestor. All good. Despite many requests the PC's player had never supplied details of said ancestor, so I wrote something up, and Mh'ithrha in its multi-billion year journey stopped in the convert said ancestor to a Tindalosian Hybrid (see Chaosium's Malleus Monstrorum Vol. 1, p140) and bring it along.

Chance of Yog-Sothoth intervening? Medium to Good.

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Looking to start something new. I’ve been running a lot of non-pf1 the last couple of years and am looking to start a new PF1 game. I’m looking at possibilities right now.

Society home game
Something from Frog God

I just can’t decided. My longest running games have all been PF1 and I’d to sustain something long term for a while instead of game hopping.

I’m open to suggestions

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I am sure we have only a couple more sessions before we finish Strange Aeons.

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Still waiting to play the final adventure in the current campaign. Still waiting...and waiting...

Grand Lodge

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Had a session zero for continuing Curse, next month we get back into the trip to the Cinderlands.

Dark Archive

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Just finished Return, super fun final battle. Will be starting Ironfang in a few weeks.

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Davor Firetusk wrote:
Just finished Return, super fun final battle. Will be starting Ironfang in a few weeks.

I had some fun running the first two books of that campaign, mostly due to how I started it out a bit differently than I normally do (a lot, actually). Interest kind of died out due to ... real world issues and we switch to something else.

Anyway, I had the players create their characters with 2 levels of NPC classes and tweaked a little of their abilities to give them a feature of their intended PC class later. This was to represent that they were just regular people in the town, though with PC ability scores. Had them roleplay the two days leading up to the start of the book, and when it came time to level up, they got to replace their NPC class with their PC class.

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DeathlessOne wrote:
I had the players create their characters with 2 levels of NPC classes and tweaked a little of their abilities to give them a feature of their intended PC class later. This was to represent that they were just regular people in the town, though with PC ability scores. Had them roleplay the two days leading up to the start of the book, and when it came time to level up, they got to replace their NPC class with their PC class.

That's a great idea! I love it.

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One campaign current and one I want to get back to, but the same players are in both and time is limited.

The one we are in is Giantslayer. First book done and in the middle of Act1 for the second. We are on hiatus until I transfer the game from actual table to Foundry VTT. We have missed soooo many game sessions that could have been if we had VTT instead, so I am taking the dive.

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Our last two sessions have been cancelled, hopefully the next one will happen as planned.

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Well, mine stalled again. But I can't fault anyone for something like making other plans knowing full well they'd agreed they'd be here for a game. One of my friends had another stroke earlier this year (his fifth, to be exact) and has more cognition issues that he realizes or perhaps lets on to other folks. I had already told the two who decided they needed a "mental health weekend" after assuring me they'd be at the game sort of ticked me off. But with my other friend, it's simply something that couldn't be helped.

He had called earlier to make sure we were still getting together on the 27th of this month and said yep and I'd see him tomorrow. There was a long, uncomfortable pause before he came with "Tomorrow's the 27th?" I reassured him it was. I don't know what he thought the date was, but he was pretty confused and sounded really let down. He can't drive long distances anymore (doctor's orders) so he relies on another buddy to make the two-and-a-half-hour drive from Memphis and that guy had apparently gotten some dates wrong because he couldn't come this weekend or the 27th.


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My guys are around level 2 1/2 (We are using Stepped Leveling from Unchained) and waste deep in Goblin corpses. An arcane merchant has given them a list of materials he needs including 150 Goblin Dog teeth. 300 gp for everything but If they can get everything in 2 weeks there is a bonus 50 gp in it for them. With the Goblin Dog teeth they have about half of it now. of what is left most of it is no problem, except for 1 item. Giant Ant Larva. So next week they are going into a nest of giant ants to steal their babies.

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mardaddy wrote:
We are on hiatus until I transfer the game from actual table to Foundry VTT. We have missed soooo many game sessions that could have been if we had VTT instead, so I am taking the dive.

We're now 21 years playing remotely. Although almost all of us were in one place in the 90s, we're now in TX, NJ, NoVA, VA, and Toronto.

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You all ever completely change an encounter from scratch? Like, it's written one way with stats for the monsters and such, gear on the bad guys all spelled out, but then based on what you need to have happen as GM you just spontaneously ad lib something utterly different?

This past Saturday I had a session of my megadungeon game. The players are frustrated not getting anywhere in the plot; I'M frustrated. As per usual they were just wandering around a level, murder-hobo-ing and being frustrated when they encountered the "Crypt of Remembrance." Now, the original source material I'm using had this chamber as a CR 5 fight with skeletons guarding some treasure. I made some modifications to get it to CR 11, but nothing super radical; some templates on the skeletons, a trapped portcullis leading in, that kind of thing.

I'd planned it as yet another combat slog. Suddenly out of NOWHERE though, one of the players after 2 years of running this campaign decides to throw me a curve ball: the rogue was starting to disable the trap but it's rigged so if the rogue stops the trap triggers. Initiating the disable device check woke up the skeletons that pulled their weapons and scrolls, ready to attack the rogue when the wizard PC goes first in the round:

"Can I try and talk to them?"

I was dumbfounded. Like, seriously I just stared for a second wondering if the player was trolling me or something. These folks NEVER roleplay unless I force them, so I decided to completely retool the entire encounter from scratch in that moment.

The 4 pillars with ancient writing on them, in the source material, are just generic funerary prayers, nothing story-impacting. The player though saw that they were written in the ancient language of the megadungeon builders, who were all wizards, and figured spellcasting skeletons in an ancient crypt HAVE to be the interred dead of that eldritch society right?

On the spot I just made up that the portcullis had SOME kind of spell on it that the skeletons could control, in order to only allow the wizard PC to enter. The skeletons accept the offer to parlay, the wizard enters, and the rest of the party just has to watch what happens though they could contribute roleplaying remotely.

What I decided is that these 8 were the favored students of one of the ancient councils of wizards. In a previous room I'd related lore about statues of specific council wizards, lords and ladies, and what a couple of those councils were known for in the history of the eldritch society. One of those councils was renowned for accepting peasant archers and commoners as apprentices.

I set up a little riddle: the skeletons would remain peaceful if the PC could name the council he represented, the council they would respond to. The four pillars, if you drew a straight line, were perfectly aligned with one council's statues in the adjoining room on the map, and the player was looking at that as an answer, but he remembered that little bit about the peasant archers from a month ago and went with THAT council instead.

All 8 skeletons lowered their weapons, put back their spell scrolls, and told the PC they would parlay, answering any 4 questions he had. The only other thing he had to do was offer them a "tribute." The party doesn't have a bunch of loot on it right now, and the player considered giving up some of his spell scrolls, but the paladin from behind the portcullis reminded the player that these skeletons were originally above-ground dwellers where the rest of their society lived in the underground city. They were peasants, worldly and traveled among other races of the earth; maybe they just wanted knowledge of the outside world?

The player RP'd a bit as an intro to his character delivering a thesis on all the history in the region since the fall of the underground city a thousand years before. All 8 skeletons were enraptured and listened intently. During his thesis, somewhere in the room there was some kind of automatic writing device that could be heard scrivening all of it. At the end the skeletons clapped and cheered and the player got to ask his 4 questions.

The player asked about the BBEG and got some crucial info in that regard. For the 2nd question the PCs clarified some info on an artifact weapon and how to assemble it in order to slay the BBEG. The third question, I pulled a jerk GM move - the PCs had the Message spell going and the wizard PC whispered into it "Should I ask about how to get through the dungeon easier; you think they'd be willing to help us with that?" The skeleton answering all his questions replied: "Yes, you should ask about how to get through the dungeon easier; we'd love to help you with that. Now, ask your 4th and final question."

So then for the 4th question he asked about getting through the dungeon easier. A slot in the wall opens up and out floats a magic staff, a somewhat expensive one called the Staff of the Freed Man. The skeletons gave it to the wizard in order to help him open doors or passages barred to him, find hidden pathways or even free himself or his allies from to most terrible prisons.

Since I was ad libbing all of this these skeletons had WAY too much power and information to just be a CR 9 encounter. I didn't really want the players using this place as a lore station to hit up every time they get stuck in the dungeon, so after the wizard took the staff and left their room, the whole chamber sealed over in magically protected stone. Sure, I just gave the party a staff with Passwall on it but I'm just handwaving that not even the staff can open the place back up again.

So last Saturday's session ended with this surprise encounter. I handed the party info that surges the campaign forward and a magic item that MIGHT be too OP for their current level, time will tell on that front. Still, I was just so taken aback by my player's willingness to ACTUALLY roleplay a scene, that HE initiated it, that maybe I went a little overboard.

It was fun for me to stretch my ad lib skills a bit though. Two of the players afterwards said they had a lot of fun talking things through and interacting in that last scene. The other 2 players were bored the whole last hour of the session and were kind of upset we didn't get more loot. You can't please 'em all, all the time, but it felt good to shift gears for a change.

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My players breeze through the first book of Crimson Throne, one level per session (of 5, 6 hours). Despite the speed, they had a few close calls. We agreed on "kid gloves" for the first levels: If you are killed in battle, you are back to 1 HP afterwards - allows us to focus more on the story. Surprisingly, it didn't apply yet. Also, they somehow manage to find time to roleplay and rescue animals.

It's fun, but I already feel the itch to make up something on my own. The second book offers a chance for a crossover between Crimson Throne and my previous homebrew campaign, and I will gladly take it...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still GM'ing three campaigns.

Hell's Rebels is now in module five, about one quarter in.

Curse of the Crimson Throne is also in module five, the PC's are just starting into the castle.

And in the third campaign I've taken over GM'ing for a time, since my friend who is GM'ing Ironfang Invasion needs a break, so I'm GM'ing Rasputin Must Die! as a solo module. The PC's are still in the hut. After I'm done with this, my friend takes over again and GM's the second module of Ironfang Invasion and then I'll take my turn and start Hell's Rebels for this group and do the first module. We'll take turns doing respective next module after that.

This month no RP was done, though, since I was on vacation for three weeks and when I was back, a lot of the players were on vacation. I hope things get underway again in September.

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Wrath of the righteous now in act 3. Fairly high PC turnover. My player character Beerfiend has:

--plane shifted an instabile fission reactor, annointed with celestial poisons by bribing a Callistrian empusa, into Deskaris plane, creating a mega chernobyl in particular for evil outsiders in the rasping rifts (and also opening up this area for possible invasions by interested third parties).

--Has used homebrew mythic tears to wine to create indusrial quantity of demon affecting booze, which he is selling, via a relatively friendly Succubus contact, in Alysushinyrra, in exchange for mendevian/Sarkorian pows bought by said contact at the slave markets. will definitly result in increases Nocticulan infiltration, but probably worth it.

--A certain someone remarked upon his antics with "If Galfrey knew, and had more intelligence, she would die by brain aneurism".

--His little brother (recurring NPC antagonist, CE Bloodrager worshipping Nocticula for her large.... Demon Lord killcount) got yeeted into the Abyss, now stars in several Abyssal Reality TV shows curtesy of Vellexia.

--Sosiel died because another player character accientally locked him in his wardrobe of holding, and he asphyxated. He got better.

--Anevia picked up a booze problem from Beerfiend.

--A wizard was feeding cultist corpses to Avernus Razorbacks, the party came to an agreement.

--Beerfiend did some math, and found out that a single CR4 Stag archon can teleports around about 52 tons of supply per day. He quickly setup a trade route of Avernus Razorback meat.

--Beerfiend is really conflicted about Aureshalee, because he does not want to piss off Nocticula. After getting indications, that Nocticula does not mind he is now super distrustfull of Arue, taking seriously the possibility of Nocticula maybe trying to kill Desna, via Arue, somehow.

I think my GM still has fun GMing wotr, by his admission he threw out or massively altered 50% of the act 3 module though.

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We just finished a set of modules that I strung together (Ire of the Storm, Seers of the Drowned City, Doom Comes to Dustpawn, and Crucible of Chaos). The first two string together easily, Dustpawn has some semi-related bits, and I wanted to add on Crucible because I had run Mummy's Mask for the same group.
One of the PCs being from Lirgen before the fall helped.

Now we're going to be playing through a stitched together version of Skull & Shackles that will start with Souls for Smuggler's Shiv followed by Plunder & Peril with parts of book 1 of Skull & Shackles mixed in (and probably parts of book 2 of S&S as well), then on to books 3-6 of S&S but probably using more parts from the second half of Return to Freeport than books 5 & 6 of S&S.

It might be a bit of a mess, but it might be amazing.
I'm hoping, at the very least, it will be an amazingly beautiful mess.

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A nasty close battle in an ant nest and an ambush on the river, my group has reached level 3 and are on their way to meet Lord Palfrey, ruler of Haranshire

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Still trying to play the final game in it before starting a new one. We've rescheduled this thing six times in the last three months, at least.

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Serpent's Skull is over after an appropriately drawn-out and difficult fight. Everyone is happy it is over and we will cleanse our roleplaying palate with a little WanG before moving on to Mummy's Mask.

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PF1e Return of the Runelords went on hiatus recently but it was still in the beginnings area stage so it wasn't all that bad. :)

3rd party PF1e Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands [with just 3rd party classes only] is still going on strong. ;)

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We finally finished Strange Aeons and will be taking a break from gaming for the next few "sessions".

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Last Saturday was supposed to be the start of the new one. The ONLY people whose characters were ready all had family or personal emergencies and couldn't attend. The ones who showed up had barely done more than roll the stats for their characters. So it turned into a Session Zero/Goof Off night, which was just as much fun. Gonna try again next Saturday.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Jade Regent

We're in Book 6 (heavily modified). Players are at a Governor's Ball, attempting to negotiate non-aggression treaty so they can march their armies on Kasai and finish liberating the nation. A lot of political intrigue and social combat as I had my players build a full August Council in Jade as villains to work alongside the Regent.

Wrath of the Righteous


We're in book 2, and the players are currently trying to retake Drezen. Unfortunately the Mythic Chimera managed to catch our PCs unprepared, and killed one of them, allowing a Demon to abscond with Radiance while the armies are trying to take Paradise Hill.

Reign of Winter


We're in Book 1, and just took out the bandits, and rescued the noble from their clutches. We're about to visit the witch in the forest. My first PC sacrificed himself to save the younger characters, and I've joined as the young noble rescued from the bandits.

Strange Aeons


We're in Book 3, sailing the rivers on the trail of the villain, and travelling in and out of the Dreamlands. A couple of PCs have accrued some madness already, and our next leg of the journey should take us past Kyonin

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We're trying to wrap up Book 2 of Wrath of the Righteous by December (I'm a player), then we're going to finish Rappan Athuk aka tpk (I'm DM), then we'll start Curse of the Crimson Throne (I'm DM). After 1-2 books of CotCT we'll start alternating WotR and CotCT book by book. Or at least that is the current plan.

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Our group has two 1e campaigns in progress. The two GMS trade off running modules of two different Adventure Paths.

The other GM is currently running the fourth installment of The Mummy's Mask path.

When he completes it, I will run the second installment of the Hell's Vengeance path.

We two GMs decided not to change to 2e because we have too much money tied up in 1e rulebooks.

Our group is large, eight players if everyone shows up, which breaks the adventures somewhat since they're written for four players. The other GM copes by throwing a few extra monsters into encounters where it makes sense. In the first module of Hell's Vengeance, I added a significant amount of my own plot points and encounters to raise the cumulative XP to justify raising 7 characters from beginners to 4th level.

Probably some frustration for everyone in the group because of the imbalances introduced by running so many players. We're an older group (four players in their fifties) so I think everyone appreciates the fun of meeting and playing, even when the adventures don't work smoothly for this group size.

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Still in a holding pattern. Gonna try again Saturday, October 8th.

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My group of heroes have managed to follow various leads and finally tracked down the old fort at the heart of Thornwood where the bandits have made their base.
They decided it might be a little much for them just now and pulled back to handle a few sidequests.

Just in time too because there is a small horde of Orcs making their way from the Great Rock Dale to Milebourn. Managing to slip ahead of the horde while they took shelter from the sun they have warned the village and helped set up defences. Standing watch late into the night, the horde arrives and with a bloody warcry charges the village.

Hopefully my group will be able to pull through next week.

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Got the new one kicked off last night. One of my guys has had five strokes in the last few years and I could tell he was really starting to tire out so I cut it really short as Eddie and the other long distance traveler had a two and a half hour drive home (James, drove, not Eddie...lol).

But folks had fun. My ex-wife (with whom I get along great) hasn't played since we ended a campaign in the summer of 2000 before moving to St. Louis, rejoined the group, too. Some of the players couldn't be here due to job or family commitments, but at least I can finally say the campaign is underway.

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Every few months one of the players in our group can't make a session. We're planning on starting up Wrath of the Righteous once we finish Skull & Shackles (which we just started).
So in order to allow the rest of us to play on the days the one guy can't make it I'll be running PFS Scenarios from season 5 (Year of the Demon) that take place around the Worldwound as a sort of "prologue" to hopefully demonstrate what it's like in the area and why the PCs have to save the day in Wrath instead of an army of high-levelled paladins.

(APs typically take us 10-15 months to finish, he'll likely miss 4-6 sessions, 5 of the season 5 scenarios happen in Mendev or the Worldwound... it should all work out and if I need to fill in a couple of extra weeks I'm sure I can find things to run up there.)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm amazed at people finishing an AP in 10-15 months. I've been running Jade Regent since 2012.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I get it since people usually can't play ap every single week and sometimes they have monthly schedules or such(aps take about 40-60 sessions depending on several factors), but I'm confused when some people apparently take multiple years to complete weekly ap campaign. Like does lot of time go to combat, do parties roleplay every single scene in extreme detail, out of character chatter and planning, homebrew scenes, etc? In my experience even when players roleplay a lot, aps take about a year.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:


Jade Regent ** spoiler omitted **

Oh right I was curious since I'm about to enter book 5 of my 2e jade regent conversion and I'm planning to turn it into homebrew sandbox, so I was curious of what kind of ideas you had and what you did? I doubt I'm going to do full militia system such shenanigans, but I do think I wanted more of inspiring locals to rebel as well.

(I'm probably going to turn Five Storms commanders into quirky miniboss squad based on which one was charged to destroy which family, add sidequests for all party npcs, and regions and add ninja shenanigans and maybe try to homebrew two missing royal weapons x'D)

Grand Lodge

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I think it depends on the group and the AP. We had a focused group for Reign of Winter and that AP has a very linear kind of path, with not a lot of side paths that I noticed, at least.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'm amazed at people finishing an AP in 10-15 months. I've been running Jade Regent since 2012.

Castle Whiterock (I know, not a Pathfinder AP) took us the longest of any campaign, from 2007 to 2012. Otherwise, we're about 2 years per campaign but we do play about 50 times per year.

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CorvusMask wrote:
I get it since people usually can't play ap every single week and sometimes they have monthly schedules or such(aps take about 40-60 sessions depending on several factors), but I'm confused when some people apparently take multiple years to complete weekly ap campaign. Like does lot of time go to combat, do parties roleplay every single scene in extreme detail, out of character chatter and planning, homebrew scenes, etc? In my experience even when players roleplay a lot, aps take about a year.

Maybe we're just slow with combat, but our combats sometimes take weeks to finish. We're in book two of WotR right now, and we're in our fourth game session of a single combat (granted, with bad guy reinforcements coming at us in waves). We play about 50 times per year but our sessions are only 3 hours in length...maybe that is the difference. Not sure how long everyone else plays for.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'm amazed at people finishing an AP in 10-15 months. I've been running Jade Regent since 2012.

I GMed a group through Mummy's Mask in less than a year... AND it has been the only AP any of the various players and I had ever been able to finish completely.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:

I get it since people usually can't play ap every single week and sometimes they have monthly schedules or such(aps take about 40-60 sessions depending on several factors), but I'm confused when some people apparently take multiple years to complete weekly ap campaign. Like does lot of time go to combat, do parties roleplay every single scene in extreme detail, out of character chatter and planning, homebrew scenes, etc? In my experience even when players roleplay a lot, aps take about a year.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:


Jade Regent ** spoiler omitted **

Oh right I was curious since I'm about to enter book 5 of my 2e jade regent conversion and I'm planning to turn it into homebrew sandbox, so I was curious of what kind of ideas you had and what you did? I doubt I'm going to do full militia system such shenanigans, but I do think I wanted more of inspiring locals to rebel as well.

(I'm probably going to turn Five Storms commanders into quirky miniboss squad based on which one was charged to destroy which family, add sidequests for all party npcs, and regions and add ninja shenanigans and maybe try to homebrew two missing royal weapons x'D)

Jade Regent we've been playing monthly since 2012, usually 12 hour sessions (with a about 90 minutes of breaks throughout the session for meals, and dealing with kids). We rarely take breaks (a couple of months here and there when two of the players got married, went on a honeymoon, and had newborns).

But overall, 12 hours a month, is roughly 3-4 sessions worth of content.

I do have a tendency to slow the pace a little to let the players build relationships, and to add side-encounters and play with sub-systems.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I feel super exhausted after 4 hours of social interaction, I can't imagine 12 hours even with breaks x'D

But yeah, guess its multiple small things that add up to different tables

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CorvusMask wrote:

I feel super exhausted after 4 hours of social interaction, I can't imagine 12 hours even with breaks x'D

X 1000


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Still playing in my first campaign since 9 years, and we made it to level 8 recently. When sessions are scheduled in a slow, erratic pace, and the GM actually prefers lowest-level play, such things happen. By now I suspect it's rather escalation of commitment that makes me stay...

When I GM, in average we play once a month. My personal favourite would be a rhythm of 3 weeks (session, recover 1 week, collect ideas 1 week, implement 1 week), but since I try to have every player in every session, that's not realistic.

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Currently enamoured with the old 32 page modules. Allow for genre hopping to keep things interesting. Also, a lot of those old modules are really good. Current trends in D&D/PF adventure writing leave me cold.

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