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I’ll have to look at the encounters. Maybe start them at second level. My intention was to do milestone leveling. At least two of my players are not going to be CharOp centered, probably three so giving them the extra level up front may be helpful.

Stat generation was going to be a 15 point buy, but pushing it to 20 might also work, instead of the second level.

Warped Savant wrote:
evil homer wrote:
They picked Reign of Winter tonight so I guess we have character creation and Session 0 next Friday.

I love Reign of Winter!

Careful with the snow rules, it can easily cause a TPK (Ultimate Wilderness provides better / more varied rules for snow).
Also, check out "On the Siberian Line" by Legendary Games as a really good add-in for later in the campaign. (Seriously, I can't suggest it enough.)

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll check out both!

I’m excited. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve really run PF1. I’m excited to get back to it, and a little nervous. I’ve got one player who is relatively new to rpgs and another who’s really only played 5e. My other players are old hands but we’ve all got some rust to knock off when it comes to PF1. I’ve run more SWADE the last couple of years than anything else.

evil homer wrote:

Starting a new Friday bi-weekly group at the FLGS for the store owner and a couple of friends. We’ll be playing an AP. I sent them 6 possibilities to discuss and decide between. I think we’ll make the decision tonight and I’ll get to preparing things.

I’m currently trying a GURPS Lost Lands/ Absythor/Barakus mash-up for my weekly group. If the GURPS piece crashes I’ll move that campaign to PF1 as well.

They picked Reign of Winter tonight so I guess we have character creation and Session 0 next Friday.

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Starting a new Friday bi-weekly group at the FLGS for the store owner and a couple of friends. We’ll be playing an AP. I sent them 6 possibilities to discuss and decide between. I think we’ll make the decision tonight and I’ll get to preparing things.

I’m currently trying a GURPS Lost Lands/ Absythor/Barakus mash-up for my weekly group. If the GURPS piece crashes I’ll move that campaign to PF1 as well.

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Looking to start something new. I’ve been running a lot of non-pf1 the last couple of years and am looking to start a new PF1 game. I’m looking at possibilities right now.

Society home game
Something from Frog God

I just can’t decided. My longest running games have all been PF1 and I’d to sustain something long term for a while instead of game hopping.

I’m open to suggestions

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I'm giving PF2 another shot as well. I've run it 1-5 once before and found it to be stifling in some respects. This time I'm trying very hard to not compare it to other things and get a feel for it as it's own, very different thing.

We are two sessions in to a conversion of the Lost Mines of Phandelver.
I wanted something pretty simple and classic D&D style and I don't find anything in the current PF2 native lineup that meets that description.

I've though posting a thread somewhere with our experiences but don't if would be of interest to anyone else.

mikeawmids wrote:

Someone queried this on the pinnacle forums and the answer there was "Yes (+4), but they are all +4, so it balances out."

With that and the free class edge, Pathfinder for Savag e Worlds characters are more powerful out of the gate t han your standard Novice PC.

Still less powerful than the characters for RIFTS or Freedom Squadron though, for which I'm grateful.

DM Torillan wrote:
mikeawmids wrote:

Someone queried this on the pinnacle forums and the answer there was "Yes (+4), but they are all +4, so it balances out."

With that and the free class edge, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds characters are more powerful out of the gate than your standard Novice PC.

Heh....yeah, that was me. I kind of figured out that they were about +4, so that makes if a bit easier to bring in some other ancestries.

I do like what I see so far, and hope the rest will be as good! Thanks for answering my question.

This thread over on reddit seems to indicate they are designed at +2, if I remember correctly the guy making the comment is one of the designers. eased_to_backers/

Would be nice to have a definitive answer.

I for one can't wait to get this on the table and am super bummer we didn't see the beta Bestiary concurrent with the core rulebook drop.

Anyone know anything specific about the Foundry options for PF1? I know the PF2 is robust and well supported. Is the 1e one as well?

I have the FGU demo downloaded and have been messing with it a little. Is there much difference I. Automation between the srd version and the paid one? Beyond the text of the CRB? In terms of automation?

Not sure why there is a double post. Please delete this one...

Anyone using Fantasy Grounds to run PF1? If so what are your experiences? I'm familiar with Roll20 and a little with Foundry. If FG is any good it would be hard to get away from the massive amount of content they have ready to run.

I'm having a hard time convincing myself to spend $110.00 just to test FG's PF1 stuff so I'm looking for your experiences

Anyone using Fantasy Grounds to run PF1? If so what are your experiences? I'm familiar with Roll20 and a little with Foundry. If FG is any good it would be hard to get away from the massive amount of content they have ready to run.

I'm having a hard time convincing myself to spend $110.00 just to test FG's PF1 stuff so I'm looking for your experiences

I started running this for PF2 last week. We aren't far enough into yet to have a good feel for it. I'll be replacing epic abilities with Boons of some kind, but I haven't got that far along yet.

I'll probably dig into some this weekend.

My traditional solution is a milk crate. I generally use the smaller ~ 12 inch one but have a larger one as well. I also managed to land a wheeled scrap-booking bag for free which I’m thinking of moving too.

I get the impetus. Transitioning between exploration and encounter mode has proven to be awkward. Not just in a narrative sense either. It doesn't feel like there's a convenient off ramp from Exploration mode.

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Gloom wrote:

The issues that I've seen is that a Bomber alchemist can really burn through all of their prepared bombs in the day and then they're resolved back to shooting a crossbow. Which is what they tried to get away from in the first place.

This is my observation as well. The bomb burn rate on the alchemist in my game very fast. He gets through about 2 encounters and it’s back to his sling.

I think the alchemist as a class requires the GM to bake in some down time so they can build a stash of bombs.

This far the acid bombs with persistent damage have certainly been the most effective. For reference the PCs in my game are about 25% of through third level. In the Battlemarket/howl of the carrion Kong/ legacy of fire.

I'm in for January alone.

I've been running Legacy of Fire in my 2e game. Thus far I've been using the EL in the published adventure as a guideline for the intended difficulty for a given encounter and I've been trying to keep the scale the same in terms of the number of combatants.

For instance in Howl of the Carrion King there are several encounters with groups of gnolls. In PF1 you could run a couple of gnolls at a 1st level party. In PF2 a gnoll is the CL 2 creature so 1 of them is a +1 opponent for a group of four. So I've been creating down scaled versions of some of these monsters to make the number of opponents in a given encounter work out right. The rules from the GMG they gave us have worked just fine. At this point it's almost like the 4e treatment for monsters, I can build a 'gnoll' of whatever level I need, they all get pack attack as the 'racial common denominator' and all attempt to gang up to get the bonus which defines how gnolls function in combat and give them a district racial identity.

Treasure has been a real issue and I'm not happy with the constraints 2e has for treasure. It doesn't feel the same as any other edition of D&D (4e aside). I'm ignoring alot of the treasure as written and am handing out what feels right. I know my groups is going to be over geared I just have to plan for it.

I think what 2e really needs are some magical traits that are minor in effect but useful, something that lets us hand out gear that is neat but not sufficiently game breaking to effect the math.

My PCs are approaching third level and the Battle Market so we'll see how that goes.

One option, and I don't know how useful this is, is for sorceror defilement/preserver to be tied to specific bloodlines. Elemental Sorceror's might be Preservers by default while Dragon Blooded ones are Defilers.

Here's how I'm handling Dragonmark, as Ancestry feats for the various appropriate races.
The Mark of Detection grants abilities that enable its possessor to discern the presence of threats, from poisoned food to scrying eyes.

Mark of Detection (Least) Feat 1

You have manifested the Least Mark of Detection. The Mark of Detection grants abilities that enable its possessor to discern the presence of threats, from poisoned food to scrying eyes.

You may select one of the two abilities listed below. In addition, you gain a +2 Circumstance bonus to Perception checks.
• You may use the Detect Magic. You cast this spell as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.
• You may use the Detect Poison spell as an innate arcane focus spell. You gain a Focus Pool and begin with 1 Focus Point. You may not refill your Focus pool using the Refocus (CRB 300) activity. You refill your Focus Pool during daily preparations after 8 hours of rest (CRB 480)

Mark of Detection (Lesser) Feat 5
Prerequisite: Mark of Detection (Least)

The mark of the Draconic Prophecy grows. You gain the Mark of Detection (lesser). This grants you a new innate arcane focus spell chosen from the two listed below. In addition you gain 1 additional focus point to add to your focus pool. You may not refill your Focus pool using the Refocus (CRB 300) activity. You refill your Focus Pool during daily preparations after 8 hours of rest (CRB 480)

You may select one of the two spells abilities listed below to be cast as an innate arcane focus spell.
See Invisibility
Detect Scrying

Mark of Detection (Greater) Feat 9
Prerequisite: Mark of Detection (Least, Lesser)

The mark of the Draconic Prophecy grows. You gain the Mark of Detection (Greater). This grants you the ability to cast True Seeing as an innate arcane focus spell. In addition you gain 1 additional focus point to add to your focus pool. You may not refill your Focus pool using the Refocus (CRB 300) activity. You refill your Focus Pool during daily preparations after 8 hours of rest (CRB 480)

Mark of Detection (Siberys Mark) Feat 13
Preqrequisite: Must not have the Mark of Find in its Least, Lesser, or Greater form. You must have taken the Heir of Siberys Archetype.

The Draconic Prophecy erupts onto your person. You gain the Mark of Finding (Siberys). This mark allows you to cast the Foresight spell as an innate arcane focus spell. You gain a Focus Pool, and 1 Focus Point. You may not refill your Focus pool using the Refocus (CRB 300) activity. You refill your Focus Pool during daily preparations after 8 hours of rest (CRB 480)

I'm definitely open to suggestions though

We started running play test Legacy of Fire in June with the thought when the final rules were released we’d either continue or start something new. I have about two weeks to decide. I’m neck deep in converting Eberron but won’t be done in time and I’d rather wait for the GMG before that anyway.

So now I’m thinking PF2 in the Chaos Scar. It’s a nice self contained area with that would allows us to get our feat wet and I can run some of the 4e Dungeon adventures without to much work.

Davido1000 wrote:
Ive been converting 4e Npc statblocks, all ive changed are the numbers to be comparable with other monsters of its level. Ive found the reactions and powers from 4e slot into pf2e almost seamlessly.

I've been looking at that since one of the best things about 4e was the monster design, in my opinion. With that in mind I have a couple of questions..

(1) Are you also also including all of the force and voluntary moves associated with many of the 4e creatures?

(2) I'm looking to implement a 4e style Minion rule for PF2 any thoughts?

(3) I loved the bloodied condition in 4e, and the fact that monsters usually did something cool when bloodied. Are you carrying that across as well?

I assume your aligning the to hit and damage values with appropriate level monsters in the PF2 bestiary. Any other changes your making in the conversion?

I've started some preliminary design thoughts for an Eberron conversion.

* Dragonmarks - I'm think of handling these as ancestry feats
* Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, getting split back out into their own Ancestries again.
* Warforged, and Shifter are in. Ancestry feats built from old feat lines in the 3.5 material.
* A generic heritage or specific background for being raised in house.
* Psionics are out right now
* Alchemist re-tooled for Alchemist (I think I saw someone else mention this upthread as well)
* Generic heritages or specific background option for each of the five nations
* Elf - Aernal, Valenar, Khorvaire (Five nations elf as opposed to the other two).
* Halfling - Talenta, Khorvaire (see above)

I've got more on my list but those are kind of my initial thoughts. Anyone have any input?

Adding Hazards might also be a way to add some spice and xp to an encounter to put it on level.

I’m in the same boat. Working our way through Legacy of Fire and I need to be able to support higher level humanoids and more. It sure would be nice to get even some quick and dirty guidance even if we didn’t get the full set of construction guidelines.

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Any chance Dreamscarred Press is going to support PF2 with a psionics system? I really like what they have done for PF1.

Any news from GenCon on when we might be getting the monster creation rules? I'm working on converting Legacy of Fire (we started in playtest) and having those rules would sure be useful.

correct. I had the ooze placed in the square to the north-west of the drain. First person in the room saw the Ooze and proceeded to skirt the west wall of the Cistern. Because of the distance they didn't need to sneak, the text says the ooze attacks anyone who gets within 10 ft and there was a path that avoided that distance.

Do I have this correct: Everyone gets all possible experience points, meaning we don't divide monster experience by the number of PC's? So if the PC's fight 100xp worth of Goblins they get 100XP each?

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Doomsday Dawn - Lost Start Feedback

I ran the Lost Star today and thought I would report on it. Ran for six players, and the only change was to the encounter sized. I increased the number of mobs based on the published encounter rating (trivial, hard, extreme, severe). I also increased the size size of some of the rooms due to the number of characters.

How long did it take to play this past of the Doomsday Dawn:
Actual play time was 5 hours.

How long did it take to prepare this part of the adventure?
I spent about 4-6 hours of prep time. This included looking up and working through how Hazards and Poisons worked as I reviewed the creatures.

How many Hero points?
Everyone started with a single Hero point. None were used.

How many times was a character reduced to 0 hit points?

How many player character were killed?

Now on to my specific thoughts.
In general we enjoye character creation. Everyone's character felt mechanically different and unique. This is important to us. We have experience other game systems, particulary Savage Worlds, where that isn't the case.
The party consisted of the following:
Dwarf Fighter
Human Wizard
Human Cleric
Human Bard
Half-Elf Ranger
Gnome Rogue

The only complaint I heard at this stage concerned Ancestry Feats. The Half-Elf player didn't really feel like the Half-Elf Ancestry feat was really worth it. All the players felt like adding additional heritage based abilities as the characters went up in level was going to feel weird. You mean, all of a sudden I remember how to use my racial weapons? Neat. Where was that at 1st level? That kind of feeling suspends immersion to some extent. My players are particularly gamey, we play a lot of table top wargames and tend to approach D&D the same way so if it bothers them about their characters like that I take note.

Other thoughts

(1) We had a good time. The new mechanics were easy to grasp and within an hour or so we had a good handle on them. There were a couple of little issues we had to look up, nuance things but generally it went very well and we had fun.

(2) We really liked the unseen/seek/sensed mechanics. I intentionally made the sure the Quasits went invisible to make sure we got to see this in action. As the GM i enjoyed having a systemic way to handle it. My players enjoyed the 'Game inside a Game' aspect.

(3) My players were never really in any danger of dying. We had criticals happen on both sides of the fights. My players expressed frustration that a goblin had a better chance to hit than they did, but it's something we dealt with. Critical Fumbles should do something other than miss. My suggestion is that a critical fumble attacked causes the weapon to be 'unreadied'.

(4) My Rogue was surprised at needing multiple successes to open some of the doors and thought the DCs were a little high. I tend to agree. Need three success against a DC20 when his bonus was +5 was a little off from a game play situation. I basically decided that since there was no consequence for failure if he burned enough time he'd get there and ruled it took 5 minutes of in-game time. This is in reference to the door at the southern end of the pool room. I was a big fan of 4e's Skill Challenge system and will port it over if we continue with this. In my view it's simply a better way to handle it. Basically having to sit and roll dice until a 15 comes up three times can be time consuming and a real drag on the table.

(5) We all like the three-action system economy and the way spellcasting works as well.

(6) Cantrips. Yep they work

(7) Bard. He worked too

(8) No one but the fighter took a blunt weapon so they went to using the flats of the blades when fighting the skeleton. Ruled it improvised at -2 and moved on.

Due to the map and information from Talga they dodged the Ooze, the Mindfog Fungus, and the Giant Centipedes. The statue caught them. I feel like that trap is something of a Gotcha! moment.

I'm prepping 'Lost Star' to run on Sunday for 5 or person party. The first thing I always do when I prep something is dump the difficulties, creatures, XP, and encounter budgets into a spreadsheet so I can see the whole thing at a glance. 'Lost Star' breaks down into:

1 Trivial Encounter
1 Low Encounter
3 High Encounters
3 Severe Encounters
1 Complex Hazrd
3 Simple Hazards

862 total experience points

It's no wonder we are seeing reports of TPK and difficult situations, the dungeon is designed to push the difficulty.

Do I have this correct?

Just what it says. Besides Doomsday what else are you using to test PF2?

I need suggestions for a Module, preferrably something that can be completed in a 12 hour session. I'd like something between 6th and 10th level.

The intention is to run something as a farewell to PF1 in July before starting the playtest in August.

Right now I'm thinking from Sea to Shore but I'll take other suggestions.

I'm in an odd situation. My group has played through the first two books of RotRL before we switched to another game due to GM burn out (me!). We are heading back but I want to run something short to get them (and myself) re-accustomed to the Pathfinder rules set.

So I need a recommendation for the Pathfinder Scenario that can be run at 8th level. Something set in Varisia (or which could be dropped into Varsia) would be perfect. I's like it to be pretty self contained in possible.

Please let me have some recommendations.

Simon R Green's Hawk and Fisher books. Fantasy guardsmen, complete with God Squad, Street of the Gods, Political campaigns, and more. A fabulous inspiration for this kind of game. You might also look at the Lies of Locke Lamora and the rest of the series for urban fantasy adventures (Lies of Locke Lamora and the rest of the series are about the criminals but still great inspiration).

My party doesn't have any connection to Aldern at all for a couple of reasons. We started this in 5e and then switched to PF with the intention of heading back that way after they reached 4th level again in the new system with their new characters. They were engaged with the story and still are but now I find myself in a situation.

The real hook for Skinsaw is supposed to be the relationship with Aldern driving the action and potentially framing the party. That just isn't going to be possible.

What I'm thinking about now is to have them head to Magnimar with the prisoners they have. Turn them over to the Judge, Council of Justice. Ironbriar will then engage them to stamp out some local cult issue (probably something from the PFS line, short) and then him having word of the murders and sending them back to Sandpoint to follow up. Using the party to stamp our competition for his own cult is appealing to me.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

I'm running RotRl, my 6 player party assaulted thistletop, got split, and were nearly tpk. They have effectively cleared the thistle section but headed back to town due to a dead party member. On their way out they spread oil amongst the thistle and set them ablaze.

Ripnugget is unhappy and has decided rather than cower he is going to take his remaining goblins and raid Sandpoint. Nualia has decided the Father Zantus needs to sacrificed to Lamashtu in the circle of stones at the center of the cathedral so is going along and is going to use Rippnugget's raid as cover to get into the church and slay the good father.

What I'm planning on running is sort of a staged running battle int he streets of Sandpoint. The players will be awakened by the tolling of the church bells and the smell of smoke on the breeze. The bells will suddenly stop ringing and things will begin from there.

I'm planning a bried skirmish with Ripnugget as he heads towards to the Cathedral then he slips by the party as they are ambushed by some goblin trash mobs.

In the Cathedral square the party will encounter ripnugget and entourage (basically the throne room mobs). Inside they will encounter Ore and Lyre and then Nualia and Brathazmus amongst the stones. Brath will try to keep the party off Nualia while she finishes her business. If she manages to kill Zantus we'll have some kind of apotheosis for her.


Looking for suggestions for AP to run with Core and maybe APG only. Any thoughts?

This may or may not be appropriate here. If not please forgive and I'll move on. I've recently moved and found a new group. We are interested in giving 5th edition a shot. I'll be DMing. I;ve been consistently impressed with the quality of the Paize AP's and have chosen to run my game in Golarion so I was thinking about running an AP to kind of get our feet wet. I don't mind the conversion work.

Recommend to me an adventure path in the context of converting it to 5th edition. Thus far I'm considering:

Rise of the Runelords
Legacy of Fire
Mummy's Mask
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Council of Thieves (Try it as an urban sandbox maybe?)

Anything else I should consider?

Thanks for your consideration.

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Scripps wrote:

Hey boards:

I recently accepted a new position in central Texas -- New Braunfels to be precise -- and I'll be moving soon. Have a great group here outside Dallas and we're going to try to keep playing via Skype, but was wondering if there's anybody from the boards down that way.

I'm in Austin.

This might be better placed in Homebrews and Houserules but here goes...I've recently come back to tabletop RPGs in the last year or so. For about 6 months I ran a PFS style game for my home group, episodic, mostly strung together one shots set in Golarion. The group was huge though, averaging 8 players a session. I split the group and now find myself running for a group of 6, pretty role playing happy guys. We're 3 sessions into a new campaign E6 style. They all started with creating characters from the pathfinder books and so far it's going along swimmingly. I blew up their world and they now find themselves decidedly not in Kansas anymore.

For the new world (or more accurately-series of worlds) they find themselves in I'm drawing very heavily on Magic the Gather for Inspiration and have looking for a magic system that is going to let me divide magic effects into the M:TG color as magical traditions. I'm also not a huge fan of Vancian Magic.

Since I'm running I want to know people's opinions on combining something like True Sorcery or Elements of Magic into an E6 Pathfinder framework. I should also point out at Weapons of Legacy ste magic items will in play, that is magic items that require the users to learn about the items and 'unlock' their abilities by performing tasks. The Legacy style items will extend to more than just weapons. No 'big six' will be handed out.

So thoughts on True Sorcery or Elements of Magic in an E6 environment?

Read more: 2w8pxBhdB

It is my understanding that Society play utilizes a flat advancement. Every three sessions your character gains a level. You could probably run the AP that way if you wanted to.

However, you can just award XP based on CR and then whatever bonus XP the adventure calls for.

I actually started running a Society 'Home Game' for a while. I based my party in Absalom and simply selected the PFS adventures I wanted to run and utilized the PFS advancement system as well. It worked out surprisingly well. Especially if you take the time to make the important Absalom based PFS personalities (I'm look at you Paracountess) come alive. Getting the played invested in their factions helps too.

The impetus for my current game was the WM approach. With my player base and limited flexibility I wasn't able to make it work but I did take much of it to heart. I shipwrecked my players, described their initial surroundings, and made them initiate the action.

As we have progressed and they explore the world they learn things. They just discovered and map and a lighthouse. They still have an island. At the lighthouse they discovered there were some missing people. My players can pick up the missing people thread, continue to explore the island or figure out where they want to go next from the world map they discovered. I don't care which thing they do. While on the island they encountered a tribe of Maori Cannibal Halflings. The halflings and the lizardfolk on the island had been in a standoff. Due to my player interference they aren't any more, they are actively at war.

Should my players go back into the jungle they will find evidence of that war. They might become embroiled in it, they might not. In either case it's being fought due to their interference in the world.

If my players decide to bash together a small boat they can do that and leave the island behind.

You can have both an open world with decision making by the players, and NPCs with plots. The players just have to be the ones making the decisions. There is no 'railroading' in my game. I don't have a vested interest in the outcome of any decision they make. If they uncover something and ignore it, so be it. If they uncover something and take up the plot then you get a more traditional game for a while but they always have the option to get distracted by something else.

The WM game works because of the player base, and the competition between players. It is almost purely site based though. In the Smoke Woods is a tribe of goblins that worships fire, a druid ring, several animal lairs, and the ruins of an elven city. The groups may compete to explore those sites, or keep them secret from each other, but they aren't doing anything except kicking down the door and exploring the elven ruins as a site.

Maybe one group trades with the goblins while another goes to way. Now the goblins have some kind of motivation that you as the DM have to deal with in a reasonable and realistic way so that the world makes sense to the players. That is akin to having NPCs in the world with motivations.

One of the most valuable things I did though was send them the link to the WM articles and ask them to read them. It put them in the proper mindset to be initiators of the action rather than waiting for joe in the bar to ask them to do something.

I'm running my own exploration/sandbox. There are/will be plots and recurring villains but everything exists in stasis until the players interact with it and 'unlock it'. Once they PCs unlock the NPC/Villain/Plot it begins to take effect. Whether they continue to interact with that plot thread is up to them but just their setting it motion will have consequences.

They way I think about these things, is I plot a broad outline of what the 'plot' for a given NPC is. For instance Sorin wants to conquer the world. The pc's interact with him on a purely local level but once they do he sets his plan in motion. There is opportunity for the players to follow that plot line, but even if they do not, Sorin is going to attempt to complete it. They may hear about those actions (the actrocity at the Abbey of Windfall, followed by the abduction of the Blind Oracle who holds the key to prophecy) and choose to do something about it, or they can continue on with whatever they want to pursue. Either way Sorin is going to complete hi

In my mind the key to the open game is to make player decisions drive the action. Ignoring something has a consequence, just as pursuing another thread does.

A creature has the ability to use telepathy, and cast Suggestion and Charm person as spell like abilities as well. It will be using Detect Thoughts to locate targets.

Does it seem reasonable to have these effects, the Charm and Suggestions be delivered Telepathically?

Would Detect Thought enable a telepathic creature to target someone with these effects?

If it's not to game breaking I'm running it that way regardless of rules but wanted a second or third opinion.


As part of the Great Golem Works Sale I bought a bunch of the older modules and am curious as to roughly how much XP/Levels are earned in each. I know the information will probably be in them but I'm waiting for them to get here and am trying to rough out a campaign progression

Tower of the Last Baron
From Sea to Shore
Treasure of Chimera Cove
Entombed with the Pharaohs
The Pact Stone Pyramid

My campaign tends to run in an episodic format, and I've mostly run heavily converted PFS scenarios thus far. I'm hoping some longer mods will make prep a little easier. I will continue to run PFS scenarios as side treks or between adventures mods as change of pace stuff.

does 'attack' = attack roll or does 'attack' = attack action. They are different, and that is really the point of my question.

Does the AC bonus from the Aid another action apply to all attacks from an opponent or just the first attack?

related..the definition of attack. Does Attack = Attack Roll, or does Attack = Attack Action?

Why it matters, character with Bodyguard feat/ability using aid another on an adjacent ally. Opponent has multiple attacks.

Timing: Opponent declares attack action against the target. Bodyguarding ally declares use of Feat an an Attack of Opportunity. AC bonus applied to ally. Opponent now makes first attack roll against improved AC. Do follow on attacks apply to the new improved AC or normal AC?
