Charon Onozuka |
Centaur versatile heritage! Halfling centaurs!
So... replace the top half with whatever your base ancestry is? Now I'm trying to imagine what a Kitsune or Sprite Centaur would look like... Or a Kobold Centaur...
Though I think Large size is part of the appeal for something like a Centaur ancestry. I know a player of mine who really wants to play a "big boy" and is hoping we can homebrew a Half-Giant versatile heritage - so I'd personally love to see how paizo handles a large ancestry now that size is less influential in this edition.
Gortle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Centaur is pretty easy to imagine. +2 STR,+ 2CON, +2 Free, -2INT
Large, no extra reach, some sort of hefty hauler ability
But have one heritage size medium.
+10ft base move. Define stairs as a DC10 athletics check and difficult terrain or they fail prone, ladders as DC 20 to climb.
Then maybe give then an ancestry feat to some sort of scaling circumstance bonus to strike damage. Not especially much but a little something to make them feel large, perhaps +1 per die.
All the rest is flavour.
Sorry getting into Homebrew. I'll stop now.
Ruzza |
Ruzza wrote:Centaur versatile heritage! Halfling centaurs!So... replace the top half with whatever your base ancestry is? Now I'm trying to imagine what a Kitsune or Sprite Centaur would look like... Or a Kobold Centaur.
Now I desperately want a centaur sprite with a lower half the same size as a horse and the top half a Tiny sprite.
LandSwordBear |
The mantaur is the superior specimen. The upper torso of a man coming out of the collar of a larger man running on all fours. Truly a beautiful creature
Yep, even has a book for it...
MilesCW |
WWHsmackdown wrote:The mantaur is the superior specimen. The upper torso of a man coming out of the collar of a larger man running on all fours. Truly a beautiful creatureYep, even has a book for it...
But it's a 3rd-party book, the chances of getting it pushed into the official advanced guides and so on is slim and likely way too non-existent?
FormerFiend |
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I will say that while I have no particular interest in playing PF2e I do keep half an eye on what ancestries they introduce, and I'm particularly curious as to what's going to happen if/when they decide to port some of the PF2e original ancestries over to Starfinder as Starfinder's model for races is much closer to PF1e's.
In regards to the OP I will say that while I haven't played WoW in over ten years I have wanted for a long time for Paizo to play chicken with Activision-Blizard's lawyers & print up some races that are as close to some wow races as they could legally get away with. Draenei & wow-style trolls, specifically.
The warcraft tabletop is very dated & got canceled before giving playable stats to draenei so there's money to be made in scratching that itch.
keftiu |
I will say that while I have no particular interest in playing PF2e I do keep half an eye on what ancestries they introduce, and I'm particularly curious as to what's going to happen if/when they decide to port some of the PF2e original ancestries over to Starfinder as Starfinder's model for races is much closer to PF1e's.
I’m curious; what Ancestries are unique to 2e?
Perpdepog |
FormerFiend wrote:I’m curious; what Ancestries are unique to 2e?I will say that while I have no particular interest in playing PF2e I do keep half an eye on what ancestries they introduce, and I'm particularly curious as to what's going to happen if/when they decide to port some of the PF2e original ancestries over to Starfinder as Starfinder's model for races is much closer to PF1e's.
IIRC currently the Fleshwarp, Shoony, and Sprite, with Beastkin arguably being included too.
And now I'm sad thinking of all the minotaur beastkin who can't attack with their horns.
Darth Game Master |
Conrasu, shisks, goloma, fleshwarps (as a playable ancestry), and sprites (as a playable ancestry). Technically Beastkin, but they're kind of a revamped version of a 1e ancestry so not sure if that counts.
EDIT: and shoonies, forgot that one, thanks perpdepog
EDIT 2: plus Anadi which will be in The Mwangi Expanse with the first 3 I listed
David knott 242 |
Ruzza wrote:Centaur versatile heritage! Halfling centaurs!So... replace the top half with whatever your base ancestry is? Now I'm trying to imagine what a Kitsune or Sprite Centaur would look like... Or a Kobold Centaur...
Though I think Large size is part of the appeal for something like a Centaur ancestry. I know a player of mine who really wants to play a "big boy" and is hoping we can homebrew a Half-Giant versatile heritage - so I'd personally love to see how paizo handles a large ancestry now that size is less influential in this edition.
Let's see:
A Kitsune Centaur would have an equine half only in normal (anthropomorphic fox) form. The full fox or tailless form would be unaffected. Being able to switch between Centaur and Human forms could make this combination overpowered, though.
A Sprite Centaur could be something like a D&D Hybsil (if we don't take the Grig as already sort of qualifying).
And if Centaur is a versatile heritage, it should increase the size of the base ancestry by one step (so a Halfling Centaur would be size Medium, and a Sprite Centaur would be size Small, for example).
Rude_ |
I think WoW missed an opportunity to create Ethereals or now Brokers as a playable race or even create an expansion around where ever it is theyre from
My hope is that PF2 brings in some kind of prana-ghost type ancestry at some point but I can't figure out how a non-corporeal player ancestry would be balanced unless they just manifest as ectoplasmic people or something. I went back to the 3.0 Ghostwalk to get some ideas but since everyone is a ghost in that setting so it really isn't an issue.
cavernshark |
Ruzza wrote:What about Warcraft-inspired races is something you're looking for? Is it the history, the aesthetic, the powers? While Paizo hasn't had problems with creating new ancestries, they're usually expanding in areas already loosely defined. Golarion has been around for awhile and has a fairly well-established history, much like Azeroth. "Golarion ancestry, but with a coat of Azerothian paint" just runs into problems from what I see. Cosmetically, it's something that can be handled by players ("I'm playing a panda-beastkin monk."), history is asking for the creation of something from whole cloth that wasn't there ("So back when my father watched over the Well of Eternity before the fall of the Highbourne..."), and the powers is something that we seem to be getting (I mean we just got a book that let you roleplay as any animal form, a horrific mutation, an android, or genie).
I'm not saying that wanting these things isn't understandable, but more why? Golarion has a very rich history and one that is less marred by years of retcons (not that it's entirely free of them), making it a bit easier to skim through for analogs that you're looking for.
Are you asking me specifically? Out of all the Azeroth creatures the only one I feel I can't really play in any game is Trolls. Like I said, a Bull animal Beastkin is Tauren enough for me.
It's probably a mixture of the culture and aesthetic of WoW Trolls. Lanky, skinny, dangerous and lithe trolls as opposed to well...basically green Ogres, such as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
I'm being hyperbolic, or perhaps reductionist, but Trolls aren't a very compelling enemy in my opinion in most table top RPGs. Just big Ogre-like monsters except with regeneration.
I think the fact they're jungle hunters, and experts at living in dense jungles, and very cunning and dangerous with dark magic, and the aesthetic is extremely compelling.
I like the tusks, the Mohawks, and even the more Caribbean or African inspired motifs in dress and other...
You should probably look up the Iruxi (Lizardfolk).
OrochiFuror |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I hope we can get more fleshing out of the societies of the ancestries we have so newer people to Galarion have more to dig into. So long as every ancestry that comes out has enough lore and culture and not just be a trope or furry bait, then we can easily have a lot more.
As an aside I wouldn't look to Blizzard for any inspiration on original ideas.
keftiu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I hope we can get more fleshing out of the societies of the ancestries we have so newer people to Galarion have more to dig into. So long as every ancestry that comes out has enough lore and culture and not just be a trope or furry bait, then we can easily have a lot more.
As an aside I wouldn't look to Blizzard for any inspiration on original ideas.
“Furry bait” is a bad critique at the best of times, but especially when the most prominent animal ancestry of 2e (catfolk/amurrun) have just gotten a significant expansion to their culture and ethnicities. We know they have a nation as well, and I hope we see it soon.
PossibleCabbage |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I prefer not to add more ancetries and instead expand the current ones.
The one thing you can be certain of is that Paizo is going to print more of everything- more classes, more feats, more spells, more items, more archetypes, and indeed more ancestries.
But just like how making the Occultist a new class would not directly cause them to print fewer Bard feats, having the Anadi in the Mwangi Expanse book won't directly cause them to print fewer Elf feats and heritages.
Most likely now that the ancestry guide is out which cleared a lot of the most requested options, we're going to get books about other topics like a theme (Guns and Gears) or a place (the aforementioned Mwangi book) and we're going to get new ancestries that tie into the topic (like the people who live in that place but aren't usually found elsewhere) as well as feats and heritages for the existing ancestries that tie into the theme of the book.
Like we're going to get both "stuff for the Anadi" and "Stuff for what Mwangi halflings are like."
Elfteiroh |
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Charon Onozuka wrote:Ruzza wrote:Centaur versatile heritage! Halfling centaurs!So... replace the top half with whatever your base ancestry is? Now I'm trying to imagine what a Kitsune or Sprite Centaur would look like... Or a Kobold Centaur...
Though I think Large size is part of the appeal for something like a Centaur ancestry. I know a player of mine who really wants to play a "big boy" and is hoping we can homebrew a Half-Giant versatile heritage - so I'd personally love to see how paizo handles a large ancestry now that size is less influential in this edition.
Let's see:
A Kitsune Centaur would have an equine half only in normal (anthropomorphic fox) form. The full fox or tailless form would be unaffected. Being able to switch between Centaur and Human forms could make this combination overpowered, though.
A Sprite Centaur could be something like a D&D Hybsil (if we don't take the Grig as already sort of qualifying).
And if Centaur is a versatile heritage, it should increase the size of the base ancestry by one step (so a Halfling Centaur would be size Medium, and a Sprite Centaur would be size Small, for example).
Sprite centaur... sprites are often corgi riders... Corgi body!? :O
Arachnofiend |
I think WoW missed an opportunity to create Ethereals or now Brokers as a playable race or even create an expansion around where ever it is theyre from
My hope is that PF2 brings in some kind of prana-ghost type ancestry at some point but I can't figure out how a non-corporeal player ancestry would be balanced unless they just manifest as ectoplasmic people or something. I went back to the 3.0 Ghostwalk to get some ideas but since everyone is a ghost in that setting so it really isn't an issue.
I'm pretty sure if we ever get a proper undead race it'll be zombies like in Starfinder; those are by far the easiest to incorporate into normal D&D expectations.
I do hope we get a zombie ancestry at some point. Vampires are for cowards. Vampires are an undead ancestry like elves are a monster ancestry
Perpdepog |
Mortic as a versatile heritage seems like a thing they might do.
Unlike Dhampirs, they are actually undead (and also alive simultaneously.)
I'm hoping they do this too. It may be slightly tricky because each of their subtypes was "average ancestry, but undead," but it would still be cool to see. Maybe a versatile heritage?
FormerFiend |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
keftiu wrote:I’m curious; what Ancestries are unique to 2e?Lizardfolk are new in terms of being a playable ancestry.
Technically speaking lizardfolk got a playable write up in pf1e in the Advanced Race Guide as an example of using the race builder system. Didn't get much of any support, though, outside of the Monster Codex.
Edit: But yeah in my initial post I was more referencing fleshwarps, shoonies, & the upcoming ancestries in the Mwangi Expanse book.
Ravingdork |
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For an undead ancestry, I hope they come up with something generic for the base ancestry stats, then have the heritages and ancestry feat trees represent the different types of undead, such as skeletal champion, juju zombie, vampire, wight, and other intelligent undead.
Rude_ |
For an undead ancestry, I hope they come up with something generic for the base ancestry stats, then have the heritages and ancestry feat trees represent the different types of undead, such as skeletal champion, juju zombie, vampire, wight, and other intelligent undead.
This would probably be best. Would be cool to see this with a manifested ghost option in some kind of book like Horror Adventures. Seems Cthulhu type stuff is popular in RPGs and media these days.
Would be cool to see some rules and subsystems for investigative occult horror type play.Really looking forward to Malevolence for the mysteries and investigation teased in the description
Temperans |
Undead are too varied to be covered by one ancestry. Specially the ones you listed.
Just vampire alone has 4 potential heritages, not including any new ones that Paizo might add. While zombies, skeletons, and wights are full of variations.
Besides remember dhampirs are a heritage just like half-elfs/orcs. It would be weird to be a heritage of a heritage.