CorvusMask wrote: I think what they meant was the mane, though if that is the case that was pretty clumsily said? Yeah, that's true. I actually thought everyone would be on the same page (bam drum tsss) here. I was talking about the mane, yes. Cthulhusquatch wrote: Not every male lion has a mane... and I don't think the picture clarified any gender or sex. Actually, they do: "Male shemtej catfolk are known for growing full, leonine manes." I personally just don't understand why they make an effort to show a female artwork in this case when they try to bring in some sort of Leonin-ersatz from DnD E5 into Pathfinder 2E? Would have made more sense to swap both genders on the page if anyone asks me.
Currently I'm trying to build a Shemtej based on everyone's favorite lion-tropes. For people out of the loop, this is the official Shemtej-description from the Pathfinder 2E Lost Omens Ancestry Guide: Someone said wrote: Many believe Shemtej catfolk to be the favored children of Bastet and wardens of dangerous spirits bound in the remote deserts of Osirion, Thuvia, and Rahadoum. Male shemtej catfolk are known for growing full, leonine manes. Their culture prioritizes free love, and Shemtejes largely disavow formalized marriage in favor of more fluid relationship structures. Nomadic family groups known as trains constantly change membership. Lovers come and go, children grow up and seek their own paths, and elders leave to pursue their personal goals. Shemtejes often have the nine lives or liminal catfolk heritage. Lore-wise born somewhere around Osirion, North Eastern of Garund, in an undisclosed desert location. I tried to include this into the traits and class choices - and in the end, I came up with this male character: Has anyone some tips for me how playable this character would be? The focus was on covering most catfolk-traits, having claw-attacks (but not magical ones) and a bite-attack. I know that other Barbarians spec into the Horizon Walker for the rage cycling (which isn't necessary with the Unchained Barbarian due the fatigue being only 1 min) but I still wanted to tap into that desert fantasy. But like I said, I'm not sure if this is a good build which would make fun. Any suggestions what I should change? Feedback is appreciated!
LandSwordBear wrote:
But it's a 3rd-party book, the chances of getting it pushed into the official advanced guides and so on is slim and likely way too non-existent?
keftiu wrote:
Well, obviously bears, bulls and turtles are missing. Subrace for predator cats.
HumbleGamer wrote:
Was referring to WoW. It's one of the bigger criticism the games faces these days, if you're excluding the current expansion woes and the Horde-faction bias/balance from the developers. The Alliance lacks a greater diversity when it comes to their playable races and the story writers haven't done their best to represent them as well.
WatersLethe wrote: I am astoundingly bored of "humanoid versions of different animals". Tauren, Worgen, and Pandaren are meh. I'm a big fan of Draenei, though, and would welcome some kind of divine touched alien race. Well, I'm in a different boat. Way too bored by hourglass female blond and blue-eyed elves and humans in different sizes and shapes (dwarves, gnomes, ...). The Draenei are guilty of this as well sans the skin color, unfortunately.
Hello there, I've been playing 1E for a year now and will likely tap into 2E in the near future. So far I have been enjoying the first edition greatly and after going through all the changes in 2E, I really start to look forward to it. However, I do hope they developers are willed to add more modern fantasy races in the future. Coming from World of Warcraft background, I really would love to see Paizo's official take on Tauren, Worgen and, of course, the Pandaren with some twists added to them. Perhaps we could see a sub-race for the catfolk too, Lions, Tigers and so on. |