
LandSwordBear's page

211 posts. Alias of Oceanshieldwolf.


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Grrr. No satisfaction for you. You are…lucky. That’s right! Lucky! Next time RH, next time!

@Robert Henry! How dare you posit that I asked a question!?! I did not! I was merely pointing out that Dwarves have apparently perfected Gnomes, possibly through some magickal techniffery. How dare you sah! I demand satisfaction!

Critzible wrote:
Batenia: The Great halls of the Dwarves. Allied deeply with Urliek the Dwarves have perfected Gnomes gunpowder and guns. They are industrious and prosperous. Though the hordes of Povel keep them in check. Dwarves Follow the scriptures of the Triumvrate, but also reviere thier ancestors and the earth is self.

Yes! Finally, gnomes that are…useful…and well-liked and…not irritating…or…annoying…or that might have…non-stupid names….or…a general lack of…nonsensical features!

Super Zero wrote:
Lion tamer.

Is that a Summoner archetype? So you are a Lion, what do you tame? ;)


(Also, any of you dwarf rejects* that don’t make it into this game might want to level up some and try out for a 10th level all-dwarf Giantslayer currently Recruiting HERE…I make no guarantee about the relative level of beer, or pretzels however…)

* I mean dwarves…who are not successful in this Recruitment. Becoz to say dwarves are rejects…is…notnice. Out loud, anywayz. Just ask Mad Marvin Dundlerock. He was in the other Recruitment…

EltonJ wrote:
trawets71 wrote:
What I always like about the AD&D games was playing their multiclass characters. An elven F/M or F/M/T. I think the closest you get to that today is Gestalt characters. Would you allow A Child of Acavna and Amaznen fighter? It would simulate the F/M I think.
You might have to flavor it to Faerun first.

Arkanim Blademaster

Studying with the totes not derivative elves of [insert double-barrelled Greenwoodian name for elven forest redoubt...let's go with Arborwood umm....Gloombark rrr....this is hard!!! nope....ummm....oh I got it....Greenewode!!!] Greenewode, elves of the Arkana study like...mystic might and martial prowess stuff. Feared throughout the 'run, these esoteric and mostly hidden friends of Harpers and slightly not overpowered foes of Zhentarim (coz lets face it those guys are the low hanging fruit since Curse of the Azure Bonds CRPG) Arkanim are schooled in the arts of magic while wearing their like...elvish chainmail.

One person’s “grumpy paranoia” is another person’s “usefully emoted caution” just as one person’s “cheery naivete” is another person’s “not applying to this Recruitment”. ;)

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Good. Wizards have been riding high for too long.
That way of thinking is BAD for the long term health of the game.

I mean a reasonable thing to do when designing a new version of a game like this is to look at which classes were perceived as the weakest in the previous edition, and do the most work on those classes to make them work well. Which is why the Fighter, the Rogue, and the Monk are really good in PF2.

But when you do this the classes that gets the least attention are the ones that were considered the most powerful in the previous edition.

Alternatively, the super-reasonable thing to do when designing a new version of a game is to look at which classes wear stupid hats or lean in on incredibly tired tropes or are even nominally related to massively derivative somewhat popular books involving sticks and then…remove them from the game. And that is why the Fighter, the Rogue and the Monk are really good.

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Keep ‘em coming Coriat.

The Y-shaped staff is utter nonsense, and clearly fails at least one historical, one engineering/technical and possibly two physics tests. I blame hoopaks.

How about gnomish flickmace? I feel like real gnomes wouldn’t have had the flexibility to obtain the required technique

Arkat wrote:
Souls At War wrote:
All this alignments talk reminds me that Law vs Chaos was often the more backgound'ish of the two axis, and often conflated with the other as well.
Michael Moorcock's influence regarding Law vs. Chaos cannot be overstated.

Mostly because it should never be stated and his entire canon of “here’s a story over and over again but different” consigned to the dustbin of history. Also Hawkwind the band.

[That’s bad!!!]

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They meant the conspirator dragon, silly.

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Cori Marie wrote:
I mean you're not going to find one single god to replace Gorum for everyone, that's kind of the point of killing him. Some of his followers will flock to Sarenrae or Iomedae for righteous battle, others to Szuriel or Zjar Tovan. Others to Arazni.

Some will find Gorum’s death personally epiphanous and pivot to more peaceful gods like Desna or…find peace with Gozreh. Some will in anger turn to dark gods like Asmodeus or in despair turn to warfare of a more sedate but no less dangerous form and worship Abadar.

And some will lose their faith entirely.

Such is the way of gods. And their disciples.

Throw Stick at Bucket

Your friends say there is a problem but you won’t admit it. So, setting up a bucket you show them what’s what.

Ranged Strike 1 Action

Requirements: Bucket within range; see also Set up Bucket of Aimless Aim feat

Make a Strike against an available Aimless Bucket within range. The Aimless Bucket has an AC of 5 and can be flanked. If you hit, you can use an immediate Reaction to “So there!” all allies within sightlines up to the horizon.

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Wow, that is a long character sheet. I think it’s the +2 to Diplomacy from your Mercenary Trait that is going to be what ultimately grants ultimate victory over “Teh Kitteh”.

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But how many pressups can you guys do? Do you even lift?

Welp, as the old saying I just completely coined goes: “Rather be insane than a Wizard”. I mean, have you seen those pointy hats?

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EltonJ wrote:
If we do fast leveling, I can continue the campaign with the Slavers series. That is, if the party holds together. :)

Well that should create some interesting roleplay situations for Critzible’s gnome:

Critzible wrote:
Gnome Alchemist. Simple peddlar of potions, creams, slaves, ect

Sorry Critz, I know you do almost all your posting from your phone, but this was too good to resist…;)

Ah, Snigrot Dogroot. How I have missed you…

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Sanityfaerie wrote:

Okay, so now I'm imagining the silliness of a party that consists of an Envoy, a Commander, a Battlelord, and a Bard, all madly handing buffs out to one another.

Free archetypes (if available) into Marshal, Alchemist, Medic, and the other Marshal.

I suspect it would actually work out pretty well.

(Frowns, mutters to self angrily) Marshal, Marshal, Marshal!

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I suppose Curtain Call works best as a sequel to Abomination Vaults.
The oddest pairing is probably Quest for the Frozen Flame, which will be my pitch for finally getting around to doing that one (so you can turn it into an opera!)

Iunno, Agents of Edgewatch as a cutting edge satirical noir police procedural musical opera could sell at least two tickets. If it was a one-person show. And your parents grandparents came.

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LINK to free NASA adventure.

If only more government agencies would publish RPG supplements. I'm still waiting for the stakeout from the FBI, regime change/heist from the CIA, we-be-leshy-druids from the EPA and whatever that weird one is from the Department of Homeland Security.

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Amaya/Polaris wrote:
OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
... we get a bazillion spells like “Thread Laces” and “Boop Snoots”.
Ooh, sorry, which book is Boop Snoots in? Is it on the Divine list? AoN doesn't seem to have it yet and like, my kitsune's dating a kobold and a ysoki and there's a bunch of pets around, it's a very target-rich environment.

Ach...Primal I think...makes sense...yairs...

Irori was too busy to watch where he was going, tripped, stubbed his toe and died of gangrene. Pretty ignoble.

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"Large". Probably the best news yet.

Though prehistoric species may not be available as "awakened" the thoughts of such Megatherium Thaumaturge (mmmmm). Nothronychus Monk. (I'm clearly also a sloth/sloth adjacent stan.)

Also hope to be able to awaken a crab, horseshoe crab or lobster. For, you know, funsies.

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I’m not exactly sure “distracting” Rovagug is the same as “going toe-to-toe”, which tends to imply combat. I guess they could have been doing the gothic twostep while facing each other? No disrespect to Calistria intended - her role was clearly integrally hers and instrumental in the plan…

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Sy Kerraduess wrote:

Crazy Theory:

A new threat appears that is stronger than the Core 20. It starts killing gods, making them actually fear for their lives for possibly the first time ever.

That’s right. Ensign Johnny, the Godripper.

Sy Kerraduess wrote:

Feeling powerless, some deities start plotting to free Rovagug to unleash him against this new threat, Godzilla style. They are betting on the idea that they caged Rovagug once, so they could always cage him a second time after he has defeated the threat.

And so at the worst possible time the gods go to war with each other, with the gods who want to free Rovagug on one side and those not willing to risk freeing him on the other.

All the while Ensign Johnny just wants to make it back home in one… piece.

/after Kittyburger

keftiu wrote:
Unicore wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Our hint for this week from Luis: the deity has a two-syllable name.
This is a hint about which god will be featured this week, right?
Yes, this week's prophecy, not the actual dead deity.

Which makes it the deity who is going to not-die.

Wow. So amazingly…amazing. Stop with the tension. I might…care.

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(Every time I read this thread title I read it as “Problematic Clerics, Friendly Gods”. Makes enough sense to me.)

Sanityfaerie wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if "Who was the killer, anyway?" was massive spoilers for the associated AP.

Unless there *is no* killer. Could be a bad case of the godsflu. Or perhaps a suicide. Old age? Fade away into nothingness out of sheer boredom with the whole schtick of having to endlessly being deific? Look, even superheroes get the blues...

"Debate bro". My new favorite perjorative. Followed by "Hoss". Going to stat up a new homebrewed debate-bro class and make a character called Hoss. brb.

CreepyShutIn wrote:
If Desna falls, I will declare a holy war. No dallying, I will go straight-up Mendev on anyone at all.

Spoken like a true believer…

Ravien999 wrote:
Pronate11 wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:
Nolinquisitor wrote:
It's Abadar.
Is someone going to axe Abadar to get all the goodies in the first vault?
I mean, from a meta perspective, Abadar has a great mix of "his death with greatly impact the setting without destroying it" (cities and commerce will likely exist, but will be weakened, which is the start of a ton of great AP ideas) and "Surprising" (almost no one is claiming Abadar). Plus, I feel like he is popular enough for his death to matter, but not so popular that it would invalidate a ton of clerics and champions. I also really want to see what kind of capitalism powers his god goo can give exemplars.

The big problem of axing Abadar in my mind is that Abadar permits for the "rule" of capitalism. Removing Abadar over that means that someone else has to get it, and unless it becomes a good god that is actually all about charity and f%%#ing over evil (which isn't really a fun storyline) it just becomes a story of unabashed capitalism paralleling the real world.

Abadar keeps stories about laws, contracts, and money interesting in the fantasy setting.

Because we definitely need more...any of... those...

Is a schasm where two people are on such opposites sides of an argument that a giant pit forms between them, and they have to decide how, whether, where, when and why to jump AND which subsystem is appropriate to use to determine the outcome?

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Happy lovely devils and demons will jig with unrepentant glee as they tiptoe thru reconstructed tulips helping lil old people of indeterminate gender cross at the lights... It's not their fault they're nice, it's what their ruleset would do!

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Well, to be fair, having played in too many games with them - who haven’t gnomes annoyed?

I'm just wondering about how much damage a teddy bear does. Like, if the eyes are buttons, and the buttons are adamantine, that thing could really, and I mean...really! hurt.

Plus, I have successfully wielded up to...well at least two teddy bears successfully in more...heated pillow fights. Until the deeply contested (and some would say fraudulent) "no teddy bears with button-eyes" ruling of 2017...

I feel bad. I feel like I’m missing out on something for free I won’t use, but I don’t know what it is.

Ah. I thought “hybrid” meant something else then. Though to be fair, the rules quoted don”t mention “hybrid” at all.

(Sorry, I am still stuck on why the GM is controlling the character in hybrid form…)

“A tragick”. Anagram.

Just noticed Taargick is an anagram for a tragick.

You could always ask the Pathbuilder mob how they navigated said intricacies…

@DQ - I think you meant Investigator, not Inquisitor from the ACG…

Ouachitonian wrote:
Not every day you get a chance at high-level adventure like this. Alas, no Magus; it’s one of my favorites. But there are other ways to play a gish. I’ll be looking at possibly something like a Sorcerer->Dragon Disciple, or Alchemist (Vivisectionist)->Master Chymist, or maybe the divine side with a Warpriest. I’m away from home atm, but I’ll mull those options and look at the setting guide later today.

[Emphasis mine] Warpriest is not on the “available classes” list from THIS post upthread.

I did. I think. I’m having trouble remembering. What were we talking about?

LandSwordBear wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:

… As an interesting data point, PF2 goblins are more popular among players than dwarves, halflings, or basically any other ancestry that's not humans and elves. The PF2 audience is larger than the PF1 audience, and the majority of people playing PF2 now have never played PF1 at all. So whatever the special spice that makes goblins magic is, has arguably only grown more rich and well-rounded during the current cycle.


Orcs and goblins are just like humans; some of them are awesome, some of them are monstrous. Some of them are rapacious murderers, some of them are unmitigated heroes. Some of them are very mitigated heroes. Which band an individual falls in is largely a matter of societal pressures and personal choice, in a cocktail no one truly understands.

And dwarves, halflings and other races that aren’t humans, elves and goblins (and orcs) are…not awesome, or monstrous, but…by and large….more and more….forgotten. Yay! The time of the orc is at hand!

Not that I remember. Would have been exceptionally…forgettable.

Michael Sayre wrote:

… As an interesting data point, PF2 goblins are more popular among players than dwarves, halflings, or basically any other ancestry that's not humans and elves. The PF2 audience is larger than the PF1 audience, and the majority of people playing PF2 now have never played PF1 at all. So whatever the special spice that makes goblins magic is, has arguably only grown more rich and well-rounded during the current cycle.


Orcs and goblins are just like humans; some of them are awesome, some of them are monstrous. Some of them are rapacious murderers, some of them are unmitigated heroes. Some of them are very mitigated heroes. Which band an individual falls in is largely a matter of societal pressures and personal choice, in a cocktail no one truly understands.

And dwarves, halflings and other races that aren’t humans, elves and goblins (and orcs) are…not awesome, or monstrous, but…by and large….more and more….forgotten. Yay! The time of the orc is at hand!

Vodalian wrote:
Sorry, it's mostly because I'm in an argumentative mood. I still love pf2e, and now that the computer game adaptation Dawnsbury Days is coming out and enabling me to fix all the math to my liking via modding, I feel empowered to speak out.

Enlinken’d. I’m not sure why there isn’t more news about this…hopefully the devs of that game can update it to PF2R…

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