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I have a vague idea of using Spirit Object and Wortwitch to move around a peice of cover that you can see through.

I'm liking a Aasimar Fervor Witch with a maxed out "cherub" familiar
Add Alchemist dedication and used the cherub to deliver Elixirs.
Or add Bard dedication, play a harp,give your cherub the Accompanist.
Flavor it like Bacchus if you dont dig the the angle thing.

Dark Archive

What's Spirit Object?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

1. In another thread someone else had the idea of a Tiefling Shoony Vigilante (don't remember the class) whose vigilante name is The Hellhound. I am absolutely stealing that, but renaming them to the Heckhound, because they are just that much of a good boy, lol.

2. I'd be curious to think through how interesting a build would be around the Thoughtful Gift spell. Perhaps an alchemist with the Sorcerer archetype that teleports elixirs and potions directly to their allies repeatedly.

3. A sorcerer with the genie bloodline who gained that by actually having a genie fused inside them through various possible means. Perhaps you stumbled on a desperate, weak genie that saw a way to hide inside another creature. Perhaps you were part of a magical experiment gone awry (or very well). Perhaps it was fused into you at birth.

4. My current Sorcerer build with the Aberrant bloodline could be reflavored with the Shadow bloodline pretty easily. I've been playing it from a very Lovecraftian-void angle, even doing things like reflavoring Sound Burst to instead be my character is summoning a piece of the void on to the battlefield for just a brief instant. Enough that the sonic damage is the other direction, resulting in a sonic boom of air rushing to fill the vacuum that the brief void created. The new Energetic Resonance sorcerer feat sounds great for this build too.

5. An Investigator with the Empiricism methodology. Constantly driven to seek more knowledge by any means necessary. This leads to hunting down a scroll that is said to hold ancient, forbidden knowledge. Ignoring repeated warnings that the knowledge comes with a terrible cost. They gain the Oracle dedication feat, Lore mystery, with the Curse of Torrential Knowledge.

In general I love the flavor of the player and GM cooperating to have the Oracle dedication come as part of the character encountering something in the campaign itself. Still working through how much this works out mechanically. Curious what other ways people come up with that this could happen.

6. I've always been a huge fan of Dragon Disciple from 1E. What are really fun builds people are finding for that so far?

TiwazBlackhand wrote:
What's Spirit Object?

It's a Hex Cantrip granted by Baba Yaga.

A single action moves an object of one bulk up to 30 feet.
Two actions let's you attack with it.

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I like the idea of a caster (Wizard/Sorc/Witch/etc) riding atop an animal companion by way of the Cavalier archetype.

Command your animal companion, stride into spell range, fire off the spell, stride on out. Rinse and repeat as you strafe and harass your enemies, who still have to deal with a very angry beast if they get into close range.

I especially like it with the idea of the Riding Drake. And (if it were legal) I love the idea of a mounted caster whose animal companion is equipped with Hellfire Boots.

I can't decide if that would be a better PC or a better enemy.

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Ancestry: any
Heritage: Aasimar
Background: Blessid
Class: Angelic Bloodline Sorcerer
Archetype: Blessed One

the holiest mortal there is

bonus points if the character is besides that a really evil f!*~er

Liberty's Edge

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A concept I had from PF1 Swashbuckler playtest seems pretty feasible now : a Dwarven Swashbuckler in Heavy Armor, which I dubbed the Metal Dancer.

Likely through Sentinel Dedication and Armor Proficiency, or maybe Champion Dedication, with Unburdened Iron for max movement efficiency.

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

SpaceWhale42 wrote:

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

Human/Half-Elf could get FoB with slightly less impact Class feat wise, using Multitalented they can cover the Dedication which frees up 1 class feat.

Could also possibly slip Adopted Ancestry at level 5 as a Shoony and still get it.

Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

Human/Half-Elf could get FoB with slightly less impact Class feat wise, using Multitalented they can cover the Dedication which frees up 1 class feat.

Could also possibly slip Adopted Ancestry at level 5 as a Shoony and still get it.

I just realized I could also do this starting as Monk class, kind of like so:


LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Stumbling Stance
LVL2: Swashbuckler Dedication
LVL3: Toughness idk
LVL4: Swashbuckler Dedication: Finishing Precision

Mechanically comes online a LOT earlier, but it's a LOT less damage potential as well over time, since the Dedication Precise Strike doesn't scale. Also miss out on that sweet movement speed until later levels

SpaceWhale42 wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

Human/Half-Elf could get FoB with slightly less impact Class feat wise, using Multitalented they can cover the Dedication which frees up 1 class feat.

Could also possibly slip Adopted Ancestry at level 5 as a Shoony and still get it.

I just realized I could also do this starting as Monk class, kind of like so:


LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Stumbling Stance
LVL2: Swashbuckler Dedication
LVL3: Toughness idk
LVL4: Swashbuckler Dedication: Finishing Precision

Mechanically comes online a LOT earlier, but it's a LOT less damage potential as well over time, since the Dedication Precise Strike doesn't scale. Also miss out on that sweet movement speed until later levels

Monks get the same movement speed as Swashbuckler but don't lose half of it without panache.

Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

Human/Half-Elf could get FoB with slightly less impact Class feat wise, using Multitalented they can cover the Dedication which frees up 1 class feat.

Could also possibly slip Adopted Ancestry at level 5 as a Shoony and still get it.

I just realized I could also do this starting as Monk class, kind of like so:


LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Stumbling Stance
LVL2: Swashbuckler Dedication
LVL3: Toughness idk
LVL4: Swashbuckler Dedication: Finishing Precision

Mechanically comes online a LOT earlier, but it's a LOT less damage potential as well over time, since the Dedication Precise Strike doesn't scale. Also miss out on that sweet movement speed until later levels

Monks get the same movement speed as Swashbuckler but don't lose...

Would the Movement speed gained from Panache Stack with the Monk Movement speed bonus? Or is it one of those "Choose which ever is highest" deals

SpaceWhale42 wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
SpaceWhale42 wrote:

Here's one that I've been rolling around in my head:

Drunken Dervish
Ancestry: Shoony
Class: Swashbuckler (Fencer)
Background: Barkeep OR Wonder Taster (?)

LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Goading Feint
LVL2: Monk Dedication Archetype, Tumble Behind
LVL3: Whatever
LVL4: Monk Archetype: Stumbling Stance
LVL6: Attack of Opportunity or Vexing Tumble?
LVL8: MonkArchetype: Stumbling Feint
LVL10: Flurry of Blows

The Idea was to use the Stumbling Feint free Feint to activate Panache, then the FoB gets that Panache precision damage, then use another action to use finisher for more Damage. Have an extra action for moving or extra feint or medicine, etc. for a 2-action/3-attack Panache/Finisher cycling combo.

Was going to play like an Adventuring Shoony that is seeking new tastes for his failing bar back at home, and he constantly pretends to be drunk as a combat tactic after watching many bar fights. I picked Shoony for Scamper Underfoot, so I could sell the 'always drunk' act by 'falling over' a lot.

However, the feat tax seems too heavy for the payoff. I wish there was a better way to get Flurry of Blows lol, I understand why not though.

Human/Half-Elf could get FoB with slightly less impact Class feat wise, using Multitalented they can cover the Dedication which frees up 1 class feat.

Could also possibly slip Adopted Ancestry at level 5 as a Shoony and still get it.

I just realized I could also do this starting as Monk class, kind of like so:


LVL1: Scamper Underfoot,Bloodhound,Stumbling Stance
LVL2: Swashbuckler Dedication
LVL3: Toughness idk
LVL4: Swashbuckler Dedication: Finishing Precision

Mechanically comes online a LOT earlier, but it's a LOT less damage potential as well over time, since the Dedication Precise Strike doesn't scale. Also miss out on that sweet movement speed until later levels

Monks get the same movement speed as

They're both status bonuses so it's whichever is higher.

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Catfolk animal instinct barbarian. A cat, who when she gets really angry, transforms into a cat!

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Ventnor wrote:
Catfolk animal instinct barbarian. A cat, who when she gets really angry, transforms into a cat!

I want to see that as a Wolf version. Every rage comes with a healthy dose of doubt and self-loathing. :D

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Angry Octopus

Aberrant Sorcerer

Poisoner Archetype
Pick the Poisoner reaction to try to poison who attacks you.
Unusual Anathomy
Fire Shield with Crossblooded

Now everytime that someone attacks you they take damage and will be susceptible to a poison.

Investigator with monk dedication. Take wolf Stance and one inch punch. At 18 with oip you should do something like 4d8 (wolf strike)+2d6(elemental runes)+5d6(precision)+6d8(3 action oip)

For 10d8+7d6 damage. Before any static mods like str or proficiency that's an average of 70 damage once rounded up.

Stumbling monk + fencing swashbucker.

1 action to get feint (penance + flat footed), and 2 attacks.

Add in a shield, Opportune Riposte, and Stand Still to have a good chance of an off turn attack.

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Tiefling tengu oracle of the tempest. The closest you'll ever come to playing a Vrock.

Salamileg wrote:
Tiefling tengu oracle of the tempest. The closest you'll ever come to playing a Vrock.

Needs Barbarian MC.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ventnor wrote:
Catfolk animal instinct barbarian. A cat, who when she gets really angry, transforms into a cat!

Done and done.

Stealing from Tolkien, blatantly: Dwarven War Charioteer. Champion (Liberator) with steed ally. Possibly going up eventually to a very PO'd Dire Badger. Battle medic background. I'm listening to ideas

Grand Lodge

I've been reinventing my 1E characters in 2E. Until KItsune are allowed playable- i'm ruminating this build-

Tchyl, Kobold Swashbuckler
10 Str/16 Dex/12 Con/12 Int/12 Wis/16 Cha
Dragon Exemplar- White
Background- Emissary [Katapesh Lore]
Ancestry- Spellscale [Ray of Frost]; Feat- Kobold Breath
Style- Braggart

1> Kobold Breath [Ancestry], You're Next [class]
2> Intimidating Glare [skill], Duelist [archetype]
3> ... Haven't really thought this far ahead...

Hah! I've also got a kobold braggart drawn up. It's just too perfect a fit for them.

I've been mulling over Investigator/Beastmaster recently though - they don't gain a lot of combat power from class feats in-class so they're a good fit for archetypes. Though Beastmaster is kind of an all-in deal.

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The first thing I saw was the Winter Patron for a Witch and wanted to go all in on the cold.

Dragonscale Kobold (White Dragon for Cold Damage Resistance) with the Winter Child background (Lost Omen's Character Guide), taking the Winter Patron at level 1 as a Witch, taking the Snowball cantrip as our primary damage dealer mixed in with Clinging Ice for a 1-2 punch with 3 actions.

Level 1 Ancestry Feat - Kobold Breath. We get a 30ft line/15 foot cone cold breath for d4 damage (per 2 levels) that gets bonuses from our Basic Lesson.

Level 2 - Class Feat - Basic Lesson of the Elements, the Familiar learning Hydraulic Push.

Level 6 - Class Feat - Greater Lesson of Snow for the Personal Blizzard Hex.

Level 9 - Ancestry Feat - Dragon's Breath, our breath attack can get twice as big and do double damage at the cost of not using it for an hour.

As many of our spells as possible should be dealing cold damage or produce weather effects like wind.

Combat Gorilla:

(Hobgolbin or Half-Elf) Martial Artist Fighter (heavy armor+shield/unarmed):

level 1: Sudden Charge
level 2: Martial Artist
level 4: Gorilla Stance
level 6: Shatter defences
level 8: Gorilla Pound

the core of the build is done by this point, basically Strideinto position, followed by Gorilla Pound, intmidate+ swing (with +circumstance damage from Pound), followed up with Shatter defences (with +circumstance damage from Forceful) to lock an enemy in Frighten+Flat-footed while being as tanky as you can (shield+heavy armor)

Hobgoblin gives the juicy extra damage from Agonozing Rebuke, Half-Elf is used when you need to go for Dread striker afterwards.

afterwards it's party dependent: if you can get flank easily go for normal fighter feats like combat reflexes and etc, if not, go for half-elf and go for rogue dedication at 9 to get Dread Striker by 12, now your Gorilla Pound both Frightenes and makes them Flat-footed before even the 1st attack.

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I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Leading Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).

SuperBidi wrote:
I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Dueling Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).

I believe you're thinking of Leading Dance. It is a very fun feat.

Salamileg wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Dueling Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).
I believe you're thinking of Leading Dance. It is a very fun feat.

I've made the correction.

Yes, I really like the concept. It looks like an actual dance and a very swashbuckley thing.

SuperBidi wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Dueling Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).
I believe you're thinking of Leading Dance. It is a very fun feat.

I've made the correction.

Yes, I really like the concept. It looks like an actual dance and a very swashbuckley thing.

With Leading Dance, it looks like you both have to maintain position relative to one another with your movement, do I have that right?

Redblade8 wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Dueling Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).
I believe you're thinking of Leading Dance. It is a very fun feat.

I've made the correction.

Yes, I really like the concept. It looks like an actual dance and a very swashbuckley thing.
With Leading Dance, it looks like you both have to maintain position relative to one another with your movement, do I have that right?

Yep. You have to carefully position yourself to get the best out of it.

But unlike Shove, you can move the enemy on whatever direction. And I can picture myself chaining it to push 3 enemies in a row in deadly hazard (with Derring-Do, you can very easily achieve crit successes at Perform).

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SuperBidi wrote:

Yep. You have to carefully position yourself to get the best out of it.

But unlike Shove, you can move the enemy on whatever direction. And I can picture myself chaining it to push 3 enemies in a row in deadly hazard (with Derring-Do, you can very easily achieve crit successes at Perform).

Go-go Stabby Tetris!

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SuperBidi wrote:
Redblade8 wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
I really like the Swashbuckler Battledancer. If you use Dueling Dance and Impaling Finisher you can "dance" with a monster moving it next to another enemy while getting Panache and then impale them with your Rapier. I find that both elegant and devastating (the combined damage is a bit higher than a Greatsword Dragon Barbarian first and second attacks).
I believe you're thinking of Leading Dance. It is a very fun feat.

I've made the correction.

Yes, I really like the concept. It looks like an actual dance and a very swashbuckley thing.
With Leading Dance, it looks like you both have to maintain position relative to one another with your movement, do I have that right?

Yep. You have to carefully position yourself to get the best out of it.

But unlike Shove, you can move the enemy on whatever direction. And I can picture myself chaining it to push 3 enemies in a row in deadly hazard (with Derring-Do, you can very easily achieve crit successes at Perform).

You can also get Virtuosic Performer feat to help make sure your enemies want to dance with you.

I've been wanting to make an orc druid with Mauler as an archetype to smash things, with casting as a backup, but after reading through mauler, I cant help but wonder if I'm better off going Fighter

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Halfing Archer toxicologist:

Heritage: I like Gutsy the most.

1: Familiar
1 (halfling): Distracting shadows
2: Archer dedication
4: Calculated Splash (you do have Perpetual bombs as toxicologist)
5 (halfling): Cultural Adaptability: Human: Natural Ambition: Far lobber
6: Archer: Parting Shot
8: Pinpoint Poisoner
9 (human): Multitalented: Investigator Archeype
10: Investigator: Stratagem


The core of the build is complete at this point. You have an at-will ranged flat-footed attack through Parting shot, applying the Pinpoint poisoner debuff on your poisoned arrows, and you don't "waste" poisoned arrows since you know if you'll hit or not due to Stratagem.

Your should be using Quicksilver mutagen for the extra accuracy, and since you're halfing with an extremely high speed and stealth (both assisted by the mutagen) you should be able to position/sneak yourself to safety on the rounds where your Stratagem shows that you'll miss, plus the "free" step each round when you attack should help with that as well. That plus the various alchemical non-attacks (elixirs, healings, etc) should fill up your rounds. Worst case scenario, if you know you'll be missing with your attack and literaly have nothing else to do you can always chuck a Perpetual bomb for the free splash damage.

Familiar should be probably Valet+Indipendent for the free "quick draw" of any elixir/bomb/item on your person. (although early on you should probably be using extra ingredients to help with the bad early game of the Alchemist)



13 (halfing): Ceaseless shadows.

12-14: those are the most flexible feat levels. You should be picking up Extend elixir in one of the two, but for the other there are multiple viable options like:
Point-blank shot for the bit of extra damage on your shortbow.
Sticky bomb or Uncanny bombs (for more or easier bomb damage if you find yourself using those alot)
Archer's Aim if you have someone in the party applying Flat-footed reasonably often to gain even more accuracy with your bow
Perpetual to snag another bomb type (shock probably)
Are all good options.
Even Elasitc mutagen is helpful since it helps with Parting shot a bit (10 ft +attack instead of 5ft +attack)

Extend is extremely good even just for your mutagen, but generally for a lot of other stuff as well, and it's a requirement for Eternal, but you don't need to rush it at 12 instead of 14 if you feel that you need something else earlier.

(personally i would go Extend at 12 and Uncanny at 14)

(14: you can probably retrain Calculated at this point to something like healing bomb)

16: Eternal potion
18: Improbable Elixir
20: PErfect mutagen/Philosopher are both decent but by then the game is over.

Eternal is amazing for some low level utility elixirs like Mistforms and etc
Improbable is (imo) the strongest Alchemist feat since it allows you to snag haste, fly and invisibility for your list, plus another 2-3 utility potions.

Keep in mind, that due to them being level 9 or lower, you can use Eternal on them for permanent haste/fly/etc (only one but you can switch as needed)

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I was thinking about making a staff nexus wizard (with the lvl 10 scroll feat) that takes the scroll trickster dedication for even more scroll crafting. After that take the witch dedication all the way. By the end you have loads of arcane slots, plenty of free per day scrolls, and a staff chock full of charges. Seems like a very versatile and plentiful casting build.

Super Thrower

Begin with Ranger
Pick Rogue Dedication
Strong Arm from Rogue
Far Shot from Ranger

Hunt Prey
Dagger from 10ft throwing distance -> 80ft
Light Hammer 20ft -> 120ft
Javelin 30ft ->160ft
Bladed Diabolo 40ft -> 200ft

Do the rogue throwing feats stack with the alchemist bomb throwing feats?

What would be the best way for a Scoundrel to get Stumbling Feint?

Xenocrat wrote:
Do the rogue throwing feats stack with the alchemist bomb throwing feats?

looks like it.

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I put up a Kobold Cleric/Dragon Disciple build up on Reddit, if anyone wants to take a look at it.

Mellored wrote:
What would be the best way for a Scoundrel to get Stumbling Feint?

monk multiclass and grab flurry at 10

Is the Assassin Archtype any good? I was wanting to make a Catfolk Rogue for a game beginning in 3 weeks.

He is a thief that is charming and deceptive, stealing items and reselling them for profit. I wanted to go into crafting, deception, stealth and thievery mainly but I liked the Assassin archetype because he’s also a contract killer who will basically do anything for money.

A scenario would be he’s hired by a crime boss to get rid of a rival crime boss so he sneaks into his house, kills him, loots his desk of anything valueable and returns for his reward. The next day he’s seen in the market place hawking the items he stole from the job last night.

I mean he’s basically a Khajit from Elder Scrolls. I was just wondering if Assassination gave me anything I couldn’t already get from being a Thief Rogue. Does it do anything super fancy to look out for?

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The assassin archetype grants a rogue access easier tracking and a big burst damage ability in Assassinate.

Its primary benefit, however, is all from the dedication feat itself. If you use daggers (or other agile/finesse weapons), it is particularly good. All told, that would give:

  • +2 circumstance bonus on Feints vs Marked target
  • backstabber vs your mark
  • deadly d6 or improve deadly dice by one vs your target

    The downside is, it isn't good at all in campaigns were most combats are "Open door, roll for for initiative." It requires setup. Mark for Death is horrible action economy for what it gives. You want to apply your good poisons ahead of time.

    The only real benefits it gives in that scenario slightly higher damage with a few rare weapons (backstabber), and then only with a feat. It is much better if you can Mark for Death ahead of time.

  • manbearscientist wrote:

    The assassin archetype grants a rogue access easier tracking and a big burst damage ability in Assassinate.

    Its primary benefit, however, is all from the dedication feat itself. If you use daggers (or other agile/finesse weapons), it is particularly good. All told, that would give:

  • +2 circumstance bonus on Feints vs Marked target
  • backstabber vs your mark
  • deadly d6 or improve deadly dice by one vs your target

    The downside is, it isn't good at all in campaigns were most combats are "Open door, roll for for initiative." It requires setup. Mark for Death is horrible action economy for what it gives. You want to apply your good poisons ahead of time.

    The only real benefits it gives in that scenario slightly higher damage with a few rare weapons (backstabber), and then only with a feat. It is much better if you can Mark for Death ahead of time.

  • Since we have already played in this campaign in D&D 5e and we are doing a “10 year time skip” to change systems and create new characters I have some experience with how the combat will be.

    From my memory and experience it’s very often not a kick down door and roll initiative but more infiltration and stealth focused and trying not to get caught. Tbh it feels like those Sam Fisher games.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Dargath wrote:
    Is the Assassin Archtype any good? I was wanting to make a Catfolk Rogue for a game beginning in 3 weeks.

    As long as you can scout out your target before hand (stealth will work most of the time), yes.

    3 actions to switch targets in the middle of combat is not going to pay off. But doing before initiative is rolls works fine.

    Also combo's nicely with Investigator's Stratagem. Who can pre-roll attacks until a crit is ready. Then drop a big Assinate crit at the start of a combat.

    Probably take Strong Arm as well, so you can throw your dagger/dart from cover.

    Horizon Hunters

    9 people marked this as a favorite.

    I want to play a Dhampir Shoony Investigator.

    You know, a bloodhound.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Flurry of Forks


    Half-Elf / Human
    Or any other race with Starknife/Hatchet

    1: Hunted Shot. Unconventional Weaponry (Filcher's Fork)
    2: Dual-Weapon Warrior Dedication
    4: Dual Thrower
    5: Natural Ambition (Twin takedown)
    6: Far Shot
    8: Scouts Warning
    9: Multitalented (Champion/Rogue)
    10: Champion's Reaction/Nimble Dodge
    12: Distracting Shot
    13: Pinch Time (haste)
    14: Dual Onslaught
    16: Greater Distracting Shot
    17: Heroic Presence
    18: Double Prey
    20: Legendary Shot

    Dual Slice -> Twin Takedown/Hunted Shot = 4 attacks at melee/range at -0/-0/-0*/-0*
    *Flat-Footed is all but guaranteed after the 2nd attack. Add in a good chance to crit->clumsy 1 and your 4th attack could have a better chance to hit than your first. Also helps your allies.

    Edit: Did anyone ever determine of thrown weapons count as ranged weapons? This all will still work with darts if needed.
    Edit2: Yes, it was in the errata. Thrown weapons are ranged when thrown. So all good.

    Liberty's Edge

    Multitalented specifically requires multiclass dedications, and cannot be used to pick up Dual-Weapon Warrior.

    Shisumo wrote:
    Multitalented specifically requires multiclass dedications, and cannot be used to pick up Dual-Weapon Warrior.

    I srcapped that alt plan then.

    Champion at level 9 still works.

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