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Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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For a fox, I would pull out the sworn written testimony from a court of law as its weakness. Foxes are known to be cunning, and the opposite of cunning is honesty and the truth.

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91) The evil thaumaturgist in the employ of the House of Thrune has been tasked with putting down a rebellion. These blood stained rose thorns will punish them with their own patron's symbol.

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ArchSage20 wrote:
sadly knowing paizo they will never release an archetype of the bard without music

This is precisely what the Marshall Archetype is. It is am archetype that buffs allies either through Diplomacy or Intimidation, helps allies get extra attacks and generally does Bard like stuff with more of a Drill Sergeant flavour.

Gortle wrote:

I'd like to see a Bard that was a Bard and not an Occultist. A bit fighter, a bit rogue, with a few songs, but very little spells.

This sounds exactly like the Marshall archetype. Slap it on a warrior and you have a drill sergeant, slap it on a rogue and you have a dude the bolsters their friends with witty reparte.

I would love to see an adventure path based around Razmiran, with Razmir or his followers. Either Razmir looking to expand and stopping it or as Razmiran missionaries looking to do said expansion.

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ArchSage20 wrote:

maybe a int based class considering its one of the least used attributes

wish there was one that was like the alchemist but instead focused on machines and robotics

I don't think that this is very accurate.

STR: Fighter, Barbarian, Champion, Monk, Ranger, Magus, Rogue
DEX: Ranger, Rogue, Swashbuckler, Fighter, Champion, Monk
INT: Witch, Wizard, Investigator, Alchemist
WIS: Druid, Cleric
CHA: Sorceror, Bard, Summoner, Oracle

INT and CHA both having twice as many classes as Wisdom leads me to believe that we need another wisdom based class at some point. A spontaneous Primal or Prepared Occult caster would be my guess.

Deriven Firelion wrote:

2. Summoner: The summoner is a specialized class that uses a summoned creature emulating some other creature like an elemental or demon that serves its summoner.

This creature should be independent similar to an animal companion with its own stats, hit point pool, independent actions, and the like. Modifiable as it grows in power. It should be backed up by a caster with strong casting ability buffing it, not four slots a day with...

I hard disagree with this take on the Summoner, what you have described in just a Druid with an animal companion. The Eidolon being a fused version with the Summoner character lets it be more proficient in martial combat while having two separate entities that can be in two different places.

At it's heart the Summoner is closer to the Magus as being a martial character with light magic rather than being a full on caster with a regular animal companion pet.

Temperans wrote:

But that is the problem.

Magus is supposed tonbe able to land spells with their strike consistently. Needing a critical hit to make sure the spell lands goes against the premise of of the Magus.

Its like trying to get black jack to land your spells. Sure they could do it, but that would be incredibly boring and rare when you only have 4 chances.

Why do they only have 4 chances? You can use Spellstrike with attack Cantrips as well for all day spellstriking.

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MaxAstro wrote:
I for one am never going to stop ragging on how the class named Summoner is currently locked out of the highest level summon spells.

Yes, this is quite the oversight. Even a level 18/20 feat similar to other casters that gives them a 10th level slot that can only be used for Summoning spells would be a nice addition.

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Being huge size does make it more difficult to grapple seeing as you can only grapple things 1 size category larger than yourself. Having that 10ft reach makes it easier to use Whirlwind Maul on a Beast Eidolon. I agree it's not great and could probably be wrapped up into a single feat that auto heightens at a higher level.

I want to know why the Summoner being a backline squishy in the same way as the Wizard or the Sorceror or the Witch makes it any more vulnerable to being attacked? If you have 1 enemy attacking you and 1 on your eidolon you are less likely to take damage becaue your eidolon has better defenses than you do so you would take less damage on average. If they are both attacking your eidolon then again, you would be taking less damage for the same reason. If both attackers are attacking your squishy caster body then how is this different to them attacking the squishy Wizard body?

What about the Summoner makes them a more juicy target to the enemy instead of a Elf summoning a Fireball or the Sorceror manifesting otherworldly tendrils. Meanwhile the Summoner is summoning other monsters and invigorating their summons with power.

Kilgorin0728 wrote:
The summoner is... interesting with the new dynamic between the character and eidolon. I almost feel like a druid with an animal companion not only effectively gets 4 actions between it and the companion, but also has full casting. Yes the eidolon is stronger, but not enough to justify the lack of spellcasting. I like the tandem abilities (seriously why couldn't we have these for animal companions) but I don't think a group of specialized feats makes up...

Think of the summoner less as a pet and more as the Martial part of the partial caster that the Summoner is in the same way that the Magus is. Their attack and armour proficiencies all advance like a non-fighter martial class and you can split your actions between casting, moving, striking, etc.

The Eidolon is a lot stronger than a companion and is close numbers wise to a regular martial character including getting the benefits of Weapon Runes and Armour Runes. You also have the versatility of spellcasting a limited number of high level spells a day as well as Cantrips.

I feel like the Magus focus spell that gran a weapon property rune will be handy if you run into monsters with either a big resistance to the property rune currently on your weapon or into a monster with a decent vulnerability to a certain damage type making the Recall Knowledge feats a little more useful.

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thenobledrake wrote:
Moppy wrote:
Doesn't having stuff to do in the day apply to everyone with a job? I mean, clerics have a job being clericy, right?
That's exactly the point I was making. Cleric is not just a class, it's also a job (a set of duties, at least) - while most other classes don't have the same assumption that you have a job you're meant to be doing, so behavioral assumptions are a lot more loose.

The example given of a Cleric leading singing at the bar while drinking and dancing in the bar is all a part of the day job for a Cleric of Cayden Cailean. They are likely leading worship for their congregation over lunch while doing all this.

It would however be odd for a Cleric of Milani (also CG) to be doing the same thing. This cleric would likely by standing on a crate calling out to people about the tyranny of the government.

Temperans wrote:
Brawler is easier to be brought back as an Archetype because its core ability were Flurry of Blows, weaker Monk AC, Awesome Blow, and flexible feats. Fighter now has flexible feats, Monk has the Flurry. So what the Brawler can give is relatively limited as far as PF1 classes go.

Brawler just works well from the Martial Artist archetype, Fighter Martial Artist for more of a boxer/brawler type, Rogue Martial Artist for a Ninja feel or other martial classes all work well for having slightly different flavours with the archetype. This is something I love about the archetype system.

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For a lot of the regional languages I like to think of them more like mutually intelligible dialects of common. For example English speakers from Australia, Canada, England and the United States can converse and understand each other. However each of them has their own slang, idioms and accents of speech that makes them their own. This is similar to other languages spoken in vastly different countries.

You start to get into communication issues with Common -> Elvish -> Goblin -> Draconic.

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The first thing I saw was the Winter Patron for a Witch and wanted to go all in on the cold.

Dragonscale Kobold (White Dragon for Cold Damage Resistance) with the Winter Child background (Lost Omen's Character Guide), taking the Winter Patron at level 1 as a Witch, taking the Snowball cantrip as our primary damage dealer mixed in with Clinging Ice for a 1-2 punch with 3 actions.

Level 1 Ancestry Feat - Kobold Breath. We get a 30ft line/15 foot cone cold breath for d4 damage (per 2 levels) that gets bonuses from our Basic Lesson.

Level 2 - Class Feat - Basic Lesson of the Elements, the Familiar learning Hydraulic Push.

Level 6 - Class Feat - Greater Lesson of Snow for the Personal Blizzard Hex.

Level 9 - Ancestry Feat - Dragon's Breath, our breath attack can get twice as big and do double damage at the cost of not using it for an hour.

As many of our spells as possible should be dealing cold damage or produce weather effects like wind.

Rushniyamat wrote:

80) A charming Tiefling human swushbuckler who abandoned his grandmother after the circus of "weirdos" they had traveled with was burned.

81) An Orc Oracle of flames who is chased by his tribe because they think he can communicate with their lost spirit ancestors.

82) Aasimar Goblin Liberator Champion of Milani, leader of a slave revolt and defender of the little guy.

83) Kobold Bomber Alchemist/Snare crafter Bounty Hunter, always catches her man...then sometimes blows them up.

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Milani: We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister or Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill

The two characters that I am playing atm

Goblin Champion Male

- Honour was the smallest of his siblings and was left to fend for himself, an outcast from an already outcast ancestry in the world.

- He found the remains of a secretive temple of Milani which caused him to dedicate his life to her cause.

- He takes pride in his equipment and forges it all himself.

Human Sorcerer Female

- Josephine grew up in the church and is a true believer eventually becoming a priest.

- She spends much of her time preaching the good word of Razmir and will help those that wish to join the church.

- She is however quick to anger and she sees it as her greatest weakness.

I think that my players are wanting to try out an evil campaign so the first thing I think I may try my hand at is the Evil versions of the Champion. Lawful Evil - Tyrant, Neutral Evil - Schemer, Chaotic Evil - Fanatic

Name: Honour Kringston (Self given first name)
ABC: Goblin/Blacksmith/Champion(Liberator) of Gorum
Weapon: Longsword and Shield
Battlecry: "In Gorum's name I will prove the might of the Goblins!!!"

Name: Melif the Magnificent (Self given title)
ABC: Human/Street Urchin/Sorcerer (Dragon Bloodline)
Weapon: Devilishly good looks (think Fabio) and a Dragonheaded staff.
Common Phrase: "Keep your eyes on me, this is where the show is."

Name: Tesara
ABC: Elf/Nomad/Bard
Weapon: Dual Wielded Wands (I don't know if this will work but I've had this image in my head of a Lara Croft type with two wands firing off)