![]() Bodyguard is slightly odd in that your ally can walk away and still be protected. In fact, you can punch the ally, Intercept the strike, push the ally off a cliff and he will resist the fall damage, then run the other way. Then the ally can stand up, and run past some Jagged Berms, trigger an reactive stike, get attacked by some other creatures. All while still being protected by you. ![]()
![]() It's not cumulative. Bodyguard effectivly makes the resistance last longer. So if they get hit twice (or more), they are still partially protected. Note the attack doesn't need to be from the same enemy, nor does your ally need to stay next to you (which is a little odd). If an enemy Commander used Ready, Aim, Fire! against your ally, then you Intercept 1 attack and Bodyguard the rest. ![]()
![]() Granite wears away about 1 inch per 1000 years. So 10,000 years it would of worn away about 1 foot. So make each line thicker than 1 foot. Like 10' wide and 5' high, which can only see it clearly from a nearby mountain top. And you can make terrible puns as you climb over "it" or have an NPC meet them over "there". ![]()
![]() Trip.H wrote: If the whiteroom math looks that close in a DPS race, then I'm absolutely happy to say Commander + Big Hitter is a better idea. how much more damage should 2 barbarians do compared to 1 commander and 1 barb, in your opinion. It's at 20% now. Quote: Single-target offensive buffs is another forgotten swing of that equation. Runic Weapon will get more value per casting action, ect. so do debuffs, including focus fire. You needed a Guardian to keep the Barb up. Not that I have any issues with a party with their own niche working together doing more than a party of well rounded characters doing their own thing. Quote: Being an Int class while a full martial is very good for multiple forms of utility, from skills to spells of any list. Going all-in on dps is not a good plan. then MAP doesn't matter if your not using your 3rd action to attack. That leaves the commander with a 2 action "power attack" that will be less than 2 Stikes from whatever their ally is. And less than most 2 action spells. You lose damage, and gain utility. That's the trade. But if you don't think 20% is enough damage loss, how much? Quote: Commander [b]uniquely enables such utility That's a good thing. ![]()
![]() Trip.H wrote: Commander + Big Hitter pairing is 100% better than 2 Big Hitters. level 8 Giant Barb 2d12+4+2+10 = 2960% base hit chance, 10% crit. 2 barbarians, 1 action flank, 2 attacks
Level 8 commander
guiding shot
And it's likely the barbarians will have an extra action here or there while the Commander is short an action here and there. Feel free to double check the math. But I even picked level 8 so the commander wouldn't be behind in Str. ![]()
![]() Trip.H wrote: The Commander allows an extra Strike beyond and independent of that. Every turn, the Commander gets 1 tactic that does NOT burn a Reaction. Meaning, that Giant Barb can do their own MAP 0 Strike, a MAP 0 AoO, and another MAP 0 Strike via Commander. Every single turn, no spell slots, no focus points. 3 Stikes is less than 2 giant barbs doing 2 MAP 0 Stikes + 2 AoO. You need to compare 2 characters to 2 characters. Quote: Our Commander #1 even did go Psychic for that amp, thinking it could double up to get around the 1 tactic limit. But the Barb would generally already use Attack of Opportunity, as the Guardian was a Trip machine right. The Commander needs the extra reaction or it could easily end up useless given all the other ways to grant attack already in the game. Quote: Again, that's how absurdly good Strike Hard is. It's good enough to make what is widely considered a very good focus spell/amp worthless in context. no. It just means they don't stack with the Trip. Allegro and Haste don't stack either. It doesn't make one absurdly good. Quote: Because the Commander's 0 MAP was better spent on his 1A Strike, and the given Strike Reaction was more than worth the 2A vs 1A difference. and the Guardian was spending 1 action+1 Reaction to grant attacks, possibly to multiple allies, while having better armor and hit points. ![]()
![]() Trip.H wrote: As said, Marshal's ability to prompt a Reactive Strike is not the same thing. How is "If you spend 2 actions, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Strike." Different from 2 actions: "That ally immediately attempts a Strike as a reaction." Or "The target of the message can immediately spend its reaction to Step or Stride.
Other than the Commander getting it earlier and having a bit more range? ![]()
![]() Trip.H wrote:
Several classes, like kineticist, summoner, and magus, can do that anyways. Use 2 action for a Dex save, and a 1 action strike with no MAP. You could also have Wolf Drag or spell that knocking someone prone next to a fighter or someone else with Reaction Attack. At higher levels Mountain Quake can do it as a single action. Also, Commander's have Int primary. So their Stike is at -1. ![]()
![]() Lia Wynn wrote: The thorns idea is interesting and I like it. My question would be how would you implement it so that it could not be poached by Champions, Fighters, or others via Guardian Dedication? without Defensive Swap or similar, thorns won't do as much. But I still see it as a subclass thing. Not everyone will want to play a porcupine. ![]()
![]() Lia Wynn wrote:
IMO, I would rather have THP instead of damage resistance. It works better against the big bad a bunch of small attacks. Though maybe you can pick the one you want as a subclass. Behemoth Guard: you gain THP each turn.
![]() Gortle wrote:
Right. Remove it as a core feature, put it somewhere else.Personal I'm leaning towards archetype, as Swashbuckler, Rogue, Fighter, and Bard all seem like they should be able to Taunt as well. ![]()
![]() PossibleCabbage wrote: I'm just not sure there's a way to make taunt work that's satisfying for both GMs and players. To be somewhat fair to Taunt. Sanctuary is a level 1 spell that can make mindless creatures (not) attack someone. So following the same line... Taunt, 2 action
Critical Success Taunt ends.
Still don't want it as a core ability. But something like that would work. ![]()
![]() The-Magic-Sword wrote: 4e Defenders could Mark from a distance (which is what carried the penalty PF2e uses), but had to be adjacent for the punishment, Well I guess the fighter could, since they marked anyone they attacked. But punishment was still melee attack, and bow fighters didn't have as much support. You would basically multiple class into rogue or something. Swordmage mark still needed to be close to the enemy, but not adjacent, but it was the only one that lasted more than a turn. Thus allowing using it as some distance. Paladins mark an adjacent and delt unescapeable damage even if the enemy ran. But you needed to be adjacent to apply it again. Warden marked all adjacent enemies, had a ranged pull enemies back towards you, as well as a melee attack punishment Battlemind marked an adjacent and could Step when an marked enemy Step, keeping them adjacent, as well as a melee attack punishment. ![]()
![]() The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Taunt in MMO's forced enemies to attack because that's the way the bots worked. You couldn't have "if the bot attacks an ally..." as a mechanism. Note that Taunt doesn't work in PvP.There is no Taunt in Overwatch. Again, doesn't work in PvP. All the 4e defenders, except the Swordmage, required you to be adjacent + some punishment if the enemy attacked an ally. Swordmage a bit like PF2 Champion with ranged damage reduction, which doesn't have a Taunt either. To be clear. I wasn't suggesting removing Taunt. So you could still bang on your shield to attract attention you can take that feat (subclass?). But I don't see it's a core option. ![]()
![]() Exocist wrote:
IMO Zone of control + a reaction that triggers off the "enemy".I.e Theat technique
Mitigate Harm: reaction
That solves the positioning issue, as you just want to be next to the biggest enemy on the field.
Obviously there's room for a few "ally" feats (Bodyguard) . But yea. Focus on enemies. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote:
It's the same distance as taking 3 stride actions. But I'm sure it thing could be tweaked. Main point is that you can have mobile and stationary options while still having Str and heavy armor. Quote: An ability that lets you Stride towards an ally, and if you end your movement adjacent to that ally you grant them and yourself temp hp. sure. ![]()
![]() Bluemagetim wrote:
It's even more odd when you line up 5 Gardians, they each Intercept, and transfer the damage 25'. And yea. I hope it changes. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote:
IMO, if the guardian is running away, there are other issues with the class. Quote:
It let's you overcome the armor penalty and expand your intercept range, but not really be useful for running away. And it keeps the trade-off with one that makes you tankier but immobilize.
https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4284 ![]()
![]() Intercept Rail Gun Line up a bunch of Guardians and one ally. Attack the ally with dagger.
Now that he is taking physical damage, the next one in line can use Intercept Strike. Repeat until the dagger is moving at relativistic speeds. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote: I want the heavily Armored high AC Guardian to feel slow but powerful, and I want the fast "All around the battlefield" Guardian to feel a little squishier by comparison Not sure why you can't get that though feat choices. Quote: "Fleet" is one of, if not the best general feat. Not sure I agree, but I can nerf it a bit. Examples Ready Movement, 1 action
And Timber Sentinel, 1, 2 or 3 actions.
![]() Riccardo Olivieri wrote: Isn't it bizarre that in the same playtest one class has feats that allow them to fit into the other's area of expertise? no. Plenty of classes have overlapping options. Even the offensive Gunslinger has Deflecting Shot to protect an ally. It's what Yuri said.
YuriP wrote: this is not a criticism to commander, but to guardian that IMO is currently failing in protecting its allies and itself.
![]() Bluemagetim wrote:
"Hit Point value represents your health, wherewithal, and heroic drive". So temporary wherewithal and heroic drive. I also imagine bracing for impact. ... can shields have Temporary hit points? ![]()
![]() OrochiFuror wrote: anytime the Guardian loses HP(but not temp HP) from a taunted target they get an equal amount of temp HP. That kind of makes Taunt less effective, since the enemy will be dealing half damage to you. Maybe if you could shared the THP with your allies as well. Quote: having powerful abilities like sweeping strikes cost or require you have temp HP also a cool idea. I could definitely see the guardian generating and spending THP like the Swashbuckler generates panache. How about... Whenever an ally takes damage, you gain THP equal to half the damage delt.
And then stuff like. When you Stike, you expend your THP to add that amount to your damage roll. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote:
it works the same no matter what level the opponent is. Quote:
The trade-off is spending a feat. Quote: Edit: This feat would also become a must-take for the Dex-based subclass I'd imagine. Do you find Fleet to be a must-take feat? Because it's a lot more accessible. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote: This would make succeeding that roll against higher level creatures disproportionately harder and do the opposite for lower level creatures. that's true for any roll. Simply having it retarget you will work on any level. I suppose if you want it to be like concealment, you could use a flat check. Quote: firstly, I don't want to punish Guardians who invest into non-heavy armor for extra move speed Armored Mobility, level 1 feat. The speed penalty for armor you are wearing is reduced by 5'.![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote:
what if the DC was the attack roll? Still not much in favor of double rolling, but at least this way your not redoing a previous roll. Perhaps also use your AC as the bonus. AC-10+d20 vs Attack Roll or effect DC. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote:
They shouldn't be the same mechanics or theme. But at the end of the day, they should add up to about the same amount. (Obviously with some variety depending on the enemies and rolls). Quote: Personally I feel like making it a roll would make using the ability more exciting though Maybe if the difference between Success and Failure where larger. I.e.
![]() Timber Sentinel Stance, 2 actions, stance
*could use another name. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote: It might just be very annoying to play against. This also matters less because its the players who use it, but while you shouldn't try to kill your players as a GM, there is still fun in trying to challenge them and make them a little scared every now and then. So while it matters less, how an ability feels to play against as a GM should still matter a little. the guardian should add as much survivability as a cleric. I.e.
Both reduce the effectiveness of focus fire. And healing doesn't have a save.
![]() Angwa wrote:
IMO, have a reaction that triggers of an adjacent enemy not attacking you. Maybe Reposition them. But there is still room for a reverse Gang Up feat. pU ganG
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote: I think his criticism was regarding "Intercept" requiring a check. If I understood his point correctly, his concern is that having to make one check before resolving the other check might slow down or disrupt combat. That is my main complaint. But i also don't see how it adds to the game.Champions don't need to roll for their reaction. No one is sad about that. ![]()
![]() Gortle wrote:
Well it could be an Escape against your class DC. But I still kind of feel like all the athletic maneuvers would fit really well with the guardian, and having it scales will let all the class feats interact with them (i.e. Flying Tackel) ![]()
![]() Agree resistance would be a nice core feature. Don't think we need all the different ability scores though. Str allows for starting in Full Plate, which i think should be the default. You could still use those subclass ideas without modifying the key score. Though, if your doing recall knowledge, you should learn about the enemies attacks, not their defense. Knowing a dragon's breath is Reflex instead of Fortitude would (or should) be more useful. ![]()
![]() emptyptr_97 wrote: I find it weird how, in the original guardian, this has a very impactful ability and "absolute" ability had no check associated with it, while the ability that is just a debuff has. I feel like it should be the other way around. So I added a check. can't say I like interrupting a roll to make a roll to see what penalty you need to subtract from a roll. I do agree Tackel Ally should be the default Intercept. But not with that name. Otherwise I like the suggestions and agree with the overall direction. ![]()
![]() If your going to make Tauntes a condition, then it should be a basic action anyone can do. And I don't see how a Guardian would do it better than a Bard or Swashbuckler. IMO
Replace with Titan Wrestler, scaling Athletics, and some kind of Immobilize / Trip / Grapple / Disarm. I.e. Contain Foes