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graystone wrote:
Lucerious wrote:
graystone wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I was stunned to find out a little while back that there's no real way to use any axes on a Monk. My dreams of a Frozen Shadow viking-ninja were dashed.
Ancestral Weaponry, Azarketi Weapon Familiarity and Monastic Weaponry gets you Boarding Axe as a monk weapon [and uses simple], while the same with Grippli Weapon Familiarity gets you the Hand Adze. This means that you can get monk axes by 2nd level.
Catfolk get hatches as well.
"For you, melee weapons with that ancestry trait and either the agile or finesse trait gain the monk trait." While Catfolk Weapon Familiarity does give you Trained in the hatchet, the weapon doesn't have the ancestry trait and therefor doesn't qualify for Ancestral Weaponry so it can't gain the monk trait.

This is also a fine point I really hate

that causes the ancestral weaponry to be AT MOST one weapon per ancestry
and I fall flat on my face when I was considering a rapier wielding elf monk

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I totally agree with you, of one is a Monk and wants to use dexterity AND weapons one is forever damned to Deal second rate damage

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Your Thaumaturge is a cook

Amulet: A Tastevin (the thing a Sommiler wears around their neck)

Bell: Is the dingy bell rung when a dish is done

Chalice: a measuring cup or a soup ladle

Lantern: a coal from the hearth of your home, the place where you learned to cook, forever glowing

Mirror: a finely polished silver platter

Regalia: your chefs hat that your teacher handed down to you

Tome: Your families recipe book

Wand: A wooden spoonm handed down by your nana who made the worlds best sauces with it

Weapon: a kitchen knife, a meat cleaver, a meat tenderizer, a rolling pin

Esoterica: you never leave home with your bag filled with handpicked spices

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Temperans wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Can't believe people have their rose-tinted goggles on so hard that they're reminiscing about the halcyon days of PF1 firearms where only Gunslingers could full attack with muskets
Compared to the rose tinted PF2 glasses where only gunslingers and fighter can actually use firearms.

Everybody CAN use firearms

and done right a number of them effectively

-Ranger with Precision Edge has a good chunk of damage on top

-Investigator knows exactly WHEN to use the firearm or rather smack a b$@+$ in a different way

-Rogues who debuff (or make use of it) have really nasty crits

-Magi have a horrible action economy but devastating output and can True Strike / Debuff themselves

-Inventor can upgrade the weapon to be more effective

-bastion champion can use a shield and agun, paladin can aoo enemies striking your allies

-Thaumaturge with weapon implement can short distance aoo

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I'm currently looking over the firearms again and I must say, I am most disappointed with 2 things

No repeating martial option

The damage dice of combination weapons (sure, they save money of the runes but besides that are mostly...crummy, especially if you can't go for dex AND strength)

tell your buddy that a realy dagger is way superior, so much that they changed the wrist dagger in later games just to a fancy sheath for a normal dagger

aobst128 wrote:
Seisho wrote:
Pixel Popper wrote:
Seisho wrote:
Never gonna take the bullet Dancer though, why would I put d4 melee strikes between short ranged d6 shots of I can either Go füll Ränge as monastic Archer or full melee both with easy d8 or at least consistent d6?
Musket w/ Reinforced Stock (Finesse and Two-Hand d6).
while technically correct...that is certainly not what I would be looking for with the archetype
The archetype certainly suggests dual wielding. It doesn't have dual weapon reload confoundingly so muskets are the better bet until 12th level with bullet dancer reload. Picking up gunslinger dedication at some point for reloading strike is also pretty necessary with bullet dancer. Works well with bullet dancer burn after a FOB.

Yeah, the archetype needs to jump through a LOT of hoops to work as one would imagine it

Temperans wrote:
Berhagen wrote:
My issue with guns in Pathfinder is not the gunslinger. It is the gun for everyone who is not a gunslinger……. it is supposed to be the easy, everyone can use it well weapon (well comparatively). That it clearly is not in PF2.

Yep guns should be the type of weapon anyone can use even a lowly wizard and still be able to hit and deal damage. But the way it was done in PF2 only Fighter and Gunslinger can really get anything out of it. Ranger can't use their signature "hunter shot". The last person you want using a gun is the wizard.

Even the "spellshot" archetype was originally a PF1 Wizard archetype that let wizard shoot spells out of guns; But a PF2 2 wizard with a gun much less shooting spells out of guns is a joke.

I remember the spellshot beeing really horrible with a high chance of the spell exploding into your face and misfire on top

shooting spells out of a gun is easy in pf2 with beast gunner or a magus with a dedication

Pixel Popper wrote:
Seisho wrote:
Never gonna take the bullet Dancer though, why would I put d4 melee strikes between short ranged d6 shots of I can either Go füll Ränge as monastic Archer or full melee both with easy d8 or at least consistent d6?
Musket w/ Reinforced Stock (Finesse and Two-Hand d6).

while technically correct...that is certainly not what I would be looking for with the archetype

Ryuujin-sama wrote:
_shredder_ wrote:
My christmas themed pine leshy thaumaturge will use a sugar cane as a wand and a pompous christmas tree topper as the regalia.

Man that is a great idea. Are the Seedpods, assuming you use that feat, pinecones?

With Thaumaturge up in Pathbuilder so I can sit down and try and build this stuff out, instead of just having ideas rolling around as I read the book, I am building a Cactus Leshy. Mostly because that also gives me a melee unarmed strike as well if needed. Pathbuilder automatically defaults to Bartender as Background, and after some thought that actually doesn't feel bad for a Cactus Leshy. And a Thaumaturge probably wants Diplomacy anyway.

Please make your chalice a Stein with cactus Juice then, makes people hallucinate Feeling better

I Like guns in general
They are sometimes a little...careful about their damage Output (which one feels especially with combination weapons) but besides that they are a fun Option

Never gonna take the bullet Dancer though, why would I put d4 melee strikes between short ranged d6 shots of I can either Go füll Ränge as monastic Archer or full melee both with easy d8 or at least consistent d6?

Admittedly my view might be slightly influnced from me mostly playing in Dual class Games which can help out with Action Economy and third action options

At the very least the 'wingless' sprites have their very own take on souls and mortality

If the player wants to speed up the aging of the egg into a fully grown hippogryph I would argue that this is more the room for a carefully researched occult (maybe primal) ritual, not a spell

of course with the right sources (gm set sidequest npc) can lead to a whole sidequest line

Actually, technically... I think you could cast resurrection on an undead PC even if they aren't destroyed. They're still the corpse of a dead creature, after all - it's just a moving around kind of dead.
but you do collect bones you can use to help yourself mend.


A skeleton’s connection to its mortal
remains is tenuous. One that’s damaged
can fairly easily replace a broken
bone with a similar bone scavenged
from another creature. A skeleton can
eventually have its entire body replaced,
bone by bone. Skeletons don’t have
much of an identity, making it unclear
whether this is still the same creature.

oh boy, that's gonna mess with any resucrecction attempt

imagine critically succeeding at 'resurecting' a skeleton and suddenly you have two dozen naked totally unrelated people around

A while ago I had the idea of coming up with one weapon of each category - for each ancestry.

I kind of got stuck after a while (and am currently playing other TTRPGs), as you can imagine it's a big load of work.

I still want to share what I thought up so far

Ancestral Weapons expanded

I tried to keep the general balance of the game in mind as well as the flavor of the different ancestries - and also the ancestral weaponry feats that are imo rarely worth picking up (hence theres a big number of advanced weapons)

I'd love to hear some feedback and what kind of weapons you would add

I guess the Problem ist that while finishern so 3.5 more damage then a Sneak Attack
They either have to Deal with a Bad Attack or Lock you out of other attacks (and therefore maneuvers) while a rogue can just Hit again
2 Sneak attacks are Plains better then a finisher (+a regular Strike)

I guess If you funnel the
Alcohol straight into the stomach using a small Tube of sorts and a Medicine Check
Otherwise I would agree that force feeding multiple bottles (of hopefully strong) alcohol is going to be hard

Maybe put a bottle of distilled alcohol in between to Speed up the process

Marcus Steelfeather wrote:
Lazarus Dark wrote:

That said, I also think flavor-wise, I wouldn't use an ancestry weapon as an innovation, you'll be strapping various mods to it and making it explode and I think that might be a huge insult to other members of your ancestry to use thier ancestral weapon in such a way.
I don't think gnomes would mind. Most of them seems to be good inventors.

Yeah, the flickmace is pretty much a Mace that went through the leveling up process of an inventor :P

Consider: primitive firearms have not that much power in their bullets then modern, on top of that there are many more enemies who are naturally armored or have metal plating or other reinforced materials around

so hitting yourself with a blunderbuss is probably riccochet

Very traditional would of course be Fighter or Champion hellknights. While for Champions Paladin as Well as tyrant cause will Suite Well.

It probably depends a little in the Tone of your campaign and which hellknight Order you pick.

Clerics of Infernal Patrons (and other lawful entities) make good signifers
Well, so so probably Most lawful spellcasters to a certain degree

As for the Combat Side, again depending in the Order, Most martials except from maybe rogue, Monk and swahbuckler, can be Made into a proper hellknight
(I just now Realize how many exceptions that makes ^^°)

Investigator, thaumaturgist and Ranger are all great for hunting down criminals and monsters
Vanguard and drifter gunslinger make good frontliners, even If it is statwise a Bit harder

Lets forget about the bow for a Moment

What does OP want?

If it is rogue Versatility, skills + Magic with Sneak Attack

Increase dex to 16, consider If you need the Archetyp at lvl 1 (other Rackets might actually be better) and Go for it.
Consider different Options to get the enemy flatfooted and try to have fun

If it is Magical facepunching the Magus is probably the better choice as they can benefit from Weapon Attack Bonus
And the damage of a unarmed cantrip spellstrike is roughly in par with spell trickster Sneak Attack - without Conditions (ff) but with recharge

It might Not be optimal Stat wide but a gymnast swahbuckler would probably also make a rather decent Wrestler

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I think the Dual Weapon reload should be a passive, Like the bulwarks nimble shield Hand, instead of an active
Basically Just enabling one handed reloading (of any Kind) with something in your other hand
That would certainly help

I've read the whole thread three times again and honestly...I give up

Maybe it is because english is not my first language but I am not able to explain Karmagator this really simple thing for whatever reason as he sees a problem where there is none.

We have 18 posts which basically all explain the same thing in about a dozen different ways and I am really not sure where the point does not get across

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I got a map of Arcadia. Very happy girl right here.
The moment I saw that section, I immediately thought of how happy it'd make you! :)

Cutest post I've read all day

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Karmagator wrote:
Seisho wrote:

I am reading through the whole threat and honestly Karmagator I am not sure that I understand where the problem lies.

So lets try to go over it once more slowly.


1. Requires you to have 10 feet of movement speed to be able to do it.

2. You can only use step with your landspeed. That means that you have to 'walk' or 'make steps' to use step. No flying, no swimming, no climbing

3. Step moves you 5 feet. How much movement you have is irrelevant.

3.1. Some feats enable you to make 10 foot steps. Your actual movement is still irrelevant. This point irrelevant for everything following it.

4. Step does not Trigger reactions.

5. You can NOT step into difficult terrain.

6. If you have feather step you ignore 5.

Basically, does Feather Step allow you to Step into difficult terrain in the sense that you also ignore the "moving into difficult terrain cost 10ft of movement" rule, as you can only move 5. Or does it just ignore the "You can't Step into difficult terrain" rule? Because if the latter is true, then Feather Step is useless on its own.

It is the first

Feather step allows you to move into diffivult terrain. It has nothing to do with movement. 'Moving into difficult terrain' is not appliccable here

Since Champions are per very definition >Divine< Champions the Laws of Mortality are pretty much at odds with the class.

The Green Faith seems like it could be compatible. Of course there are no Domains to Take. I would personally allow for a Green Faith Champion in my games, for most part it does not make much of a different.

But purely technically speaking the Green Faith is not a Deity that can grant Magic and so would not qualify.

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I am reading through the whole threat and honestly Karmagator I am not sure that I understand where the problem lies.

So lets try to go over it once more slowly.


1. Requires you to have 10 feet of movement speed to be able to do it.

2. You can only use step with your landspeed. That means that you have to 'walk' or 'make steps' to use step. No flying, no swimming, no climbing

3. Step moves you 5 feet. How much movement you have is irrelevant.

3.1. Some feats enable you to make 10 foot steps. Your actual movement is still irrelevant. This point irrelevant for everything following it.

4. Step does not Trigger reactions.

5. You can NOT step into difficult terrain.

6. If you have feather step you ignore 5.

Is there something like the (Drow) Shootist Bandolier for regular firearms?

Okay as side notes.

The NPCs just founded the guild in an old building they got from a relative, so they are their own bosses.

They have (up to now) no running costs except for basic living costs

Also thanks already for the answers so far, there were already some useful infos.

That makes me Wonder If gunslinger can get advanced guns legendary Like Fighter could

Are there many pretty pictures of the numerous weird guns? :D

(Are ther maybe even more guns in the grand bazaar?)

My Party decided on an adventurers guild as a setup for the campaing. I really like the idea, enables some easy questing with occassional oddball quests in between.

We soon came to talk about fees for the guild and we are all not sure avout how to go about it.

Skilled hirelings are half a gold a day, which is not a lot for the average adventurer

the next more expansive service starts at 4 gold a day which in turn seems quite expansive

So, question to all gamemasters - how would you go on about assigning fees for your guilds customers and rewards for your campaigns heroes?

Do the Sniper Gunslinger Way only work with two-handed firearms or could one use a pistol for that?

Funny enough the upcoming mithral tree is a firearm with the parry trait
I don't know if that is martial or advanced though (I would believe martial)

but since it's an elvish weapon and a firearm it's probably also uncommon, if not rare

If we go with the fantasy trope of a strapped buckler - maybe

if we go with an actual buckler - no chance

drawing the arrow with the same hand you would use your buckler woulr be cumbersome at best because the buckler is blocking your free movement range when you want to use the arrow

How many reload actions (besides the slingers reloads) are there?

What to they (or at least some of them) do?

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Fun fact I noticed yesterday

If you play with dual class - the Twisting Tree staff fulfills the requirements for a Ruffian Racket Rogue

I don't know about the captivator and actually would hate for the mesmerist to be absorbed

It was a great class with lots of flavor, there still could be done a lot with it.

(And while the legendary mesmerist looks not bad I think it misses out on the martial half and think a wavecaster could work that)

Squiggit wrote:
Legenderic wrote:
I would like to know if there is a Way of the Sniper, if so, what are the Features of this Way?

Proficiency in Stealth

One action Reload + Take Cover or Hide.

Initial Deed: If you roll stealth for initiative, draw a gun as a free action and deal extra precision damage on your first strike on your first turn.

9th: Two action strike that deals extra damage and bleed if the target is flat footed (it's just a regular strike if they aren't)

15: 1-action strike that adds the bonus damage from your first level deed if you're hidden or undetected by the target.

So the precision damage is just for the first shot?

Michael Sayre wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Can someone tell me what the double barrel trait does?
Gun has two barrels. You can fire them separately to space out the time between reloading, or you can fire them both at once for a damage boost.

are they reloaded individually? or does one get a reload 'discount' if you reload both at a time?

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Does Drifter still get rebounding assault? Found that specific skill rather silly tbh

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HumbleGamer wrote:
Kyrone wrote:
No, nothing from numeria, have even a sidebar saying that the book was not meant for that type of tech.

Right in the spot!

Fun fact: what makes me even more sad is that the majority of my group sticks with the idea of an old style fantasy setting, so we'd probably won't be using the gunslinger or guns.

Gotta definitely find a different one to make a few oneshot with all this stuff.

I am glad that Numeria stuff is seperated

And afaik the Gunslinger still works with crossbows so it shouldn't be hard to use that class at least

what was the concussive feat? read it a few times but didn't catch what it does

If you crit with critical fusion and use the firearm part - does it use regular or fatal damage?

What are the elvish and gnomish guns like?

It is probably all a matter of flavour
If your Eidolons weapons (who are part of the manifestation of the Eidolon itself, so technically a part of their body) are looking like actual weapons they have probably all the neccessary accessiore (sword sheat, quiver for arrows, a sling to hang the axe in etc)
If you have a construct eidolon there is nothing speaking against retractable claws (or a sheathable weapon it wields)
and of course retractable claws of a cat (beast eidolon) or stuff like that is very possible too

but mechanically it makes no difference at all. If your Eidolon can use manipulate actions, it can use manipulate actions and thats it.
Natural Weapons don't impede that in any way (of course it might look like your Eidolon has incredible manual dexterity from an in universe point of view)

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Sagiam wrote:
Seisho wrote:

*reading the 5e which is around for 6 years, has gotten barely any new content, will be replaced in 3 years which are probably also devoid of any notable content*


*Looks at Pathfinder pdf collection and Paizos release schedule*

I think I'm good...

And it's FREE on a regularly updated website with a SEARCH FUNCTION.

Edit: Legally and Officially too!

Yeah, got to love it. Still gonna buy at least most pdfs (because I love and support them)

I just wish that I could get my hands on the pdfs as early as some of the subscribers *sigh*

Well, can't be everything perfect I guess

Probably not, at least not that I am aware of

Probably something between gaunt to straightup skeletal

...this reminds me that I still have never seen an alive Kasatha without something covering it's face...

ouch, I really imagined that to look different
does the artillerist archetype help with that?

Squiggit wrote:

Three new crossbows: repeating versions of the existing hand/normal/heavy crossbow.

They're mostly identical to their simple versions but have 1 less reload (reload 0 for the hand/normal crossbow and 1 for the heavy) and the repeating trait, which requires you to spend 3 actions to reload the magazine after 5 shots.

The hand/normal crossbow are advanced weapons and the heavy crossbow is martial.

The repeating hand crossbow is technically not even new, too bad I hoped for more

What about the backpack ballista? how does that work?

What are the Martial Crossbows?

Would you give us a rough picture of one or two?