Player's Guide

Return of the Runelords

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Starting book one in four days.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

Why not drop it on Paizo's facebook or twitter account?

In the past when there were website issues some miniatures blogs were dropped on facebook, i think...
Just saying.

That decision is above my pay grade.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Why not drop it on Paizo's facebook or twitter account?

In the past when there were website issues some miniatures blogs were dropped on facebook, i think...
Just saying.

Facebook doesn't do PDF personalization so well.

In a post by Vic Wertz (co owner) he states that every PDF that Paizo distributes goes thru their watermarker, non negotiable. LINK HERE

So that ends the dropbox / facebook drop issue, dead in its tracks.

-- david

Dark Archive

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Thank you for the answers, James, Zaister & Papa-DRB.

I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow at least with today being labour day.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Personally I wouldn't run an AP until I have at least the first 3 books, preferably all 6. I have been burned in the past over not knowing what is happening in the next module(s).

Scarab Sages

Toblakai wrote:
Personally I wouldn't run an AP until I have at least the first 3 books, preferably all 6. I have been burned in the past over not knowing what is happening in the next module(s).

That's certainly a risk, but given James' track record and the success of Shattered Star, we're not worried. :)

Scarab Sages

Olwen wrote:
Catharsis wrote:
My DM already has the first module’s PDF, yet still no Player’s Guide. The lack of Player’s Guide is literally blocking us from playing the game now. :(
As your DM, you know that's literally not true, right. Just be patient, it'll come when it comes. Website being down and all. And if it's not this week, it'll be the next one! :)

(For the record, though: We did just cancel Thursday's session for want of a Player's Guide.)

Dark Archive

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So any chance of an ETA on this please?

Our first session is tomorrow, so our GM went ahead and made his own Player's Guide.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'm hoping it could show up on our site here at, quite literally, ANY second. Everything, as far as I know, is in place for it to go live. Thanks for your patience everyone while we dealt with our website issues in the meantime.

Thanks James for keeping us in the loop. Looking forward to the player guide as well as the players in my group. This is the next AP we are running after finishing up Hell's Vengeance.

If it does show up today.....please somebody link it in this thread. The site has become a lot harder to navigate since all of the changes :P

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It's up.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Yay! Now if only my subscription would ship...

Dark Archive

Okay so not to sound like the pain in the ass children on a long car ride but "Are we there yet?". I pre-ordered the RotR 3 series (funny how the initials are the same as the first.

So is the players guide going to be released? I know there is not much in it but I would love to give it to my group to start reading. Second question is for James J, I keep hearing hints this is the last AP. Is that mean for the original PF rule set or ever? I can't imagine it is the last AP forever, that would be foolish to not supply new content.

Anyway I am SOOO hyped and looking forward to running this campaign. Thanks for making this a reality.

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LordHelmet wrote:

Okay so not to sound like the pain in the ass children on a long car ride but "Are we there yet?". I pre-ordered the RotR 3 series (funny how the initials are the same as the first.

So is the players guide going to be released? I know there is not much in it but I would love to give it to my group to start reading. Second question is for James J, I keep hearing hints this is the last AP. Is that mean for the original PF rule set or ever? I can't imagine it is the last AP forever, that would be foolish to not supply new content.

Anyway I am SOOO hyped and looking forward to running this campaign. Thanks for making this a reality.

The players guide is up (LINK)

Neither, it is the next to last Pathfinder 1st Edition AP.

-- david

I'm really liking the traits....they are very flavorful and definitely story driven. Two so far have confusing elements though.....

Accidental clone: is obviously a nod to events of Shattered Star....but states you must be human (what if a non-human is the recipient of the effect)....and that you can retain your gender (as a clone of Sorshen your gender would be female) ?

Intrigued by Thassilon: say's you can "once per adventure" take 20 on a use magic device check or activate a charged magic item without using a charge. How is "adventure" defined for this ?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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nighttree wrote:

I'm really liking the traits....they are very flavorful and definitely story driven. Two so far have confusing elements though.....

Accidental clone: is obviously a nod to events of Shattered Star....but states you must be human (what if a non-human is the recipient of the effect)....and that you can retain your gender (as a clone of Sorshen your gender would be female) ?

Intrigued by Thassilon: say's you can "once per adventure" take 20 on a use magic device check or activate a charged magic item without using a charge. How is "adventure" defined for this ?

If a non-human is the recipient of the effect they're human once they get their new body. Your GM is free to fiddle with that as they wish in a way similar to how reincarnate works... but the simplest solution is to just make your PC a human woman. All else being equal, your gender would be female, but if you want to be a male version of Sorshen that's fine too, again—something for you to work the details out with your GM.

"Adventure" is defined as the adventure. Once your GM puts down volume 1 and starts running volume 2, you're on a new adventure. There are six of them in the AP. This is a case where I think you're overthinking the words. Adventure means "once per book" and that's that.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bargains all say "at 10% its normal price"- was that supposed to be 10% off its normal price or 10% of its normal price; ie a 100 gp item is 90 gp or 10 gp?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I must say, a really great and comprehensive player's guide. :)

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yaaay! :) Good stuff. I'm thinking of accepting the challenge and taking Time Lost. >:)

nighttree wrote:
Accidental clone: is obviously a nod to events of Shattered Star....but states you must be human (what if a non-human is the recipient of the effect)....and that you can retain your gender (as a clone of Sorshen your gender would be female) ?

You might have been a man before but got placed in a Sorshen clone, so you'd be female anatomically but might still identify as male. That why it says «gender identity» in the trait.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Reckless wrote:

Bargains all say "at 10% its normal price"- was that supposed to be 10% off its normal price or 10% of its normal price; ie a 100 gp item is 90 gp or 10 gp?

A 100 gp item would be 90 gp. Sorry for the confusion.

James Jacobs wrote:
Reckless wrote:

Bargains all say "at 10% its normal price"- was that supposed to be 10% off its normal price or 10% of its normal price; ie a 100 gp item is 90 gp or 10 gp?

A 100 gp item would be 90 gp. Sorry for the confusion.

"at 10%" vs "10% off"

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.

D'awww. I was looking forward to buying a magic weapon with my first 200 gp. I guess it was too good to be true.

On the upside: I'd really like for my Monk to have traveled to an abandoned monastery to meet a hermit, only to find the monastery vibrant and alive, with two dozen students and masters who teach the seven virtues in Ancient Thassilonian. After training there for a couple of years or so, she leaves again, only to find out the monastery really has been abandoned for millennia, while its archaeological records show that a student of her name did attend the monastery during the Thassilonian age. :o)

Is that in keeping with the trait's intention, or am I taking too much liberty here...?

(If that's too much time travel, I'll just have her train with a present-day master in the ruin of a Thassilonian monastery, and have her experience flashbacks from back the monastery's heyday.)

I'd allow it. It sounds really fun and cool.

Course, I'm not James Jacobs, so I can't say if that's the intent behind it.

Scarab Sages

I'm leaning toward the flashback version for now. It seems unrealistic for the Monk never to see a calendar or hear the date uttered during two years...

It's also quite a bit more of an achievement to reconstruct Thassilonian Martial Arts from flashbacks than to just take a course! And it requires no metaphysical shenanigans other than what the campaign trait is offering. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Catharsis wrote:

D'awww. I was looking forward to buying a magic weapon with my first 200 gp. I guess it was too good to be true.

On the upside: I'd really like for my Monk to have traveled to an abandoned monastery to meet a hermit, only to find the monastery vibrant and alive, with two dozen students and masters who teach the seven virtues in Ancient Thassilonian. After training there for a couple of years or so, she leaves again, only to find out the monastery really has been abandoned for millennia, while its archaeological records show that a student of her name did attend the monastery during the Thassilonian age. :o)

Is that in keeping with the trait's intention, or am I taking too much liberty here...?

(If that's too much time travel, I'll just have her train with a present-day master in the ruin of a Thassilonian monastery, and have her experience flashbacks from back the monastery's heyday.)

Your GM is the one who'd need to make that call, not me. ;-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:

D'awww. I was looking forward to buying a magic weapon with my first 200 gp. I guess it was too good to be true.

On the upside: I'd really like for my Monk to have traveled to an abandoned monastery to meet a hermit, only to find the monastery vibrant and alive, with two dozen students and masters who teach the seven virtues in Ancient Thassilonian. After training there for a couple of years or so, she leaves again, only to find out the monastery really has been abandoned for millennia, while its archaeological records show that a student of her name did attend the monastery during the Thassilonian age. :o)

Is that in keeping with the trait's intention, or am I taking too much liberty here...?

(If that's too much time travel, I'll just have her train with a present-day master in the ruin of a Thassilonian monastery, and have her experience flashbacks from back the monastery's heyday.)

Oooh, I like it! If I were your DM I'd give that the all clear.

Scarab Sages

It's a bit much. ;o) I'm going with the milder, shenanigan-free version; training with a present-day master in a ruined monastery and using flashbacks to the Thassilonian age to reconstruct the Thassilonian martial arts.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??

I hope Ayavah has a role to play in the AP as well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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magnuskn wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??
I hope Ayavah has a role to play in the AP as well.

She does. Not a big one, but it sets her up with a bigger role going forward.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??

Redeemed by herself, for the most part.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??
Redeemed by herself, for the most part.

And here, some of us had the mental image of Nocticula and Sorshen lounging in the Eye of Desire sipping margaritas while chatting about redemption paths.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??
Redeemed by herself, for the most part.
And here, some of us had the mental image of Nocticula and Sorshen lounging in the Eye of Desire sipping margaritas while chatting about redemption paths.

Her redeeming herself doesn't mean she can't have drinks with Sorshen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
So it seems (from various comments at Gencon and the entry on deities in the Players guide for this AP) that Nocticula is on the verge of ascending to Godhood (or should that be Goddesshood?) as a Chaotic Neutral - redeemed at last, but by whom......I'm assuming that this is a tale that draws from the book God's Demon and that someone has helped Nocticula on her path to redemption......maybe Shamira was sent by Sarenrae......??
I hope Ayavah has a role to play in the AP as well.
She does. Not a big one, but it sets her up with a bigger role going forward.

Thanks, I was hoping for that. I really love how you set up little stuff like that over many adventure paths. :D

Can I haz answurz nyow?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For anyone interested, I'm Brother Fen's GM, and these are the campaign traits I came up with before the player's guide was out:

Campaign Traits:

Altered Ancestry: Something has altered events in the history of your family, and this shift has made changes to your true nature. Between each chapter of the Adventure Path, additional shifts in the timeline happen and you may retrain any one choice made for your character for free (without spending time or money to do so).

Cove Local: You have spent several years in Roderick’s Cove and know the Cove and its people well. You know everything in the gazetteer section above without needing to make any rolls. Additionally, you gain a +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local) and Sense Motive rolls involving or opposed by citizens of Roderick’s Cove. One of these skills (chosen by you) is a class skill for you.

Cypher Puzzler: You have a fascination with runes and puzzles, exemplified by the Cypher Gates in Riddleport and the runes scattered throughout Varisia. You gain Thassilonian as a bonus language and gain a +2 on all skill checks involving riddles or puzzles.

Gob-Smacked: Whether it’s the sewer goblins under Magnimar, the tribes surrounding Sandpoint’s hinterlands, or the goblins of the Churlwood, you have been savaged by the little buggers at some point in the past. Building something of an obsession with the runts, you know their habits and how to fight them. You gain a +2 to Knowledge (Local) skill rolls involving creatures of the goblin subtype, and gain a +1 trait damage to attack and damage rolls against such creatures.

Runeseeker: The attempted rises of Karzoug the Claimer and Emperor Xin have ignited a flame in Varisia’s heart, a burning desire to discover the past and uncover the mysteries of ancient Thassilon. Your excitement over these new discoveries increases your awareness whenever you are around Thassilon’s ruins. When you are exploring an ancient Thassilonian site, you gain a +2 trait bonus to Perception checks and a +2 trait bonus to initiative checks.

History of Giants: The history of Thassilon is also the history of Varisian giant-kind. Although perhaps disappointed that the titanic ruins were built on the backs of legions of enslaved giants, no one can deny the grandeur and architectural genius of these structures. Your admiration for these works has led to a deeper understanding of the giants who built them. You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Local) and Diplomacy skill rolls involving creatures of the giant subtype and a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Engineering) Skill rolls involving Thassilonian architecture. You gain Giant as a bonus language.

Quah Scholar: The Shoanti people have a rich cultural heritage dating back to their roles as servants of the Thassilonian Empire. Their treatment at the hands of the Runelords led to many of their darkest tales of terror. The Shoanti have unknowingly prepared for millennia for the Runelords’ return, developing ritual practices to help ward off the evil of their would-be overlords. Whether you were raised among the Shoanti or have won them over as friend, you have been taught the mediations. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Saving Throws against the spells and spell-like abilities of Arcane casters.

Sign of the Sihedron: You were born with a birthmark resembling the rune of one of the seven schools of Thassilonian magic. Choose the rune of Envy (abjuration; opposed by evocation, necromancy), Gluttony (necromancy; opposed by abjuration, enchantment), Greed (transmutation, opposed by enchantment, illusion), Lust (enchantment, opposed by necromancy, transmutation), Pride (illusion, opposed by conjuration, transmutation), Sloth (conjuration, opposed by evocation, illusion), or Wrath (evocation, opposed by abjuration, conjuration). While you have this birthmark exposed, you gain a +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill rolls when dealing with servants of the Runelord of the associated rune, and a +2 to saving throws against spells of the opposed schools.

Sin Eater: You’re keenly aware of the Runelords’ ability to draw power from the souls of those steeped in their related sin, and seek to turn hearts away from such a fate. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive skill rolls and double these bonuses when using these skills in an attempt to redeem a sinner into turning away from their dark ways.

Thassilon Inspired: Xin’s original vision for Thassilon was one of benevolence and grandeur. Recent discoveries have led to a reawakening not only of the Runelords’ vision for the realm, but of Xin’s vision, one of a paradise where all races work in harmony with the most powerful creating wonders to benefit all. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy skill rolls when dealing with humanoids with whom you share a language, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you. You reduce the cost to craft magical items by 5% if you are making the item for someone besides yourself.

Traveler’s Shroud: Varisia can be a dangerous place and random encounters tables can be cruel. You have the blessings of a god of travel, and when travelling overland in Varisia, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Varisian City-Seeker: You admire the diversity and courage of the various cities of Varisia, each with its own unique character and circumstance. While in one of Varisia’s cities, you gain a +2 trait bonus to certain skill rolls. While in Magnimar, these skills are Use Magic Device and Acrobatics. While in Riddleport, they are Bluff and Stealth. While in Korvosa, they are Diplomacy and Ride. While in Kaer Maga, they are Intimidate and Fly. Additionally, you gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (Local) is always a class skill for you.

Some of the themes are familiar to the official take. while definitely being mechanically different.

Reckless wrote:

For anyone interested, I'm Brother Fen's GM, and these are the campaign traits I came up with before the player's guide was out:

** spoiler omitted **...

Those are quite well done, kudos. I think they would co-exist nicely alongside the Player's Guide traits too, as worth additions (while providing even more options for players).

Dracovar wrote:
Reckless wrote:

For anyone interested, I'm Brother Fen's GM, and these are the campaign traits I came up with before the player's guide was out:

** spoiler omitted **...

Those are quite well done, kudos. I think they would co-exist nicely alongside the Player's Guide traits too, as worth additions (while providing even more options for players).

I will wholeheartedly agree with Dracovar. I was impressed with the number of choices and overall selection.

Really, *really* like the campaign traits for this. I'm wondering if I should run "Shattered Star" first, though. RotRL is pretty familiar, but I haven't even read through SS as yet.

Also, I heard a rumour that this will be the last PF1 AP - sort of a thematic end since the first Pathfinder AP (albeit 3.5 at the time) was RotRL. My thought was that there are probably another 2 - 3 AP's worth of time before the full version of PF2 is out, so I don't quite know what to make of it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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This is not the last 1st edition Pathfinder Adventure Path. Tyrant's Grasp, which starts next year in February, is the last one, and it's a full 6 part campaign.

James Jacobs wrote:
This is not the last 1st edition Pathfinder Adventure Path. Tyrant's Grasp, which starts next year in February, is the last one, and it's a full 6 part campaign.

Excellent, thanks James.

Zethorn wrote:
Dracovar wrote:
Reckless wrote:

For anyone interested, I'm Brother Fen's GM, and these are the campaign traits I came up with before the player's guide was out:

** spoiler omitted **...

Those are quite well done, kudos. I think they would co-exist nicely alongside the Player's Guide traits too, as worth additions (while providing even more options for players).
I will wholeheartedly agree with Dracovar. I was impressed with the number of choices and overall selection.

Yep! I'm lucky to have an awesome GM!

I wonder if I'm the only person that when I read what this AP entails, thought it would have been a good excuse to use the Mythic rules again.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm very happy that we finally get an AP which goes to level 20 and does not use them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You hate mythic rules way too strongly though <_<

Anyhoo, it is true its still nice to have variety, having both normal and mythic 1-20 campaign is nice

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
magnuskn wrote:
I'm very happy that we finally get an AP which goes to level 20 and does not use them.

Well, this AP will most certainly use mythic rules, just not for the PCs.

^Muahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaa . . . .

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