Venture Teller Play b'Post |

This game is to begin August 13 as it is a part of Gameday VII. I started something last year that I hope to make a Gameday tradition. I had had a wizard at a PaizoCon table with my wizard who didn't wish to share spells (because he had been burned in the past). I was a little shocked, and didn't think it felt like the Explore, Report, and specifically COOPERATE I had previously experienced in PFS. So we are going to set up a game especially for those PCs who would like to share spells. So....
I am recruiting an entire group of book-casters! Wizards, arcanists, and magi.
To throw the net to its widest, I have chosen the evergreen scenario Beyond the Halflight Path and will run it twice.
Please sign up with character class and level. The first 12 will be split by tier into two tables and the next three folks will be on reserve.
Since this doesn't start for over a month, I have a few suggestions.
Session ID: 686641-77

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Sigias, Teifling Arcanist 5
Gaius Gallonica, Tiefling Wizard (Teleport) 4
Agalych, gripli, magus 5
Takumi, arcanist 4
Zestel Cozma Human Sin Wizard (Abjuration) 3 (I also need to my level my occultist to 3rd--Monday table?).
I have room for one more.
and a whole table with room for six more.
Ylania, if you make it to third by then you are welcome to join. Or you can play a pregen :)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

I will, but I am going to wait. In my experience, a thread left idle too long dries up.
Plus I will have to determine who is in which table, and what tiers are happening, and create two different campaigns. :)
When I do, I will give enough time for everyone to find it, and for me to PM anyone who doesn't dot in right away. :)
Room for two to four more! :)

numbat1 |

This looks fun and very useful. Unfortunately, my Magus does not have a spell book and my Arcanist is likely to be out of level by then. If she is still L7 and there is space for her closer to game day then I would love to join.
Happy gaming and spell trading, everyone.

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I had had a wizard at a PaizoCon table with my wizard who didn't wish to share spells (because he had been burned in the past).
Seems kind of stupid and cowardly of him. Anyway, what was his "burn" story? I don't think I even understand how one could be "burned" for doing that in this game.
Anyways, interesting idea. My Illusionist's a bit beyond Tier (my Alchemist even moreso), but I do have this thing!
Player Alias: I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Character Name: Xukong
Race/Class(es)/Level(s): Dhampir Magus 4
PFS#: 40025-10
Faction: Dark Archive
We should be done BEFORE October 1st, right?

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Sigias, Teifling Arcanist 5
Gaius Gallonica, Tiefling Wizard (Teleport) 4
Agalych, gripli, magus 5
Takumi, arcanist 4
Zestel Cozma, Human Sin Wizard (Abjuration) 3
Vanisillian, elf wizard (pyromancer) 3
Zaarah Katsu, kitsune magus 1 (of 3)
Albert Cam, Samsaran, wizard 7*
Xukong, dhampir magus 4
Carini Villasani, human wizard (illusionist) 6
Evariel, elf wizard (necromancer) 4
That is eleven, or: a table of 5 & another of 6. I will take another player but that is enough to get things started. :)
7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
If your level is 7, 6 or 5, you are in the upper tier. If you are level 3 you are in the lower tier. The level 4 folks will be split. If you have a preference, please let me know which tier that is. I will dice off if needed. Keep in mind as you decide this is a table of mostly squishies. Also I will recruit a meat shield for each party (cause again: squishies :)

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Sigias, Teifling Arcanist 5
Gaius Gallonica, Tiefling Wizard (Teleport) 4
Agalych, gripli, magus 5Takumi, arcanist 4
Zestel Cozma, Human Sin Wizard (Abjuration) 3
Vanisillian, elf wizard (pyromancer) 3Zaarah Katsu, kitsune magus 1 (of 3)
Albert Cam, Samsaran, wizard 7*
Xukong, dhampir magus 4Carini Villasani, human wizard (illusionist) 6
Evariel, elf wizard (necromancer) 4
What an extraordinary and bizarre collection...!
I'm not certain if Evariel's specialist powers would work on ME, but I think he and I should go together.

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What an extraordinary and bizarre collection...!
I'm not certain if Evariel's specialist powers would work on ME, but I think he and I should go together.
YES! I like this idea. You and I would have fun!
(As for whether my Power Over Undead ability works on you, I could see a case being made either way-- you're not undead, but it is negative energy...)

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Evariel wrote:(As for whether my Power Over Undead ability works on you, I could see a case being made either way-- you're not undead, but it is negative energy...)I was thinking of Bolster.
Ah. Well technically, it too is a negative energy effect. But I would definitely lean toward "no it won't work." Unfortunately there are a lot of aspects of necromancy that have never been clarified, a fact I only realized after building around it! I hope it gets more fleshed out in 2e.
Also, this really is a diverse group! Only six of the eleven are wizards, and (with the possible exception of Albert Cam's wizard), no two of us took the same specialty school.

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I am recruiting an entire group of book-casters! Wizards, arcanists, and magi.
Alchemists, shamans, witches are one-way on trading spells, but with a huge con like PbP Gameday, you can probably create your own scenario. :)

SodiumTelluride |

"Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:I am recruiting an entire group of book-casters! Wizards, arcanists, and magi."Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:Alchemists, shamans, witches are one-way on trading spells, but with a huge con like PbP Gameday, you can probably create your own scenario. :)
Very true, although Alessio did say his alchemist can be a group's meat shield...