Cuttler |
I know that many traits, feats, abilities indicate sometimes that you can increase your CL but not beyond current HD, but it's written as something specific
Any place in the rules that refers to the limit of CL vs your actual HD or level??
So for example, if, I'm a level 15 wizard and get an orange prism ioun stone (+1CL), do I now cast spells at CL 16 or I'm still limited by my HD (so 15th)??

WagnerSika |
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There is no general rule that CL cannot exceed HD. Some feats or traits may place a restricion on its use, for example the Magical knack trait.
The wizard in your example casts spells at caster level 16.
I have a 14th level wizard with Varisian tattoo(evocation), pyromaniac gnome race trait (+1 CL to fire spells) and Spell Specialization(Fireball), his CL for Fireball is 18.

Derklord |

CL though generally only influences CL checks, checks for concentration, and occasionally damage.
There is one instance where increasing your (general) caster level really offers something significant: Split Major hex has "caster level 18th" as prereq, with the ioun stone, a Witch can select it as her 17th level feat.

Khudzlin |
I wish Monsters had a way to increase their caster levels. Or is it now official that their spell-like abilities CL increases on a 1 to 1 ratio to their Hit Dice?
The monster advancement rules don't mention this. There's a rule for true dragons (CL for SLA = HD, CL for spells as listed in the specific description), but no other creatures afaik. However, I'd assume that the CL for spell-like abilities should increase if the monster advances by racial HD (not if it gains class levels). I'd try to keep the same CL to HD ratio as the original monster, rather than go +1 CL for +1 HD, though (a 10 HD CL 8 creature would grow to a 15 HD CL 12 one).

Cevah |

Some Alchemical Power Components give +1 CL to some spells.
The Bead of karma gives you +4 CL.

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LOL. This is the premise behind the "zapparoo" Sorcerer Magus build. You get a few feats and racial traits and traits that add to Shocking Grasp/CL (and reduce metamagic feat cost by 1). At first level you can do a 4d6+8 Shocking Grasp pretty easily. As you go up levels, you eventually are doing 10d6+20 with it, delivering it through a weapon for a x2 damage multiplier (20d6+40) and eventually empowering it (30d6+60) or maximizing it (160 damage, no save, 2x a round with one quickened). Yeh, it is pretty ugly for a no save first level touch spell... Oh, and can deliver the Sorcerer's as well as the Magus' pool of 1st level spells through your crit heavy weapon (15-20 with keen scabbard or spell). Dip a level(or 3) of Arcanist for a few more castings. Got a build with about 25/day (1st level slots), which is plenty for most days. Of course you will throw in elemental spell metamagic feat around level 5 so you aren't limited to just electric damage. Save your pennies for that quickened spell metamagic rod (or wait for spell perfection feat at level 15). lolz.

Cevah |

@Cevah: The Bead of karma gives you +4 CL.
That's a good thing for divine caster, but unfortunately not for arcane...piety!!
Why not? Nothing in the description keys its use to divine. A divine spell cast will tell you how to use it, but there is no restriction.
Even UMD can make this work.

Cuttler |
youare right....didn'T get that nuance...
it says: This item appears to be nothing more than a string of prayer beads until the owner casts a divine spell while the beads are carried. Once that occurs, the owner instantly knows the powers of the prayer beads and understands how to activate the strand’s special magical beads.
It would appear though that you still have to cast a divine spell to know how to activate it....
Question: can UMD replicates casting a divine spell??

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youare right....didn'T get that nuance...
it says: This item appears to be nothing more than a string of prayer beads until the owner casts a divine spell while the beads are carried. Once that occurs, the owner instantly knows the powers of the prayer beads and understands how to activate the strand’s special magical beads.
It would appear though that you still have to cast a divine spell to know how to activate it....
Question: can UMD replicates casting a divine spell??
UMD was made for activating items "blindly" - so you can make it work without knowing what it does or how it works.

Cevah |

Wasn't there a thread about a Water Elemental death-ball filled with Witch guppies that could crank up Caster Levels to a ridiculous extreme?
While that thread got rather silly in the end, it had a lot of sound advice as I recall.
Was this the one? It mentions a gripply swarm, and fish in an elemental.
A later post [just a few down] has:
We got death star
we got death star
we got death star
we got death star
EDIT: Someone came up with CL 1,434,399. [478,125 diminutive witches with +3 Aid Another effects.]

Ryze Kuja |

Someone came up with CL 1,434,399. [478,125 diminutive witches with +3 Aid Another effects.]
LMAO! 478,125 Diminutive witches with Aid another... I snort laughed :D
Anywho, yes you can increase your Caster Level in multiple ways, even beyond your actual level. Items, abilities, feats, traits all stack together.
Genoin was just talking about his 16th lvl Blood Arcanist who could cast Battering Blast at CL25 so he could get 5 orbs of force, which would each deal 8d6+16 damage (with Orc Bloodline, Blood Havoc, Blood Intensity, Potent Magic, Varisian Tattoo, etc) for a total of 40d6+80 dmg, and a 75CMB to bull rush.

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Just did a bit of checking, at level 2, I can cast a single spell per day at CL 10. 1 Spell Sage wizard/ 1 Arcanist. Magical Knack to boost Arcanist to CL 2, Wayang Spellhunter to lower the metamagic cost of 1 spell, Potent Magic as the Arcanist exploit, Spell Focus as the Spell Sage class feature, Spell Specialization as one feat, Intensified Spell as human bonus. 2 for arcanist+2 for potent magic+4 from Signature Spell,+2 for Spell Specialization. Level 2, and a 10d6 Snowball or Shocking Grasp, or a 10d4 Burning Hands.