Chaotic_Blues |
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102 - To party druid "Your sure the local birds are all singing something catchy. Something along the lines of 'Food! Glorious Food!'"
102- any time I play the T-Rex roar from Jurassic Park.
102 - Congrats your characters are now married.
102 - Me - "You open the door and see a skeletal dragon looming just beyond!"
Player - "i cast fireball, before it attacks!"
Me - "Okay I'll need everyone to roll a reflex save , as the wizard just cast a fireball into a ten by ten room."

Ravingdork |
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102- any time I play the T-Rex roar from Jurassic Park.
My mother's cousin is a real big audiophile with a crazy large sound system in his home. When my family and I were staying at his place for my big brother's wedding, he woke us all up early in the morning by playing that very roar loud enough to rattle the windows and wake up the neighbors four blocks away.
Scared the everloving bejezus out of all of us.

Chyrone |
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102. The PCs are invited to a dinner party by the city council, in celebration of defeating a corrupt and influential official and his henchmen. They each receive a letter of invitation. As they sit at the table during dinner and all open their letter...it merely says:
Suckers... (Maximized empowered explosive runes go off)
36 x 1.5, ×5. > 270 dmg.
People in the streets also see the windows blown to shards.

DungeonmasterCal |

DungeonmasterCal wrote:102. While wading through muddy water have them feel things moving and bumping against their legs.That's too real life for me... gah... Nature is awful and I am never going outside again... :)
Had a 6 player APL 5 encounter these once while crossing a marsh. They never waded in water again.

Kayerloth |
DungeonmasterCal wrote:And nothing good ever shambles.I dunno. These days it takes till 10 or 11 in the morning before I really stop shambling...
Least your mobile, pretty sure rolling over in bed to slap the alarm clock for that racket it's making isn't considered shambling. Which is what I tend to be doing at 10 or 11.

miscdebris |
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miscdebris wrote:Boomerang Nebula wrote:102. GM: you all succumb to the confusing maddening scream of the otherworldly horror, everyone swap characters.Ha! I'm running that right now. The PCs love it!Did they say "oh f-" ?
They were stunned for a moment, then "That's f-ing awesome!"

The Mad Comrade |
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DungeonmasterCal wrote:Bonus points to actually have something brush against their legs while giving the description. How loud is that remote control Roomba?102.
While wading through muddy water have them feel things moving and bumping against their legs.
Pets are cheaper. Far less predictable. ;)

DungeonmasterCal |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

Made a player scream right out loud once in a tense, horror type situation. They were in a chamber where people were hung by hooks in their shoulders from rattling, clinking chains, all whispering some unholy mantra over and over. Someone accidentally slammed a door in the next room and she jumped up, screaming, and sending her dice flying. I was pretty proud of that.

UnArcaneElection |

quibblemuch wrote:DungeonmasterCal wrote:102. While wading through muddy water have them feel things moving and bumping against their legs.That's too real life for me... gah... Nature is awful and I am never going outside again... :)Had a 6 player APL 5 encounter these once while crossing a marsh. They never waded in water again.

Boomerang Nebula |

Boomerang Nebula wrote:They were stunned for a moment, then "That's f-ing awesome!"miscdebris wrote:Boomerang Nebula wrote:102. GM: you all succumb to the confusing maddening scream of the otherworldly horror, everyone swap characters.Ha! I'm running that right now. The PCs love it!Did they say "oh f-" ?
Eh, close enough.

quibblemuch |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. "Instead of alignment, I'm using a homebrew system of colors called the Nonochromaton that is in no way like the traditional alignment system, which we all agree is stupid. There are nine colors, representing the Nine Paths of Action. All of your class abilities come from how closely your action aura matches your declared Nonocromata, and you lose them if you hue-shift too far. The first Nonocromata, blue, corresponds to those who believe in order in the service of benevolence. The second..."

The Mad Comrade |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. "Instead of alignment, I'm using a homebrew system of colors called the Nonochromaton that is in no way like the traditional alignment system, which we all agree is stupid. There are nine colors, representing the Nine Paths of Action. The first Nonocromata, blue, corresponds to those who believe in order in the service of benevolence. The second..."
*GM says "Oh F-" when the table flips on 'em.* ;)

quibblemuch |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. "Ok. So now that we've gone over my homebrew replacement of alignment, let me detail all the homebrew classes I've used to replace the regular classes, which we all agree are boring and horrible. There's the battler, who is an expert in using weapons and armor of all sorts. And there's the rapscallion, a master of skills and traps who can never have a blue Nonochromata. And then there's the sanctifonius..."

DungeonmasterCal |
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DungeonmasterCal wrote:quibblemuch wrote:DungeonmasterCal wrote:102. While wading through muddy water have them feel things moving and bumping against their legs.That's too real life for me... gah... Nature is awful and I am never going outside again... :)Had a 6 player APL 5 encounter these once while crossing a marsh. They never waded in water again.
I was bitten by one of these once, and yes, it hurt like hell.

quibblemuch |

Chyrone |
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Yes, but have you yet pitted an eye of the deep against them?

DungeonmasterCal |
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DungeonmasterCal wrote:UnArcaneElection wrote:I was bitten by one of these once, and yes, it hurt like hell.Nature. Is. UNACCEPTABLE!
*cowers in house, jabbing at anything that gets too near*
I grew up on a farm, which was half fields and pastures and half wooded hills. From the age of 5 I was playing over a quarter mile from my house alone in the woods. I learned a lot the hard way about what to poke and what not to poke. The waterbug bite bled for nearly a half hour, but I learned to leave those particular things alone.. lol. Snakes, on the other hand, were fair game. I never killed them, just caught them, much to my dad's horror.

The Mad Comrade |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. "Ok. So now that we've gone over my homebrew replacement of alignment, let me detail all the homebrew classes I've used to replace the regular classes, which we all agree are boring and horrible. There's the battler, who is an expert in using weapons and armor of all sorts. And there's the rapscallion, a master of skills and traps who can never have a blue Nonochromata. And then there's the sanctifonius..."
Gotta love a too-stubborn GM. :P
*players pummel the GM mercilessly with the previously flipped table until they quit playing the 'rename the game' game*

quibblemuch |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. *pulls self out from under wreckage of table*
"Alright. We're ready to start. You are at a festival in the small town of Dirtdot. Suddenly, a bunch of nobgrobs leap forth, waving flames and singing a hideous song. What? Nobgrobs? Oh, they're these homebrew creatures I completely made up. Huge heads, they love fire and destru--GAH!"

Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

102. Alright everyone, I've decided not to run enemy initiative in groups of similar enemies anymore. (That doesn't give me near enough time in the spotlight.) So now, every individual opponent will act on their own individual initiative counts. (That way, you get to spend more than half your time basking in my magnificence.)

Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

LOL... Yeah... depending on the size of the enemy party I'll sometimes run them in a group initiative. But lately it's been one on one bad guy to good guy ratios so everyone had individual initiatives. The players don't always like that... lol
For example, an orc commander and his half-dozen orc warriors would act on two initiatives; the commander on one, and the warriors on the other (since the warriors all share the same stats, including initiative modifier).
It's easier and makes more sense to do, and I find most GMs do it even before they realize the rules don't technically say they can do it that way.
It's easily one of the most common incidental house rules I've ever seen.
Sure, the occasional player gets upset when said warriors surround him and all get flanking bonuses (whereas PCs would have to make clever use of readied actions and the like for a similar effect), but for the most part, they seem pretty okay with it (in my experience).
The alternative is a fight that takes twice as long and gives the GM entirely too much spotlight; which is arguably worse than the above.