What is the most Versatile Martial Class?


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To clarify, I think there's a case for considering a Magical Child Vigilante a different class, but no case for ignoring them.

Shadow Lodge

oh right, with Advanced Weapon and Advanced armor training, Fighter actually has some decent stuff
I sometimes forget about that

Actually, a fairly versatile build is brawler 1/fighter X. It can even cast spells and everything.

Of course, all of y'all puritans up in here aren't going to consider that a martial.

So many people mentioned alchemist here, And my group said that a Alchemist could be quite useful, The Ranger raised a question I would like to ask here though, Is it possible to make a tanky alchemist?

"Tanky" is pretty vague. You can make a very survivable alchemist, if that's what you mean.

Shadow Lodge

If you run Mutagen frequently and have accelerated drinker, prep most of your potions with buff spells and heals then yeah.
that being said, Alchemist is not a martial class, this doesn't matteer much at all, but it should be said

With Tanky, I supose a very survivable alchemist that can stand on the frontlines and help protect the squishies people behind us.

Doesnt Alchemist have a stackable discovery for fast healing or some such? and they can stack on armor, shields, AC buffs and that healing to pretty good effect. I had a build going for a while that was an Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior Fighter that used the same tricks to be very tanky while still using two handed power attacks on a high strength build...

Grand Lodge

Alchemists can be very tanky. Tumour familiar with the protector archtypes. Mutagen, shield extract, eventually spell knowledge for mirror image and spontaneous healing. Medium armor would help depending on your Dex.

The trick to tanking to doing enough damage to keep enemies focused on you and to not have defenses so high they give up. This is really tricky.

Don't try to build to tank, build to be effective in combat without letting your defenses faulter and you will start "tanking" naturally.

Lord Foul II wrote:

If you run Mutagen frequently and have accelerated drinker, prep most of your potions with buff spells and heals then yeah.

that being said, Alchemist is not a martial class, this doesn't matteer much at all, but it should be said

Considering how long a buff Mutagen is it should be up most the time.

I played a bomber Alchemist and she was "tankier" or "More Survivable" than the cavalier in full plate with a shield.

Dex to AC, Displacement/Mirror Image (UMD scroll/wand for mirror image), Protector Familiar, Dex Mutagen, and the occasional Shield Extract. She just was extremely hard to hit and when hit the Familiar took Half of it and Fast healed it's self.

You also can get buffs Like Ablative barrier (Hours/level) to turn 5 points of damage into non lethal on each attack. Non lethal and lethal damage are healed in equal amounts so your Cure spells go twice as far.

Since I was a bomber I used a Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists with Alter Self extract for a form with 3 Natural attacks and later I used other Transmutation buffs.

If you do not want to be a bomber there are a few archetypes that are worth using like Vivisectionist. Which trades Bombs for Sneak attack.

Combine Extracts is very nice tool for getting 2 buffs up in 1 action (surprise round preferably)

So a Alchemist can survive on the front lines easy enough with many different build types. They offer a ton of versatility.

Torbyne wrote:
Doesnt Alchemist have a stackable discovery for fast healing or some such? and they can stack on armor, shields, AC buffs and that healing to pretty good effect. I had a build going for a while that was an Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior Fighter that used the same tricks to be very tanky while still using two handed power attacks on a high strength build...

I know Bloodrager does. I have run the Fast healing build several times and dominated APs with it. It really is a good build.

Merellin wrote:
So many people mentioned alchemist here, And my group said that a Alchemist could be quite useful, The Ranger raised a question I would like to ask here though, Is it possible to make a tanky alchemist?

Tanky Alchemist recipe:

Tumor familiar with the protector archetype

Spontaneous healing and healing touch discovery

Preserve organs discovery X3


Enlarge person/longarm extracts


Combat reflexes


at higher level Giant form extract into some form of troll

You aren't going to be able to reach the heights of AC a plate and shield warrior can, and your base hp are going to be smaller than the barbarian, but you effectively get a 25-50% increase in hp depending on how long the fight lasts 75% sneak/critical reduction, immunity to cold and some other status effects, 25 foot reach and fast healing+regeneration 5-15 depending on where you're at in level.

Louise Bishop wrote:
Torbyne wrote:
Doesnt Alchemist have a stackable discovery for fast healing or some such? and they can stack on armor, shields, AC buffs and that healing to pretty good effect. I had a build going for a while that was an Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior Fighter that used the same tricks to be very tanky while still using two handed power attacks on a high strength build...
I know Bloodrager does. I have run the Fast healing build several times and dominated APs with it. It really is a good build.

Had to go look it up since i couldnt remember the details:

Spontaneous Healing (Ex)

Benefit: The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. If the alchemist falls unconscious because of hit point damage and he still has healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until he is conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.

Seems pretty worthwhile for a Melee tank.

Thanks for all the replies and help. I have a lot to think about with all this information, But I'm not in a rush yet as my cleric still lives (We will see if he does after this weekend..) but when/if he dies i shall discuss with my group and GM and ponder much, And see if I can think of something fun thats also much useful for the party ^_^

Ryan Freire wrote:
You aren't going to be able to reach the heights of AC a plate and shield warrior can, and your base hp are going to be smaller than the barbarian, but you effectively get a 25-50% increase in hp depending on how long the fight lasts 75% sneak/critical reduction, immunity to cold and some other status effects, 25 foot reach and fast healing+regeneration 5-15 depending on where you're at in level.

At higher levels, barkskin stacking with mutagen, alchemical allocation with high level shield of faith potions for deflection, dodge bonuses from haste or similar, celestial armor + high dex, magic shield or shield extract, and so on, I'm pretty confident that the alchemist can beat the pants off the AC of a shield/plate fighter that does't have access to similar magics. ACs in the 40s around 12th level isn't out of the question.

_Ozy_ wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
You aren't going to be able to reach the heights of AC a plate and shield warrior can, and your base hp are going to be smaller than the barbarian, but you effectively get a 25-50% increase in hp depending on how long the fight lasts 75% sneak/critical reduction, immunity to cold and some other status effects, 25 foot reach and fast healing+regeneration 5-15 depending on where you're at in level.
At higher levels, barkskin stacking with mutagen, alchemical allocation with high level shield of faith potions for deflection, dodge bonuses from haste or similar, celestial armor + high dex, magic shield or shield extract, and so on, I'm pretty confident that the alchemist can beat the pants off the AC of a shield/plate fighter that does't have access to similar magics. ACs in the 40s around 12th level isn't out of the question.

Plate is not Necessary to achieve high AC. I feel lots of people have the misconception of Heavy armor means best AC possible. Which is wrong. I have had Medium armor characters with higher ACs than the guy in plate.

And Layered defenses beat out pure AC builds in Pathfinder. The Alchemist has Layered defense in spades built into the class. Which makes them "Tankier" or "More Survivable" as a class.

So I agree with _Ozy_

To add to this point, full plate (the best heavy armor) has an AC of 9 with a max dex of 1. For a total of 10 possible AC, armor training bonuses (to increase max dex not withstanding). A breastplate, the best medium armor (maybe kikko armor with it), has an AC of 6 with a max dex 3. So you have a total of 9 ACpossible. So the difference is 1 point of possible AC, and that's assuming you have the dex to do so on both.

It's definitely harder to keep dex at the cap to max AC from armor for medium armor, but you don't need heavy armor to have the highest AC.

Honestly, if you can get a 50% miss chance on yourself, such as from the arcane bloodline Bloodrager which gets free displacement on themselves at level 11...you can be incredibly tanky just because stuff misses you all the time.

Claxon wrote:

To add to this point, full plate (the best heavy armor) has an AC of 9 with a max dex of 1. For a total of 10 possible AC, armor training bonuses (to increase max dex not withstanding). A breastplate, the best medium armor (maybe kikko armor with it), has an AC of 6 with a max dex 3. So you have a total of 9 ACpossible. So the difference is 1 point of possible AC, and that's assuming you have the dex to do so on both.

It's definitely harder to keep dex at the cap to max AC from armor for medium armor, but you don't need heavy armor to have the highest AC.

Honestly, if you can get a 50% miss chance on yourself, such as from the arcane bloodline Bloodrager which gets free displacement on themselves at level 11...you can be incredibly tanky just because stuff misses you all the time.

Level 8 Claxon

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I think any martial can be versatile if you multi-class and use archetypes creatively. For instance I played a skinwalker(were-boar)barbarian(war dog)/alchemist(rage chemist, vivisectionist)/, rogue(scout). Lots of fun. Use of spells, lots of attacks, good skills, sneak attack, trapfinding/disable device and a companion(boar). Invested feats at later levels to intimidate which made combat even more fun. Crazy damage when shape change, raging, mutagen and flanking with companion for sneak attack. Out of combat had enough knowledge skills and rogue skills to do most rogue kind of stuff which made him useful in other ways besides killing stuff. Not to mention skinwalker added to flavor and roleplaying opportunities.

avr wrote:

{. . .}

Consider the idea of class separation murdered. Most of the characters I've seen or played have archetypes, the base class is the exception rather than the rule. A theory that only applies in the case without archetypes is IMO worthless.
{. . .}

That said, Fighter without archetypes looks not too shabby these days.

Louise Bishop wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
You aren't going to be able to reach the heights of AC a plate and shield warrior can, and your base hp are going to be smaller than the barbarian, but you effectively get a 25-50% increase in hp depending on how long the fight lasts 75% sneak/critical reduction, immunity to cold and some other status effects, 25 foot reach and fast healing+regeneration 5-15 depending on where you're at in level.
At higher levels, barkskin stacking with mutagen, alchemical allocation with high level shield of faith potions for deflection, dodge bonuses from haste or similar, celestial armor + high dex, magic shield or shield extract, and so on, I'm pretty confident that the alchemist can beat the pants off the AC of a shield/plate fighter that does't have access to similar magics. ACs in the 40s around 12th level isn't out of the question.

Plate is not Necessary to achieve high AC. I feel lots of people have the misconception of Heavy armor means best AC possible. Which is wrong. I have had Medium armor characters with higher ACs than the guy in plate.

And Layered defenses beat out pure AC builds in Pathfinder. The Alchemist has Layered defense in spades built into the class. Which makes them "Tankier" or "More Survivable" as a class.

So I agree with _Ozy_

the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

dervish dancer bard is a face, a self buffer and a decent melee.
Paladin are full of RP, charisma based = face, but need top focus (archery OR 2 hander but never both. with a mount, some spells, healing and strong melee he has many things to do.

a Ranger is a super scout - i love to take 1 thug level and add shaken\fear effects to my attacks. full of skills allow you to go where ever .

Barbarian can be a super grappler oe sunder machine, fly, and play X man style.

Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
You aren't going to be able to reach the heights of AC a plate and shield warrior can, and your base hp are going to be smaller than the barbarian, but you effectively get a 25-50% increase in hp depending on how long the fight lasts 75% sneak/critical reduction, immunity to cold and some other status effects, 25 foot reach and fast healing+regeneration 5-15 depending on where you're at in level.
At higher levels, barkskin stacking with mutagen, alchemical allocation with high level shield of faith potions for deflection, dodge bonuses from haste or similar, celestial armor + high dex, magic shield or shield extract, and so on, I'm pretty confident that the alchemist can beat the pants off the AC of a shield/plate fighter that does't have access to similar magics. ACs in the 40s around 12th level isn't out of the question.

Plate is not Necessary to achieve high AC. I feel lots of people have the misconception of Heavy armor means best AC possible. Which is wrong. I have had Medium armor characters with higher ACs than the guy in plate.

And Layered defenses beat out pure AC builds in Pathfinder. The Alchemist has Layered defense in spades built into the class. Which makes them "Tankier" or "More Survivable" as a class.

So I agree with _Ozy_

the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

But AC is only one layer. Even at the highest possible AC, a 1st level commoner can smack you 5% of the time.

Ogres are like onions:
Layers of defense:

Attack possibility:
Knowledge of combat (Won't hit you if they don't know it's combat and you're an enemy. Usually involves Stealth/Bluff)
Knowledge of position (Can't hit you if they don't know where to hit.)
Total Cover (have it or you don't)
Attack range
Priority of target (Will they even try to hit you?)
Concealment/Invisibility (% miss chance)
Mirror Image (% miss chance)
Nonexistence (% miss chance, namely Blink)

Attack roll:
AC (Includes CMD, Touch AC, Flatfooted AC, etc.)
Spell Resistance (Like AC, but for spells

Attack resistance:
Attack form immunity (Such as immunity to magic or piercing attacks)
Critical Resistance (% chance of immunity)
Incorporeality (% amount of damage reduction)
Other Immunities (could have lumped the above in with these, I guess)
DR/Energy resistance/Hardness

Temporary HP
Regular HP
Nonlethally Damaged HP (You will be unconscious at this point, but maybe not dead)
Negative HP

Imminent death (such as Temporary Resurrection)
Party's love for your character + funds for resurrection
GM Fiat
Permanent character death

Forced rerolls can happen between any layers. This mainly happens around AC and Saves.
Contingent abilities can theoretically happen between any layers, but will most likely trigger before an attack roll, while HP is being damaged, or upon death.
Certain kinds of attacks ignore certain layers entirely. Many physical attacks do not interact with saves, while many spells do not require rolls against AC. Death attacks usually hit saves, then often bypass HP entirely, skipping straight to death.

666bender wrote:


dervish dancer bard is a face, a self buffer and a decent melee.
Paladin are full of RP, charisma based = face, but need top focus (archery OR 2 hander but never both. with a mount, some spells, healing and strong melee he has many things to do.

a Ranger is a super scout - i love to take 1 thug level and add shaken\fear effects to my attacks. full of skills allow you to go where ever .

Barbarian can be a super grappler oe sunder machine, fly, and play X man style.

i wouldnt say paladin or ranger are versitile are they are far to dependent on what the creature they are fighting is

Lady-J wrote:
666bender wrote:


dervish dancer bard is a face, a self buffer and a decent melee.
Paladin are full of RP, charisma based = face, but need top focus (archery OR 2 hander but never both. with a mount, some spells, healing and strong melee he has many things to do.

a Ranger is a super scout - i love to take 1 thug level and add shaken\fear effects to my attacks. full of skills allow you to go where ever .

Barbarian can be a super grappler oe sunder machine, fly, and play X man style.

i wouldnt say paladin or ranger are versitile are they are far to dependent on what the creature they are fighting is

They are the most versitile, not combat wise.

Ranger offer 6-8 skills , tracking and more.
Paladin offer amazing charisma for social skills.

Also - rangers with archetypes like guide, fortune finder, & wild hunter aren't nearly so dependent on the type of enemy they face.

So few votes for the Barbarian, despite their in-class access to Pounce & Flight, mixed with the incredible ability to Spell Sunder.

Plus, the Barbarian can use Combat Maneuvers better than most thanks to Strength Surge, and once he gets Come & Get Me, he won't even need the feats. Anyone who dares take an attack of opportunity on him will be met with a devastating counterattack. Even if he gets hit, he has DR as well as access to the Flesh Wound Rage Power, allowing him to almost negate a hit if his fort save is high enough.

Moreover, he can put most of that stuff into one build. In terms of combat, Barbarians should always be in consideration.

Kaouse wrote:

So few votes for the Barbarian, despite their in-class access to Pounce & Flight, mixed with the incredible ability to Spell Sunder.

Plus, the Barbarian can use Combat Maneuvers better than most thanks to Strength Surge, and once he gets Come & Get Me, he won't even need the feats. Anyone who dares take an attack of opportunity on him will be met with a devastating counterattack. Even if he gets hit, he has DR as well as access to the Flesh Wound Rage Power, allowing him to almost negate a hit if his fort save is high enough.

Moreover, he can put most of that stuff into one build. In terms of combat, Barbarians should always be in consideration.

Cause some of us prefer the Bloodrager. Since they have Primalist Archetype and can get MORE layered defenses than just DR and High HP. They are just built into the Class. I know I prefer the Bloodrager to the Barbarian.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
avr wrote:

{. . .}

Consider the idea of class separation murdered. Most of the characters I've seen or played have archetypes, the base class is the exception rather than the rule. A theory that only applies in the case without archetypes is IMO worthless.
{. . .}

That said, Fighter without archetypes looks not too shabby these days.

It can even cast spells.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

What class has to only rely on its own abilities? I mean realistically, not in play, because once you start stacking non personal only buff spells to reach parity there's nothing stopping the other class with a stronger base foundation of numbers from getting those buff spells too, either via party members or UMD or whatever.

Ryan Freire wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

What class has to only rely on its own abilities? I mean realistically, not in play, because once you start stacking non personal only buff spells to reach parity there's nothing stopping the other class with a stronger base foundation of numbers from getting those buff spells too, either via party members or UMD or whatever.

Because if you're relying on the party to cast barkskin on you, it kinda means you're not being 'versatile'. If you're relying on magic items and wands, it starts to really eat into your WBL.

So sure, if your fighter has a crazy high UMD, and can afford high level wands and scrolls, I'm sure he can get his AC on par with the alchemist, who can generally do it all within class features, and without burning expendables.

But that's not a very interesting comparison, IMO.

_Ozy_ wrote:

So sure, if your fighter has a crazy high UMD, and can afford high level wands and scrolls, I'm sure he can get his AC on par with the alchemist, who can generally do it all within class features, and without burning expendables.

But that's not a very interesting comparison, IMO.

Well, this thread is about versatile martials, and an UMD heavy fighter might count as such. He will have to deal with expendables, sure, but WBL exists to be spent anyway - and he doesn't pay with class features like the alchemist. With a lot of class features around combat, including easily overlooked stuff like Tower Shield Proficiency and Heavy Armor Proficiency, he can totally afford to invest into versatility.

I doubt he can handle everything alone, but that's not the point of a party member anyway.

_Ozy_ wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

What class has to only rely on its own abilities? I mean realistically, not in play, because once you start stacking non personal only buff spells to reach parity there's nothing stopping the other class with a stronger base foundation of numbers from getting those buff spells too, either via party members or UMD or whatever.

Because if you're relying on the party to cast barkskin on you, it kinda means you're not being 'versatile'. If you're relying on magic items and wands, it starts to really eat into your WBL.

So sure, if your fighter has a crazy high UMD, and can afford high level wands and scrolls, I'm sure he can get his AC on par with the alchemist, who can generally do it all within class features, and without burning expendables.

But that's not a very interesting comparison, IMO.

At 12th level (last level mentioned that i recall in this thread) Barkskin lasts 2 hours, probably 4 since rods of extend spell exist. Your drood or ranger does it before you enter the "dungeon" and it lasts most of the way through. And yeah, mirror image and displacement are great, but if you go dwarf you're not going to lose much by replacing a cloak of resistance with a displacement cloak (minor/major depending on level) and just taking the steel soul feat. There ARE martial builds that work around the lack of these spells, not as efficiently as just having the spell, but perfectly functional, and more than reasonable for any module or adventure path you care to run.

So, this comparison is useless because any 'versatility' can be added by non-martial party members, consumables, and magic items without even checking if everything fits into WBL?

So, what's the point of the thread then?

yeah, getting barkskin from a druid or ranger means you need a druid or ranger, not a given.
Also getting displacement only works for a dwarf whose still okay reducing saves for it.

The idea of versatility of classes is just to base off of class features. If the answer is Money or Role Play then it's equal for everyone and thus usually not factored into the comparisons.

Chess Pwn wrote:

yeah, getting barkskin from a druid or ranger means you need a druid or ranger, not a given.

Also getting displacement only works for a dwarf whose still okay reducing saves for it.

The idea of versatility of classes is just to base off of class features. If the answer is Money or Role Play then it's equal for everyone and thus usually not factored into the comparisons.

>These spellcasters can achieve combat parity with martials, lets include them in discussions about the most versatile martial

>ACTUAL Martials can only achieve parity with this spellcaster build by
using WBL, which has been pointed out is a core point of the game, you cant bring that up.

I'm starting to understand the underlying theme of the paizo boards.

Ryan Freire wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:

yeah, getting barkskin from a druid or ranger means you need a druid or ranger, not a given.

Also getting displacement only works for a dwarf whose still okay reducing saves for it.

The idea of versatility of classes is just to base off of class features. If the answer is Money or Role Play then it's equal for everyone and thus usually not factored into the comparisons.

>These spellcasters can achieve combat parity with martials, lets include them in discussions about the most versatile martial

>ACTUAL Martials can only achieve parity with this spellcaster build by
using WBL, which has been pointed out is a core point of the game, you cant bring that up.

I'm starting to understand the underlying theme of the paizo boards.

Since "martials" in this thread was designated as meaning, "one who attacks with a weapon and is focused on casting spells" then yes, many spellcasters fit that definition.

Also, if a martial needs to spend extra gold to match what the caster's get for free then sure, trade the ability for the ability to say, you get X gold for free. All classes get gold, and all classes can spend their gold. If you need to spend your gold on something another class gets for free to catch up then the other class has effectively more gold than you to use for whatever they want rather than playing catch-up to you.

_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

useing only own abilities feats and magic items yes no buff spells required

Chess Pwn wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:

yeah, getting barkskin from a druid or ranger means you need a druid or ranger, not a given.

Also getting displacement only works for a dwarf whose still okay reducing saves for it.

The idea of versatility of classes is just to base off of class features. If the answer is Money or Role Play then it's equal for everyone and thus usually not factored into the comparisons.

>These spellcasters can achieve combat parity with martials, lets include them in discussions about the most versatile martial

>ACTUAL Martials can only achieve parity with this spellcaster build by
using WBL, which has been pointed out is a core point of the game, you cant bring that up.

I'm starting to understand the underlying theme of the paizo boards.

Since "martials" in this thread was designated as meaning, "one who attacks with a weapon and is focused on casting spells" then yes, many spellcasters fit that definition.

Also, if a martial needs to spend extra gold to match what the caster's get for free then sure, trade the ability for the ability to say, you get X gold for free. All classes get gold, and all classes can spend their gold. If you need to spend your gold on something another class gets for free to catch up then the other class has effectively more gold than you to use for whatever they want rather than playing catch-up to you.

Designated by posters other than the OP i guess,the op specifically referenced certain classes, anyone even remember what they were?

Hint: 0 6 level casters were involved.

Lady-J wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

useing only own abilities feats and magic items yes no buff spells required

Its like halfling monk and fighter taking full advantage of armor training and a shield isnt it?

Ryan Freire wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

So I agree with _Ozy_
the 2 builds that can get the highest ac use either no armor (theres a combo out there that can get high 50's low 60s with no armor at all)or mythril full plate(a fighter in mythril fullplate can get into the 70's with their ac)

Using purely their own abilities? And at what level? I was talking around level 12.

Can they also get displacement and mirror image like the alchemist, which helps with the 5% auto-hit?

useing only own abilities feats and magic items yes no buff spells required
Its like halfling monk and fighter taking full advantage of armor training and a shield isnt it?

armor training and shield for the fighter yes no armor or shield for the "monk" though

OK, I'll bite, how do you get AC70 with displacement and mirror image on a fighter at level 12, with just inherent abilities and no consumables?

_Ozy_ wrote:
OK, I'll bite, how do you get AC70 with displacement and mirror image on a fighter at level 12, with just inherent abilities and no consumables?

while im unsure about level 12(as wbl is a thing heres my stats)base 10, trait defencer of society+1,mythril full plate+9,mythril tower shield +4, armor enchant +5, shield enchant+5,dex +7, amulet of natural armor +5, ring of protection +5, armor specilization+5, shield focus(and greater)+2,armor focus(and greayer +2) race with natural armor +2,improved natural armor +1,if 3rd party is allowed theres another feat called armor spicilisation for +2, combat expertice +4ish, fighting defencivly +3 total=72 there are a few more things i had as well but that gets more into if your dm allows templates and some feats i may have forgotten about

Armor specialization +5? Greater armor focus? Huh?

And yeah, you're not even close on WBL. An alchemical doesn't quite hit 72 by my count, but can get 50ish+, and add displacement and mirror image on top, which is worth even more than the extra AC most of the time, and needs to burn exactly 0 feats to do so.

That looks like a 20th level fighter from Lady-J, Ozy was looking at a 12th level alchemist, so you're talking about quite different characters..

Ierox wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
avr wrote:

{. . .}

Consider the idea of class separation murdered. Most of the characters I've seen or played have archetypes, the base class is the exception rather than the rule. A theory that only applies in the case without archetypes is IMO worthless.
{. . .}

That said, Fighter without archetypes looks not too shabby these days.

It can even cast spells.

Spellcasting (unless you mean UMD or Item Mastery Feats) is a thing of the Child of Acavna and Amaznen, which is most definitely not a Fighter without an archetype -- in fact, it's a Fighter with a really bad archetype. If you want to do what Child of Acavna and Amaznen does, but do it better, play Myrmidarch Magus -- after figuring in Weapon Training (which also unlocks cool stuff that Child of Acavna and Amaznen can't get), effective BAB is almost never more than 2 behind and often only 1 behind (only at exactly level 17 is effective BAB of Myrmidarch Magus 3 behind), and has better spellcasting, even with Diminished Spellcasting, as well as better action economy due to not having to eat Swift Actions on Arcane Armor Training/Mastery, and 3 Magus Arcana in exchange for having 3 Bonus Combat/Metamagic/Item Creation Feats instead of 5 remaining Bonus Combat Feats. Not a pure martial any more, but the most martial of the Magus archetypes, and brought up to decent performance by the same things that bring the Fighter with no archetype up to decent performance. Myrmidarch Magus is borderline spellcaster/martial. Child of Acavna and Amaznen is just borderline.

avr wrote:
That looks like a 20th level fighter from Lady-J, Ozy was looking at a 12th level alchemist, so you're talking about quite different characters..

actually if you had the feats for it you could have that at level 13 i just did the calculations all items in the build equal 121843 gold if made by yourself and you would have some change left over for some other items i wouldnt recomend doing so but its possible altho you will miss out on a single armor training so max dex gets lowerd to +6

Lady-J wrote:
avr wrote:
That looks like a 20th level fighter from Lady-J, Ozy was looking at a 12th level alchemist, so you're talking about quite different characters..
actually if you had the feats for it and didnt buy anything extra other than a +2 weapon and a clock of resistance +1 you could have that at level 12 not idea but possible

Armor specialization will be a lot less at level 12, and 108 000 gp doesn't go quite as far as you think - +5 amulet of NA 50K, +5 ring of protection 50K, +5 mithral full plate 35K, +5 mithral tower shield (if you can even get a mithral tower shield) 26K breaks the bank already.

avr wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
avr wrote:
That looks like a 20th level fighter from Lady-J, Ozy was looking at a 12th level alchemist, so you're talking about quite different characters..
actually if you had the feats for it and didnt buy anything extra other than a +2 weapon and a clock of resistance +1 you could have that at level 12 not idea but possible
Armor specialization will be a lot less at level 12, and 108 000 gp doesn't go quite as far as you think - +5 amulet of NA 50K, +5 ring of protection 50K, +5 mithral full plate 35K, +5 mithral tower shield (if you can even get a mithral tower shield) 26K breaks the bank already.

looks like you caught me while i was edditing my post everything is nice and proper now, you also forget crafting items is half cost and 1/3 cost for items such as armor and weapons

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