what oracle curse is not really a curse?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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one that you can take that has minimal impact. no 3pp please. making a reincarnation druid/oracle. where the reincarnation is the real curse for the character. and the oracle curse should not really be so bad. i was thinking maybe the near sighted curse.

Shadow Lodge

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Blackened, if you aren't using weapons.

Legalistic, because keeping your word isn't hard.

Scarab Sages

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The clouded vision curse is crippling. Anything outside of your vision range will be effectly invisible, which means you have no way to defend yourself or attack them. Granted, you can just drop an obscuring mist every fight to level the playing field, but your allies may not appreciate that.

Haunted isn't too bad if you're smart about it.

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TOZ wrote:

Blackened, if you aren't using weapons.

Legalistic, because keeping your word isn't hard.

Those are my two favourites.

Blackened is thematically great and visually it can be very cool. :)

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Yes, I have a PC in my game with Clouded Vision, and it's astounding me how bad it is. I hadn't thought it would hurt, but it DOES. And she's 5th level, so her darkvision has expanded to 60-feet. Still keeps her from seeing things.

Lame isn't too bad. You can't overcome it, but lots of creatures have a 20-foot move.

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The promethean curse genuinely does nothing at all if you rest nightly. One point of Con damage does nothing, and you prevent the first point of ability damage you take each day.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Lame is a good curse if you are going for the Rage Prophet prestige class. The curse cancels out the Fast Movement ability that you get as a Barbarian.

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Is the lich curse really a curse?

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So the corruptions are now curses? What book?

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Haunted doesn't really do much.

Shadow Lodge

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Unless you need to drop an item next to a 100ft cliff. Happened in a recent game, player had to take a different tack.

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Lemartes wrote:
So the corruptions are now curses? What book?

Horror Realms. Great book with a ton of awesome stuff. The curse versions of corruptions are more minor, of course.

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zainale wrote:
one that you can take that has minimal impact... making a reincarnation druid/oracle

Lame is completely canceled out by a casting of Longstrider (which you can cast), or with a pair of Boots of Striding and Springing.

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Tongues has a cost "everybody in the party spends a single skill rank in linguistics so you can all speak Aklo or Celestial to each other in a fight.

That, and Legalistic are my favorite choices for NBD curses.

Covetous is also trivial to get around if you read it as "(nonmagical clothing) and jewelry" and not "nonmagical (clothing and jewelry)." Worst case scenario is that this is a curse that costs you small amounts of gold so you can look fabulous.

I mean, what would a level 20 oracle with the covetous curse even look like? Mr. T back when he had all those gold chains?

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Also alternatively with toungues if you sre a nature oracle you can take transcendental bond.

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QuidEst wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
So the corruptions are now curses? What book?
Horror Realms. Great book with a ton of awesome stuff. The curse versions of corruptions are more minor, of course.


I have that book...not sure how I missed that. My excuse is I was reading all the locations. :(

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Lemartes wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
So the corruptions are now curses? What book?
Horror Realms. Great book with a ton of awesome stuff. The curse versions of corruptions are more minor, of course.


I have that book...not sure how I missed that. My excuse is I was reading all the locations. :(

I missed them at first too! I think I skimmed over them, mistaking them for corruption summaries. XP

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Rory wrote:
Lame is completely canceled out by a casting of Longstrider (which you can cast), or with a pair of Boots of Striding and Springing.

Although the character that isn't Lame to start with who casts Longstrider or has Boots still has 10" up on you, so the curse is still doing something.

Lemartes wrote:
So the corruptions are now curses? What book?

I don't know for sure, I heard it mentioned on another thread, and the curses page on the PFSRD is inaccessible :(

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Klorox wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
So the corruptions are now curses? What book?
I don't know for sure, I heard it mentioned on another thread, and the curses page on the PFSRD is inaccessible :(

QuidEst answered that above. Horror Realms.

QuidEst: I think I did the same thing.

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Deaf + Wolf-scarred dual curse is always fun.

The deaf curse negates the downside of wolf-scarred and lets you cast all spells with the Silent meta-magic feat for free.

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remind me why I don't like the dual curse variant

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Klorox wrote:
remind me why I don't like the dual curse variant

Because allies have the misfortune of re-rolling failed saves?

what about tongues?

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Tongues makes it very hard to use language-dependent spells in combat. You'd be surprised how many oft-cast spells are otherwise language-dependent, starting with command...

how do you tell which spells are language dependent? and command might not go well with my group, they don't like mind control stuff.

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Language-dependent spells usually have a line in their text that says so.

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The Deep One corruption curse does practically nothing if you are a medium creature wearing heavy armor, since it reduces your speed by 5' (from 30' to 25'), and a creature with a base speed of 25' is reduced to 20' in heavy armor.

In return for a swim speed, +1 NA bonus, +1 to caster level in water, and permanent freedom of movement underwater, that seems like a pretty raw deal to me.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Both Lich and Vampirism curses make you heal from negative energy and take damage from positive.

Since you can cast either cure on inflict spells yourself, you will always have self healing.

Stacking them for dual-cursed is an exercise in simplicity.

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Note the 5th level ability for Tongues doesn't actually force you to pick a second one of the initial languages. You could pick any language, including secret ones, (possibly excluding languages you already know) and just select something common like Dwarf. Still hurts a bit for language dependent though.

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If worried about language dependent spells, take Ancient Draconic.

All things understand the language of power.

Silver Crusade

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Snowlilly wrote:

If worried about language dependent spells, take Ancient Draconic.

All things understand the language of power.

Small snag though.

Prerequisite(s): wrote:
Arcane caster level 5th,speaks Draconic.

Not a problem if you're VMCing it, but the OP was going with the actual Oracle class.

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Would the Lore mystery's "Arcane Archivist" revelation let you qualify for that?

Silver Crusade

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Would the Lore mystery's "Arcane Archivist" revelation let you qualify for that?

I would say no, since your drawing from an arcane spell list but you're still casting them as your Oracle spells, so you're not an Arcane Caster nor have an arcane caster level, which is the important part.

Scarab Sages

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Even if you could qualify for it, the feat is also limited to arcane spells as the effect. It's fantastic for a bard though.

Shadow Lodge

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, what would a level 20 oracle with the covetous curse even look like? Mr. T back when he had all those gold chains?

You could go quantity or quality. You're supposed to wear 1,950gp worth of items at level 20. The GMG suggests that "Precious Jewelry" including large or ornate gold pieces as well as mithral and platinum should cost at least 500gp. Adding gemstones, you can easily get 2-3 items of jewelry worth a total of 2,000gp. For example, an ornate golden circlet set with seven pearls (1,200gp), matching earrings (200gp), and a gold and topaz brooch (800gp). If you're worried about this clashing with your magical bling, note that some gems such as emeralds, opals, sapphires, diamonds, and rubies are valued at 1000-5000gp each. A set of earrings or a ring incorporating these gems could easily be worth 2,000gp all on its own.

(Such a character may also benefit from the Extremely Fashionable trait.)

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There's a level 2 spell that would severely wreck you.

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deuxhero wrote:

Note the 5th level ability for Tongues doesn't actually force you to pick a second one of the initial languages. You could pick any language, including secret ones, (possibly excluding languages you already know) and just select something common like Dwarf. Still hurts a bit for language dependent though.

Do people really pretend this is the case? Honestly?

Grand Lodge

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I have a ranged-casting focused Flame oracle with the Haunted curse, and it's almost never been an issue. He's currently level 16 and I think I've only had to drop something once since about level 5, and even before then I don't think I encountered a situation where I needed to pick the thing I dropped up again in a hurry. The spells you get from it are also pretty nice. That said, it might be significantly worse if you expect to be in melee regularly.

If you aren't going to be the party face, the Wasting curse isn't too bad (you might check with your DM to see if he would house-rule that the penalty doesn't apply to UMD checks - that never made any sense to me).

its a shame there is no albinism curse with light sensitivity and all that since i want the solar mystery. and that's all about light. and i think my DM has never looked at the oracle's mysteries because he says the mysteries i want are over powered and that the curse should match or be stronger then the mystery. the mysteries two out of the three are not even in combat relative.

The main reason for somebody to consider the Lame Curse to be good would be to get immunity to Fatigue, so that they can Rage-cycle. The OP probably isn't doing this, so Lame is not a good Curse for the OP build Druid/Oracle.

Shadow Lodge

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Jader7777 wrote:
There's a level 2 spell that would severely wreck you.

You know, I'm not sure if that would be worse for a covetous oracle than anyone else.

On the one hand, it could sicken you (possibly for 24 hours if it counts as having items taken from you against your will).

On the other hand, since items removed are determined randomly, if you're wearing nonmagical jewelry then it means you're less likely to take off a magical piece.

I suppose at level 3 when you first run into the spell you're not likely to have many magical items whose loss would be worse than being sickened.

Probably a better idea to make a covetous oracle casting-focused in any case since then the penalties from being sickened are less significant in the event someone takes your stuff.

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zainale wrote:
its a shame there is no albinism curse with light sensitivity and all that since i want the solar mystery. and that's all about light. and i think my DM has never looked at the oracle's mysteries because he says the mysteries i want are over powered and that the curse should match or be stronger then the mystery. the mysteries two out of the three are not even in combat relative.

Shadowbound from Horror Realms is exactly what you want.

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I was wondering: Does picking up the Lychantropy curse allow you to qualify for the Aspect of the Beast feat?

Aspect of the Beast:

Prerequisite: wild shape class feature, see Special.

Benefit: Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you choose the feat, and then you cannot change it.

Night Senses (Ex): If your base race has normal vision, you gain low-light vision. If your base race has low-light vision, you gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. If your base race has darkvision, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet.

Claws of the Beast (Ex): You grow a pair of claws. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 if you are Small).

Predator’s Leap (Ex): You can make a running jump without needing to run 10 feet before you jump.

Wild Instinct (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Survival skill checks.

Special: A character that has contracted lycanthropy can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites. A ranger who selects the natural weapon combat style can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites (even if he does not select Aspect of the Beast as a bonus feat).

Silver Crusade

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I would say yes.

Lycanthropy Curse wrote:
You suffer from a minor form of lycanthropy.

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zainale wrote:
its a shame there is no albinism curse with light sensitivity and all that since i want the solar mystery. and that's all about light. and i think my DM has never looked at the oracle's mysteries because he says the mysteries i want are over powered and that the curse should match or be stronger then the mystery. the mysteries two out of the three are not even in combat relative.

lol mysteries are no more powerful than sorc bloodlines, wizard schools, barbarian rage powers ect.

Silver Crusade

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The curse is a core part of the class, so that while it is a drawback, it's not meant to be a completely crippling drawback (barring some). Making a Curse worse just screws over players just for picking the class.

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Rysky wrote:
The curse is a core part of the class, so that while it is a drawback, it's not meant to be a completely crippling drawback (barring some). Making a Curse worse just screws over players just for picking the class.


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Rysky wrote:

I would say yes.

Lycanthropy Curse wrote:
You suffer from a minor form of lycanthropy.

Nice way to get access to claws for an Oracle.

Verdant Wheel

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Alex Mack wrote:
Rysky wrote:

I would say yes.

Lycanthropy Curse wrote:
You suffer from a minor form of lycanthropy.
Nice way to get access to claws for an Oracle.

Dual-Curse it with the incredibly thematic Wolf-Scarred, and it's a nice way to get access to Multiattack for an Oracle.

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