Fastest way to catch all the Diseases


Hey so I am making a grippli Antipaladin. Once he hits level 3 I am going try getting as much diseases on him as possible, preferably ones that spread by touch. Then I plan on licking everyone with my Agile Tongue. Hopefully I will as much disease as possible, and everyone will die, become comatose or die. Anyway so I need to know, what is the fastest way to get all diseases, when I am not necessarily around a diseased town.

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Silver Crusade

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Derek Vande Brake wrote:

Urgathoan brothels. Normal brothels tend to take care of the whole disease thing, what with all the access to to ways to cure it.

You can eventually give them to yourself.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
You can eventually give them to yourself.

Yes, yes I realize that. However Contagion takes a while, so I was hoping for something speedier like eating bunches of mushrooms.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
You can eventually give them to yourself.

Even easier, you can apply Contagion through your Touch of Corruption by choosing the Disease cruelty and load up that way.

Artifix wrote:
Yes, yes I realize that. However Contagion takes a while, so I was hoping for something speedier like eating bunches of mushrooms.

Contagion has no onset period... You take the effects immediately.

I meant it takes a while to get contagion. I was hoping to start catching diseases at level 3, when I first become immune to their effects!

Worship Urgathoa, secretly. For profession, make it doctor. Take ranks in heal. Tell your DM that between adventures you are posing as a doctor, for the purpose of studying and infecting yourself with as many diseases as possible. See if you can get the most common diseases taht way. Try to convince your DM to only play modules that have disease as a focus for them. By lvl 3, have an evil cleric cast contagion on you as much as possible to get those diseases.

Hopefully by lvl 4 you can thus end up with a good amount of diseases so you can be a proper nurglite...I mean, Urgathoan.

Shadow Lodge

There's always the old-fashioned approach: use that tongue on everything. Zombies, otyughs (if you're looking through sewers anyway, Bluff to say you saw something down there and stick your head in for a closer look), oozes, giant insects...

If you are an Urgathoan antipaladin, you may want to hide it, especially in polite company. Your team-mates may catch on with how gross you'll end up being. Of course, if you meet any other Urgathoans, they might be happy to mutually swap from their collections.

Then, if someone tries to rob you, you can just lick whatever they're trying to steal and ask them if they still want it.

Also, as for "eating bunches of mushrooms", poisons aren't the same thing as diseases. For that matter, magic sickness, like lycanthropy or mummy rot, count as curses and probably won't count either. Of course, depending on you, your team, and the GM, contracting lycanthropy might not be much of an issue.

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

There's always the old-fashioned approach: use that tongue on everything. Zombies, otyughs (if you're looking through sewers anyway, Bluff to say you saw something down there and stick your head in for a closer look), oozes, giant insects...

If you are an Urgathoan antipaladin, you may want to hide it, especially in polite company. Your team-mates may catch on with how gross you'll end up being. Of course, if you meet any other Urgathoans, they might be happy to mutually swap from their collections.

Then, if someone tries to rob you, you can just lick whatever they're trying to steal and ask them if they still want it.

Also, as for "eating bunches of mushrooms", poisons aren't the same thing as diseases. For that matter, magic sickness, like lycanthropy or mummy rot, count as curses and probably won't count either. Of course, depending on you, your team, and the GM, contracting lycanthropy might not be much of an issue.

Never thought about contracting lycanthrohpy, though not sure if that would help as I need my tongue. Anyway I saw a few diseases spread by fungus and mushrooms. But yeah I guess mainly I will have to eat sewage.

Have a chat with the cultists of Urgathoa. They'll be absolutely THRILLED to hear of your intentions, and they'll completely thrilled to fill you up with the absolute worst diseases and infections they can find.

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You've probably already thought about this, but worth noting that the flipside is that once a group like the Church of Sarenrae hears about the disease-infested Grippli going around spreading the black plague, they will likely send some disease-proof paladins to 'fix the problem'.

Because even if the idea is only to spread the disease to direct enemies, you're bound to end up being a plague vector in whatever civilized places you go.

Also, while you won't take any penalties from the diseases, the ability says nothing about them not manifesting any signs, so you'll likely have bloodshot eyes, runny nose, and be covered in pussy sores, rashes, bloodshot eyes, etc. You might need to consider some sort of disguise if you don't want people to run in fear whenever you stroll into town.

Pray to, or insult, every god of disease that exists in your world. Drink the run off from the sanitarium. Lick everything that is used a lot, such as money.

Antipaladins can contract and spread diseases, but "are otherwise immune to their effects," so they don't have to deal with the visible signs either.

Make diplomacy checks to gather information about villages suffering from disease. Agreed that posing as a doctor is a good idea. You'll probably want a good disguise while you work.

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Plague doctor mask is a must, if only for the creepy factor...

Convince Paizo that good Fort saves are slightly stronger than they should be... And soon we'll have an errata that says everyone has low fort and contracts all diseases ever during character creation. XD

LOL Lemmy!

Hey, what works, works.

Lemmy wrote:
Convince Paizo that good Fort saves are slightly stronger than they should be... And soon we'll have an errata that says everyone has low fort and contracts all diseases ever during character creation. XD

Nah man, you gotta go a step further. You gotta repeatedly mention how Good Fort saves are one of the things martials have over most casters. THEN it'll get nerfed.

The Steel Refrain wrote:

You've probably already thought about this, but worth noting that the flipside is that once a group like the Church of Sarenrae hears about the disease-infested Grippli going around spreading the black plague, they will likely send some disease-proof paladins to 'fix the problem'.

Because even if the idea is only to spread the disease to direct enemies, you're bound to end up being a plague vector in whatever civilized places you go.

Yeah I thought about doing this with Pestilence Bloodline, it would take till level 9 but then I would be able to have a swarm follow me. Meaning even those disease free guys get distracted and I can just use spells to murderer them.

GM_Beernorg wrote:
Plague doctor mask is a must, if only for the creepy factor...


Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Convince Paizo that good Fort saves are slightly stronger than they should be... And soon we'll have an errata that says everyone has low fort and contracts all diseases ever during character creation. XD
Nah man, you gotta go a step further. You gotta repeatedly mention how Good Fort saves are one of the things martials have over most casters. THEN it'll get nerfed.

Shhh... Don't take it too far!

If you remind them martial classes have better Fort save, we'll all end up being poisoned, crippled and bleeding during character creation!

Cut yourself and roll around in the sewer?

Have you considered how this will effect your group? Unless everyone is an antipaladin this is a concept that may not work.

Atarlost wrote:
Have you considered how this will effect your group? Unless everyone is an antipaladin this is a concept that may not work.

They have ways to protect themselves from the diseases.

Like don't lick the antipaladin?

I am curious about this topic because I am playing a Tyrant Antipaladin in Hell's Vengenace.

How can I weaponize the diseases that I will be immune to?

Jaçinto wrote:
Like don't lick the antipaladin?

More like don't get licked, but yes that is one of the ways.

Claxon wrote:

I am curious about this topic because I am playing a Tyrant Antipaladin in Hell's Vengenace.

How can I weaponize the diseases that I will be immune to?

Well I would think it depends on the race you play! As a Grippli I can just make lots of touch attacks with my tongue, spreading diseases with contact.

As a Tiefling one could use Tiefling Heritage to be able to create a detachable barb out of your skin. This barb acts like a dagger and you can throw it into people, it might have some of the diseases on it.

Catfolk and any other creatures with claws or a bite attack, could try to cause disease by injury.

Also don't wear to many clothes, you actually want people touching your skin during combat. This way they collect diseases. Atleast for those ones that are past touch.

Artifix wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Have you considered how this will effect your group? Unless everyone is an antipaladin this is a concept that may not work.
They have ways to protect themselves from the diseases.

I think the point raised was no one can touch you. So basically the group has to buy disease immunity in some form or its going to suck to be near you. Even buffing you would be impossible.

Well, considering that diseases have an onset time it's not terribly useful in combat. I'm more thinking outside the box of how I can use it to control the rebellious populations under my iron fist.

Naturally giving someone a disease really isn't going to do anything because they all have a minimum onset time of 1 day. For someone I'm dealing with in combat, they're very likely to be dead. Now if I capture them, I might be able to do something with diseases to "torture" them.

Of course, the Cruelty to bestow diseases could be very effective but that's a whole different animal.

Claxon wrote:

Well, considering that diseases have an onset time it's not terribly useful in combat. I'm more thinking outside the box of how I can use it to control the rebellious populations under my iron fist.

Naturally giving someone a disease really isn't going to do anything because they all have a minimum onset time of 1 day. For someone I'm dealing with in combat, they're very likely to be dead. Now if I capture them, I might be able to do something with diseases to "torture" them.

Of course, the Cruelty to bestow diseases could be very effective but that's a whole different animal.

You could use it has a town clearer. Oh that one town is rebelling, so you walk into it and give someone the disease by touch or something. Then walkout and the rebels all die slow painful disease filled deaths.

Also for battle, my thought is to be diplomatic when met face to face, but use my long tongue to sneakily lick people, giving them diseases. They later die and no one will be the wiser!

You do have a point of it being hard to weaponize.

One thought is contracting Zombie Rot. Start spreading it to civilians, they will slowly die, then turn into a Zombie! Use this combined with Command Undead and you have an infinite zombie army!

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Yeah, I had considered using it as a means to intimidate towns.
"Oh, you don't want to obey House Thrune? It'd be a shame if everyone in town caught the bubonic plague wouldn't it. House Thrune can help make sure that doesn't happen."

Keep in mind that while it might be possible to sneakily give them disease it's going to be difficult. Stealth breaks if you make an attack as does regular invisibility. They're going to know they've been attacked, which is likely to result in full combat. You could probably set up circumstances to make it happen, but it's not going to be easy.

Claxon wrote:

Yeah, I had considered using it as a means to intimidate towns.

"Oh, you don't want to obey House Thrune? It'd be a shame if everyone in town caught the bubonic plague wouldn't it. House Thrune can help make sure that doesn't happen."

Keep in mind that while it might be possible to sneakily give them disease it's going to be difficult. Stealth breaks if you make an attack as does regular invisibility. They're going to know they've been attacked, which is likely to result in full combat. You could probably set up circumstances to make it happen, but it's not going to be easy.

Sticks tongue into water...

Anyway I have my tongue for spreading disease, but I like my zombie idea (it was on the fly). Perhaps I can use a zombie army as a meat shield.

However don't forget Touch of Corruption is a touch attack. Meaning I do have a touch contagion effect once I hit level 6!

Artifix wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Yeah, I had considered using it as a means to intimidate towns.

"Oh, you don't want to obey House Thrune? It'd be a shame if everyone in town caught the bubonic plague wouldn't it. House Thrune can help make sure that doesn't happen."

Keep in mind that while it might be possible to sneakily give them disease it's going to be difficult. Stealth breaks if you make an attack as does regular invisibility. They're going to know they've been attacked, which is likely to result in full combat. You could probably set up circumstances to make it happen, but it's not going to be easy.

Sticks tongue into water...

Anyway I have my tongue for spreading disease, but I like my zombie idea (it was on the fly). Perhaps I can use a zombie army as a meat shield.

However don't forget Touch of Corruption is a touch attack. Meaning I do have a touch contagion effect once I hit level 6!

You and me both brother. However I intend to get a Conductive weapon so I can channel my Touch of Corruption through it (which feeds into my overall build anyways, Cornugon Smash, Hurtful, Cruel weapon enhancement). I debuff the target with Shaken, Sickened, eventually Curse via ToC. Eventually the character will be capable of reducing an opponents saves by 10 (-2 sickened, -2 shaken, -4 Curse, -2 Aura of Despair).

Claxon wrote:
Artifix wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Yeah, I had considered using it as a means to intimidate towns.

"Oh, you don't want to obey House Thrune? It'd be a shame if everyone in town caught the bubonic plague wouldn't it. House Thrune can help make sure that doesn't happen."

Keep in mind that while it might be possible to sneakily give them disease it's going to be difficult. Stealth breaks if you make an attack as does regular invisibility. They're going to know they've been attacked, which is likely to result in full combat. You could probably set up circumstances to make it happen, but it's not going to be easy.

Sticks tongue into water...

Anyway I have my tongue for spreading disease, but I like my zombie idea (it was on the fly). Perhaps I can use a zombie army as a meat shield.

However don't forget Touch of Corruption is a touch attack. Meaning I do have a touch contagion effect once I hit level 6!

You and me both brother. However I intend to get a Conductive weapon so I can channel my Touch of Corruption through it (which feeds into my overall build anyways, Cornugon Smash, Hurtful, Cruel weapon enhancement). I debuff the target with Shaken, Sickened, eventually Curse via ToC. Eventually the character will be capable of reducing an opponents saves by 10 (-2 sickened, -2 shaken, -4 Curse, -2 Aura of Despair).

That is awesome. I'm working on designing my build around incapacitating them, then just let them die by disease. I'm not going be sadistic, I just think of the diseases as my pets and I am feeding them.

Anyway I am looking for a way to speed up onset of diseases, so far nothing. But if anyone knows a way to speed up their onset, besides those caused by contagion, please do tell!

Also the fact that diseases don't affect me, does that mean I don't turn into a werewolf even if I contract Lycanthropy. Or can I just control it?

I don't know of any way to speed up onset besides Contagion.

As Lycanthropy is a disease you are immune to it and will not be turned into a werewolf.

If you are in a fight with someone you are sure will escape, get in close and at least spit in their face. Aim for the mouth when they are talking or yelling or whatever.

I can't play an antipaladin because I would always spit in the well of any town I visit.

The only problem with that is that anyone who is a serious threat to you is likely to have access to Remove Disease, and most diseases have a pretty low DC.

It's good against random NPCs that you wouldn't normally bother wasting your time killing, I fear it's not a viable threat against level appropriate NPCs (at least not once you reach around level 6 or so).

Claxon wrote:
As Lycanthropy is a disease you are immune to it and will not be turned into a werewolf.

Was thinking about Lycanthropy and wondering. If I can't be affected by diseases does that mean I can't turn into a werewolf or can I control when I turn into a Werewolf?

Also does it have to be Werewolf, could the curse turn me into a differnt Werebeast such as a Wererat or Werebat?

You're immune. You straight up just can't turn into any were-creature.

Regularly, I believe you become a were-creature of the same type that infected you.

Literally eat s#+!.

Licantropy is a curse, not a disease, so you could be affected and transformed, as it doesn't interact with Plague Bringer at all

Eat at Chipotle.

Entryhazard wrote:
Licantropy is a curse, not a disease, so you could be affected and transformed, as it doesn't interact with Plague Bringer at all

That's fair for Licantropy, but what about Lycanthropy.

Anyway in all seriousness I thought it would count as disease for this purpous. Atleast it can be cured with Remove Disease.

Wherever you go, take a glass of water and leave it out in the open overnight.

I am suddenly having flashes of the Goat Simulator game and all the licking.

Lick a higher level anti-paladin, or miff-off a high level blight druid? Also have fun in some morgues, preferably the kind which are also brothels.

Artifix wrote:
Anyway in all seriousness I thought it would count as disease for this purpous. Atleast it can be cured with Remove Disease.

It's a curse that can be removed with remove diseas in order to make it easier to deal with, but it's still only a curse. Compare with the Aboleth's Slime that isn't a disease but can be removed by the same means

On the other hand you have Mummy Rot that requires Remove Curse to be cured but is a disease so Paladins are immune and Antipaladins can ignore the effects with Plaguebringer

Entryhazard wrote:
Licantropy is a curse, not a disease, so you could be affected and transformed, as it doesn't interact with Plague Bringer at all

I had a response prepared on Saturday, but the servers went down as I was preparing it.

Ultimately it seems as though you are right about it being purely a curse, though for some reason I thought it was both a disease and a curse. Perhaps it is just the fact that it can be removed with Remove Disease that made me think so.

Regardless, I can't find any indication that it is actually a disease so Plague Bringer does nothing.

And as a side note in that case, being an afflicted Lycanthrope sucks and I wouldn't recommend attempting to contract it. You can't control when you change and only change on a full moon.

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