![]() Firewarrior44 wrote: the Full pouch spell, in conjunction with heighten spell can make alchemical item saves scale Bit confused on that spell. It says the item can't be a consumable, but wouldn't just about every alchemical item be consumable? ![]()
![]() Davor Firetusk wrote: With the Hybridization funnel you can combine two alchemical weapons, getting you up to 2d6 damage on touch AC plus catching on fire which can cost them an action, with Concentrated Splash as a feat you increase the damage 50% by forgoing splash damage. As a support type character that can remain pretty relevant up to somewhere in the 7th to 9th level range. If you play a Goblin you could also do Burn, Burn, Burn which increase the save DC by 4 and adds another 1d4 fire damage, thrown in Splipslinger Style and Slipslinger Grenadier and you can treat the weapons as sling bullets getting normal bullet damage, and the ability to make iterative attacks. That ends up pretty specialized, but depending on how far you are taking the campaign you have some different options. But you'd need to go Fighter at least part of the way to get the Slipslinger feats and stay relevant (without other class abilities I'm forgetting) past level 10. For example even a single level dip into alchemist would also let you add your Int modifier to damage, which would help. Interesting. So I could combine Liquid Ice and Alkali Flask? Also, though I realize they are considered weak, I want this character to be a Kobold. Mix Scales of course, but anyway on to the question I have. What two flasks would you suggest combining to help shutdown and/or disable the opponent. ![]()
![]() I like Alchemical weapons, it's fun to throw acid on you're enemies or shoot lightning at them. However once you get past the first few levels it would seem these items are kind of pointless. You can easily replace them with some enchantments, spells or even just raw damage. So I want to know, how would you keep these items relevant or useful beyond the first few levels? Do you let people use them in place of spells for crafting or have special traps? ![]()
![]() I'm making a Gulch Gunner and I found False Opening will help boost my AC against the AoOs I want to provoke, but I have 2 questions about False Opening. 1) Point Blank Master requires Weapon Specialization with a chosen weapon, but in order to get Weapon Specialization I need a way around the fighter level requirements. What I'm asking is if there is a way around said requirements. 2) Does the AoO you provoke from False Opening count as provoking an AoO due to firing a ranged weapon for the purpose of regaining Grit from AoOs via Gulch Gunner's Grit Feature? ![]()
![]() Is there a way to get a alchemist the ability to make wands, because if so couldn't you use the alchemist discovery, Combine Extracts, to make a wand with multiple spell effects? ![]()
![]() Just a quick question with combining Archetypes. Suppose I have one archetype that modifies a class feature such as the Clone Master modifying bombs so that they deal 1 dice lower of damage, but I also have the Promethean Alchemist archetype that completely removes bombs. Can I combine these archetypes since both don't remove bombs? I know the answer is probably no but I just want to make sure! ![]()
![]() Dragzner wrote: No im looking for more of a create rather than an acquire. I'm playing a campaign where my goal is to take over the world and im looking to make a bodyguard sort. so what im trying to do is create npcs with unique traits. now obviously it sounds broken already, but its gonna be later game when i have the money and magic to create he/she/it. im asking if i can create life, but not really in a golem manner more like a frankenstein type. Well you could make a Simulacrum. Also try checking out Variants of a Carrion Golem. Flesh Golems might also work. Basically Craft Construct seems to be you're best friend. That or playing a Summoner. On another note, I just noticed the double post, perhaps this can be combined with that thread? ![]()
![]() Check out the Squire feat. Also try (Vile) Leadership. OH and if you can take Prestige Classes try taking Noble Scion. ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote:
An ancient artifact or Philospher's Stone? Perhaps selling it out as willing to trade or something. As for the Astral Projection, what are ways to break the Cord? If we can break that don't both the Projection and Wizard die? ![]()
![]() Jayson MF Kip wrote:
If we can figure out something the Wizard wants we could try to get him to come to the rogue who everyone thinks has it. Just use the Rogue Talent Rumormonger to spread the Rumor that the rogue has it! ![]()
![]() Saethori wrote: Alchemists can't make wands, they don't have a caster level. There's a reason they need special language in their Brew Potion ability just to allow it to function. Couldn't you use Master Craftsman to get a caster level or am I reading it wrong? ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
So I'm working with the Questioner archetype and I ran into some things related to spells. First off, does a Questioner gain 0 level bard spells. Second, am I reading right that I don't have to make extracts. Then on semi-unrelated note, can a Alchemist make wands for me. If so, can an Alchemist make a wand that casts a Combined Extract? ![]()
![]() Ascalaphus wrote:
Does that mean that a Whip with Sacred Damage from the Warpriest's Sacred Weapon ability does lethal or nonlethal? ![]()
![]() Isn't there a minor artifact that can turn you into a lich? I think it was called the Phylactery of the Failed or something like that. ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
Thank you! Any suggestions of things besides wands I should keep on hand for use with my UMD? ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
While most of the spells are on the wizard list there are a few, such as Blade Dash, that I was hoping to get that aren't on the spell list. Most of all, I want Beguiling Gift, as this person is going be a thief focused on wands and other UMD related things. With Beguiling Gift I can give any cursed items I have. Also fun imo is to act as a merchant, Beguiling Gift a wand or related item onto someone, then have them arrested for "stealing" my items. ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
I'm reading it and wondering, since I do get a Rogue Talent at level 4 could I use it in combination with Counterfeit Mage to help boost my Wand Skills? ![]()
![]() Gisher wrote:
Somehow I missed that archetype. It will work perfectly though, so thank you! ![]()
![]() I was looking at rogue for the build so that I could duel-wield wands for improved power on one, so I'm not sure magician would work. However I do still want Arcane Savant. ![]()
![]() I don't really think why not a Rogue Archetype. However, what I do think of is why, oh WHY is there not a hybrid class of Rogue and either Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard. I mean we have the prestige class of Arcane Trickster, but I feel like an Arcane Bard who uses performances to getting people flat footed then sneak attacking them would be awesome. Or a Mage of sorts who uses his Rakasha Bloodline and his Rogueish Guile to help him blend in with the crowd after escaping the authorities. ![]()
![]() I am wondering if the rogue talent Spell Storing could count as being able to cast 2nd level spells for the purpose of taking levels in the Arcane Savant prestige class. I can cover the creating feat by using Master Craftsman but I still need to get spellcasting 2nd level for my wand wielding rogue. Anyway so is this possible? ![]()
![]() I guess I should clarify a few things. First off I am the GM but I am trying to figure out how to run these in a logical manner, as the awakened beings and the guy awakening them all are going be recurring in the plot. Then it comes to the fact that knowing my group they might want to hire some of these guys, so I need to figure out pricing as I would think it would vary depending on how strong the mercenary is. An example being if I was to have them interact with an awakened Adamantine Golem then the price for hiring it as a bodyguard would be higher then say a scarecrow. Also, I do know about rule 0 but I still would like help figuring out the best way to run this. As for those Constructs that might want to be augmented to do the work they plan/want to do the best way possible it would seem the general consensus is they could be modified. On another note, how do people normally do NPC's leveling up? ![]()
![]() Daw wrote: 2. Insufficient information to answer this. With awakened constructs I would say highly unlikely, since the spell pretty much gives the GM pretty much all control in this area. Well basically what I want to do is things like add metal claws to an awakened Scarecrow to help him fight or maybe equip an Alchemical Golem with a sprayer of sorts so he can shoot poisonous gas to kill or water to help water crops. ![]()
![]() Gilfalas wrote:
I am going be awakening the constructs using this spell. Also I should clarify, HE isn't going be using them as Mercenaries, some of the awakened Constructs and Animals are going want to be mercenaries as it can make good money and they have certain instincts or are constructed with such power that they would make great guards, trackers, etc. ![]()
![]() So for a campaign I am working on there is going be a person who "frees" constructs and creatures from slavery. In his opinion awakening these beings frees them as they no longer need to obey anyone and can work as they please. Now my plan is for this guy to teach and train some of the constructs and animals to fight and help awaken more. Later on some of the awakened beings are going be working as mercenaries so I am trying to figure out a few things. 1) How should I price the services? 2) Is it possible for the person who Awakens the constructs to modify them for battle or work? 3) Supposing one of the awakened animals was a companion of someone who took the Evolved Companion feat. Would the Animal Companion keep all evolutions? 4) Should I run them as if they had no levels before or do will there HD count as there levels for determining how much experience they need to level up? 5) Could someone recruit an awakened Construct or Animal as a Cohort using the Leadership feat? ![]()
![]() Can you sneak attack with Overwatch Style? If so then you can set up a bunch of readied attacks using Overwatch Style and it's later feats. If you haven Overwatch Vortex you can ready 2 arrows for if the Wizard moves and 2 for if he casts a spell. Then when/if he casts a spell you release an arrow, it hits him and he has to make a concentration check (right?). For even better effect poison the arrows with Drow Poison or some other poison that will cause the Wizard to go unconscious. Then it's just a matter of using a Coup De Grace on the wizard. Another way you can do this, that is completetly luck based, is using Perfect Strike and a bunch of other feats to allow for reroll. Have a bow with Heart-Piercing or a Slicing Melee Weapon with Vorpal then hope one of your many rolls and rerolls is a 20. If you don't want to attack people (or atleast not deal damage except for a Coup De Grace) then you can fill the rooms with Dreaming Death. Then you just have to walk up to those who didn't make the save and do a Coup De Grace. Also am I right in assuming sneak attack damage is added to a Coup De Grace? On another note, I can't believe I forgot to add Hunter's Surprise to my earlier list. ![]()
![]() Zarius wrote: And I don't care if peeps think he's right. Consider this an exercise in insanity. And since I AM technically insane, shouldn't be much of a stretch. I like you, you're crazy enough to try these things no matter what people say! Also the Ring of Force Shield might help you. So could a Chime of Interruption. More things (Edit): The Rune of the Inscrutable One might help. Ioun Stones are useful these ones might help: 1) Lavender and Green Ellipsoid Race wise here are some ones with spell resistance: 1) Svirfneblin don't have the best stats but there high spell resistance, +2 to saves and decent stealth boost can give you a major advantage, or atleast help you not have such a disadvantage. 2) Drow can do decently well due to there spell resistance as well as the fact that they are skilled in poison which can help you subdue targets. Don't forget they have immunity to sleep effects! 3) Dwarves like the Svirfneblin have stonecunning to help them detect traps and doors in stone walls. They also can exchange Hardy for some spell resistance and are a nice sturdy race. 4) Duergar have pretty high spell resistance as well as once a day invisibility. Lastly, (atleast for now,) if you want you could kinda cheat and form some Spellcasting Contracts with followers of Asmodeus. ![]()
![]() What class are you, because Unnatural Lust might help you out. Well at least help bring her to the dark side. ![]()
![]() Zarius wrote: Short version, he's going to be armed to the teeth, metaphorically speaking. OH. Race. Custom allowed, up to 11 RP. Let me rephrase, is he going be armed with physical weapons or just spells? Because if he doesn't have physical weapons then (I'm not positive on this but) the feat Catch Off Guard. If archetypes are allowed Counterfeit Mage could help you get rid of some magical traps. Anyway as for rogue (master) talents the following might help: 2) Scry Slip 4) Deadly Sneak 6) If Catch Off Guard works then Crippling Strike can let you eliminate all Strength. 7) Another Day 8) You could use the Master Rogue Talent Master Tricks to gain the Ninja Master Trick Assassinate. ![]()
![]() Ok so what if you combined this with Halfing Opportunist to let you 1) deal sneak attack damage with all those AoO's and 2) if you don't mind using a move action to stand up you can use your swift/immediate action to get a boost to you hitting or AC! I see people talking about using Eldritch Guardian. However I have been looking at Master of Many Styles and if you go that route couldn't you use Jabbing Master to deal more damage with each AoO. ![]()
![]() Snowblind wrote: Nope. Only spellcasting requires so much concentration that getting attacked may screw it up. IIRC, the only thing bomb mixing and throwing would do is provoke an AoO. The birds could disarm the alchemist then, I guess, although that is probably too smart for a pack of birds. The summoner could have a spell up to talk to the birds and direct them? Wouldn't disarming him possibly drop a live bomb? ![]()
![]() The Sideromancer wrote:
Purrfect! Though one question, I'm right in assuming that cleansing flame can be applied to claws? ![]()
![]() Dastis wrote: Why not a paladin instead? That way you can dump both int and wis and go full force cha overly dramatic "THE RED DOT MUST PAY!!!!!!!!". Could max out intimidate and use this as a horrifying battle cry. You could smite red dot and have a ton of anti red dot abilities. If you want an intimidating meow you might try recording a sound byte from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVx2uCcDXX0 Is there a way to create an Abberation focused Paladin rather then Undead? From what I read of Paladins and looking at their abilities they always seemed more of a support to me. If there is a way to make this a Paladin though I would love it, I have been trying to figure out a fun Paladin build. To be honest I chose Ranger as kinda a joke, that Etuc Tac would try tracking the untrackable, a red dot. ![]()
![]() Sundakan wrote: You guys need to trawl through the Alchemist's existing archetypes and come on back. They can already make Homunculi by first. The Homunculist is what gave me the idea for being able to get an Evolution Point instead of a discovery. While the Promethean Alchemist is what made me think the ability to make a Chimera and starting with one should mean you don't get access to mutagens or bombs. ![]()
![]() Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Have you checked out it's extensions; Mobile Fortress and Mobile Stronghold.