Alignment: Chaotic Evil bordering on Lawful Evil
Classes: Legendary Wizard/Taskshaper 4
Theme: Opal Farella is a Priestess of Calistria by day, venturing into many of the temples related to love and lust, but she is a follower of any god (goddess) who will help darker pursuits by night, even The Fallen. She marries death, deception, lust, revenge, and secrets into a bloody path to seek vengeance on behalf of those who are violently taken advantage of and more. She is also a deadly assassin for hire under the Blood Fangs; one as deadly as they come, but more than that, her unique abilities, given to her by the god Asmodeus, have allowed her to travel unseen. She'd make deals with devils and the like to bring about real change. Revenge, justice, and death are slated for those who caused the deaths of so many thousands. She will destroy half the city to get what she wants and will pervert the rest by twisting their thinking. One might call her an evangelist against Mitra.
Religion: Asmodeus, Calistria
Homeland: Ghastenhall, Talingarde
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 24
Bodily Features: 5’10", 34D-24-39, 138 lbs
Appearance: Tall, curvy, seductive, tempting, mature yet youthful.
Attributes: Acrobatic, intelligent, full of unique abilities.
Hair: Walnut, long, loose curls.
Eyes: Round eyes, Brown Irides. Long lashes.
Vision: Darkvision
Languages: Common
Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Read Lips
STR 9 (considered a 14 for lifting/breaking)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 20 (+2 racial)(+1 level)
WIS 10
CHA 16
HP: 40 (8+8+8+8+8con)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30ft
AC: 17 [10+4armor+2dex+1dodge] (+4aoo)
Touch: 13 Flat Footed: 14
Fort: 7 =4base+2con+1resistance (+1vsdivine)(+1vspoison)
Ref: 7 =4base+2dex+1resistance (+1vsdivine)
Will: 5 =4base+0wis+1resistance (+1vsdivine)(+2vs fear)
BAB: +3
CMB: +11 =4bab+2dex+5int+0size
CMD: 20 =4bab-1str+2dex+5int+0size+10
Unarmed Strike/Touch Attack | +5 (3bab+2dex) | x2
B | - | - | 1d3-1+1d4fire
Dagger | +5 (3bab+2dex+1masterwork) | 19-20x2
P/S | - | - | 1d4-1+1d4fire
Spell Ranged Touch
Ray | +5 (3bab+2dex) | Spell+1d4fire
SKILLS (Total = Stat + Ranks + Modifiers)
+2 insight to all Skills
Acrobatics (Dex) 6 =2+2
Appraise (Int)* 11 =5+1b+3
Artistry Henna (Int)* 13 =5+1b+3+2item
Bluff (Cha)* 18 =3+4+3+4racial+2untyped
Climb (Str) 2 =-1+1
Craft Alchemy (Int)* 13 =5+1b+3+2item
Diplomacy (Cha)* 14 =3+2+3+4racial
Disable Device (Dex)* 10 =2+1+3+2item
Disguise (Cha)* 25 =3+2+3+5class+2untyped+2kit+5minor changes
Escape Artist (Dex)* 4 =2+0
Handle Animal (Cha) 5 =3+0
Intimidate (Cha)* 10 =3+2+3 (+2racial in dim or dark light)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int)* 12 =5+2+3
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)* 12 =5+2+3
Knowledge (engineering) (Int)* 11 =5+1+3
Knowledge (geography) (Int)* 11 =5+1+3
Knowledge (history) (Int)* 11 =5+1+3
Knowledge (local) (Int)* 14 =5+2+3+2book
Knowledge (nature) (Int)* 12 =5+2+3
Knowledge (nobility) (Int)* 13 =5+1+3+2book
Knowledge (planes) (Int)* 12 =5+2+3
Knowledge (religion) (Int)* 12 =5+2+3
Linguistics (Int)* 13 =5+1+3+2book
Lore Contracts (Int)* 13 =5+1b+3+2book
Perception (Wis)* 9 =0+4+3 (+2racial in dim or dark light)
Perform (Cha) 7 =3+0+2book
Profession Prostitute (Cha)* 11 =3+1b+3+2item
Ride (Dex) 4 =2+0
Sense Motive (Int)* 14 =5+2+3+1trait
Sleight of Hand (Dex)* 17 =2+4b+3+4circumstance+2circumstance
Spellcraft (Int)* 11 =5+1+3
Stealth (Dex)* 11 =2+4+3 (+2racial in dim or dark light)
Survival (Wis) 4 =2+0
Swim (Str) 1 =-1+0
Use Magic Device (Cha)* 11 =3+3+3
* Class Skill
1st-Level Taskshaper 1/Wizard 1: Mimicry, Moment of Change | Arcane school, bonded object, cantrips, path of the mage, scribe scroll
2nd-Level Taskshaper 2/Wizard 2: Shaped capacity (impersonate) | Arcane discovery (knowledge is power), intelligent design (sense motive)
3rd-Level Taskshaper 3/Wizard 3: Change shape (alter self), perfect copy | Genius insight 1/day
4th-Level Taskshaper 4/Wizard 4: Mimicry, shaped capacity (imprint class ability) | Educated metamagic (extend spell 6/day)
1 Deceptive, Varisian Tattoo
2 Cunning Caster
3 Deific Obedience
4 FCB Shaped Capacity (Shaped Attack), Craft Wondrous Item
Imprinted Feat: Dodge
Bonus Feat (4RP): At 1st level, she gains a bonus feat.
Burning Desire (Su): At 1st level, Opal’s melee and ranged attacks deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage. Her supernatural, spell, and spell-like ability attacks deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage upon a failed saving throw (if it has no save, this ability has no effect). She can suppress (and activate) this ability as a free action. This otherwise functions as the burn universal monster ability. Her damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 10th, 2d6 at 14th, and to 2d8 at 18th.
Dimdweller (2RP): At 1st level, whenever she benefits from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, she gains a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Ferocity (Ex): At 1st level, she gains ferocity. A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
Sensual Skills: At 1st level, she gains a +2 racial bonus on bluff and diplomacy. This increases to +4 at 4th level and she gains +2 to every even level to a maximum of +8 at 8th level.
Aura of Lust (Su): Opal radiates an aura of uncontrolled mental energy of 5′ for every 2 HD she possesses (Maximum 50′ radius). Upon entering the aura, enemy creatures must make a successful Will save (DC 10 +1/2 her HD + her Cha modifier, with a +2 from her language of longing ability) or become distracted by what they lust for (be that sex, power, conquest, honor, friendship, respect, knowledge, etc.). For as long as they remain in the aura, these creatures suffer a –2 circumstance penalty on AC, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, damage rolls, initiative, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Allies instead gain +1 to those rolls as they are driven to protect the object of their lust (a friend, lover, gold, magical item, esoteric tome, etc.). If they fail the will save, enemy spellcasters must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the lusting creature’s HD + its Cha modifier) or they fail to cast the spell (though they do not lose the spell). In addition, they cannot cast spells or use any skill, feat, or extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural ability that uses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, or has them as prerequisites, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. This aura can be suppressed for 1 round as a standard action. It will resume on the following round unless another standard action is used.
Clumsy and Innocent: The first time you attack someone with an attack that deals nonlethal damage, your target must make a Sense Motive opposed by your Bluff check minus the damage dealt to realize you actually intended to harm him; failure means he believes the injury was an accident on your part instead (though he may still want to punish you for it).
Desecration: Opal has violated one of the church's main cathedrals to the great god Mitra. Therein she posed as a priestess and lured members of the congregation into lustful acts. This went on for a time, rising her own harem of followers until she was so bold as to try and succeed with a high priest of the order. To her amazement, he fell into her lustful ways. With it brought disaster, for Sir Balin of Karfeld was watching and waiting. It was then that they were found out. He wished to pin her other crimes on her, but all he could do was amass the charges for her desecration of the temple. Fortunately for him, the corruption had spread so significantly within the organization, that it had to make clear that such acts were not to be tolerated. There was a purging. She was then sent to Branderscar Prison for flagrant and spectacular dishonor to the Shining Lord. She receives +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
Fear only our Lord: You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Hedonistic: Opal is a creature of pleasure and comfort. Whenever you spend a day without gaining a reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure.
Overwhelming Beauty: Your wiles are particularly potent against people who share a race with you, as your beauty is often held up as a symbol of perfection. The DC of your mind-affecting effects increases by 1 against creatures that have at least one of the same subtypes as you.
Vigilant Battler: You are very attentive both on the battlefield and off to be mindful of others' intentions. You gain a +1 trait bonus to sense motive checks and it is considered a class skill.
Favored Class Bonus: 4/4 Class Ability
Moment of Change Pool: 7 (3+lvl)
Mimicry (Ex): Gain proficiency in all armor, shields, and weapons, except for exotics. All spell completion/trigger items are treated as known and are used with her CL.
Moment of Change (Su): MC Pool 3+level. 1/round as a free action, use an ability:
---Imprint Feat: Exchange one feat for another that's been observed during gameplay.
(Ability Focus, Dodge, Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll (ink devil), throw anything (abrikandilu), blind-fight (lesser demon ooze), stealthy (dryad), step up (fungal crawler), flyby attack (giant eagle)), deft maneuvers (monk), Combat Reflexes (Ardran), Eschew Materials (Ardran), Improved Counterspell (Ardran), Lingering Performance (Ardran), Spring Attack (Ardran), Selective Channeling (Vezura), Deadly Agility (Aenil), Persuasive (Aenil), Agile Maneuvers (Isabella)
---Imprint Skill: Exchange the ranks of any one str or dex-based skill for one skill check.
---Modified Advantage: Gain a +1 to any single d20 roll.
Shaped Capacity: Spend one moment of change per round to do these abilities once a round:
---Impersonate: At will she can emulate thoughts, mannerisms, speech patterns, knowledge, and demeanor of a person once touched. +5 competence to disguise. This stacks with disguise bonuses.
---Imprint Class Ability: She can use any class ability witnessed that can be used by someone half her level that can be performed in a single action. Use as half her class level in that class. To witness Perception DC is 15.
---Shaped Attack: She can change her form and gain 3 natural attacks.
Change Shape: She can alter shape for one moment of change.
Bonded Object (Spellbook): She gains a +2 to all skill checks. At 8th level and every 8 levels after, this increases by +1 to a max of +3 at 16th level.
Arcane Discovery:
---Knowledge is Power: Your understanding of physical forces gives you power over them. You add your Intelligence modifier on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD, as well as treating your base attack bonus as equal to your level when determining your CMD. You also add your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks to break or lift objects.
Arcane School: Each spell cast within the wizards specialized school is treated as +1 CL. At 5th level and every 5 levels afterwards, this increases by +1 to a max of +5 at 20th level.
Evocation: Divination is your opposition school.
---Passive: Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals hit point damage, add 1/2 your wizard level to the damage (minimum +1). This bonus only applies once to a spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles or rays. This bonus damage is not increased by Empower Spell or similar effects. This damage is of the same type as the spell. At 20th level, whenever you cast an evocation spell you can roll twice to penetrate a creature’s spell resistance and take the better result.
---Active: When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Intelligent Design (Ex): At 2nd level, the wizard can select 1 skill; the wizard can choose to use their Intelligence modifier in place of the ability modifier normally used for that skill.
Genius Insight: 1/day, the wizard can cast any spell in their spellbook. At 9th level, this can be used an additional 1/day.
Educated Metamagic (extend): At 4th level, a number of times a day, she can use a metamagic feat without increasing a spell level equal to 1/4 CL + Int mod per day. At 8th and every 4 levels after, she can select another metamagic feat to add to spells for free. Different feats are available dependent on level.
Caster Level Check/Spell Resistance: 1d20+4level
Concentration: 1d20+spell level+2race+2trait
Spell DC: 10+Spell Level+Int+1tattoo+1alchemical
Class Spells
Spells Per Day
Bonded Spell: Any Known
0-Level: Inf
1st-Level: 3+2
2nd-Level: 2+2
Genius Insight Spell 1/1, Bonded Object Spell 1/1
Known Spells
Abjuration - Abjuring Step, Endure Elements, Obscure Poison, Peacebond, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Shield, Theft Ward
Conjuration - Abundant Ammunition, Adhesive Spittle, Air Bubble, Corrosive Touch, Expeditious Construction, Glue Seal, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Mount, Mudball, Obscuring Mist, Snowball, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant, Web Bolt
Divination - Comprehend Languages, Cultural Adaption, Detect Metal, Detect Secret Doors, Discern Next of Kin, Ears of the City, Heightened Awareness, Identify, Linked Legacy, Mindlink, See Alignment, True Strike
Enchantment - Aphasia, Bungle, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Keep Watch, Lock Gaze, Memory Lapse, Moment of Greatness, Sleep, Unprepared Combatant
Evocation - Bestow Planar Infusion I, Dancing Darkness, Floating Disk, Hydraulic Push, Shocking Grasp, Thunderstomp, Touch of Combustion
Illusion - Auditory Hallucination, Clarion Call, Color Spray, Darting Duplicate, Disguise Self, Disguise Weapon, Illusion of Calm, Magic Aura, Negative Reaction, Silent Image, Vanish, Ventriloquism
Transmutation - Blood Money, Bouncy Body, Break, Crafter's Fortune, Enlarge Person, Liberating Command, Lighten Object, Mirror Strike, Monkey Fish, Polypurpose Panacea, Reduce Person, Snapdragon Fireworks, Swift Girding, Windy Escape
Abjuration - Arcane Lock, Book Ward, Crimson Confession, Death from Below, Disrupt Link, Endure Elements Communal, Escaping Ward, Miserable Pity, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Communal, Resist Energy, Suppress Charms and Compulsions, Warding Weapon
Conjuration - Acid Arrow, Alter Summoned Monster, Blade Tutor's Spirit, Cloud of Seasickness, Create Pit, Dust of Twilight, Euphoric Cloud, Glitterdust, Mount Communal, Retrieve Item, Shackle, Stone Call, Summon Monster II, Vine Strike, Web, Web Shelter, Whip of Spiders
Divination - Blood Transcription, Carrion Compass, Commune with Birds, Create Treasure Map, Detect Magic Greater, Detect Thoughts, Embrace Destiny, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Share Language, Share Memory, Spell Guage, Trapfinder's Focus 100gp, Twisted Futures
Enchantment - Arcane Disruption, Bestow Insight, Compassionate Ally, Compulsive Liar, Heckle, Hidden Presence, Hideous Laughter, Investigative Mind, Oppressive Boredom, Passing Fancy, Seducer's Eyes, Touch of Idiocy, Touch of Mercy, Unnatural Lust
Evocation - Admonishing Ray, Contact Entity I, Continual Flame, Darkness, Fiery Runes, Gusting Sphere, Pilfering Hand, Scorching Ray, Shatter
Illusion - Dark Whispers, Disguise Other, Ghostly Disguise, Haunting Mists, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Mad Hallucination, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Shadow Anchor, Silent Table, Symbol of Mirroring, Twilight Haze, Umbral Weapon
Transmutation - Adoration, Ant Haul Communal, Blood Armor, Blood Blaze, Eldritch Conduit, Fleshcurdle, Fool's Gold, Kinetic Reverberation, Knock, Make Whole, Staggering Fall, Steal Breath, Steal Size, Tears to Wine
Gold 0pp 472gp 6sp 0cp
Carrying Capacity
Weight lbs
Alchemy Lab, Portable (handles made from bone) 75gp
Alchemy Spell Supplies
--Acid Flask x5 16gp (Acid spells, dispel magic, grease, wall of ice)
--Alchemical Grease x5 8gp (Grease, Sleet Storm, Wall of Iron, Wall of Stone)
--Catalyst, Incendiary x5 66gp (Makes a target vulnerable to fire)
--Oil, Alchemist's Fire x5 (Fire Spells) 30gp
--Powder, Black 5dose 15gp (+1 evocation damage)
--Quicksilver 10dose 3gp (+1CL mind-affecting duration)
--Saltpeter 10dose 3gp (+1 fire damage)
--Silver 30doses 3gp (+1 DC of Will saves for illusions)
--Urea 10doses 1gp (+1 cold spells)
Alchemical Supplies
--Bloody Mandrake 3gp (Good for remove curse)
--Mage's Assistant 30gp (+5 concentration, -2 perc and sense motive)
--Pomander 3gp (+2 nausea/sickness)
--Raw Crafting Materials
--Shovel, Mini 3gp (Create Pit)
--Smoke Pellet, Smog 13gp
--Sweet Rest 25gp (reroll negative level saving throw on rest)
--Wolfsbane (cancels lycanthropy) 1sp
Assassin's Teapot 9gp - can selectively poison drinks.
Boline 10gp Cuts fine material
Bonded Spellbook - +2 insight bonus to all skill checks
--Blue Book 5gp
--Book of Letters 50gp
--Journal 10gp
--Tome of Epics 50gp
Canvas x2 2sp
Case, Map 1gp -
Chalkboard 1gp
Cipherchalk 50gp - Chalk that never runs out.
Ciphercoal 50gp - Charcoal that never runs out.
Cot 1gp
Crafted: Bag of Holding 1250gp 15 lbs. ((Magic Aura))
Crafted: Cloak of Quick Change 750gp ((Magic Aura))
Crafted: Meridian Belt 500gp ((Magic Aura))
Dagger 305gp
General Disguise Elements (Fabrics, false wigs, etc)
Hammer 1gp
Hex Nail x2 50gp
Ink 8gp
Inkpen x3 3sp
Kit, Disguise 50gp
Kit, Grooming 1gp
Kit, Scrivener's 2gp
Paper, Rice x20 2gp
Pouch, Spell Component 5gp
Sets of Clothing x15
Sawtooth Sabre 35gp
Scarf, Calistrian Pocketed (+2 Dance, +4 Sleight of Hand) 58gp
Sealing Wax 1gp
Spring-Loaded Scroll Case 5gp
Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath x2 20gp
Tent, Medium 15gp
Tool, Artisan's 55gp
Vials x10 10gp