ironknucklevash |

hello everyone i obviously need some help as my last 5 characters have died in my recent games in rly dumb ways
lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
it has been several games since a character of mine actually died to damage so my question is.
What do i do? what can i make that these stupid deaths stop happening?
and its not the dms fault because i have had 3 dms and 3 different games with these characters so i know its not the dms fault.
please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.

Faelyn |

Unfortunately I think you've got either really bad dice... or if it's online you just have bad luck...
A good class you might want to look into is the Inquisitor. 3/4 BaB, 6th level casting, good skill set, and decent saves. Hunter is also another good one for these same reasons, plus you gain a really badass animal companion.
Try to do a more rounded approach to your saving throw stats. If you have a good Fort/Ref saves and poor Will save, then find something to shore up that Will save. Look into Iron Will or a trait that pumps up that Will save. Also, try to work at least a 14 Wis if you can.

GM_Beernorg |

Feel like I need to ask, playing solo, or did your teammates just abandon you (third option I guess would be, they were also dead, which would be a valid reason for not helping you.)
But yeah, rough man, a slightly more rounded approach sounds like a good idea, maybe invest in skills like Swim and what not even if normally would would not, sounds like GM likes his traps, terrain, and non-combat horribleness. If that is his deal, then prepare for such.

ironknucklevash |

Feel like I need to ask, playing solo, or did your teammates just abandon you (third option I guess would be, they were also dead, which would be a valid reason for not helping you.)
But yeah, rough man, a slightly more rounded approach sounds like a good idea, maybe invest in skills like Swim and what not even if normally would would not, sounds like GM likes his traps, terrain, and non-combat horribleness. If that is his deal, then prepare for such.
no never played solo (outside of quick little solo roleplay) and never had a team abondon me or dead with me my team never saw the bargest drag me off and couldnt help me. the monk was just the first character to the ritual (too be fair if we waited too long then a portal to hell would have opened wich it did but the party ((minus me)) escaped.) the mythic fighter and his party got hit with hold person mass and he was the only one to get cudegras from a spear, the others had a dagger or a claw so their saves were not above 30. the paladin and his whole party had to make a dc 5 jump check he rolled a natural 1 and fell off a ledge and into a fire trap. and the wizards party all had to make a climb check to keep ahold of a few ropes on a boat during a storm this time i rolled a 2 but i had a str of 14 so i was one short. so ya my team couldnt really help me.

Faelyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm... sounds like your GM needs to review the skill check section especially the Climb section.
A Climb check that fails by 4 or less means that you make no progress, and one that fails by 5 or more means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.
So there's one section where you should never have lost a character. Also, you guys should very much consider using the Take 10 rules. That Acrobatics situation should have allowed you to Take 10, unless you were in combat. Take 10 rules allow you the ability to survive incredibly easy situations (*AHEM*DC 5*AHEM*) without the randomness of a bad die roll killing of a PC.

Faelyn |

Faelyn wrote:Unless they were wearing stone plate and had no ranks in the ability and had a 10 Dex? (We won't talk about negative DEX here)
So there's one section where you should never have lost a character. Also, you guys should very much consider using the Take 10 rules. That Acrobatics situation should have allowed you to Take 10, unless you were in combat. Take 10 rules allow you the ability to survive incredibly easy situations (*AHEM*DC 5*AHEM*) without the randomness of a bad die roll killing of a PC.
Well yes, there are always situations that Take 10 won't help; however, those are pretty few and far between if Taking 10 cannot help you pass a DC 5 lol.

ironknucklevash |

Hmm... sounds like your GM needs to review the skill check section especially the Climb section.
Climb wrote:A Climb check that fails by 4 or less means that you make no progress, and one that fails by 5 or more means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.So there's one section where you should never have lost a character. Also, you guys should very much consider using the Take 10 rules. That Acrobatics situation should have allowed you to Take 10, unless you were in combat. Take 10 rules allow you the ability to survive incredibly easy situations (*AHEM*DC 5*AHEM*) without the randomness of a bad die roll killing of a PC.
the take a 10 rule isnt just for combat its for stressful situations and the party was in a haunted house where every room had a haunt or an undead so we were always on high alert. there wasnt a chance to take our time on the jump check

Faelyn |

OP... what type of character are you looking at making? Caster? Sneaky? Martial? We could help you with suggestions on classes/feats/races based off your preference.
Eh... as a GM I probably would have allowed Take 10 in that instance; however, I am pretty liberal in my allowance of Take 10 rules. So in that instance, to each their own. I stick by the Climb check... if you only missed the DC by 1 then your character would not have fallen.

Wei Ji the Learner |

How often do you sit down and talk to your GMs and explain your concerns about character mortality?
How often do you change GMs?
Are there things you've noticed either yourself or other players in the group doing that you are or are not doing that could be leading to this?
There's bad luck on the dice, but there's also other factors.
If, for example, the GM always says 'Oh, unless you roll a '1' ' then you might be able to ask them to *stop* doing that, etc?

ironknucklevash |

OP... what type of character are you looking at making? Caster? Sneaky? Martial? We could help you with suggestions on classes/feats/races based off your preference.
i have mad the rainbow of characters but if i have to have a preferance it would either be archer types (ranger fighter zen archer) or the partial casters (alchemist magus and bard) any advice for any of those to have good saves and high skills for climb acrobatics swim and perception?

ironknucklevash |

OP... what type of character are you looking at making? Caster? Sneaky? Martial? We could help you with suggestions on classes/feats/races based off your preference.
Eh... as a GM I probably would have allowed Take 10 in that instance; however, I am pretty liberal in my allowance of Take 10 rules. So in that instance, to each their own. I stick by the Climb check... if you only missed the DC by 1 then your character would not have fallen.
unfortunatly the check wasnt to climb higher or anything like that the check was to keep ahold of a rope while the harsh winds of the storm tried to blow us off the boat

Ciaran Barnes |

Thats quite a collection of stories. Have the other players' had better luck?
lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
**Perhaps the GM should have allowed intervention from your party. Did everyone fail Perception checks?
lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
**High risk, possible high reward. You just got unlucky there.
lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
**A technique my oracle recently used so that the magus could finish off an enemy. Sucks for you, but it's fair. Hopefully your GM uses such tactics sparingly.
lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
**A paladin doesn't have an "athletic" skills, which is for flavor reasons I think. If your game uses traits, you probably should have selected one that added Acrobatics or Climb to your skill list. Sounds like training in either one would have saved you. Were you all out of Lay On Hands?
lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
**Again, a trait could have saved you, but a wizard really has no place climbing around the rigging on a ship, unless it is something you have prepared for or he has a spell going.
Sounds like bad luck in most cases, and there isn't much you can do about that. Know your strengths, and shore up your weaknesses when you can.

Faelyn |

Faelyn wrote:OP... what type of character are you looking at making? Caster? Sneaky? Martial? We could help you with suggestions on classes/feats/races based off your preference.i have mad the rainbow of characters but if i have to have a preferance it would either be archer types (ranger fighter zen archer) or the partial casters (alchemist magus and bard) any advice for any of those to have good saves and high skills for climb acrobatics swim and perception?
Look into an archer inquisitor. They are very powerful. You're a little feat starved, but the Teamwork feats really make things great for archer inquisitors. Friendly Fire Maneuvers should be the very first Teamwork feat you take at level 3. This essentially removes all soft cover from your teammates. It is amazing. Here is my archer inquisitor you can use as a model if you want.

ironknucklevash |

Thats quite a collection of stories. Have the other players' had better luck?
lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
**Perhaps the GM should have allowed intervention from your party. Did everyone fail Perception checks?lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
**High risk, possible high reward. You just got unlucky there.lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
**A technique my oracle recently used so that the magus could finish off an enemy. Sucks for you, but it's fair. Hopefully your GM uses such tactics sparingly.lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
**A paladin doesn't have an "athletic" skills, which is for flavor reasons I think. If your game uses traits, you probably should have selected one that added Acrobatics or Climb to your skill list. Sounds like training in either one would have saved you. Were you all out of Lay On Hands?lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
**Again, a trait could have saved you, but a wizard really has no place climbing around the rigging on a ship, unless it is something you have prepared for or he has a spell going.Sounds like bad luck in most cases, and there isn't much you can do about that. Know your strengths, and shore up your weaknesses when you can.
halfling cleric :yes they all failed their perception checks because it was night and its a bargest so it had a +11 stealth
monk: yup bad luck still sucks
mythic fighter: he doesent do things liek that often but that dm lieks to use whatever the boss has if its available and makes sense
paladin : nope i had all my lay on hands but the trap was the equivilent of a high lvl scorching ray so that combined with the extra d6 of fall dmg saw my death as the first round of fire brought me below 0 and the second round of less damaging fire (2d6) finished me.
wizard: he wasnt climbing around he was just trying to hang on to a rope for dear life while the storm hit the boat
strangley my luck isnt that bad its like a 99% good most of the times but the 1 % usually ends up in things that kill me outright i ussually get good crits and good starting stats but every now and then a natural 1 or such will come at the worst possible moment

Letric |

Most of the cases seem like bad decision, but we need all context to know if your GM is punishing because you are repeatedly making stupid mistakes or just because he's too harsh.
Hafling: why were you the only you to get dragged and die? Why no other PCs died? Are you telling me the guy dragged you for miles and you NEVER woke up?
Monk: again. DM bias. Why did you die? Did you know that going alone in there would kill you? Where was your party? If you're trying to do something good, DM could've easily fugded roles, making you level 1, being a good story on how you jumped to your certain death to avoid cataclism.
Fighter: DM using Save or Die suck. He's not only holding you (which is reasonable) but he's targetting your lowest will save with a DC of 19 nonetheless, for which you will NEVER EVER make it, not even being optimized or wasting tons of feat on 1 save.
And on top of all that, he's coup de grace-ing you? That's just....
Paladin: why did you fall? Did you know there was a trap there? Why were you doing that?
Wizard: it takes SEVERAL rounds to die, how come no one was there to help you?
Review things with your DM, if you have lost 5 characters on the same campaign, might as well quit. You have no sense of continuity, you can't make any type of bond with your party, and there's almost no reason to help them.
You're like an NPC who comes around for 1 session and then does away

My Self |
and its not the dms fault because i have had 3 dms and 3 different games with these characters so i know its not the dms fault.
please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.
Not the DM, not the same campaign. Just really, really bad rolls at the wrong moments.
Say, how about you invest in a class that gets rerolls? Or items that get you rerolls?

Letric |

ironknucklevash wrote:and its not the dms fault because i have had 3 dms and 3 different games with these characters so i know its not the dms fault.
please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.
Not the DM, not the same campaign. Just really, really bad rolls at the wrong moments.
Say, how about you invest in a class that gets rerolls? Or items that get you rerolls?
There is no such thing as bad luck. There are though bad decisions.

ironknucklevash |

lol i been in dnd for awhile and iv seen my fair share of dumb ideas( iv had a few like grabbing a cursed dagger that was trying to eat my freinds soul ((we both died)) and dumb dice rolls (favoraite was a time jumper rolling a 3 on his percentile roll wich brought him into the future directly into a flaming sword although to be fair sword to the face is a nice running joke with my friends) and i have seen horrible dm bullcrap (dm killed a character with a random troll atk because the character left the party after one lvl a playtime). for all this the 5 examples i gave were prolly a combination of bad luck and prolly bad descisions (i prolly could have taken my armor off before the jump with the pally but heavy armor is a pain like that.) the reason i started this thread wasnt to bash my dms or even whine about my deaths(maybe a little :) ) it was to see what everyone thought a good survival hero would be so i could use them if my newest hero dies. im not looking to break my games im not looking to be god i just want to not die to little stupid things. also to the fact that my fighter couldnt pass a dc 19 is silly he was mythic and had an ability to reroll will saves once a day i just rolled bad and died on that one, my dms dont hate me after each death that was dumb they apologized each time and i cant blame them for what they did i dont want them to give me pity saves or the sort im happy with my games its just been a string of bad luck.

![]() |

What do i do?
Get better DMs who understand CR and know not to kill players "off screen." Learn the rules for skill checks regarding natural 1s and taking 10.
And, above all, stop gaming with children (or people who behave like children). I swear, every time a thread like this shows up, it always boils down to, "Well, our DM is only 13, so..."

Guru-Meditation |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

the take a 10 rule isnt just for combat its for stressful situations and the party was in a haunted house where every room had a haunt or an undead so we were always on high alert. there wasnt a chance to take our time on the jump check
Take 10 takes just as long as a random roll check. It just means you concentrate a bit on it. instead of doing in hectically under immediate pressure.
Take 20 is where you need to take your time. And it can only be used when there is no bad possible result. It is a rule for [Meh. Ill just roll as long as i get a 20. - 3,6,14,17,8,11,15,8,4,6, 11,13,16,5,3, ... ahh there it is. Josh, stop boring us with your rolls. Eventually ou will get yur 20, we get it] - The Rule.
Without Take 10 professional roofers working on an ordinary roofing project with a few people would hardly see a week without another deadly fall. Always.
Even in a haunted house, unless you are in IMMEDIATE danger/attack/combat you can Take 10.
Also a 1 on a skillcheck is not an Autofail, and neither is a 20 an Autosucess.

thorin001 |

hello everyone i obviously need some help as my last 5 characters have died in my recent games in rly dumb ways
lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
it has been several games since a character of mine actually died to damage so my question is.
What do i do? what can i make that these stupid deaths stop happening?
and its not the dms fault because i have had 3 dms and 3 different games with these characters so i know its not the dms fault.please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.
You GMs need to learn their trade better. There are 3 (60%) deaths by a single bad roll. One of the deaths was pure GM fiat, and another was pure lousy encounter design: putting what is in effect Enervation against a lvl 4 party.

GM Hands of Fate |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
More players die while asleep on our games. I Had an archivist get entangled while asleep, and then poisoned by some plant monster's thorns. Another character didn't make his perception to hear the signal whistle notifying the sleepers of an attack, and got a coup de grace attack sending him to his doom.
Things like rope trick and alarm spells around your campfire can help. Whomever is on watch should have a signal whistle, should know who is the most heavy sleeper and who needs to be kicked awake.
lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
What was the ritual and what was the save? Having a ritual that could conceivably TPK the entire L4 party is poor adventure design.
lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
Will saves are always Fighter's downfall. Iron Will and Cloak of Resistance are not optional. Also, Wisdom isn't a dump stat for fighters. No one wants their friend dominated and told to kill them.
lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
Take your armor off before attempting a jump or climb that could kill you. Tie a rope around your waist and have the rest of the party old the rope to save you if you fall. Spend some time searching for a way to disarm the trap. Find another way around.
lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
It is extremely wise, when on a ship in a storm, to either get below decks or rope yourself to something solid to prevent getting thrown overboard.
it has been several games since a character of mine actually died to damage so my question is.
Yep, these are all common situations intended to get you to explore character survival in outside the box ways. But it also seems like you have had a bit of bad luck, too.

Diminutive Titan |

You could try to build a character that is pretty much built around surviving anything.
High saves, AC and tons of HP. High grapple CMD/CMB and ranks in Skills like Escape Artist.
Have some spells/special abilties that help you avoid danger or easily get out of hazardous situations like teleportation.
If surprise lethal attacks are a GM favourite... make sure you're paranoid enough to cast spells like Alarm or Magic Mouth.


What do i do? what can i make that these stupid deaths stop happening?
I've grown quite fond of the Defiant Luck / Inexplicable Luck feat combo for Human characters. Sure, two feats is quite expensive. But a daily reroll of a 1, and a +8 to a roll when it really matters... that's the stuff that keeps you alive.

BretI |

I would suggest a Ranger or Bloodrager for your next character.
Good fortitude saves, good hit points, reasonable skill set and skill points. If you go Bloodrager you will have to watch out for death by coming out of rage, but hit points weren't the problem in the previous deaths.

Thanael |

Play a dual-cursed Oracle. Rerolls are what you're looking for! Grab the Irrepressible trait to boost saves vs. charm/compulsion. The new Ganzi race gets an additional reroll to use as well. Plus, the Con bonus helps those fort saves.
Good advice. Check out this reroll build

Darksol the Painbringer |

hello everyone i obviously need some help as my last 5 characters have died in my recent games in rly dumb ways
lvl 4 halfling cleric (dragged off to his death by a bargast while asleep)
lvl 4 aasimar monk had his soul ripped out (tried to stop a ritual from happening and took 1d4 negative levels ((dm rolled a 4))
lvl 7 human mythic fighter (failed a dc 19 hold person twice and then got que de gras by boss's minion failed the check fort save because the minion had a spear and had a 3 times crit)
lvl 5 human paladin (failed a dc 5 acrobatics check and fell into a fire trap that incinerated him)
lvl 3 human wizard (failed a dc 5 climb check fell off a boat and drowned)
it has been several games since a character of mine actually died to damage so my question is.
What do i do? what can i make that these stupid deaths stop happening?
and its not the dms fault because i have had 3 dms and 3 different games with these characters so i know its not the dms fault.please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.
For the first death, nobody stood watch? Yeah, that's what happens when you don't stand watch. They didn't even have to drag you off, they could've just surrounded you and performed Coup de Grace on every party member, did a TPK, and restarted (which I'm guessing is what happened after). Lesson learned: Always set Watches. If they get fatigued they'll thank you when the GM doesn't decide to just TPK you all for being stupid.
For the second death, I can see how that is brutal. An unlucky die roll. It's almost as brutal as sending a Wight (CR 3 equivalent foe) against level 1 PCs. Not quite there (as you had a 75% chance to live), but almost.
For the third death, Coup de Grace sucks when you're the target of it. My question is why the hell a Cleric or some other caster didn't have the sense to cast Dispel Magic before their Meat Shield went splat. At any rate, this is the #1 reason why you shore up Will Saves as a Fighter. Well, tied for #1, the other half is when you get Charmed/Dominated, and are forced to attack your friends.
For the fourth death, that makes no sense. I don't know how a Fire Trap (dealing 1D4+1/CL, so let's assume 1D4+20, just for laughs) could possibly kill a level 5 Paladin, who has D10 HP and the ability to heal himself with Lay On Hands. Even assuming average HP and a 12 or so Constitution, that's ~37 hit points. A Max damage roll (24) will still leave you at 13 HP. Were you wounded before and decided not to heal yourself? Was the Fire Trap actually just a Lava Pit and you were being chased, meaning you couldn't take 10 and just rolled like crap? Couldn't you have found a way to jury-rig it so that you could just hold on to a rope and climb over to the other side?
For the fifth death, that shouldn't have even happened, as per the rules. The GM really dropped the ball here. Unless you rolled less than a 1 (i.e. your Strength penalties and such are so bad), you couldn't have fell off the boat. Additionally, even if you couldn't Swim, you can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score as a Standard Action, while your allies found a way to get you back on the boat.
So, the first death was because of inexperience (and the GM being a jerk), the second was just bad rolling (and a semi-brutal encounter-thing, probably the GM being a jerk for sending something like this against you), the third was because your Will Saves suck and your allies hated you for having bad Will Saves, the fourth was because apparently you can't take your time in crossing a very basic pit (in other words, the GM being a jerk), and the fifth was also because, get this, the GM was being a jerk and handwaving the rules of climbing.
You notice a pattern in all of these? In atleast 4 of the 5 times that you've died, The GM was a brutal jerk and/or is handwaving rules that are resulting in your character deaths (which, if ruled properly, half of them would still be alive). And this probably makes the most sense, especially when, looking at your character choices, you didn't make anything extremely bad, or perform anything that was absolutely stupid.
Halfling Clerics are pretty awesome, especially with them being able to specialize in aiding others and having Reach so as to prevent enemies from stopping his Aiding tactics. Perhaps not the best choice, but not the worst either.
Aasimar Monks are pretty decent, since Monk's AC is derived from Wisdom, and having Perfect Saves is pretty powerful defense-wise. With a decent Wisdom, perfect Saves, and having some Dexterity, you're rocking some good AC. The only downside is D8 HP, and that's not the reason you even died.
Fighters have a Will Save problem; this isn't news, and easily isn't the last time a Fighter died because of crappy Will Saving Throw. They're also fairly weak outside of smashing things, but the factor that their weakness is shored up via Mythic rules really makes this sort of thing questionable as to this being a bad character decision.
Paladins are probably one of the two most durable and powerful Martial classes in the game. Very good saves, adding Charisma to all Saves, Lay On Hands survivability, Mercies, etc. There's no reason for a Paladin to die unless he essentially wants to die. There's a reason Paladins are nicknamed Martyrs, and that's because half the time they die is because of (usually other) people doing stupid crap.
Wizards require some tinkering and growth care in the early parts of the game (as you've seen first hand with a "failed" climb check). But once they hit their stride (~7th-9th level at the earliest), their power level is unlike anything else in this game (except GM FIAT, of course).
The only thing you haven't really made yet that's almost impossible to kill is an Invulnerable Rager Barbarian that will have D12 Hit Dice, Rage (which means more HP, addition to Will Saves, and increased attack/damage), Rage Powers (Spell Sunder, Superstitious, etc.) which all results to a titanic juggernaut of destruction and punishment. And if that dies, then you might as well not even play at that table, because the GM is just going to pull some weird random crap just to kill your character.

Cevah |

@Darksol the Painbringer:
Paladin failing DC 5 Acrobatics check:
Acrobatics is not a class skill.
Dex is not a Paladin biggie, unless archer. He had a 14.
Banded Mail is -6 armor check.
This character had some points in Acrobatics.
Effective skill mod was probably like -2 for a DC 5, meaning an 8 or better was needed. Better than a 1 in 3 chance to fall.
Now, I will grant some GMs like to see paladins fall.....

Taku Ooka Nin |

please help i need advice is there a class that has good ac good saves and good skills? i kinda dont even care about damage or anything like that just please help.
The Synthesist Summoner (even the Unchained Synthesist Summoner) is pretty good for this. First, grab a climb speed, next grab the swim speed and potentially the gills for water breathing.
In synth form you essentially use the Eidolon's fort and Ref mods, but your own wis mod, which translates to good everything. Not bad.
Next you play a Tiefling, and you give up your Darkness 1/day for the chart tieflings can use for the ability to never sleep. You now never have to leave eidolon form. Just go out of your way to ensure you get all of the speed types, then if you need to use the skilled evolution to gain +8 to any skills for 1 evolution point each. You wont be optimal for combat, but you'll be pretty damned hard to kill with random G.M. B.S..
On the bright side if the fight turns south, you will eventually be able to either fly away or borrow into the ground.