>>Ask ANY of Captain Yesterday's aliases whatever you want, except that one thing (you know what it is!!)<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Define "better"?

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Something that would cause serious continental shifts and large scale societal collapse.

But with enough left over for people to eventually start to reclaim.

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Captain ? wrote:

Maybe it's time I pull a wildcard and start asking the questions, not to myself, but the one or more people who check in.

What makes for a better global devastation.

1) Super Volcano eruption or eruptions.

2) Doomsday device

3) Apocalypse or deity war

4) Comet (because it's cliche)

5) Alien invasion, failed or otherwise

6) All the above.

Cows suddenly become sentient.

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Challenge accepted!

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How about a runaway planet hurtling between the Earth and the Moon...

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Well, I did it, I'll post about the growing menace of the Bovine Heartlands later.

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I have more I'm working on in my head, but here's what I have scribbled down in a notebook so far.


When the Druid Queen, Isilee Deree (pronounced as "dairy") , awakened her favorite cow, little did she know it would lead to her country's downfall. Yet as Myrtle, The First gave Isilee's heart to Moloch, a new race was born.

Now, the Bovine Heartlands grow ever fertile, with slave labor working the fields.

Bovine Racial Traits. (8 RP)

+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int.
-strong and perceptive, Bovine's reliance on slave labor has stunted their intellectual growth.
Medium size
Normal speed (30 feet)
Fearless (+2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects)
Perceptive: +2 bonus on perception checks.
Gatecrasher: +2 racial bonus on strength checks to break objects, +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder.
Natural Attack: Gore 1d6.
Weapon Familiarity: Monk's Spade and Kukri.
Low Light Vision.
Standard Languages: Bovine, Common, plus Dwarven, Halfling, Elven, Infernal, Abyssal, Orc, and Gnome, if you're smart enough.

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Well, I like it.

Thanks for the idea Limey! :-)

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Their enemies could be the evil charnel cows.

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In my original write up they had racial hatred towards humans and Minotaurs but I removed it.

It's super easy to go apeshit with the race builder. :-)

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So slow at work...


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Tacticslion wrote:





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... Collins?

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So...how many aliases are you up too now?

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391. :-)

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There seems to be more...

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Wait I still don't know what it is. what is it?

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Tacticslion wrote:
... Collins?


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John Kretzer wrote:
There seems to be more...

Is there? Might be a PFS character registered I haven't used yet (or made).

Edit: fine, 392. :-)

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Crazy World of Phil Collins wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
... Collins?

Calm down there Phil, everyone knows you can't dance.

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Peter Big Time Gabriel wrote:
Crazy World of Phil Collins wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
... Collins?
Calm down there Phil, everyone knows you can't dance.


Chill out guys! what we all need to do is drop some acid, shave our eyebrows, and smash the shit out of a bunch of t.v.'s.

And if we have time, form our own fascist regime.

But one thing at a time...

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To Asmodeus; hello again! If you had to pick a voice actor to represent you, who would you choose? Also, which is the best version of "Symphony for the Devil": The Rolling Stones version or Blood, Sweat and Tears' version?

On a more serious question to somebody completely different; Dear Rovagug, how do you feel about the Daemons? You both want to annhilate everything, so there is at least that middle ground.

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Vincent Price. Or if he's busy, James Earl Jones. Just please, I can't stress this enough. NO WILL ARNETT, dude gets enough voice work.

The Rolling Stones, always. Frankly, by now, I think I owe them, instead of vice versa.

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Reduxist wrote:

On a more serious question to somebody completely different; Dear Rovagug, how do you feel about the Daemons? You both want to annhilate everything, so there is at least that middle ground.

Kill! Burn! Destroy! Then infest the rotting hole where it's body used to be with a hundred wretched abomif+$&ingnations!!!

Is... is that too much? They keep telling me if I lay it on thick I'll get out sooner.

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First question. How dare you?

Follow up question: I know what you did last summer.

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Did you have to train your gag reflex so you wouldn't throw up every time you looked in the mirror.

Or are you really that delusional.

Omlet du framage?

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Tacticslion wrote:
Omlet du framage?

Who doesn't like a frumpy omelet!

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Are there any types/brands of plush/stuffed animals that you dislike hugging?

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Precious Moments.

Obnoxiously cute, annoyingly preachy, and way overpriced.

Thankfully, we don't have that brand at work.

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Did it hurt when the ugly stick hit you in the face.

Or are so used to it you don't notice anymore.

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To Asmodeus: some punk named Perturbator stole your holy symbol. Ever hear of this guy?

Ha! Almost a year!

Reasons to ask me questions.

1. I'm well travelled.

2. I'm not as young as you might think, so I've seen some shit.

3. We used to live in Seattle, so I've seen some more shit.

4. I used to work for Toys R Us.

5. I'm a music nerd.

6. I was home schooled.

7. I have a fun job.

8. I've seen some shit.

9. I've been kicked out of three towns.

10. I live in Wisconsin, so I've stepped into, tossed, grown mushrooms in, and eaten some (chocolate) shit.

Ok, so you're a music nerd. What would you say is your favorite genre of all?

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All of them.

I guess I don't really care for 80s music very much.

Some of it is okay, but overall a fairly wasted decade as far as music goes.

Do you like jazz?

Will I ever catch up to you in aliases?

Really Dead Horse wrote:
Will I ever catch up to you in aliases?


Limeylongears wrote:

Do you like jazz?

I know of jazz.

I like what little i've heard.

Is Morphine (the band) considered jazz.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ok, so you're a music nerd. What would you say is your favorite genre of all?

Now that I'm out of the heat I can expand on this.

While I love music from all genres, my personal favorite genres.

Hip Hop

captain yesterday wrote:

I guess I don't really care for 80s music very much.

Some of it is okay, but overall a fairly wasted decade as far as music goes.

During the 90s music was dead to me. I only had my large stockpiles of LPs and cassettes to fall back on for music. I couldn't stand 90s music. But now that I have the internet and the world is my musical oyster I'm discovering there WERE bands from the 90s I like. But not anything that ever got played here. Lots of symphonic and operatic metal began to appear in the 90s and early 2000s and I've really come to love these genres.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Do you like jazz?

I know of jazz.

I like what little i've heard.

Is Morphine (the band) considered jazz.

It's got a saxamophone in it, and a two (three?) string bass, so more or less.

Well then I like jazz, especially the song Sharks, I'd find it on YouTube but I'm walking the dog.

I like Morphine. As well as the band of the same name. A-hyuk!




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