[Wrath of the Righteous] We Need a Snapshot of Your Crusaders at the Midpoint

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Adventure Card Game Designer

Post 'em here! Specifically we want a snapshot of what your demon-busting character looks like after he or she finished Demon's Heresy. (That is, you've completed the scenario The Ivory Sanctum and have chosen your role card.)

Please respond to this thread with a full feat and deck list of any character that fits the above description (and only that description!), in very specifically the following format.

Character Name: (name)
Role Card: (role)
Skill Feats: (skill)+(X), (skill)+(X), etc.
Power Feats: +(X) hand size, (added proficiencies), (other feats)
Card Feats: (type)+(X), (type)+(X), etc.
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: (card), (card), etc.
Armors: (card), (card), etc.
Items: (card), (card), etc.
Allies: (card), (card), etc.
Blessings: (card), (card), etc.
Mythic Path: (path)

Please don't skip or add any lines; if you don't have any of something, just leave the part after the colon blank. Include loot cards under their card type, please. Also, if your character or cohort died, let us know that.

Thanks to all crusaders!


Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Charisma+1, Wisdom+1, Intelligence+3
Power Feats: Hand size+1, When you attempt a check to aquire a spell or *item you may use your Knowledge skill instead, Discard a spell to reduce cold/fire, *acid/force/electricity damage dealt to you to zero, *You may reveal a boon that has the book trait to add 1d4 to your check
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Spells: Fiery Glare x 2, Life Drain x 2, Scorching Ray, Dismissal, Good Omen
Items: Demon Hunter's Handbook, Manual of War, Codex, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Splendifirous Hat, Apprentice, Unfettered Imp
Blessings: Abraxas x 3, Baphomet x 2
Mythic Path: Archmage

Shadow Lodge

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, 1d4 vs barrier, or check to acquire weapon, armor, and item, add 1d8 vs summoned monsters
Card Feats: spell +2, item +2
Spells: Bloodscent, Brilliance, Enchanted Fang, Glibness, Good Omen x2, Mirror Image
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Knight's Pennon x2, Sacred Prism, Banner of Valor
Allies: Interrogator, Minotaur Mercenary, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Shelyn, Nethys, Ascension x2
Mythic Path: Marshal

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, discard a card to allow another character to evade a summoned bane, reveal animal for +d4 on combat check
Card Feats: Spell+1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Skirmishing Spear, Starbow
Spells: Cure x2, Detect Demon
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Swallowtail Bracers, Banner of Valor
Allies: Mastiff, Vulture, Chuffy Lickwound, Fortune Teller, Carbuncle
Blessings: Baphomet x3, Abadar, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flare
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Recharge Spell or Blessing, When You Play a Blessing on YOUR check to defeat..., Add +2d8 vs demon
Card Feats: Spell +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Rod of the Viper
Spells: Life Drain x2, Ice Strike x2, Fiery Glare x2, Cure
Armors: Armor of the Pious
Items: Knight's Pennon
Allies: Mendevian Crusader, Vulture, Pegasus
Blessings: Iomedae, Starsong, Dawnflower, Shelyn, Abraxas, Baphomet
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Thanks for making this thread! Otherwise I might not've noticed we forgot to apply the skill feat from AD3! :D

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Character Name: Andowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, you may search your deck or your discard pile for a cohort (☑ or a card that has the Animal trait), You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane (☑ or discard a card to allow another character to do so), ☑ You may shuffle a cohort into your deck to add your Stealth skill to your combat check.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow, Force Shortbow +1, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Marksman's Bow
Spells: Cure x2, Good Omen
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Black Robe, Wardstone Fragment, Archer's Bracers
Allies: Wolf, Bat, Mastiff, Apprentice
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar x2, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Arcane (☑ or Magic), When you acquire an ally (☑ or a spell), ☑ You may treat a card in your hand that has the Corrupted trait
Card Feats: Spell+2, Armor+1, Blessing+1
Spells: Glibness x2, Scorching Ray, Hellmouth Lash, Steal Soul, Ice Strike, Life Drain
Armors: Spellcaster's Shield x2
Items: Planar Tuning Fork, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Interrogator, Apprentice
Blessings: Blessing of Abraxas x2, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Deskari, Blessing of Iomedae
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Fallen
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 3 (☑ 5), When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck, add 1d4(☑+1) to his checks that use the marked skill, ☑ When you play a card, you may ignore the Corrupted trait on any card
Card Feats: Item+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Starbow, Skirmishing Spear, Marksman's Bow
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Spherewalker Staff, Sacred Prism, Swallowtail Bracers, Potion of Healing, Manual of War
Allies: Kimroth Otai, Kamilo Dann
Blessings: Blessing of Shax x3, Blessing of Deskari x2, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Baphomet
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Grand Lodge

^^ Ya know, I just assumed someone picking up Arueshalae would take the same Skill Feats from the Knights of Kenabres as the rest of the party. But seeing your post and thinking about it, I guess the wording is pretty open to what to do with those Feats.

Granted, I would take the same Medal Skill Feats because I think it's a little cheesy otherwise, but that is a pretty huge bump for Aru by focusing them.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

^^ Ya know, I just assumed someone picking up Arueshalae would take the same Skill Feats from the Knights of Kenabres as the rest of the party. But seeing your post and thinking about it, I guess the wording is pretty open to what to do with those Feats.

Granted, I would take the same Medal Skill Feats because I think it's a little cheesy otherwise, but that is a pretty huge bump for Aru by focusing them.

Mike already confirmed that you can pick whatever. :)

Grand Lodge

I hadn't seen that! Thanks for the link. :)

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 3 (☑ 5), When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck, add 1d4(☑+1) to his checks that use the marked skill. At the start of your (☑ or any) turn,
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Force Shortbow +1 x2, Starbow, Deamonbane Light Crossbow +1, Heavy Crossbow
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Spherewalker Staff, Fortune's Arrow, Swallowtail Bracers, Ring of Climbing, Manual of War
Allies: Mastiff, Fortune Teller
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsong x2, Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Iomedae
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, discard top card for d6+1, add d8 and Magic vs. demons
Card Feats: Spell +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Soulshear, Radiance, Ranseur of the Gargoyle
Spells: Cure, Detect Demon, Glibness
Armors: Commander's Field Plate, Paladin's Helm, Full Plate
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Carbuncle, Druid of the Storm, Fortune Teller
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar x2, Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Torag
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Intelligence +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, reduce Electricity, Fire, Poison damage by 5, Gift adds d4+1, reveal Desna/blessing to heal d4+1
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Demonbane Light Crossbow, Starbow, Heavy Crossbow, Force Shortbow +1 x2
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Swallowtail Bracers, Archer's Bracers, Trapsmith Gloves, Spherewalker Staff
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Mongrel Archer, Wolf
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Deskari, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Torag
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Nobody has died.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength+3, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, +1d6 when discarding the top card of the deck, +1d8 and Magic to defeat a Demon
Card Feats: Spell+2, Ally+1. Blessing+1
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Radiance, Ranseur of the Gargoyle, Soulshear
Spells: Cure, Flames of the Faithful, Weapon of Awe
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Commander's Field Plate, Paladin's Helm
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Frog, Kamilo Dann
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Nethys x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Visionary
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, examine the top 2 cards of any location deck, when you close a location, you may use your knowledge skill
Card Feats: Spell+3, Item+1
Spells: Charm Monster, Cure x3, Fireblade, Frigid Blast, Ice Strike, Life Drain
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Black Robe, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Talisman of Good
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Scribe
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Shelyn
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Shardra died during the B scenarios because they are too brutal (due to pure swingyness of the banes).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: Str +3, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Arcane: Cha +3, +1 spontaneous casting, may recharge if used card has attack trait
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Galive +1, Cold Iron Mace, Radiance, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Soulshear
Spells: Brilliance, Frigid Blast, Hellmouth Lash
Armors: Celestial Armor, Gossamer Shrouds
Items: Sacred Prisim, Black Robe, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: None
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Shelyn, Deskari, Baphomet, Shax.
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

No deaths, several retreats across scenarios

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: STR+3, DEX+1, INT+1, WIS+1, CHA+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, discard a card for 2+adv number, discard mount to move.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Lance +1, Radiance, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Commander's Field Plate, Imperial Army Greathelm
Items: Abyssal Traveler's Kit, Banner of Valor, Scale of Disguise
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Riftwarden, Warhorse
Blessings: Iomedae, Shax x4
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+1, INT+4, WIS+1, CHA+1
Power Feats: Use knowledge to acquire an item or defeat a barrier, reduce acid, electricty, or force damage to 0, reduce damage for any character at your location to 0.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Dazzle, Fiery Glare, Fire Shield, Ice Strike, Life Drain x2, Scorching Ray, Steal Soul
Items: Demon Hunter's Handbook, Ring of Forcefangs, Sage's Journal
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Abraxas x4, Deskari x2
Mythic Path: Archmage

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+1, INT+1, WIS+1, CHA+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, recharge spell to draw a monster, add 1d4 to defeat barrier or acquire weapon, armor, item.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Agility x2, Create Pit x2, Glibness x2, Skitter
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Manual of War x2, Sacred Prism
Allies: Carbuncle, Lann, Splendiferous Hat
Blessings: Abadar, Ascension x2, Baphomet x2
Mythic Path: Marshall

Character Name: Arueshel
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+4, CHA+3
Power Feats: Electricity, fire, and poison reduced by 5, move after evading, +1 to the gift, heal instead of first explore.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Marksman's Bow x2, Spirit Blade, Starbow
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Blood Periapt, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Wolf x2
Blessings: Ascension x3, Pulura, Sarenrae, Shelyn x2, Starsong
Mythic Path: Champion

Shardra died during Vengeance at Sundered Crag.

Left off one of Alain's powers. He can recharge allies and items.

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: You may recharge (☑ or reveal) a card that has the Divine or Ranged trait.... When you defeat a monster on your turn, (☑ you may examine the top card of your location deck, and if it is not a monster, put it on the bottom of the location deck, then) roll a d6; on a (☑3,)4, 5, or 6, explore your location; ☑You may evade a barrier you encounter (neither of us wanted hand size feats so we saved one feat for our role card. Hey, it's a home game!)
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Cold Iron Mace +1, Marksman's Bow, Soulshear (redeemed), Skirmishing Spear, Starbow
Spells: Cure, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Archer's Bracers, Manual of War, Scale of Sacred Weaponry
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Demon Hunter
Blessings: Deskari, Starsong, Shelyn, Baphomet, Ascension, Iomedae
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: When you defeat a monster and would banish it... (☑and you may shuffle a random monster from the box into your deck)...(☑ or reveal) a card that has the Divine or Ranged trait.... When you defeat a add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier) (☑or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item); You may discard (☑ or recharge) a spell to draw a random monster from the box.
Card Feats: Spell+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1
Spells: Mirror Image, Ice Strike, Good Omen, Bloodscent, Charm Monster, Restore Mythic Power
Armors: Elven Chain Shirt, Celestial Armor
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Sage's Journal, Monkey's Paw (redeemed)
Allies: Bat, Demon Hunter, Scribe, Wolverine
Blessings: Ascension, Shax, Abraxas, Starsong
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

They both died back in Adventure B because Balazar was visiting the family tomb when Imrijka bit the dust. All of our cohorts are still in the game though. :)

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6+1 to any check by a character at your location, if that character defeats a monster on that check he may draw a card, You may add 1d8 and the Magic trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon trait.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Radiance, Soulshear, Ranseur of the Gargoyle, Sawtooth Sabre +2, Fiendsplitter, Flaming Heavy Pick +1
Spells: Protect
Armors: Commander's Field Plate, Imperial Army Greathelm, Bejeweled Helm
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Caravan Guard, Unfettered Imp, Fortune-Teller
Blessings: Nethys, Sarenrae, Baphomet, Shax, Ascension
Mythic Path: Guardian

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity, Fire and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 5, When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck add 1d4+1 to his checks that use the marked skill, Instead of your first exploration on a turn you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location, shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck then discard the card you revealed.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1
Weapons: Rod of the Viper, Returning Throwing Axe +1 (Ranger CD), Starbow, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (Rogue CD), Marksman's Bow
Spells: Sacred Weapon
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume, Celestial Armor
Items: Archer's Bracers, Sacred Prism, Swallowtail Bracers, Spherewalker Staff
Allies: Snow Leopard (Ranger CD), Lann
Blessings: Sarenrae, Baphomet, Ascension x2, Shax
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor or an item, Add 1d8 to any check by a character at your location against a summoned monster.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: N/A
Spells: Good Omen, Brilliance, Obscure (Ranger CD), Charm Monster, Fire Shield, Steal Soul, Enchanted Fang
Armors: Gossamer Shrouds
Items: Black Robe, Ring of Forcefangs, Manual of War
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Riftwarden, Blackwing Librarian
Blessings: Deskari, Abraxas, Baphomet, Shax, Ascension
Mythic Path: Marshal

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flare
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, For you check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait you may recharge a spell or blessing to use your Divine skill +1d8 and add the Attack, Divine and Magic traits, When you use the above power or play a blessing that does no have the Corrupted trait on another character's or your check to defeat a character at your location may shuffle 1 card from his discard pile into his deck after the check, When you play a blessing on your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait you may recharge that blessing.
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Unholy Aspergillum +3
Spells: Life Drain x2, Dismissal, Fiery Glare, Major Cure (Cleric CD), Ice Strike
Armors: Armor of the Pious
Items: Staff of Minor Healing (Fighter CD), Mist Horn
Allies: Raconteur, Evangelist (Fighter CD)
Blessings: Iomedae, Shelyn, Ascension, Baphomet, Nethys x2, Abadar
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flare
Skill Feats: Str +1 Con +1 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha +1
Power Feats: HS +1, recharge +Blessing & 2d8, + My checks,
Card Feats: Spell +1, Armor +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Cold Iron Mace +1
Spells: Fiery Glare x2, Frigid Blast, Cure, Restore Mythic Power, Steal Soul
Armors: Full Plate, Spellcaster's Shield
Items: Dawnflower's Light
Allies: Mastiff, Scribe
Blessings: Sarenrae x3, Dawnflower, Abadar, Shelyn, Ascension
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Element Master
Skill Feats: Str +1 Con +1 Int +1 Wis +1 Cha +3
Power Feats: +1 HS, Fire Mastery, Discard for Arcane + Magic, Draw a card +Spell
Card Feats: Spell + 2 Ally + 1 Blessing + 1
Spells: Force Missile x2, Scorching Ray, Fiery Glare, Dismissal, Life Drain x2
Armors: Gossamer Shrouds
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Sacred Prism
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Interrogator, Unfettered Imp, Thylacine
Blessings: Abraxas x3, Nethys, Deskari
Mythic Path: Archmage

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Str +2 Con +1 Int +1 Wis +1 Cha +2
Power Feats: HS +3, Defeat monster draw a card,
Card Feats: Spel +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Radiance, Sawtooth Sabre +2
Spells: Cure x2,
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Bejewelled Helm, Paladin's Helm
Items: Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Lann, Frilled Lizard, Carbuncle
Blessings: Iomedae x2, Starsong x2, Pulura, Ascension
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Eidolomancer
Skill Feats: Str +1 Con +1 Int +1 Wis +1 Cha +3
Power Feats: HS +2, d4 to any barrier, Blessings on Str =d12
Card Feats: Arm +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Brilliance, Create Spiked Pit, Enchanted Fang x2, Mirror Image.
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume, Celestial Armor
Items: Demon Hunter's Handbook, Black Robe, Horn of Battle Clarity
Allies: Quadnys Orlun, Mendevian Crusader x2, Druid of the Storm,
Blessings: Shax x2, Deskari x2, Ascension
Mythic Path: Marshal

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Str +3 Con +1 Int +1 Wis +1 Cha +1
Power Feats: HS +1, Perception, Reveal Divine/Ranged, After defeat may examine
Card Feats: Spell +1, Arm +1, Ally + 1, Blessing + 1
Weapons: Starbow, Marksman's Bow x2, Skirmishing Spear, Heavy Crossbow.
Spells: Cure, Bloodscent
Armors: Stalking Armor, Magic Half Plate
Items: Mysterious Disk, Fortune's Arrow
Allies: Jesker Skelton, Mongrel Archer
Blessings: Shax x 2, Deskari x2, Pulura, Abadar
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: Str +2 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +1 Cha +1
Power Feats: HS +2, Recharge Allies & Items, Recharge for Mount
Card Feats: Arm +1, Item +1, Bless +2
Weapons: Lance +1, Shocking Lance +1, Rod of the Viper, Fiendsplitter
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Imperial Army Greathelm, Commander's Field Plate, Eagle Knight Dress uniform,
Items: Knight's Pennon x2, Banner of Valor
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Fortune Teller, Pegasus
Blessings: Baphomet, Ascension x4
Mythic Path: Guardian

Note; Redeemed = Rod of the Viper, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Str +2 Dex + 1 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha +1
Power Feats: HS +1, Perception, On 3 explore, After defeat may examine
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Ally + 1, Blessing + 1
Weapons: Marksman's Bow x2, Compound bow, Skirmishing Spear, Spirit Blade
Spells: Cure, Steal Soul, Flames of Faithful
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Mysterious Disk, Archer's bracers, Black Robe
Allies: Fortune Teller, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: shelyn x4, ascension
Mythic Path: Guardian

Saw this post too late, darn it, just completed AD4.. :/

Would it be okay to pust that instead? It's still the same-ish?..

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mike Selinker wrote:

Please respond to this thread with a full feat and deck list of any character that fits the above description (and only that description!)

Looks like I'm going to do some backtracking then, shouldn't be too hard. (We got really unlucky with new Boons..)

Here is our team:

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or discard pile for a cohort (* or a card that has the Animal trait)(* or a weapon) and put it into your hand, then recharge a card; You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane (* or discard a card to allow another character to do so)
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Javelin, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Corrosive Dagger +1
Spells: Cure x 3
Armors: Celestial Armor 
Items: Archer’s Bracers, Manual of War, Scale of Resistance
Allies: Demon Hunter x2, Warhorse, Thylacine
Blessings: Blessing of Shelyn x 2, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Deskari
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size; You may discard (* or recharge) a spell to draw a random monster from the box; You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card (* or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier)(* or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item)
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +1
Spells: Enchanted Fang x 2, Skitter, Agility, Good Omen, Mirror Image, Glibness
Armors: Armor of the Pious
Items: Wand of Cancellation, Wardstone Fragment, Banner of Valor
Allies: Retainer, Apprentice, Wolf, Fortune-Teller
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x 3, Blessing of Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name:[/b] Enora
Role Card: Eldritch Savant
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: When you attempt a check to acquire a spell (* or an item), you may use your Knowledge skill in place of any listed skill; Discard (* or recharge) a spell to reduce Cold or Fire (* or Acid, Electricity, or Force) damage dealt to you (* or to any character at your location) to 0.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +1
Spells: Life Drain, Fiery Glare x 3, Ice Strike, Good Omen, Hellmouth Lash, Force Missile
Items: Black Robe, Demon Hunter’s Handbook, Ring of Forcefangs, Wand of Paralyze
Allies: Interrogator, Carbuncle, Frog
Blessing: Blessing of Abraxax, Blessing of Torag, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Pulura
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size; You may evade your encounter (* then if it is your turn, you may move); When the cohort Arueshalae's  Gift is displayed next to a character’s deck, add 1d4(*+1) to his checks that use the marked skill. At the start of your (* or any) turn, you may add Arueshalae's Gift to your hand. 
Card Feats: Item +2, Ally +2
Weapons: Flaming Spear +1, Starbow, Spirit Blade, Skirmishing Spear
Armors: Sniper’s Studded Leather
Items: Spherewalker Staff, Scale of Disguise, Scale of Sacred Weaponry, Swallowtail Bracers, Sacred Prism
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Druid of the Leaf, Lann, Kimroth Otai
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsong x2, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Redeemed Cards: Black Robe, Ghoul Hide, Stalker’s Crossbow

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Eldritch Savant
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+3, Wisdom+1 Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, When you attempt a check to acquire a spell(* or an item) you may use your knowledge skill in place of any listed; Discard a spell to reduce cold or fire (*or acid, electricity, or force damage dealt to you to 0; When you play a spell that has the cold or fire traits, you may replace any one of those traits with another of those traits.
Card Feats: spell +2, item +1, ally+1
Spells: Brilliance, Scorching Ray, Lightning Touch, Steal Soul, Force Missile, Ice Strike
Items: Black Robe, Ring of Force Fangs, Sages Journal, Silver Raven Figurine .
Allies: Quadnys Orlun, Chuffy Lickwound, Scribe
Blessings: Blessing of the starsong, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Deskari x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand size+1, At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or your discard pile for a cohort(* or a card that has the animal trait) and put it into your hand, then recharge a card; you may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane(* or Discard a card to allow another character to do so; you may reveal a card that has the animal trait to add 1d4 to your combat check.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, spell +1, ally +1
Weapons: Corrosive dagger +1, Marksmen's Bow, Demonbane Light crossbow+1, Force Shortbow +1, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Weapon of Awe, Cure x2
Armors: Barding of pleated Light
Items: Fortune's Arrow, Scared Prism.
Allies: Mastiff, Thylacine, Bat, Wolf.
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Nethys.
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+4, Intelligence+1, Charisma+2
Power Feats: Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 3(*5); You may evade your encounter(*Then if it is your turn, you may move);Instead of your first exploration on your turn, you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck, then discard the card you revealed.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell +1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Starbow, Heavy Crossbow x2, Skirmishing Spear, Force Shortbow +1
Spells: Cure
Armors: Elven Chain Shirt
Items: Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers, Potion of Healing, Trap Smith Gloves.
Allies: Interrogator, Mendevian Crusader.
Blessings: Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1 ,(Got The Tome of Mental Superiority)
Power Feats:You gain the skill perception: Wisdom +2; You may Recharge (* Or reveal( a card that has the divine or ranged trait to add 1d4 and the divine and magic traits to your check against a monster.; When you defeat a monster on your turn,(* you may examine the top card of your location deck, and if it is not a monster, put it on the bottom of the location deck, then) you may roll d6; on a (*3) 4,5, or 6 explore your location.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell +2, Armor+1
Weapons: Marksmen's bow, Flaming Spear +1, Composite Bow, Rod of the Viper, Fiend Splitter, Soulshear
Spells: Bloodscent, Cure, Flames of the Faithful.
Armors: Stalking Armor, Snipers Studded Leather.
Items: Archer's Bracers, Banner of Valor
Allies: Caravan Guard
Blessings: Blessing of Torag, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Ascension, blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Eidolomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: Hand size +1; When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead. You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card (* or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier)(* or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item); When a character plays a blessing on your Strength Check, you may add 1d12 instead of the normal die.
Card Feats: Spells +3, Blessing +1
Spells: Fire Shield, Brilliance, Glibness, Refuge, Sagacity, Enchanted Fang x2, Agility.
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume.
Items: Arcane Robes, Swarm Lords Jar.
Allies: Kamilo Dann, Mendevian Crusader, Druid of the Storm.
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x2, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Ascension x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Redeemed Cards, Black Robes, Soulshear

We had alot of Character Deaths .. Harsk died early on and Enora died 3 times in the first few play thru's

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Wisdom+2, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1* hand size, search for cohort (or animal*) at start of turn, recharge to evade a summoned bane or (*discard to let another player evade), Before you would discard an ally for its power, you may recharge a random card from your discard pile*
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Ally +2
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Skirmishing Spear, Starbow, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Agility
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Swallowtail Bracers, Banner of Valor
Allies: Bat, Bat, Bat, Wolverine, Riding Horse
Blessings: Ascension, Ascension, Erastil, Erastil
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Character Name: Seelah (WotR version)
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Wisdom+2, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2** hand size, discard from top of your deck to add 1d6(+1*) to a check at your location(, if the card is heavy armor or sword, recharge instead of discarding*)
Card Feats: Spell +2, Ally +2
Weapons: Cold Iron Longsword, Cold Iron Longsword, Radiance, Rod of the Viper
Spells: Cure, Detect Demon, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Spiked Plate
Items: Knight's Pennon
Allies: Mendevian Crusader, Fortune-Teller, Druid of the Leaf, Druid of the Flame
Blessings: Iomedae, Iomedae, Nethys, Ascension
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

Character Name: Siwar (Bard Class Deck)
Role Card: Manipulator
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1* hand size, weapon proficiency*, recharge a card to add 1d4(+1*)(+2*) to another character's check at your location
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Soulshear, Fiendsplitter
Spells: Charm Person, Weapon of Awe, Cure, Sanctuary
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Spherewalker Staff, Black Robe
Allies: Jesker Helton, Chuffy Lickwound, Mendevian Crusader, Kamilo Dann, Lann, Old Salt
Blessings: Shax, Torag, Starsong, Ascension
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Visionary
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1* hand size, When you succeed at a knowledge check, you may examine the top card (or 2 cards*) of your (or any*) location deck. (If an examined card is a boon, you may exchange it for a random card of that type from the box and put it on top face down*)
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1
Spells: Life Drain, Life Drain, Cure, Cure, Fiery Glare, Fiery Glare, Ice Strike, Heat Metal
Armors: Spiny Shield
Items: Wand of Sacred Weapon, Codex, Demon Hunter's Handbook
Allies: Belthis Loumis, Scribe
Blessings: Ascension, Ascension, Ascension, Pulura, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

No characters or cohorts have died

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, (add 1d4 to any check to deafeat a barrier)(or any check to acquire a weapon, armor, or item), (recharge a spell to draw a random monster from the box.)
Card Feats: Spell +3, Ally +1
Spells: Create Spiked Pit, Charm Monster, Brilliance, Good Omen x2, Fire Shield, Glibness, Mirror Image
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Mist Horn,
Allies: Scribe, Splendiferous Hat, Mendevian Crusader, Unfettered Imp
Blessings: Ascension, Abraxas x2, Pulura
Mythic Path: Marshall

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: (gain the skill Perception: wisdom +2)(reveal a card that has the divine or ranged trait to add 1d4)(on a 3,4,5,6 explore your location)(Recharge a card that has the ranged or divine to add 1d4 to a combat check at another location)
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Starbow, Spirit Blade, Marksman's Box x2
Spells: Heat Metal, Agility
Armor: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Mysterious Disk, Archer's Bracers, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Druid of the Flame
Blessings: Shax x2, Ascension X3, Pulura
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, (1d6 +1 to any check by a character at your location)(If the top card has the heavy armor or sword trait, recharge it instead of discarding it)
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Soulshear, Radiance, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Rod of the Viper, Fiendsplitter
Spells: Cure
Armors: Spiked Plate, Paladin's Helm, Commander's Field Plate, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Warhorse, Pegasus, Thylacine
Blessings: Torag x2, Shax x2, Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Marshall

Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Spirit Guide
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Heavy Armors, (examine 2 cards of your location deck)(Gain the skill Arcan: Wisdom +1)
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Frigid Blast, Cure x3, Life Drain, Fiery Glare, Dismissal
Armors: Armor of the Pious
Items: Wardstone Fragment, Pauper's Thighbone, Black Robe
Allies: Fortune Teller, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Pulura, Abadar, Iomedae, Shelyn x2, Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Scarab Sages

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, “...* or a card that had the Animal trait…”, “...* or discard a card to allow another character…”, “* You may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to add 1d4…”
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Flaming Spear +1, Force Shortbow +1, Starbow
Spells: Charm Monster, Cure
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Fortune’s Arrow, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Bat, Bat, Mastiff, Wolverine
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Abadar, Baphomet, Nethys, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Enora
Role: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, “...Cold or Fire (* or Acid, Electricity, or Force) damage dealt to you (* or to any other character…”), “* At the start of your turn, you may recharge…”
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Dismissal, Fire Shield, Ice Strike, Ice Strike, Life Drain, Life Drain, Mirror Image
Items: Demon Hunter’s Handbook, Demon Hunter’s Handbook, Manual of War, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Fortune Teller, Lann
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Abadar, Abraxas, Nethyus, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

Character Name: Tarlin
Role: Peacemaker
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, “Shuffle 1d4 +1 (* 2)...”, “* You may recharge a weapon…”
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Improvised Dinosaur, Radiance, Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Soulshear
Spells: Cure, Cure, Heat Metal
Armors: Imperial Army Greathelm, Magic Half-Plate
Items: Banner of Valor, Black Robe
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Kamilo Dann
Blessings: Abadar, Baphomet, Iomedae, Nethys, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Grand Lodge

Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand size +1, Proficient with Heavy Armor, Skill, Arcane: Charisma +3, Reduce damage before you act by 1
Card Feats: Spells +1, Allies +2, Blessings +1
Weapons: Lance +1, Lucern Hammer, Unholy Aspergillum +3 (Redeemed), Soulshear (Redeemed), Fiendsplitter
Spells: Life Drain, Hellmouth Lash, Ice Strike
Armors: Spiny Shield, Celestial Armor
Items: Topaz of Strength, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Warhorse
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar (x2), Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum (x2)
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Element Master
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Trait that applies to the word "mastered" Cold. Before your combat check you may discard a card to draw a card that has the arcane, magic, or mastered trait from your discard pile. When you acquire a card that has the mastered, ally, or spell trait, you may draw a card.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Javelin of Lightning
Spells: Ice Strike x2, Life Drain x2, Scorching Ray, Fiery Glare x2
Armors: Spellcaster's Shield
Items: Black Robe (redeemed), Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Scribe, Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Blessing of Abraxas x5
Mythic Path: Mythic Archangel

Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: Str +3, Dex +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Heavy Armor Proficiency
Skill Arcane: Charisma +3. Reduce damage dealt to you before you act by 1.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Shocking Lance +1, Rod of Viper, Soulshear, Glaive +1, Sawtooth Sabre +2
Spells: Fiery Glare, Dismissal, Steal Soul
Armors: Magic Scale Mail, Magic Half-Plate, Eagle Knight Dress Uniform
Items: Banner of Valor, Knight's Pennon
Allies: none
Blessings: Blessing of Shax x3, Blessing of Deskari x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card:Redeemed
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +3, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 5. When the cohort Arueshalae gift is displayed next to a character add 1d4+1 to the selected skill checks. Instead of your first exploration for the turn, you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a Blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 cards from their discard pile into their deck and discard the revealed card.
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow, Flaming Spear +1, Skirmishing Spear, Starbow
Spells: None
Armors: Celestial Armor, Ghoul Hide
Items: Mist Horn, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Belthis Loumis, Mongrel Archer, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Blessing of Nethys x3, Blessing of Starsong x2, Blessing of Pulura
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

I will be doing one singular post for all 6 of my party. It may be slightly off as we went through the midpoint and then some last session.

Character Name: Shandra
Role Card: Visionary
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dex +1, Constitution + 0, Int +1, Wisdom +4 (Thank you Tome of Mental Prowess), Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, When you suceed at a knwledge check, you may examine the top TWO cards of ANY location deck
Card Feats: Spell +3, Ally +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Refuge, Paralyze, Consecrate, Life Drain, Ice Strike, Fiery Glare
Armors: Spellcaster's shield
Items: Demon Hunter's Handbook, Book of the Loremaster
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Druid of the Flame, Fortune-Teller
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Adabar, Blessing of Ascension
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dex +1, Constitution + 0, Int +3, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: When you attempt a check to acquire a spell OR AN ITEM, OR YOU ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT A BARRIER you may use your knowledge, Discard a spell to reduce Cold or Fire OR ACID, ELECTRICITY, OR FORCE damage dealt to you OR TO ANY CHARACTER AT YOUR LOCATION to 0,
Card Feats: Blessing +2, Ally +1, Spell +1
Spells: Ice Strike, Life Drain, Scorching Ray, Create Spiked Pit, Steal Soul, Fiery Glare, Good Omen
Items: Black Robe, Ring of Forcefangs, Sacred Prism
Allies: Scribe, Kimroth Otai, Researcher
Blessings: Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Adabar
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Spellrager
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dex +1, Constitution + 0, Int +1, Wisdom +1 , Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Arcane:Charisma +3, When you defeat a non-summoned henchman or villain, you may draw a random Arcane and Attack spell from the box
Card Feats: Spell +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Rod of the Viper, Rod of the Viper, Fiendsplitter, Radiance
Spells: Cure, Hellmouth Lash, Force Missle
Armors: Spiked Plate, Paladin's Helm
Items: Ring of REflection, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Merchant Lord, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Adabar, Blessing of Adabar
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyranomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dex +1, Constitution + 0, Int +1, Wisdom +1 , Charisma +3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may discard OR RECHARGE a sepll to draw a random monster from the box, When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead. You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card OR ADD 1d4 TO ANY CHECK TO DEFEAT A BARRIER
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1
Spells: Good Omen, Sagacity, Charm Monster, Charm Monster, Agility, Agility, Fire Shield, Restore Mythic Power
Armors: Imperial Army Greathelm
Items: Arcane Robes (P), Potion of Healing, Wardstone Fragment
Allies: Wolf, Wolf, Kamilo Dann
Blessings: Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Baphomet
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dex +1, Constitution + 0, Int +1, Wisdom +1 , Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may discard a card to add 2 plus its adventure deck number to your check to defeat a
non-villain monster. If undefeated, return it to the top of its location deck. Other characters may
not play cards or use powers on this check.
On your turn, discard a card that has the Mount trait to move to another location and examine the top card of that location deck. If
it is a monster, you may encounter it.
Card Feats: Ally +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Veteran's Longspear (P), Shocking Lance +1
Armors: Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Bejeweled Helm, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Banner of Valor, Belt of Charging
Allies: Pit Gladiator, Warhorse, Warhorse, Lann, Celestial Unicorn
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Baphomet
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dex +3, Constitution + 0, Int +1, Wisdom +1 , Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or your discard pile for a cohort or a
card that has the Animal trait and put it into your hand, then recharge a card. Before you would discard an ally for its power, you may recharge a random card from your discard pile
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Ally +2
Weapons: Marksman's bow, Marksman's bow, Spirit Blade, Demonbane Light Crossbow+1, Skirmishing Spear, Flaming Spear +1
Spells: Bloodscent, Cure
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Fortune's Arrow, Archer's Bracers
Allies: Bat, Thylacine, Riding Horse, Vulture, Mastiff
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Scarab Sages Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My brother and I picked up Wrath of the Righteous after my experience with it at Paizocon, and we thought 'how can we make an already awesome set even more awesome?'.

So we did it with goblins.

Character Name: Ranzak (myself)
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Wis +2, Cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Add 1d4([X]+1)([X]+3) to your check to acquire a boon | When you acquire a boon on your turn, roll 1d6; on a ([X]3,) 4, 5, or 6, explore your location.
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Spear +1, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Javelin of Lightning, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Cure
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Swallowtail Bracers, Wand of Paralyze, Banner of Valor, Black Robe, Blood Periapt
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Wolverine
Blessings: Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Deskari, Blessing of Ascension x2
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Ekkie (Mah Bro)
Role Card: Guttersnipe
Skill Feats: Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +1, Cha +1
Power Feats: Light Armor Proficiency | For your check that has or is against a card that has the Animal or Basic trait ([X] or has an adventure deck number less than the current scenario), add 1d4 ([X]1d6) to your check.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Soulshear, Fiendsplitter, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Rod of the Viper
Spells: N/A
Armors: Elven Chain Shirt, Celestial Armor
Items: Ring of Climbing, ring of Forcefangs, Scale of Sacred Weaponry, Scale of Resistance
Allies: Riftwarden, Unfettered Imp, Minotaur Mercenary
Blessings: Blessing of Shax x2, Blessing of the Starsong x2, Blessing of Ascension x2
Mythic Path: Guardian

Redemption Card: Rod of the Viper, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Ghoul Hide

The Ring of Climbing was custom-made for Ekkie. That item has shaped our playstyle SO MUCH. I always use the Fortune-Teller to start a potential free chain of explorations, and if I encounter a bane? Pass it along to Ekkie. If she can't destroy it (Soulshear is broken, btw, most things die without a need for rolling when my bro has it), then Ekkie evades it too! And it potentially goes somewhere else! During our earlygame, we did this. A LOT. We were poor frail goblins; we needed all the luck we could get! It didn't help that i got...overconfident, and died two scenarios in a row on the first Adventure Deck...not fun. At all. Curse you, Poisoned Spike Pit Trap! Also Temptation of Big Die, but that's another story. Wicked promo, that one.

Once we attained mythic status, I mostly passed off banes to Ekkie, and she had more than enough capacity to destroy them. Now, it may seem odd that Ranzak chose Hierophant. And I agree, it's bizarre. But it was honestly the best path available, as it boosted the mental stats most used to collect boons, not to mention my wicked high Survival checks. Alright, Archmage MAY have been better, but I can't increase my Int!

Regardless, this has been a really fun campaign. Can't wait to start AD4 tonight! But before I go, I feel I should honor a time-old goblin tradition:

Mythic Goblin Song:
Goblins kill and goblins maim,
Goblins great and can't be tamed!
Ranzak, Ekkie, we're the best!
Sitting high above the rest!

Longshanks say that demons bad,
But there's good things to be had!
Queen Lamashtu sees all things,
And demons? Well, you ring-a-dings,

We come with good 'uns at our backs!
Smash the cultists! Rip and hack!
And those that we can't kill today,
Well, we'll simply run away.

Look out, boys, we has an army!
Gut Baphomet! Kill Deskari!
Crunch the world inside our fist,
Change the place to Basalfeyst!

Basalfeyst is the goblin afterlife, in case y'all didn't know. They're planning to reconfigure the Worldwound to cause a new kind of terror! So exciting!

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Eldritch Savant
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +0 Hand size, When you attempt a check to acquire a spell ([ * ] or an item)..., Discard (/) a spell to reduce Cold or Fire ([ * ] or Acid, Electricity, or Force) damage dealt to you ([ * ] or to any character at your location) to 0., [ * ] When you play a spell that has the Cold or Fire (/) traits, you may replace any one of those traits with another of those traits.
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Dismissal x2, Fiery Glare, Force Missile, Ice Strike, Life Drain
Items: Banner of Valor, Ring of Forcefangs, Sacred Prism, Spellbottle
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Fortune Teller, Quadnys Orlun
Blessings: Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Torag
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage


Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6 (/) (/) (/) to any check by a character at your location. ([ * ] if that character defeats a monster on that check, he may draw a card), [ * ] When another character encounters a monster that has the Cultist or Demon trait, you may immediately move to his location.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Radiance, Rod of the Viper, Soulshear
Spells: Cure x2, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Spiked Plate, Spiny Shield
Items: Wardstone Fragment
Allies: Druid of the Leaf, Pegasus, Warhorse
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension x2, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Shax x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion


Deaths: Sadly, Enora died during Scenario B (resurrected her anew for AD1 and onward)

Redeemed: Rod of the Viper, Soulshear

Side Note : This is my maiden voyage into the PACG, and I am a solo adventurer currently running 2 characters through (loving it SO HARD btw!)

We made it! Here's our party at the midpoint.

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; At the start of your turn... (* or a card...); You may recharge a card to evade... (* or discard a card...); * Before you would discard an ally for its power...
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Flaming Spear +1, Corrosive Dagger +1, Heavy Crossbow
Spells: Cure, Cure, Bloodscent
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Scale of Resistance, Horn of Battle Clarity
Allies: Bat, Bat, Mastiff, Pegasus
Blessings: Ascension, Sarenrae, Shax, Shax, Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion


Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: Before your combat check, you may discard... (* or Magic); You may automatically succeed... (* or an item); When you acquire an ally (* or a spell)...; * After your first exploration, you may examine...
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Dismissal, Fiery Glare, Fiery Glare, Force Missile, Heat Metal, Ice Strike, Scorching Ray
Armors: Spellcaster's Shield
Items: Black Robe, Mist Horn, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Druid of the Leaf, Scribe, Unfettered Imp
Blessings: Abraxas, Ascension, Baphomet, Baphomet, Deskari
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage


Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; You may evade an encounter (* then if it is your turn...); When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed... (* +1); * Instead of your first exploration on a turn...
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Force Shortbow +1, Marksman's Bow, Starbow
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Archer's Bracers, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers, Swarmlord's Jar
Allies: Fortune Teller, Kamilo Dann, Minotaur Mercenary
Blessings: Ascension, Ascension, Ascension, Baphomet, Deskari, Shax, Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster


Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; You may discard the top card of your deck... (* if that character...); * When you play a Blessing of Iomedae...
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Glaive +1, Ranseur of the Gargoyle, Sawtooth Sabre +2, Soulshear
Spells: Cure, Weapon of Awe
Armors: Commander's Field Plate, Helm of the Valkyrie, Magic Shield
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Baphomet, Iomedae, Iomedae, Shax, Torag, Torag
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

We have redeemed the Ghoul Hide and Soulshear. Imrijka died during the B scenarios.

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Glory Hound
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, At the end of your turn, you may recharge any number of weapons (* or allies or items)., When you play an ally to explore your location, you may add your Diplomacy skill and the Mental trait to your Melee checks
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Lance +1, Lance x2, Fiendsplitter, Soulshear
Armors: Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Magic Half-Plate, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Scale of Sacred Weaponry, Wardstone Fragment, Sacred Prism
Allies: Riding Horse, Druid of the Flame, Warhorse
Blessings: Baphomet x2, Ascension x2, Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may evade your encounter (* then if it is your turn, you may move); When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character’s deck, add 1d4(*+1) to his checks that use the marked skill. Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck, then discard the card you revealed.
Card Feats: +1 Item, +3 Blessing
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow, Javelin of Lightning, Force Shortbow +1, Starbow
Armors: Magic Padded Armor
Items: Silver Raven Figurine, Swallowtail Bracers, Spherewalker Staff, Blood Periapt
Allies: Kamilo Dann, Interrogator
Blessings: Shelyn, Starsong, Sarenrae, Ascension, Abraxas, Shax, Torag, Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane (* or discard a card to allow another character to do so)., You may shuffle a cohort into your deck to add your Stealth skill to your combat check.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Force Shortbow +1, Spirit Blade, Heavy Crossbow, Marksman's Bow, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Cure x2
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Blood Periapt, Archer's Bracers
Allies: Mongrel Archer, Mendevian Crusader, Druid of the Storm, Demon Hunter
Blessings: Shaxx x3, Deskari, Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Spirit Guide
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, When you succeed at a Knowledge check you may examine the top card (* or 2 cards) of your (* or any) location deck., Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Mental trait to your combat check to defeat a monster.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Blessing +1
Spells: Paralyze, Good Omen, Cure, Heat Metal, Life Drain, Fiery Glare, Frigid Blast x2
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Banner of Valor, Black Robe
Allies: Apprentice, Demon Hunter
Blessings: Shax, Iomedae, Nethys, Abraxas, Sarenrae, Sheylyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Redeemed Cards: Ghoul Hide, Soulshear

Our party of 5 already reached the midpoint some months ago, currently we finished deck 5, including the killing of Baphomet, and will continu with the last deck. Here they are:

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: str +1, dex +1, con +2, int +1, wis +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, discard to allow other chars to evade summon, recharge animal for -2 combat damage
Card Feats: spell +1, item +1, ally +2
Weapons: corrosive dagger +1, force shortbow +1, skirmishing spear
Spells: cure, cure, agility
Armors: ghoul hide
Items: manual of war, portable altar, swallowtail bracers
Allies: bat, frog, mastiff, thylacine, thylacine
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet, Pulura, Shax
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: str +3, dex +1, con +1, int +1, wis +1
Power Feats: per = wis+2, reveal to add 1D4, roll 3 or higher for extra explore, matching blessing
Card Feats: weapon +1, blessing +3
Weapons: Marksman’s bow, ranseur of the gargoyle, rod of the viper, unholy aspergillum +3, Fiendsplitter, Starbow
Spells: Cure
Armors: Full plate
Items: Holy phylactery, silver raven figurine
Allies: Riftwarden
Blessings: Ascension x4, deskari, nethys, shax, torag
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: str+2, dex +1, con +1, int +1, wis +1, cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, heavy armor, arcane = cha+3, -1 damage before you act
Card Feats: armor +1, ally +1, blessing +2
Weapons: Cold Iron Longsword, Glaive +1, Shocking Lance +1, Radiance, Soulshear
Spells: Fiery Glare, Good omen
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Spike Plate, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Swarmlord”s Jar, Scale of disguise
Allies: Warhorse
Blessings: Ascension, Deskari, Iomedae, Pulura, Starsong, Torag
Mythic Path: Guardian

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Eldritch Savant
Skill Feats: Str +1, dex +1, con +1, int +3, wis +1
Power Feats: spell of item: use knowledge, recharge a spell to reduce C or F or A, or E or Force dmg to any char
Card Feats: spell +2, blessing +2
Spells: Create spiked Pit, Fiery Glare, 2 x Ice Strike, 2 x Life Drain, Scorching Ray, Steal Soul
Items: Blood Periapt, Ring of Forcefangs, Black Robe
Allies: Apprentice, Lann
Blessings: Abraxas, Ascension, 2 x Baphomet, Nethys, Shax
Mythic Path: Archmage

Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Abyssal Walker
Skill Feats: str+1, dex +3, con +1, int +1, wis +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, evade demon & add 2D4, at the start of the turn examine…
Card Feats: weapon +2, armor +1, blessing +1
Weapons: Demonbane light crossbow +1, Flaming spear +1, Force Shortbow +1, 3 x Heavy crossbow, Javelin of lightning
Armors: Gossamer Shrouds, Stalking armor, Sweet dragon costume
Items: banner of valor, sacred prism
Allies: Frog, Fortune teller
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet, Sarenrae, 2 x Shax
Mythic Path: Champion

I hope we are not too late to add our decks in. We just finished Scenario 3 last night Jan 1. We started playing on Sept. 13, 2015.
My wife plays Alain, I play Seelah and we both share Arueshalae, depending on which character she is supporting.

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Glory Hound
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Discard a card to add 2 plus its Adventure Deck number to check to defeat; Recharge any number of weapons or allies or items; When you play an ally to explore your location, you may add your Diplomacy skill and the Mental trait to your Melee checks.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Cold Iron Longsword, Fiendsplitter, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Lance, Lance +1
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Full Plate, Spiked Plate
Items: Blood Periapt, Knight’s Pennon, Sacred Prism
Allies: Mendevian Crusader, Minotaur Mercenary, Redeemer Blacksmith, Warhorse
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet, Deskari, Shax
Mythic Path: Guardian

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6+1 to any check by a character at your location, if that character defeats a monster on that check he may draw a card, When another character encounters a monster that has the Cultist or Demon trait you may immediately move to his location.
Card Feats: Spell +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Cold Iron Mace +1, Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Radiance, Soulshear
Spells: Cure x2
Armors: Celestial Armor, Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Imperial Greathelm
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Grizzled Mercenary, Jesker Helton, Minotaur Mercenary
Blessings: Abadar, Baphomet, Iomedae, Nethys x2
Mythic Path: Hierophant

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +0 hand size, Electricity, Fire and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 5, You may evade your encounter then if it is your turn, you may move, When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck add 1d4+1 to his checks that use the marked skill, Instead of your first exploration on a turn you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location, shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck then discard the card you revealed.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Corrosive Dagger +1, Flaming Spear +1, Javelin, Starbow, Unholy Aspergillum +3
Spells: Burst Bonds
Armors: Full Plate, Magic Scale Mail
Items: Sage’s Journal, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Bat, Carbuncle, Wolverine
Blessings: Sarenrae, Shax, Starsong x2, Torag
Mythic Path: Marshall

No deaths to date, but we did banish Queen Galfrey for her card powers in Scenario 2 to save one of our characters. The Base set scenario B The Traitor’s Lodge and Scenario 2 The Gibbering Storm have been the most challenging scenarios so far but this was main due to poor rolling and running out of cards in the Blessings Deck. Favorite bane card to hate is Telekinesis Trap; favorite boon card is Cure.

Liberty's Edge

Characters from two different groups

Group #1: Game club - 3 player game
Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Visionary
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Dexterity +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Heavy Armor, When you succeed at a knowledge check, you may examine the top 2 cards of your location deck, When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier, you may use your knowledge skill instead of the listed skill
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Rod of the Viper
Spells: Cure x2, Frigid Blast, Dismissal, Life Drain, Paralyze
Armors: Bejeweled Helm, Eagle Knight Dress Uniform
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Black Robe
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Abraxas, Ascension, Iomedae, Nethys, Shelyn x2
Mythic Path: Mystic Hierophant

Group #2: Game store - 4 player game
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity Fire and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 5, When the cohort Aureshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck, add 1d4+1 to his checks that use the marked skill, Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a card that has the desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location - shuffled 1d4+1 random cards from the discard pile into his deck, then discard the card you revealed
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Demonbane light crossbow +1, force shortbow +1, heavy crossbow, javelin of lightning, starbow
Armor: Elven Chain Shirt
Item: Manual of War, Banner of Valor, Scale of Resistance, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Droogami, Pegasus, Thylacene
Blessings: Ascension x2, Deskari, Ioemdae, Sarenrae, Shax
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or your dscard pile for a cohort ([check] or a card that has the Animal trait)... , Youe may reveal a card that has the Anilam trait to add 1d4 to your combat chack....
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1
Weapons: Force Shortbow +1, Starbow, Spirit Blade, Flaming Spear +1, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Bloodscent
Armors: Ghoul Hide(redeemed), Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Banner of Valor, Sage's Journal
Allies: Wolf, Bat, Pegasus
Blessings: Sarenrae, Shelyn, Nethys, Baphomet
Mythic Path: Champion

Sorry this is Late, We are in Adventure 6 now. Also this is for Society play.

Character Name: Tarlin
Role Card: Peacemaker
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution+1, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: +3 hand size (Total of 7), Recharge Blessings of Iomedae
Card Feats: Blessings+3 (Total of 7)
Weapons: Icy Hooked Hammer +1, Greatclub +1, Morningstar +1, Quarterstaff
Spells: Major Cure, Cure x2
Armors: Elven Chain Shirt, Chainmail of Cold Resistance
Items: Holy Water (normally replaced with Banner of Valor)
Allies: Surgeon
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x3, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of the Dawnflower.
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshall

I'm actually hoping to finish the entire adventure path tonight. If so, I will post Tarlin's final stats.

My wife plays Crowe and Kyra; I play Imrijka and Seoni.
The original party consisted of Adowyn, Crowe, Enora, and Kyra. Enora died in
The Elven Entanglement, replaced by Seoni; and Adowyn died in The Wardstone Patrol, replaced by Imrijka.
Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Spellrager
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Heavy Armors; You may bury a card to add 1d10+1…; Arcane: Charisma +3; When you defeat a non-summoned henchman or villain...
Card Feats: Spell+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Glaive +1, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3
Spells: Frigid Blast, Lightning Touch, Sagacity
Armors: Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Gossamer Shrouds
Items: Banner of Valor, Sage’s Journal
Allies: Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Deskari (x2), Shax, Torag (x3)
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: Strength+3, Constitution+1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom+1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Perception: Wisdom +1; You may recharge or reveal a card that has the Divine or Ranged trait…; …explore your location on a 3, 4, 5, or 6…; When you play a non-Basic blessing that matches the top card of the blessings discard pile…
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Cold Iron Longsword, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Marksman’s Bow, Skirmishing Spear, Starbow
Spells: Cure (x2), Weapon of Awe
Armors: Stalking Armor (x2)
Items: Archer’s Bracers, Sage’s Journal
Allies: Kamilo Dann
Blessings: Baphomet, Deskari, Iomedae, Nethys, Pulura, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower’s Flare
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Weapons; …you may recharge a spell or blessing to use your Divine skill +2d8…; When you use the above power … on another character’s or your check to defeat…
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Lance +1, Unholy Aspergillum +3
Spells: Cure (x2), Fiery Glare, Fireblade, Frigid Blast, Viper Strike
Armors: Imperial Army Greathelm
Items: Wand of Sacred Weapon
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Abadar, Iomedae (x2), Nethys, Pulura, Sarenrae (x2)
Mythic Path: Mythic Heirophant

Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: …you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Arcane or Magic trait…; You may automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell or an item…; When you acquire an ally or a spell…; After the first exploration of your turn, you may examine the top card…
Card Feats: Spell +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Fiery Glare, Force Missile, Ice Strike, Life Drain (x2), Restore Mythic Power
Armors: Spellcaster’s Shield
Items: Sacred Prism, Scale of Resistance
Allies: Apprentice (x2), Demon Hunter (x2)
Blessings: Abraxas (x3), Baphomet (x2), Deskari
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage

And since it has come up elsewhere, we don't include the C banes since we only use four characters (we still dread the Arboreal Blight and the Demonic Horde).

Party Inventory:

Character Name: Adowyn (WOTR)
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Str+1, Dex+3, Con+1, Wis+1, Cha+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; […]discard pile for a cohort ( [X] or a card that has the animal trait); Evade a summoned bane ( [X] or discard a card to allow another character to do so); You may recharge a card to reduce damage dealt BYA to 1;
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Nirmathas Longbow, Demonbane Light Crossbow+1, Flaming Spear+1, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Weapon of Awe, Good Omen x2
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Archer’s Bracers, Trapsmith Gloves,
Allies: Leryn, Frilled Lizard x2, Frog
Blessings: BoDeskari x3, BoAbadar x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant


Character Name: Lazzero (HV1 Class Deck)
Role Card: Asmodean Advocate
Skill Feats: Str+3, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+1, Cha+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Weapon Proficiency; Ignore corrupted trait you play on your ( [X] or any) check; Your blessings that have the Asmodeus...;
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Radiance, Sawtooth Sabre+2, Unholy Aspergillum+3, Fiendsplitter
Spells: Cure x2, Refuge
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume, Armor of the Pious
Items: Knight’s Pennon,
Allies: Lann, Unfettered Imp, Pallegina
Blessings: BoBaphomet, BoShax, BoDispater, BoMammon, BoMoloch, BoBaalzebul
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal


Character Name: Urgraz (HV1 Class Deck)
Role Card: Tyrant
Skill Feats: Str+3, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+1, Cha+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Discard top card of deck to add 1d6 ( [X] +1) to your check; You may discard ( [X] or recharge) a card to ignore the corrupted trait; When another character at your location would banish;
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Scizore, Unholy Aspergillum+3, Soulshear, Rod of the Viper
Spells: Cure x2,
Armors: Commander’s Field Plate, Ghoul Hide, Spiked Plate,
Items: Wardstone Fragment, Banner of Valor, Black Robe
Blessings: BoBaphomet x2, BoShax x3, BoAbadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian


Character Name: Seoni (WOTR)
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Str+1, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+1, Cha+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size; discard a card to draw a card that has the Arcane ( [X] or Magic) ( [X] or Corrupted) trait; Automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell ( [X] or an item);
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Spells: Blast Vortex, Force Missile, Life Drain, Dismissal, Scorching Ray, Hellmouth Lash
Armors: Elven Chain Shirt
Items: Scale of Resistance, Ring of Forcefangs, Tome of Mental Prowess
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Fortune-Teller, Druid of the Storm, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: BoAbraxas x5
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage


Cards Redeemed: Unholy Aspergillum+3, Rod of the Viper, Ghoul Hide
Knights of Kenabres Valor, Agility, Vigor, Spirit, Command.
Cohorts removed - None.


Playing with HV1+2 character decks in box.
AD3E - Tome of Mental Prowess used by Seoni at Laboratory and succeeded Knowledge check to bury (instead of banish, instead of remove from game).

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, recharge allies or items, discard a Mount to move to another location
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Lance +1, Shocking Lance +1, Fiendsplitter, Soulshear
Armors: Commander's Field Plate, Barding of Pleated Light, Spiny Shield
Items: Sacred Prism, Swallowtail Bracers, Banner of Valor
Allies: Scribe, Researcher, Caravan Guard, Belthis Loumis
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet, Shax x2, Abadar
Mythic Path: Champion

Character Name: Grazzle
Role Card: Bone Diviner
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Automatically succeed on spell recharge and shuffle into deck, add 2 to checks involving Attack trait, recharge Divine card to examine top card of any occupied location
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Rod of the Viper
Spells: Cure x2, Paralyze, Life Drain x2, Ice Strike, Frigid Blast, Fiery Glare
Armors: Stalking Armor, Spiny Shield
Items: Black Robe, Spellbottle
Allies: Apprentice
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet x2, Starsong, Abadar
Mythic Path: Archmage

This is pretty effective pair, despite the weakness in Dexterity and Intelligence. The mythic paths compensate for those somewhat (turning a dump stat d4 into a d20 is pretty satisfying). Grazzle is a spell machine with his auto-recharge power, a great healer, and a decent scout, and Alain is Alain. Haven't lost a scenario yet.

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