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Is there an ETA on when the Class Deck Character Sheets download will be updated to include the Magus Deck Characters?

So, my play group started Mummy's Mask this past Sunday. And we ran into a small rules quandary.

While I felt the rules were perfectly plain, one of the players in my group was insisting that:
"When you explore, you draw the top card, Examine it, then encounter it."
Of course this would mean that anything with Trigger trait will always have it's Triggered action fire.

I'm of the opinion that in general (baring shenanigans on cards that state other wise) the game function of Examine has nothing to do with Explore action.

Can someone please clear this up for me?

Is there a PDF version of the Troop card in WotR AP6 available somewhere and I'm just not seeing it?

I found the AP2 Troop card in the Resources and Free Downloads section, but I didn't see one for the AP6 Troop.


When playing tonight, we can across a question on how to interpret Elemental Bombardment's power. While we all agreed on how we played it... we also all agreed that it seemed WAY too good even for a Adventure 5 Spell.

The card as written reads:
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill and add 1d6+1 for each of your mythic charges and either the Bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, or Fire trait.

So here's the question. Assuming you're in Adventure 5 and have 5 Mythic charges, when you play the spell do you add to your check:
1) 5d6+5
2) 1d6+5

Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Glory Hound
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, At the end of your turn, you may recharge any number of weapons (* or allies or items)., When you play an ally to explore your location, you may add your Diplomacy skill and the Mental trait to your Melee checks
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Lance +1, Lance x2, Fiendsplitter, Soulshear
Armors: Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Magic Half-Plate, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Scale of Sacred Weaponry, Wardstone Fragment, Sacred Prism
Allies: Riding Horse, Druid of the Flame, Warhorse
Blessings: Baphomet x2, Ascension x2, Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may evade your encounter (* then if it is your turn, you may move); When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character’s deck, add 1d4(*+1) to his checks that use the marked skill. Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck, then discard the card you revealed.
Card Feats: +1 Item, +3 Blessing
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow, Javelin of Lightning, Force Shortbow +1, Starbow
Armors: Magic Padded Armor
Items: Silver Raven Figurine, Swallowtail Bracers, Spherewalker Staff, Blood Periapt
Allies: Kamilo Dann, Interrogator
Blessings: Shelyn, Starsong, Sarenrae, Ascension, Abraxas, Shax, Torag, Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane (* or discard a card to allow another character to do so)., You may shuffle a cohort into your deck to add your Stealth skill to your combat check.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Force Shortbow +1, Spirit Blade, Heavy Crossbow, Marksman's Bow, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Cure x2
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Blood Periapt, Archer's Bracers
Allies: Mongrel Archer, Mendevian Crusader, Druid of the Storm, Demon Hunter
Blessings: Shaxx x3, Deskari, Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion

Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Spirit Guide
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, When you succeed at a Knowledge check you may examine the top card (* or 2 cards) of your (* or any) location deck., Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Mental trait to your combat check to defeat a monster.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Blessing +1
Spells: Paralyze, Good Omen, Cure, Heat Metal, Life Drain, Fiery Glare, Frigid Blast x2
Armors: Ghoul Hide
Items: Banner of Valor, Black Robe
Allies: Apprentice, Demon Hunter
Blessings: Shax, Iomedae, Nethys, Abraxas, Sarenrae, Sheylyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant

Redeemed Cards: Ghoul Hide, Soulshear

I know Theryon already conceded the point; but for anyone else who happens to wander by looking for an answer to this question and want's something more official in terms of support for the consensus opinion I offer the following text from the AD2 Preview Blog ( nture-Deck-2):

"When you encounter an enemy Army, all characters must face them, no matter where they are. (After all, armies are really big.) Characters must each attempt a different check from among those listed on the card."

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
[EDIT: Remember that Wrath contains blessings for evil deities like Deskari and Baphomet. They're corrupt and invoking blessings from them doesn't always bring good things to everyone.]

Actually, I know absolutely nothing about the Pathfinder game world or it's Deities, so had no idea Deksari or Baphomet were Evil. I guess the Cultists should have been a HUGE clue though.

Knowing that now, it certainly makes TONS of sense.

So, over the weekend my playgroup and I noticed a difference in the wording on the Blessing of Deskari , and I'm wanting to make sure we're correctly interpreting it.

Every other Blessing, the wording for adding dice to a check reads "Discard this card to add X dice to any check." Sometimes with caveats, but the part of the text that's the focus here is "add X dice to ANY check"

We noticed on Deskari, the wording reads "add 1 die to YOUR check" and "add 2 dice plus the scenario’s adventure deck number to YOUR check"

Are we correct is interpreting this to mean a Blessing of Deskari can not be played to add dice to another player's check?

Player A is attempting a Combat check. Player B CAN NOT play a Blessing of Deskari to assist Player A, as the wording implies that Player B can only play the Blessing of Deskari to add dice to Player B's checks.